A/N: I had to write this to keep me sane because writing Changed Game doesn't have a lot of Lelouch in it and lacks grotesque violence. I don't own Hellsing or Code Geass.

Hellsing Lore Changes: Alucard has been changed to Alucarda. Her background will be the exact same except Vlad the Impaler is a woman and never married. Walter never betrayed Hellsing. Drinking the blood of virgins of the same-gender does not result in a ghoul.

Fem!Alucard Picture: Look up "alucard hellsing 01 zeronis", and first link should take you to deviantart. I don't own the picture. This picture inspired me a while ago to write this and is what I'm basing Alucarda on.

Seras hummed as the Mediterranean breeze flowed through her short golden blonde hair. Glancing to her left, she looked out at the stretching blue that was the Mediterranean Sea, and it struck her how much it was like a blue canvas, from the lightest of blues to the darkest. The varied colorful sails of small fishing vessels dotted the deep blue like extra spice on an already exquisite dish. The soft squawks of seagulls reached her ears, but something far more comforting penetrated deep into her soft pale skin, the pleasant rays of the lukewarm sun. Add on the comfy bright red leather seat, Seras Victoria could just fall asleep. However, she could not because she was on a mission with her master.

Speaking of the young woman's master, she was driving the convertible Alfa Romero 6C 2500 that they stole from some unsuspecting fool. Alucarda didn't feel like taking a taxi after seeing the beauty parked beside a high-class Italian restaurant. After the vampire hypnotized the restaurant's chauffeur, they were well on their way to their objective. Seras of course objected, but who was she to go against her master?

"Stop humming, Seras." The Bird of Hermes ordered.

"Yes, master!" Seras quickly obeyed and looked over at Alucarda. Her master had skin as white as virgin snow, a provocative blush at all the right places. Delicate paleness clashing against darkness, her luxuriant ebony hair resembled the darkest of nights, nights of intrigue and danger but exhilarating all the same. Covering most of Alucarda's forehead, a thick black bang brushed against her sharp nose and curved to the right. More alluring, Alucarda's luscious lips teased everyone with a signature smirk, knowing full well the power they wielded. Blood red eyes entranced all who looked into them; they were sucked in and became intoxicated by the eyes that were like pools of wine, an addiction planted into the back of their feeble weak minds. Seras could proudly say that her master not only had an impeccable face but a perfect body as well with assets that any woman could envy. Unfortunately, Alucarda's classic Victorian scarlet frock overcoat covered most of her body, offering only glimpses of her slim waist and long legs. Despite this, no one could deny that the woman had a sense for fashion, her outfit emitting maturity and confidence. She wore a form-fitting charcoal suit, pants and vest included, with a white button-up dress shirt underneath. Locked in the white collar, a blood red, intricately knotted cravat flapped lackadaisically in the breeze. Alucarda's footwear consisted of a pair of black riding boots, and she sported a pair of circular, heavily tinted, wire-framed orange sunglasses as well as white gloves. Underneath all that beauty and class was a monster, something only hinted at by the upside-down silver cross hanging from Alucarda's right ear. Seras still couldn't understand how someone as beautiful as her master was actually a vampire who killed countless of people and will continue to kill.

An approaching sight snapped Seras out of her thoughts, a massive villa built on one of Sicily's many cliffsides. Alucarda's thin smile grew into a mad one. The Casull and the Jackal grew heavy in her overcoat as they screamed to kill. Answering them, the Demoness pressed down on the acceleration harder and ignored the speared steel gates guarding the compound.

"Wait, Master! The gates!" Seras panicked and gripped the dashboard from the lurch.

With glee on her face, Alucarda drove the 6C 2500 through the gates and sent debris flying. Losing control, the car smashed through the twin front doors of the villa. Dust filled the destroyed receiving room. Men in black suits poured into the hall that stretched forth from the demolished room then trained their guns at the breach.

"Protect the Boss! Don't let any bastard get past us!" One yelled. A silhouette rose in the cloud of dust.

"Fire!" Gunfire crackled to life, bullets tearing through the figure, the figure recoiling from the shock. Bullet casings and empty magazines clattered all over the white marble floor. The figure finally fell, and, after the gunfire ceased, an eerie hush settled. Suddenly, gunfire reignited, not by the men but by Alucarda. Through the trained eyes of the vampire, the Jackal cracked the air as its hollow points containing pre-blessed mercury cut the men down. 6 quick successive shots brought down 6 men, the bullets simply tearing through flesh like paper. Others laid on the floor, screaming in agony, from lost limbs.

The dust cleared as Alucarda stepped forth with bullet holes still in her. With a bloodthirsty grin, she began firing the Casull. 6 13mm casings clattered onto the floor, and 6 more dead men covered the floor in blood. Hitting the release levers of her favorite pistols, Alucarda began reloading with impatience, not wanting the slaughter to pause for a second.

"Vampire!" A man proclaimed over the agony of his compatriots. Reaching into his coat, he pulled out a Desert Eagle. Alucarda looked at the chrome handcannon with curious amusement. Other unharmed coated men dropped their armaments and also pulled out Desert Eagles.

One pulled the trigger and others soon followed. "Die! Eat silver, bitch!" The silver bullets punched huge holes in Alucarda. Her smile widened with every bullet striking her staggering form, until her face was blown off.

"Master!" Seras cried from the wrecked Alfa Romero. Pulling over her Harkonnen, she fired a depleted uranium shot with silver at one of the men. In a shower of blood, he exploded and coated those around him in crimson.

"You fucking whore! You killed Federico!" One man hollered as he wiped his comrade's blood out of his eyes. Soon, guns were also turned to the car. The silver bullets whizzed past Seras as she hid behind the wreckage.

"You lowly filth! You should be trying to kill me!" A voice commanded. All eyes turned to Alucarda who was still being devastated by silver .50 AE rounds. They only saw a single red eye and 2 gloved hands that clutched two massive pistols. Raising the Casull and the Jackal, she roared, "Kill me!" She opened fire and slews of men fell. Her assailants desperately tried to stop the slaughter, but their silver bullets couldn't harm the Queen of Vampires. Soon, Alucarda had to reload again. She took her sweet time since only one man stood alive and the air was swirling with the arousing aroma of blood. Above the silence, only the heavy panicked breathing of the last man and the clicks of fresh magazines locking into place were heard. The man slowly backed away from the approaching nightmare, until he bumped into a door. He tried to twist the doorknob, but his gloved hands shook uncontrollably from sheer fear. Hearing death call to him, he cowered as Alucarda towered over him with Seras behind her. The Jackal was pressed against his sweating forehead.

"What are you?" He whispered, barely hiding the terror squeezing his beating heart.

Pausing, Alucarda smirked. "A monster." BAM!

The shot smashed not only the skull but also the twin red mahogany doors behind it. The 13mm bullet launched the headless body out of the doorway. With a splash, the corpse sunk to the bottom of an outdoor swimming pool.

At that moment, an orange-haired beauty clad in a white bikini stopped, her hands still gripping the pool's edge, in the middle of pulling herself out. With one leg still in the cool water, her dark chartreuse eyes flicked to Alucarda and Seras before looking at the pool. She remained still, entranced by the blood billowing out of the corpse as if she was following the smooth strokes of a master painter. Elegant arcs and sharp strands of red were lazily pushed around in the watery blue. The mystery woman pulled herself out of the pool. A young boy who looked no older than 16 handed her a towel. However, his violet eyes held a deadly look, and they were trained on the two intruders. Alucarda sized up the brown-haired boy with amusement before dismissing him. Currently, the bikini-clad woman held her interest. She could sense it. That woman was a true vampire! The boy was too, but he was weak compared to Alucarda. Unlike her master, Seras was unnerved by the young boy staring at her with death in his eyes and clutched her trusty Harkonnen for comfort.

Taking the towel, the woman dried her hair while whispering to the boy. She turned to Alucarda and said, "I will be out shortly. Please try to refrain from killing my men even if you are uninvited guests."

Blood red eyes twinkled with laughter, Alucarda chose to amuse the fellow true vampire. "Fine."

"Good. Refreshments will be out shortly." The woman left the outdoor pool through twin doors.

More men in suits appeared, hastily setting up 3 chairs and a table. The boy pulled out two chairs and quietly asked the two women to sit. They complied. A Japanese maid poured sweet tea into iced glasses with a small smile. Alucarda didn't feel it before, but the maid and the men in black suits were also true vampires. However, they were so weak that she could barely sense it. Holstering her heavy pistols, Alucarda crossed her legs and sipped the beverage while enjoying the view before her, the vast blue expanse once known to Ancient Romans as 'Our Sea'.

While Alucarda enjoyed herself, Seras glanced nervously around her, her Harkonnen still tight in her grip. At a distance, a lot of men in black suits surrounded her Master and herself, all probably wielding the same Desert Eagles loaded with silver ammunition. Finally, the same doors that the woman left through creaked open. The men turned and bowed in respect. The woman took Seras' breath away. Her orange hair seemed brighter than before. Two small strands on both sides were tied together in a ponytail. Like her master, the woman had bangs that covered most of her forehead and barely brushed the top of her aristocratic nose. She was wearing a casual white summer dress, but her skin appeared whiter than that. Seras almost swore the woman was related to her master in some fashion; in fact, her face and body rivalled her master's!

The boy pulled out the remaining seat. As the woman sat down, the maid poured her a cup of sweet tea. "Thank you, Sayoko. That will be all." The orange-haired beauty smiled sweetly and waved the Japanese woman away.

"Of course, Mistress." She said before disappearing.

The woman looked at Alucarda then, following her gaze, turned her attention to the Mediterranean Sea. The woman took a sip of her refreshing tea and let out a content sigh, the sugar seeping into her taste buds. It was time to get to business.

The orange-haired woman asked, "So, what brings you here, the summer retreat of the Sicilian Mafia's capo dei capi?"

Taking a sip, Alucarda continued to look out at the blue before beginning slowly, "Well, many things."

"Oh." Curiosity graced the mystery woman's beautiful face. "What kinds of things?"

"Well, for starters, no one knows your name. Everyone calls you, The Mistress. Second, we failed to find any background information on you. We don't know what hole you crawled out of or should I say bed."

The boy reached into his coat as well as several others followed suit, but the woman's nonchalant wave stopped them. Alucarda reveled at the sight of the boy's contorted face, red with fury, eyebrows furrowed in irritation. However, she only got a thin smile from the woman, which disappointed her, so Alucarda resumed.

"Third, you somehow managed to unite the Italian Mafia under you and so quickly. Fourth and finally, there has been a spike in disappearances linked to supernatural activity in this area since your ascension to that position."

The woman smirked, her fingers twirling the glass of sweet tea. "Are you suggesting something?"

Alucarda's narrowed eyes flicked to the woman. "No because I know. I wouldn't crash an Alfa Romero 6C 2500 unless I was sure. I could sense it. You are a true vampire!"

Silence reigned, Seras nervously shaking in her seat. A true vampire!?

"Now that we have established you as a true vampire. Why don't you tell me your name? I haven't met another true vampire of your caliber in a long time."

"My name? Oh, I have gone through many names. At one point, I was known as Countess Báthory."

Seras gasped. The 15th-16th century's psychopath who bathed in the blood of virgins to retain her youth?

Propping herself on an elbow, the woman sighed, a look of reminiscence etched itself onto her white face, "Ah. Bathing in the blood of virgins was such a pleasant pastime. I seriously should take it up again, but, alas, I have more important things to do."

"Like currently kidnapping virgins for what? Your baths? It honestly is pathetic." Alucarda commented with a feral grin. The woman returned it with a wicked smile.

"Everyone has their hobbies. And who said they were for my baths? Anyway, I believe you wanted to know my name. It is Shirley Fenette. Since I answered your question, you have to answer mine. Why do you want to know my name?" Shirley leaned forward.

Alucarda's grin widened, leaking of dark intentions. "So, I can forget it when I kill you!" She flipped the table and viciously kicked it at Shirley, but Shirley dodged it. It shattered as it impacted the villa's concrete walls.

"You will have to try harder than that!" Shirley spat through her own dark grin. All the men in black suits and the boy pulled out Desert Eagles and aimed them at Alucarda and Seras. Alucarda pulled out the Casull and the Jackal in anticipation. On the other hand, Seras fumbled to get her Harkonnen ready. Both sides stared down another and opened fire.

Bam! Bam! The Casull cut down two rows of men. Aiming the Jackal at the boy, Alucarda pulled the trigger. Anticipation rose in her throat; she could barely wait watching the 13mm round tear through a young, fragile body and leave nothing but a bloody puddle behind. She felt the gun's slide kick back with the weight of a raging elephant, but the bullet failed to hit its target who promptly disappeared. Alucarda narrowed her red eyes. Sensing a presence behind her, she dodged the boy's flying kick. The boy tried to recover, but he fell into a bloody mess, unable to get up. He looks down and notices something or nothing for that matter. In Alucarda's clutches was his leg.

He screamed in agony. Two men grabbed the youth and retreated. Alucarda was about to give chase, but a black trident stopped her.

"Let's keep this a battle between women." Shirley proposed, licking some blood off the edge of her face. Alucarda obliged the orange-haired beauty and primed her pistols.

Meanwhile, the true vampires of the Sicilian Mafia were focusing on Seras who had dove into the villa for cover. As the silver bullets pounded against the wall, Seras quickly loaded an incendiary napalm round into the Harkonnen's chamber. Lifting the behemoth up to her shoulder, she came out of cover and pulled the trigger. The 30mm shell slammed right in the middle of the vampires. Agonized howls bounced off the walls as the true vampires were burnt to a crisp. Seras wanted to recoil from the smell, but the smell of burnt vampires was simply delicious.

The battle between Seras and the Sicilian Mafia's true vampires having gone into the villa, Shirley and Alucarda stood on opposite sides of the outdoor swimming pool that was now filled with bodies, its cool blue being replaced by a dark red. Their feminine forms heaved, begging for air.

"You have some nice moves!" Shirley uttered.

"Not too bad yourself!" Alucarda replied, pistols at her side.

"I think it's time we finish this. We are both very busy women after all."

"I am getting quite bored. Since you have lasted this long against me, I will grace you with a true vampire battle!"

"Oh? That's quite generous of you."

Alucarda returned the Casull and the Jackal to the depths of her frock overcoat. Calmly closing her eyes, the No-Life-Queen released a chilling sigh and brought her gloved hands to her face. The hands formed a window like a serial killer planning out his latest masterpiece, and a single glowing red eye opened. "Releasing Control Art Restriction Systems 3… 2… 1…, approval of Situation A recognized. Commencing the Cromwell invocation. Ability restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent."

Black tangible shadows burst out of the No-Life-Queen as her clothing morphed into a black leather straitjacket. The shadows eagerly rushed towards Shirley. Faced with such a challenge, the Blood Countess attempted to distance herself, but the shadows continued to pursue. She blocked a few shadowy grasping hands, but they snatched her trident out of her hands. Disarmed, black palms rushed their target and captured every limb in a strangling hold. Alucarda approached the captured woman. Her gloved hands took hold of Shirley's head, a palm on each cheek.

Alucarda was displeased. "I can sense it. You are holding back! Fight me! Fight me! I want a fight! Not a fucking playground spat!"

Shirley maliciously grinned, enjoying the No-Life-Queen's frustration. Alucarda grinded her teeth. Lunging forward, the Impaler drove her elongated fangs into Shirley's exposed neck. Silence followed a high gasp; the rich taste of blood flowed into Alucarda. Shirley's eyes rolled to the back of her head. The hands then viciously tore of Shirley's limbs, throwing them into the Mediterranean. Blood covered the ground in a slick layer of scarlet. Alucarda released her prey, the prey falling into the already bloody pool. She eyed the floating form of Shirley.

A thin dribble of red escaped her luscious lips. A shadowy hand wiped the liquid of life with a lithe index finger off, collecting it on a fingertip. Alucarda opening her mouth, the finger delivered the blood, Alucarda's mouth closing around it. She licked her lips sensuously. "I want a real fight next time." The No-Life-Queen returned to her normal state and left in search of her servant.

"Master!" Seras cried out in joy. The Bird of Hermes found the police girl in what appeared to be Shirley's office on the villa's 3rd floor. Around Ms. Victoria were dead Sicilian Mafia members.

"What have you found, Seras?" The Impaler sat down in the single stretching desk's red velvet chair.

"Unfortunately, master, they destroyed all the hard drives and important papers before I could stop them."

Alucarda stared out the windows. "It is of no importance, Seras. They will be destroyed like all of Hellsing's enemies before. I sense some kidnapped virgins in the complex. Once we free them, we are leaving."

"Mistress Fenette, a conference call from Mistress CC and Mistress Kōzuki." Hands outstretched with a phone cupped in them, Sayoko bowed to the Blood Countess who was lounging by the corpse-filled pool, her slim legs playing with the bloody water. Dozens of the Sicilian Mafia's true vampires surrounded the area, silently cleaning up the bloodbath.

Reaching up with her regenerated arm, Shirley took the phone and brought it up to her ear.

"Is it done?" A condescending voice asked; it was C.C.'s.

"Of course!" Shirley answered cheerily, flinging some water up with her leg.

A serious voice joined in. "You are sure that she didn't access all of your memories?"

"Relax, Kallen! It went off without a hitch! She only found what we intended."

"Good." Kallen muttered.

"Your men informed me that the No-Life-Queen released some of your captured virgins." C.C. added, displeasure evident.

Shirley pouted at the detail. "Oh C.C., their numbers can be quickly replenished. Don't forget your own portion." A sneer emerged.

"Of course." C.C. answered with a threatening tone.

"I have finished collecting my portion. I will begin transporting them soon." Kallen commented.

"Of course, you finished collecting them first, Kallen. You are always so serious, all business! You need to really unwind!" Shirley laughed.

Kallen restrained herself, "I have other matters to attend to", and cut the line.

Shirley heard gunshots from the remaining woman's line. "Having fun over there, C.C.?"

"Shut up." C.C. commanded coldly and hung up.

Shirley listened to the drone of the empty line for a moment before handing the phone to the patient Sayoko. She bowed and left. The boy approached the Blood Countess with an expectant look.

"It is almost time, Rolo."

Rolo nodded silently.

"You are too reliant on your Ward of Absolute Suspension. You are nothing but a bug to the No-Life-Queen. You must grow stronger."

"Yes, Mistress. I will go train immediately. I will meet your expectations." Rolo turned and left with some suited men in tow.

With that out of the way, Shirley examined her ruined summer dress. Holes and blood splotches adorned it. She looked at the bloody pool and smiled. Stripping off the tattered cloth, she dived into the pool. Time for a blood bath.

From a private balcony overlooking the dance floor, Kallen stared out into the packed nightclub, bright light flashing on and off, strippers dancing in the gloom. Her blue eyes darted from figure to figure with scrutiny. The way those pigs in clothes danced and touched one another disgusted her. Raising her glass to her lips, she savored a blood margarita but abruptly smashed it against her armrest. The suited men around her flinched from the sound of broken glass.

"Kumicho?" A large built man asked hesitantly, his coat barely hiding his massive muscles.

Grabbing her katana, Kallen got up. The tattooed men slightly backed away from their leader but remained respectful. "Begin moving the stock for the ritual. We're leaving."

The men bowed to their kumicho as she left the nightclub's balcony.

C.C. stared at the phone in deep thought before storing it in a pouch. She looked down at the prostrated man she sat on. Through dripping blood from his bleeding forehead, he peered fearfully into her frigid gold eyes. They reflected the flash of gunfire around her. She watched her true vampires of the PMC (Private Military Corporation) Black Night cut down the corrupt Venezuelan official's bodyguard.

To her left, a fanatical man with an orange eyepiece and turquoise hair screamed hysterically, "I SENSE IT! MY MASTER IS RETURNING! HE IS RETURNING!" He flung his gun away and drew a broadsword. He fearlessly charged the Venezuelan guards with a maniacal expression.

Black Night's true vampires continued firing, the yellow flashes illuminating a strange red crane symbol on their black body armor, but C.C. heard them grumbling about Commander Gottwald in their mouthpieces. Eventually, the gunfire stopped, and one of her men approached her. His voice muffled by his black balaclava, he reported to his superior, "Sir, the area is secured. What do you want to do with the survivors?"

C.C. waved him off with indifference. "Do what you want with them."

A dark chuckle came from her subordinate as he lowered his balaclava, revealing rows of razor sharp fangs. "At once, Sir." He marched off to his fellow Black Night vampires. "Eat up boys!" Cheers rang out in the twilight before screams filled the cool air. C.C. glanced at the unlucky humans being devoured by her men before returning her gaze to the man beneath her. She barely heard his prayers for mercy and promises of wealth for his freedom.

C.C. offered no indication of accepting his desperate pleas. Raising a leg up, C.C. drilled the heel of her knee high, high heel combat boot into the corrupt politician's eye. He shrieked, his pleas rising in volume. The bloody sharp heel continued to push deeper into his skull, until he was silenced. Getting up from the corpse, C.C. approached her frenzied men who were still consuming the unfortunate survivors. The aroma of blood wafted in front of her. She watched apathetically as blood coated the black uniforms of Black Night's vampires. Despite that, the strange crane symbol shone through the crimson coating. It seemed to lap at the blood with a life of its own.

His broadsword over his shoulder, Gottwald neared his master's mistress and gasped. Dropping his great sword into the bloodstained dirt, he rushed to C.C. and dropped to his knees. He stared down at her bloody heel with horror. Looking into his mistress' gold eyes, he cried, "Mistress C.C., you cannot dirty yourself with the blood of these commoners!"

Quickly pulling over a crate, he sat C.C. down and began cleaning the offending blood off of her black heel. While Gottwald was preoccupied, C.C. leaned back and stared up at the twilight's twinkling stars, an unadulterated place far from the flames of death surrounding her.

"My master, I have returned!"

"Good work, Alucarda!" Sir Integra complimented. "What have you learned?"

"The Sicilian Mafia's capo dei capi is a true vampire, a very old one at that, almost as old as me. From the memories that I could absorb from her blood, she was indeed once the Blood Countess, Countess Báthory. She says her real name is Shirley Fenette."

"Really?" Sir Integra mused with growing interest, plans for another undead weapon sprouted in her mind. Walter was quite interested as well. "Was she strong?"

"I believe so, but she let me defeat her!" Alucarda brought a fisted hand up, the memory angering her greatly. Sir Integra took her Hendi Winzermans cigar out of her mouth and tapped it thoughtfully against an ashtray.

"What are her plans, Alucarda?"

"My master, it appears that they are kidnapping virgins for some ritual taking place deep in Mongolia on October 31."

"Halloween, the day when the line between life and death is at its thinnest and when the world's monsters are at their strongest." Walter murmured to himself.

"And that is all you know?"


"Then, it must be a trap. When you drink someone's blood, you are capable of accessing all of his or her memories. How come you failed to do so with Ms. Fenette?"

"It matters not, my master! When I challenge her in Mongolia, she will be crushed!"

"Very well Alucarda, I trust your word. Now, what's happening in Sicily is also being documented in the Americas and Japan. For the Americas, the incidents lead to Las Vegas, and, for Japan, the incidents seem to center around Kyushu Island."

"You believe that organizations other than the Sicilian Mafia are involved?" Seras questioned.

"Yes." Sir Integra replied, crossing her hands in front of her face.

"My master forgot to mention that the Sicilian Mafia members who were guarding the villa were all true vampires." Seras added nervously.

Sir Integra's cigar fell onto the impeccable tiled floor while Walter's mouth gaped open in shock. Slamming her hands against her desk, Integra stood up. "WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME THIS BEFORE, ALUCARDA!?" The Iron Maiden screamed at her servant. The lamp on her desk fell and smashed against the floor. Walter winced.

The No-Life-Queen shrugged. "They were weak. I crushed them like ants. Even Walter would get bored fighting them."

Sighing, Sir Integra returned to her seat and pressed her palm against her forehead. "Anything else? I need details, Alucarda. Details!"

"Bah! Seras, you give them!"

"Yes, master! Well, Sir Integra, all the Sicilian Mafia members we encountered at the villa were true vampires. Furthermore, they were all equipped with military grade weaponry but also had access to Desert Eagles loaded with silver. I found vast armories in the complex with more potent silver weapons. Unfortunately, Sir Integra, they destroyed their hard drives and important papers before I could acquire any important intel."

Sir Integra grumbled unintelligibly, both hands now covering her face.

"I'll go start a fresh pot of tea, ma'am." Walter mentioned. Integra nodded through her hands.

After Walter left, Integra lit another cigar. "This is an adversary we have never seen the likes of. What do you suggest we do, Alucarda?"

"Like I said before, my master, leave this annoyance to me. I only need your orders, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing." Alucarda grinned, white fangs glowed.

"Well, you have them, Alucarda. Search and destroy Hellsing's enemies."

"Of course, my master. They will no longer be a threat after I slaughter them on Halloween."

"I will hold you to that, Alucarda." Sir Integra dismissed the No-Life-Queen and Ms. Victoria.

A/N: I had a lot of fun with this one. Happy Easter!