The Human

'You can't be human...!' Ayato thought to himself, having hard time to dodge each one of her attracks. Yes, dodge. Her fighting skills parred him to many levels. She definitely didn't behave like a human.

"What? You dont want to drink her blood anymore, Ayato-kun?" 'Yui' grinned at him, throwing another blow at him. His green eyes widened when her initial targeted spot which was his stomach and she intead side kicked him, toppling him over to his side with a cushioned slam. "Are Vampires always this weak...or is it just you?"

Now she shouldn't have said that! Ayato pushed himself off the bed. It was bending on his side, one of its legs broke from the impact of the attack.

Ayato swung his angry glare at her; his pair glowing crimson. His narrowed eyes pierced through her amused cobalt pair. What did she take him for, a personal entertainer? He'll show her what a 'weakling' like him can do. No one dare calls him a failure.

"Oh fuck it all, you're dead today!" He declared as he disappeared from her sight.

"We'll see who's going to die today." Her rosy lips lifted up at the corners. Her gaze travelled around the room so casually as though she wasn't least bit of affected by his transportation ability.

She was only going to take a step forward when he appeared behind her out of nowhere, close enough to tackle her to the floor. Even with her back facing him, he could have sworn he heard her giggle when he strangled her from her neck.

"How do you like it now, woman? Why wouldnt you lsugh now?" He gribbed harder on the neck with force that should have snapped her neck by then. His brows furrowed. Harder, he pressed. How is that possible? His mouth set to a hard line and his eyes, bewildered.

Adding to his confusion and shock, he felt her body tremble against the iron grip hold he had on her neck. A bubble of effortless laughter filled his ears, his pupils dilated in panic. He could feel his long nails digging inro her flesh, that should haven pinching her insides in most agonizing way known to him. She should have been dead, or at very least passed out by now.

Instead, she was laughing. Not just any laughter, but one hinting malice and madness; not at all suiting his tastes. Where in the hell Reiji is when he's needed?

"Are you done pulling your tricks?" Her unwaveringly calm voice stuck to him like a thunder. She was sounding completely fine, as unharmed as she was when she first threw him away effortlessly.

"Y-You...You...J-Just shut up! I'm not done yet," Ayato cursed himself inwardly when his voice broke. Also his quavering voice. He sounded so unsure and weak. Jaw set, feeling his teeth sharpening to their best form, he at once dug his teeth into her back, drawing blood.

His brows drew in closer. What the hell?

"Times up!" Next moment Ayato felt floor beneath him. He was too stunned to realize what was happening when he heard a voice behind him.

"It is only fair if I get my chance too, right." He barely turned to face the voice when a sharp object tore through her chest. His eyes, wide and chaotic, met her glowing cobalt pair. They were frigid and unforgiving as they stared into his pained greens. Ayato choked out blood, spitting at her face.

He felt at loss when she didn't react to him. She didn't care at all; to give him satisfaction of annoying her.

He howled in pain, hoping his brothers hear him. Whatever and whoever she was, didn't matter; this women was going to kill him. The object dug deeper into his flesh, teasing his insides. She was copying him, he was feeling exactly– no, definitely worse than how she ahould have felt. His eyes went wild.

Screaming, his face confronted in agony. He felt his senses weakening but back in his mind, distantly, he could hear something or someone laughing at him, pointing out that he was nothing but a weakling and hence, worthless. Gritting his teeth, he kicked her away with from him, albeit only a feel or two from him, even with all his strength. He concentrated hard but failed. He couldn't teleport away. Hell, he couldn't even stand properly on his feet. He was sure that a mere wound couldn't gave resulted into this! But then what?!

'I'm in deep shit...' Ayato panted, feeling his energy draining. It was as though something was sucking away his powers and energy. He was completely defensiveness against her. He had almost zero chances of winning against her.

"Y-You are o-one sick b-bitch..." He spat blood on the floor. His own blood tasted undesirable in his mouth. His gaze tracelled down her hands with unnerving thoroughness. Her nails... They were dripping in his blood. He gulped, feeling alarmed and powerless. He wasnt scared, no, he wasn't a coward. Even till his last breath, he will not back down. But they weren't anything like he has ever seen in his entire life.

"You too, sick bastard. It was your plan too, remember? It only backfired right back at you," She mocked with sugery voice. It sounded strangely lifeless now that he paid attention.

"Fuck you," His voice grim. Her cruel chuckle bounced off the walls, irritating him more than ever. But what could he do? With all his power draining, he has probably become even weaker than a human.

Then he took a sharp breath, his jaw clenching when her slender fingers grabbed a hold on it. A sense of dread consumed him when their eyes met. The hollows of madness in her deep azure eyes was unsettling to look at. He tried to yank off her grip but she only held tighter. Any harder and she will have his jaw broken.

"Damn... So this is how it feels to get tortured," Ayato was starting to realize how his victims felt in their last minuties of life.

"I loved them you know..." Ayato, lost in his thoughts, almost failed to hear her. Her voice was hard to miss with her so close, although it was barely above a whisper. His brow furrowed, forehead creasing, he watched how she was staring too intently into his eyes.

It was extremely disturbing. There was fondness in eyes eyes, shine that kids have in their eyes when they spot something that really like. She liked...his eyes?

"Uh...what? my eyes?" He was not sure but he could have sworn her eyes lit up excitedly. It was gone before he could blink.

"I'll let you live longer..." She suddenly said, tracing his face with her unnaturally long nails; particularly the spot around his eyes. His stomach churned unsettlingly when she said this. He should be relieved that he was not going to die just yet. But something was not right, he could tell that. His gut could, at least.

"You can give it to me, and I'll spare your life Ayato,"

Give her what? It took him few blinks to realize her intention. She was crazy! Ayato tried to struggle against her hold. Terror overtook his face when it dawned on him. He could not move an inch. She somehow managed to paralyze him and he didn't even notice.

"No way! You're ridiculous, bitch! Move away this instant, you hear me!" She wanted his eyes. And it was obvious to him that her only surgical instrument was her nails. He didn't want to know how she will use it on him.

Why wasn't any of his damn brothers coming to his rescue?! Did they went deaf or something, even with all this noise they think everything is alright?! He was so running out of time.

"Oh, you don't want to live, Ayato? Fine by me, if you want to die anyway, I'll not let your beautiful greens go to waste. They will be safe in my collection," She said it so innocently that it almost made him barf. He couldn't, but wished he could if it could distract her bit more. His eyes went wide in shock when she yanked his hair back, too roughly that he heard his strands break from force. Pain, on another side, was too much for him to bear.

He screamed for he couldn't help it. So much for being a vampire, really.

"Don't worry, my dear. I promise to end your sufferings real quick after I'm done with your eye," Blue eyed girl smiled at him charmingly. The childlike excitement in her face resembled Kanato's but only more traumatizing. "Prepare yourself, it will be over in a jiffy..."

He decided it was worst experience in this entire life. He has never felt more vulnerable than he was feeling at the moment. He never imagined, not even in his wildest thoughts, that his end would come so quick, let alone by the hands of his own prey.

At least he wasn't bawling his eyes.

"No... No, you can't! J-Just not this! You'll pay hard for this...!" Ayato stammered, watching warily as the tip of her nails (He knew this!) neared his eyes. He tried to lean away but her grip held his head in place. Instinctively he squeezed his eyes shut when it touched his skin. He drew in a shaky breath which he feared was his last.

Ayato knew it wasn't the worst part, it never is. A predator never ends things so peacefully. She slowly drew her hands back and giggled lightly. Her eyes, sharp as her own nails, narrowed into slits as he heard the last words that had him snap his eyes at her.

"Tell Asuka that I said 'hi',"

She then jabbed her nails right into his eye sockets...

Or at least that's what she wanted to do when she swiftly brought her hands down. Ayato felt wall behind him. For some reason she let go of his hair.

When he blinked to clear his vision as it had become blurry, he saw his tormenter away from him by a foot or two. Her eyes levelled a glowering look towards something to her right but before he could look deeper into the matter her eyes returned to the shade of pink he was familiar with. He had thought he'd never live to see those eyes again.

She was now Yui, his prey and someone who could not try to kill him like something in her did few moments ago. A sense of relief flooded his insides, he still had both of his eyes.

Curious to know what had the blue eyed Yui to disappear as mysteriously as she appeared, he followed her gaze and saw a dagger pinned to the wall parallel to them. Ayato tried to move his head more so he could see it more clearly but he only managed to fall on his side, his body limp.

"H-Hey! What a-are y-you–?!" He heard Yui, sounding confused and panicked, before he saw world turn black.

'How does she know Asuka?' Was the final thought.

A/n: Thank you for all your support, everyone! I'm very happy to know that my readers liked this story. There'll still be plenty of romance in the story but paranormal (and you think action is fine then that too) elements will also occupy half of the story.

'Who's Ayaka?' That you'll know in next chapter. As for Yui having bipolar disorder, no that's most definitely not it. 'Why blue eyes?' Because I couldn't imagine any other color looking better on her, other than Cordelia's green and her usual pink. I love green eyed Yui. Hm, with blue eyes she'll totally be mistaken for Shu's sister.

I see that Ayato turned out offensively OOC in this chapter. I don't want to go jail, please spare me. I'm trying to improve my characterisation skills but... I'm slow you see.

By the way, who do you think threw the dagger?

Thanks for favorites, follows and reviews!