Throne of Glass

Part Two: To Wage a War

So I had some time, and a little motivation still left. Lets see how far I can ride this out. Not super long, but it's here.

Chapter 23: Unmasked Feelings


HBN Battleship Artemis; 2017 ATB

The meeting currently being held aboard the Artemis was probably the most somber an occasion witnessed by the ship. Surrounding the princess were men wearing frustrated and humiliated faces, and beneath the calm mask she wore, she felt the same.

"It appears we have severely underestimated our enemy." Cornelia stated plainly. She turned to her knight, who was trying his best to hide his shame. "Guilford, what are your thoughts on the battle?"

He slowly shook his head. "For the first time in recent history, we were at a technological disadvantage. India is in possession of weapons we know nothing about. And on top of that, they completely tailored their strategy toward countering Britannia's military structure. Worst of all, it was quite clear to me that the machines themselves weren't the only superior part of the knightmares we faced. Their devicers were also on a whole other level."

"We recovered the arm the Lancelot was able to sever from the one you fought Guilford." Cornelia began, her gaze briefly drifting to the pilot who stood silently beside his master, out of sight. "From what we can make of it, its structure and design is completely different then anything created by Camelot or Ashford. It was built from the ground up, an utterly different knightmare than everything we have at our disposal."

The princess closed her eyes, a deep frown setting upon her face. "There is one other aspect of the frame that is far more unsettling."

Bringing up an image of the object, the focus was brought toward the charred pauldron, and the symbol that adorned it. "The Black Knights are involved in this battle as well." She concluded.

"That would make some sense then." Allen added, his own face appearing in thought. "As to why India attempted to capture me, it was likely Zero's own idea."

"Perhaps. But why would they take part in this?" Guilford asked, his frustration apparent. "What do they stand to gain by aiding India here, when they have their own battles to win?"

"It may be because we are not in Area Eleven now." The princess mused. "If Zero anticipated this, he might have believed he could acquire India as allies and face us together. Furthermore using Indian as collateral rather than his own assets. It does make some sense."

"So wouldn't that mean he isn't capable of making any moves in Area Eleven then?" Euphemia pitched in, from beside her sister where she had been observing.

Thinking that over, Cornelia nodded. "That seems very likely. As influential as he may appear to be, it's quite unlikely he is capable of pursuing two fronts."

"Then wouldn't it make more sense to make certain his involvement was never discovered?" Darlton questioned. "Instead it's almost as if he wants us to know he's here."

"Then perhaps that's exactly it." Allen concluded, a wry smile beginning to appear. "Zero-not India, is in possession of weapons and technology beyond our own understanding. Knightmares that perform better built from the ground up, and those turrets? I had a hunch, so I contacted one of my engineers, it's called a Gefjun disturber; capable of disabling sakuradite based systems. We had been working on the theory, yet somehow Zero has operating weapons using it already. A show of force yes, but there is another question to be answered here. Just where did he get them?"

With a covert look around the room, the young man determined that all eyes were pointedly focused upon him, and the smile grew as he continued. "It might be possible, of course, that he somehow developed these things on his own, completely independent from any other who specializes in the field. Or...someone gave it to him. Someone who wants Area Eleven as it is now to burn, and India as well has been dragged into his war. So who then-"

"That's enough." Cornelia interjected. "I think we all understand what you're implying, but baseless accusations won't help with the problem at hand. But I see where you're coming from. Perhaps we can look into it after we capture him."

"Forgive me your highness." Allen bowed slightly, a ghost of the smile never leaving his lips. "However I do have some good news to share."

"Oh, and what might that be?" Cornelia asked, an eyebrow raised.

"As I said earlier, a few of my engineers have been toying with Gefjun technology. It hasn't been much of a priority and remains nothing more than a theory." He explained. "However, we understand how it's supposed to work; and more importantly, how it can be countered."

"You think you can develop a countermeasure to it?" The princess asked.

"It may turn out to be a bigger effort than expected, but I believe so. in the least, I'll have it prioritized immediately." Allen answered her with a nod.

"Well then, that still leaves how we will deal with these new knightmares. We're calling them Templars, based on the name written just below the Black Knights' insignia we recovered. We have a small amount of combat data to go over, but for now it appears that Ashford's Lancelot and Lady Enneagram are the only knightmares that can compete with them on even footing." She turned her attention to the knight of the crown. "Can I ask you to spearhead our forces from here on Nonette? I hate to rely too much on you but we stand to gain too much to let pride get in the way."

"Of course Cornelia, I'd be happy to help." Nonette replied.

"From here on I will be leading personally. I can't ask for your help in good conscience without doing so." She then turned back to Allen. "That being said, I would like for you to provide strategic support alongside General Dalton. From what I've seen you possess exceptional talent. And no one else here can better analyze their new weapons like you can."

Bowing once more, low enough to hide his now ear splitting grin. Lelouch answered her request. "It would be my honor."


Chinese-Indian Border; 2017 ATB

It didn't take long before Xingke was met with surprisingly ferocious resistance. Pushing into the eastern border, it was Xingke's goal to take the major city of Kolkata as quickly as possible before he would have to split his forces to cover more ground. Leading the frontline himself he had less than two hundred Gun-rus, backed by several thousand foot soldiers and armed vehicles. Because of Britannia's inevitable involvement, the goal of this engagement was to cover as much ground as possible, and reach the capital of New Delhi as to put an end to their command structure. Though unlikely, and direct encounters with imperial forces would be problematic. As they were not at war with each other, they could only compete to reach areas first. Doing that however, was proving to be quite a challenge. He began to wonder if he was going to meet this heavy a resistance clear to the capital. Though he was sure he could win a war of attrition, he had no idea just how well equipped their military had become, nor what lengths the general populace would go for freedom. Already he had witnessed a significant number of armed civilians join the frontlines. Though they had no chain of command nor effective communication, they proved to be a nuisance all the same. Especially since he was trying his hardest to disarm and detain any civilian he had seen. Both to preserve India as a potential ally of her majesty as well as demonstrate her benevolence. Though it was a childish and naive request, there was merit in obeying it nonetheless.

"Lord Xingke, we've just received word from General Lhao that he will be deploying to take the city of Patna within the hour." Xianglin informed him.

"Excellent news. We'll meet up with his division before dividing resources." This was also an excellent opportunity to find just who among the senior staff he could call allies. Understanding this was sanctioned by the empress meant that anyone who held any loyalty to the throne would not hesitate to aid in their effort. Though Xingke did not expect much, gaining even a handful of supporters for Tianze meant a lot in the long run. Establishing a clear line between her the Eunuchs meant officials would be forced to pick a side, not cater to both. He knew a great deal of them would not choose him, but over time-and with enough support- the empress would be able to defy the Eunuchs. As long as he was able to maintain control of the military, and stay in at least acceptable circumstances with the Eunuchs, they would never know the rug was being pulled out from under them. And many of their supporters would jump ship out of self preservation. It was a long road, but one he could see a clear path to tread, and it may just start here.

"Xingke what on earth do you think you're doing?!" His train of thought was interrupted by the shrill voice coming through a forced channel.

Suppressing a smirk, he stole a glance at the red face of one Cheng Zhong, perhaps the most irritating of the High Eunuchs by his voice alone. He would have to thank Ashford for giving this opportunity to him. "Just what are you referring to High Eunuch Zhong?"

"Er-um…You know perfectly well what I am referring to Xingke!" The old man stuttered in response to his cold tone. "What is this about a rebellion? We heard nothing of it! We will take over from here, you are to return at once!"

"I am under direct order to quell this rebellion by her majesty Tianze. You wouldn't defy her order would you Zhong?" Xingke replied with smug satisfaction

The frustration in the man's face was a priceless reward. It was obvious he wanted to denounce Xingke then and there, but he knew better. "We shall see what her majesty has to say about this. This is not the last you will hear of it."

With that, the transmission cut off abruptly, and Xingke chuckled to himself. "Well, it's up to you now, your majesty. I know you can do it."


HBN Battleship Artemis; 2017 ATB

"Are you certain it was wise to let them in on the

Gefjun this early?" Suzaku questioned once he finally had some time alone with his friend.

"I'll be standing to gain a lot more by doing so. Besides, I'm not telling them how it works or how to stop it, I'll be gifting them a counter myself. It's both a present that indebts Cornelia and a means to gain access to her entire stock of knightmares to tinker with however we wish." Lelouch explained falling upon the plain bed of their officer's quarters aboard the ship.

"Did you come up with that on the spot?" the Japanese boy asked. "I don't recall that being part of the plan."

"Not exactly, I had toyed with the idea, but it presented itself so easily I had to take it." He shrugged.

A frown began to develop on Suzaku's face. "I see. And what of that accusation you made? It was obvious you were trying to implicate Camelot, everyone knew that."

"You're not doubting me now are you Suzaku? I planted the seed, nothing more." Lelouch defended himself nonchalantly. "I honestly don't expect anything to come of it, but if we could set Camelot back now, that would mean a great deal to us. Get britannia to destroy its own weapons source just before we pull the plug ourselves."

"That's an ideal scenario, and one that's not worth the risk." The brunette argued.

"Yes, you may be right, i'll take that into consideration. Cornelia has placed trust into me today, it would be best if I didn't squander it." The former prince nodded.

"About that, the knight of the round and I will be on the front from now on right?" Suzaku asked. "How exactly should I deal with that?"

"It wouldn't bode well if we wiped out too many Templars this soon into the campaign, they are our ace to play here. We'll want to gauge just how well put together Camelot's toys are-and frankly, this is a competition I do not want to lose." Lelouch thought out. "We already knew we would have to coordinate with Kaguya to maintain our resources, but I'm honestly surprised she decided to field you and her so early. I assumed her pride would keep you off the battlefield a little while longer. That being said we won't be pulling any punches. The harder we push you and the Lancelot the more we can understand just what it is capable of. That may become crucial when we come to face Cornelia. If Nonette decides to follow her to Area Eleven we'll have two knights of the round to deal with, and knowing you can defeat her will be of great benefit."

Suzaku smiled at that last part. "Now you're the one doubting me."

He returned the smile. "Is that how it sounded? It would simply be nice to know how long before I can put you to work dismantling Cornelia's royal guard."


New Delhi, India; 2017 ATB

From the governor's office India's capital was quite a sight to behold. Though it came to mind that what she was looking at was likely the remnants of an age when the country was free. Ironic, considering current circumstances. Conflicted didn't begin to describe how Kaguya felt about their involvement in all this. She would follow Lelouch into hell itself if he chose to conquer it, yet it was him who would be creating this hell. To make matters worse she wasn't allowed to be beside him, probably because he knew full well how she felt about it. The young woman had always tried to be a steady to help support him, but she was always aware of his nature. Now it seemed he would rather push her away if it meant having to battle what little of his heart still remained. She was afraid-terrified even- of what would become of him should he slip further into the darkness of his hatred. Kaguya could feel that deep down, a piece of him still desperately wanted to believe in the good of the world. It was that piece that decided that the world needed to be saved, not burned to ash. And yet now it was being drowned out by his rage, the rest of him that wanted the world that betrayed him to feel what he does. She couldn't bare to see that. To her, Lelouch was…

A knock on the open door jarred her from her thoughts, and Kaguya turned to see one of her attendants bow to her. "My apologies for startling you, Lady Kaguya. We have orders from master Zero."

Regaining her composure, Kaguya took the sheet of paper. "It's fine, thank you."

The man bowed again, and left her alone to read Lelouch's note. It was too risky to be in direct communication with each other, and these orders were likely given to a courier who left for Area Eleven before being passed along to her.

After reading it over, she sighed to herself. It seemed Suzaku was going to be fighting much sooner than expected, she would have to be conservative with how she used the Templars from now on. The Lancelot had a beacon she would be able to ping to acquire its location, a separate IFF, but the round was going to be unknown to her. It was frustrating playing the side you knew from the start was going to lose, but there was value in learning Cornelia's tactics this soon. That is if the plan they were working toward in Area Eleven didn't work as intended, or was somehow foiled. Really though, either way she was genuinely excited to see that happen, and what would come after as well.

Still however, her mind wandered again to the boy who had given her life purpose. And the one she so desperately wanted to return that gift to. And for a moment, she nearly came to realize in the faintest whisper… "What does he mean to me?"


Narita, Area Eleven; 2017 ATB

Frustration did not begin to describe how Kusakabe felt at the moment. Time and time again he tried to warn them, to open their eyes to the snake that had coiled itself around them. The noose now firmly around their neck. That bastard prince didn't care for them, he was no ally of theirs. And yet those fools Katase and Todoh trusted him unconditionally. He was selling out his own goddamned allies in India! For what a couple months at best to finish some secret plan they knew nothing about?! It wasn't even a guess anymore, at this point it was plain as day he would be doing the same to them as he did to India. He outright demonstrated exactly how he treats those who are 'on his side' and still…

"Those worthless damnable fools!" The colonel pounded his fist against the hallway out of the conference room, where Those two were likely discussing Kusakabe's own foolishness in their clouded eyes. "If they won't do something about him while there's still time...then I will."

A precious few officers were still left who swore allegiance to him alone, yet there were many who had a bone to pick with that snake of a prince. He had a hand to play yet, there was still time to save Japan from the jaws of that monster.


G1 Command Center; 2017 ATB

It was mind blowing that a large vehicle such as the G1 was able to be transported across the sea. Granted it had its own transportation ship, it was impressive either way. The young princess hadn't been able to experience anything like this before, to Euphemia it truly was incredible to see.

"So this is where we'll be located, and your sister will be pushing her way toward the capital from here." The boy she had recently met explained.

It was strange, he seemed to act slightly differently around her, and she couldn't find out why. In the meeting earlier he was far more charismatic and vibrant. But now he seemed more subdued, hardly as outgoing as he was before. He even acted that way when they first met. There was something else too, she couldn't seem to shake the feeling of familiarity about him. She stole a glance at him, away from the map he was pointing to. His face seemed as though it was one she had seen before, yet his eyes were out of place. Almost as if they were-

"I'm sorry, I'm not boring you am I?"

Euphy jumped realizing he had been continuing without her attention. "Oh, no not at all!" She quickly denied. "I just can't help but feel as though...I've met you somewhere before."

The boy narrowed his eyes into an unreadable expression, and turned his head away. "Is that so? I don't believe I've ever had the honor of meeting you before...Euphy."

And then there was the way he said her name. It was filled with something she couldn't describe, the princess couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of nostalgia upon hearing it. Attempting to shake the thought from her head, Euphy quickly changed subjects. "About what you said earlier, you don't think Camelot are the ones responsible for that do you?"

Showing a moment of surprise, he answered her. "Ah, well they have been rather antagonistic to us for as long as I can remember. We are business rivals after all, and such rivalries can get kind of vicious. Who can say they wouldn't go that far?"

"It does seem a little farfetched to assume they made a whole new knightmare and just gave it to terrorists doesn't it?" Euphy wondered. "I understand how big a deal between you two but wouldn't it be better just to use it themselves?"

"Sometimes attacking another rather than improving yourself seems to be the most logical choice." The boy answered. "At least that's the way we justify it, but maybe you're right. In the end though, sometimes hate is the only motivator left to be better than someone else. To stand victorious over your most hated enemy, you can find yourself doing almost any unspeakable act."

The distant look in eyes made Euphy feel a deep sense of sorrow, one she couldn't pin the cause of. However she could easily tell he was no longer referring to just Camelot. "Well, maybe the best way to beat them is just to prove that you're better." She suggested with as much cheer as she could muster. "You don't have to worry about...destroying them or anything like that. Just be better. Think how happy you could be with yourself if you just did that."

Watching the face of the boy in front of her she began to feel an even greater distress when witnessing his conflicted emotions. Though he tried his best to hide it, it was clear to the young princess that something was seriously broken deep inside him. Maybe it wasn't her place to fix it, but she couldn't help but try.

"Maybe." The blonde finally answered. "But I don't know if I can let go. There might not be...anything left."

In the short time she had known Allen Ashford, Euphemia developed an indescribable connection to him. And more so like something critically important was missing, something she absolutely had to find. If by chance she could help him in any way, she had to no matter what.

Because the other feeling she couldn't find the cause of was an unfathomable guilt she had been holding onto for seven years.
