Hiram Green and Roy Coffee sat in the great room drinking coffee and talking with Ben, Abel, and Hoss. It had been three days since the kidnapping and capture of Walt. His partner had disappeared, and it was thought that he was well on his way to Canada or Mexico. They stood up as Fran and Adam came down the stairs. They walked slowly, Adam's arm around her protectively, and Fran holding on to the bannister.

When she had taken her seat in his chair, Adam moved to sit down on the hearth, close to her and holding her hand. The men sat down, and everyone was quiet until Fran said, "I've never given testimony before. I'm not sure what to do, what to say."

Roy and Hiram looked at each other, and then Roy told her, "There isn't much to it, dear. You'll just tell us what happened to you, and Hiram will write it down. Then you'll sign it and I'll witness it, and that will be all. Hiram will present it at the trial as your testimony. That will be all. You'll never have to think about any of it again."

Fran bit her lips, thinking hard. "What if W...what if he's sentenced to death? To hang?" Adam squeezed her hand, but she didn't look at him.

Ben moved a little in his chair, as if he were about to stand, and she glanced in his direction but then turned back towards Roy and Hiram.

Roy stood and walked over to her. He sat down on the table and took her free hand in between his rough ones. "Whatever the jury says, whatever the judge decides, it's nothing for you to worry over, to even think about. The men who kidnapped you made their own decisions. They're responsible for their own actions, and now they'll bear the consequences."

Fran listened carefully to the old lawman, and then, taking a deep breath, began, "I had just left the tent city when two men with bandannas over their faces rode out from the trees and..."


It was over. Adam had escorted Fran back upstairs, and Ben and Abel walked Hiram and Roy out to their buggy. Hiram looked at up at Adam's window. "She's a brave girl, Ben. She kept her head throughout that whole ordeal. I don't know of many people - women or men - who could have done that. Your Adam is a lucky young man."

Ben agreed. "We're fortunate to have her as a part of our family." They said goodbye, and Ben and Abel watched them go.

Abel said, "You know, Ben, Fran has always reminded me a lot of my Elizabeth. Gentle and kind on the outside with a core of iron within."

Ben considered his words, and realized the old man was right. He clapped the old man on the shoulder, and they went inside.


There was a hush of expectancy as Paul walked slowly down the stairs. He looked tired, but he smiled at the group gathered in the great room. "Congratulations, Adam, you have beautiful daughter."

"Fran? How's Fran?" There was real fear in the young man's voice, and Paul remembered that his mother had died giving birth to him.

"She's fine, tired. Marian and Su Ling are finishing with a few things, but you can go up in a few minutes and see your family."

All the tension left his body, and Adam sank down on the steps, his head in his hands. Paul accepted a cup of coffee from Hop Sing while Hoss and Joe congratulated each other on the successful birth of Adam's child.

Ben poured glasses of brandy for himself, Abel, Paul, and Adam. He placed the glass in Adam's hand, and then guided it to his lips. Adam didn't seem to know what he was drinking, but he swallowed it down and a little color came back to his cheeks.

Joe announced to Hoss. "I'm not the baby of the family anymore. You have to call me Uncle Joe now."

Hoss grinned. "That's right, buddy, and I'm Uncle Hoss."

Joe turned to Ben and Abel. "What will the baby call you, Pa? We've already got Grandfather, and Adam's her Pa."

Ben and Abel laughed. "Why, I'm Grandpa, Joe."

Just then Su Ling called from upstairs, "Mr. Adam, you may come up now."

Adam raced up the stairs and disappeared around the corner. Su Ling and Marian saw him go into the room, and Marian quietly shut the door behind him. They went downstairs and Hop Sing served them cups of tea.

Marian smiled up at Ben. "It's a happy day for your family, Ben."

Ben agreed. "It's always a happy day when a baby is born. Um... Marian, do you know what they're going to call her?"

She looked at her old friend, a little surprised. "I thought you knew - she's to be named after her mother and grandmother."

"Frances Louise?" Abel asked.

Before she could answer, Adam appeared at the top of the stairs, a tiny bundle in his arms. He came down carefully with his precious burden. As his family gathered around him, he peeled the blanket back carefully from a tiny red scrunched-up face, and said, "Gentlemen, Elizabeth Frances Cartwright is pleased to make your acquaintance."

Ben and Abel felt a joyful thrill rush through them as Joe and Hoss drew closer to the baby.

"It's so small, Adam. Can I hold it?" Joe asked.

Adam smiled down at his youngest brother, remembering when Joe had been that small. "Sure, just sit down, and I'll hand her to you. And, Joe - it's her, not it."

Joe sat down and held out his arms as Adam placed his daughter into them. "Support her head and back...that's right." Adam stood back, smiling at the picture they made.

"How's Fran?" Abel asked.

"She's fine," Adam said, "She knew you'd be waiting to meet this young lady. I have to take her back in a few minutes."

Just then the baby opened her mouth and let out a squall. "Oops, time's up," Adam said. He took the baby and went back upstairs.

Ben poured brandy for everyone, even Hoss and Joe. "Ladies and gentlemen, I propose a toast to Elizabeth Frances Cartwright."