A/N: The story's rating has been changed to M. Enjoy this monster of a chapter at almost 13,000 words.

City lights shined brighter than the dazzling stars against the horizon. However, one celestial body shined brighter than all the others, the Moon. In the mind of CC and a many a vampire, soon, this wretched world will twinkle with even greater luster than the stars as it burned to cinder. From its ashes, a new world will be born. Well… That was the plan, a plan yet to be put into motion, but it will be as soon as CC meets with Lelouch.

CC stopped in front her office, which Lelouch was currently occupying. Two members of her personal bodyguard nervously nodded their heads in acknowledgement. Her hands reached up to knock, but her delicate knuckles came to a halt, a few millimeters from the hard wood surface.

Pulling her hand back, CC quickly checked her clothing, ensuring that everything was in order. Her sleeveless Black Night uniform clung to her rosy skin. While a high collar protected her neck, close to the uniform's end, it split off into four long pieces of cloth, nearly touching the floor. The interior side of the strips were a deep scarlet. The strips of cloth only displayed her stunning legs while a deep red sash accentuated her sharp hips. The clothing whispered to the bewitched that the green beauty could be seen and admired but never ever touched. Furthermore, similar to Lelouch's uniform, CC's sported gold trimming. The only thing warming her smooth legs were knee high, high heel white boots with gold trimming. The provocative footwear only melted any admirers even more, reducing to them to incoherent pools of idiots. Even then, the most fascinating part of CC's uniform was the Black Night symbol. Though it boasted CC's well-endowed chest since it ran directly across it, the crane seemed to glow with an unearthly thirst. It was greedy, unsatisfied, yet it wasn't willing to indiscriminately devour. After all, it was difficult to please an alluring mature vampire.

What did CC hope to find in Lelouch? For the satisfaction of her desires? Death? Or, dare she say, love? A thud resounding from her office snapped her out of her thoughts. Twisting the polished knobs, she flung the heavy doors open. CC's initial urgency was replaced with collected chilling anger.

Familiar gleaming amethyst eyes turned to her, meeting CC's challenging gold ones head on. All over the floor were documents, hastily thrown off CC's large desk… Or were blown away by a person being thrown onto said desk. CC's calculating eyes ran over the recently resurrected vampire's body. Lelouch was quite disheveled, the top buttons of his black dress shirt undone, his clothing wrinkled by sudden movement. Currently, Lelouch was semi-on CC's desk. Beneath him was the lieutenant of CC's personal bodyguard who was on CC's desk face up. Lelouch's hands were slammed on both sides of her head while he had one bent knee in between her legs, essentially encaging her. The moonlight offered ethereal curtains but were unable to hide anything before CC's blistering gaze

The lieutenant wore a uniform similar to CC's. But, unlike CC, the lieutenant's collar was undone, which offered observers a view of her white neck and collarbone. It didn't help that the lieutenant's face was flush. Returning her attention to Lelouch, the Green Witch mentally twitched with anger at the sight of his all-knowing smirk.

"Get out." CC ordered. Lelouch slowly got off the desk, casually stepping to the side, his hands in his pockets. Meanwhile, her lieutenant hastily got off the desk, buttoned up her uniform, and ran out of the office, fearing for her life. For CC, the only indication of her lieutenant's departure was a gust of air generated by her fleeing form. Lelouch and CC's eyes remained fixed on another, neither daring to look away. They held each other's gaze as CC slowly closed the doors behind her with a click while Lelouch sat in her leather chair.

The full moon peeked through the office's large paned windows, its moonlight illuminating the dark room. CC slowly trekked across the room towards Lelouch who leaned back in her chair, still tousled from the incident before, his feet on the desk.

Putting her hands on the desk, CC leaned over, her shadow over Lelouch. "What do you think were you doing?"

The serious inquiry barely raised Lelouch's attention. "Oh… That…" Lelouch began. Putting his elbows on the chair's armrests, he rested his head on his intertwined hands. "I was thirsty, and you so kindly put a ravishing woman in the same room as I. How could I not pounce? I was buried under hundreds of feet of earth, locked away by holy relics, for centuries. So, of course, I was hungry for blood and, perhaps, the sensual touch of a woman."

CC watched his smirk as his lips moved. They curiously had a hypnotizing effect on her. The female vampire frankly ignored the majority of what Lelouch was saying, the words dissipating into the air, her mind replaying the image of Lelouch on top of her subordinate before her. Her knuckles resting on the cool wooden surface whitened.

Lelouch continued. "It's okay, CC. Your subordinate wasn't really my taste anyway. I prefer rather fierce women. The chase just makes the outcome sweeter." Then his voice became low and raspy. "And congratulations, you fit the bill. No need to be jealous, CC."

Jealous? The word caused her to pause. How can she, CC, be jealous? Anything she desired she would inevitably get. Her gold eyes narrowed. Lelouch's expression told her that he was baiting her. CC decided to bite as to amuse the male vampire before thoroughly punishing him for his boldness. "Why would I be jealous?" She asked innocently.

"Dodging the question with another question are we?" Lelouch interrupted.

"Let me finish, idiot." CC slowly traced the edge of her desk with her hand as she walked around it. She slowly circled around her quarry. "I would not be so weak as to give into jealously. If I really wanted you, I would have gotten you already."

Lelouch raised his eyebrow, surprised that CC thought so lowly of him as to believe him to be easy pickings. CC slightly smiled at the sight before continuing.

"Furthermore, you aren't irresistible. I have seen mortals better looking than you, and they could not resist me. Like those weak-willed mortals, you too desire me."

Lelouch scowled, his amethyst eyes visibly darkening into a deep purple. He never thought himself as weak-willed. He had followed through countless of wars and pulled victories out of the seemingly inevitable grasps of defeat. Those were testaments of his indominatable will, yet here a highly intelligent woman associated him with weak-willed mortals. Amusement rose in CC's voice at the sight of Lelouch.

Finally around the desk, turning the chair, CC leaned down. Her hands came to a soft rest on top of Lelouch's, their faces millimeters apart, predatory eyes locked. "Therefore, you are nothing to me, Lelouch. You can't even be considered a conquest, boy."

Lelouch was gob smacked. No one had talked to him that way in such a long time. It was… refreshing. He would show her that he was no boy nor a weak-willed mortal. Snarling, he leaped at CC, hands going for her throat, but he was promptly stopped. The Lance of Longinus pierced his heart. Lelouch looked up at CC in shock before slumping, the heat leaving an already cold monster

"Pathetic." CC whispered. The body remained unmoving. She threw her holy weapon at the chair, which nailed the dead Lelouch to it, blood dripping from his mouth. Pacing around the desk again, CC stopped before it, completely unamused and displeased. She brooded, tone low and distant. "This is what you give me? All this work and this is what I get? All those nights we talked, I thought you were the one who would end my misery, but, instead, I get the biggest disappointment in my life. You were waste of time. You are weak." CC's eyes observed the still corpse, the moonlight tracing the flow of fresh blood before hissing out. "Well? Say something bastard!"

Suddenly, a hand clasped around her throat while another hand came to rest on her right thigh, a solid body pressed against her back, pushing her against her own desk. She felt hard muscles and a hot breath on her right ear. Looking past her shoulder, CC met blazing amethyst pools. The hand roughly returned her gaze forward. CC watched as Lelouch's corpse burst into a swarm of bats, the Lance of Longinus clattering to the floor. However, the unmistakable patch of blood remained.

"Wasted, eh?" The voice whispered. "You wound me, CC. You know those were the best nights of your life."

Quickly hardening her face, CC returned to apathy. "That is what you tell yourself, Lelouch."

"Hmmm." Lelouch breathed in CC's scent, a rare sweet smell. "You thought you killed me indefinitely, but not even a holy relic put me in the ground permanently. Not anymore. You only took one of my many lives, my little witch."

CC maintained her composure as Lelouch lightly nibbled on her right ear. "Assuming that you already own me… if I'm your little witch, what does that make you?"

"Your warlock." Lelouch quickly breathed out.

CC sighed and rolled her eyes. "How romantic. So now what? Are you going to let me go or are you going to take advantage of me in this vulnerable state?"

Lelouch paused. "Do you want me to?"

CC deliberately paused in thought before shyly muttering. "Yes."

Though surprised, Lelouch moved to 'take advantage' of CC. A crack was heard as the green-haired beauty roughly elbowed Lelouch in the ribs, knocking the breath out of him. She then agilely pulled him over her shoulder and gracefully slammed the stunned Lelouch onto the floor. Their eyes met, and CC ordered, "Love me."

Lelouch gaped as a red crane symbol reminiscent of the Black Night's logo appeared in CC's eyes. The glowing symbol seemed to lunge out at him, worming itself deep into his brain. He saw images of CC taking hold of every fiber of his being. He felt warm, drunk, entranced… in love. Love? Love CC? Love CC!

The green-haired beauty released a dazed Lelouch, his arm softly thumping against the rug, the glowing red crane symbol now in his eyes. It was her victory. Soon, Lelouch would be on his knees worshipping her like a goddess. Of course, it was just to teach him a lesson, but who wouldn't want to see Lelouch in such an embarrassing state?

Instead, something unexpected happened. CC soon found herself locked between a muscular body and her desk again. Hands on her throat and right thigh once more.

CC gasped out in surprise. Turning back, she saw the red crane symbol in his eyes. He should be under her control, so how?

"Unbutton your top buttons." Lelouch ordered.

CC's gold glazed over, and she obeyed. CC's elegant hands came up and sensuously undid her top buttons, revealing a luscious neck, her porcelain skin reflecting the moonlight. Once the task was complete, Lelouch amorously peppered the area with soft kisses as CC regained control of her body.

Shaking herself out of her bewilderment, CC slowly said, "You have Geass, too?" She shivered as another kiss touched her skin.


"You never told me."

"I didn't know if there were others like me, so I kept quiet. Now. Let's move onto something more pressing." Lelouch turned CC's head to the left, exposing the crook of her neck to him. She flinched when she felt his fangs threatened to break her flawless skin. "Am I still a boy, witch?"

"N-no." CC managed to breathe out, struggling to withhold her moans.

"Am I a weak-willed mortal?" Lelouch questioned as his right hand caressed her inner thigh, his fingers trailing up in a painfully slow way. He tightened her grip on her as she struggled to escape his grasps.

CC bit the bottom of her lip, now trying desperately to hold in her moans. She wasn't yet willing to permit Lelouch the honor of hearing her in such a lewd way. "N-n-no." She managed to gasp out. Then, it all stopped. Falling forward, CC panted, trying to compose herself. Her arms shakily supported her. Her electrified nerves were calmed by the cool surface of her desk, a physical plane to anchor herself to. Meanwhile, her mind was still swirling. So many questions, so many uncertainties, so many long unanswered desires.

Still positioned behind her, Lelouch allowed her to catch her breath before leaning forward himself. CC froze when she felt his hot breaths.

Lelouch seductively asked his witch, his voice painfully slow and provocatively low. "May I drink your blood, CC?"

CC's heartbeat sped up. To voluntarily to give up her blood to Lelouch held more meaning than just a simple act of generosity. It meant she was giving him everything. Finally, collected, CC pushed herself up; Lelouch stepped back, granting her space. The Witch propped herself onto her desk, the desk creaked. Lelouch's eyes eyed her movements like a caged predator. His penetrating gaze grew more intense as CC slowly unbuttoned the rest of the buttons before stopping at the uniform's front zipper.

Growing impatient, Lelouch slowly began to approach CC but was stopped by an outstretched heel that pressed against his chest. Slowing backing off, Lelouch let out a low growl as CC smirked, pleased that she can return the teasing. Burning amethyst orbs keenly watched CC slowly pull the zipper down. Lelouch's eyes grew increasing feral as more and more cleavage was exposed. Then, CC stopped, the uniform slipping past her delicate shoulders. Using her right arm, she hid her faultless breasts from the starved Lelouch.

Unable to wait any longer, Lelouch immediately advanced forward again, but CC's outstretched leg yet again stopped him. He looked up at her expectantly; a small serene smile graced her features.

"Take off your clothes." CC softly ordered.

"Are you fucking serious, right now?" Lelouch muttered underneath his breathe as he stepped back, clearly frustrated by CC's game. The semi-undressed beauty quietly nodded.

The impatient monster cursed beneath his breath as he began to unbutton his black dress shirt, ferocity mounting as time passed. As she discarded her boots, CC admired Lelouch's fit body, her eyes tracing the movement of light and darkness as more and more of his skin was exposed. Once the black dress shirt came off, it was time for CC to claim a small victory before Lelouch claimed her. Closing the distance, CC jumped Lelouch, fangs bared.

Unable to react in time, Lelouch mumbled a 'what' before hitting the rug. Groaning, Lelouch found CC straddling him, her soft hands on his chest, her uniform pooling around her. CC's long green locks conveniently prevented Lelouch from glimpsing her breasts, which irritated him further. Meanwhile, the moonlight illuminated CC in all the right places, the alluring vampire glowing in an otherworldly light. However, two golden pools shined the brightest. They offered a window into CC's deepest desires, and they were telling Lelouch that she was hungry, hungry for him.

"Oh, don't you dare-" Lelouch started, but it was too late. Fangs elongating, his witch licked her lips, thanked whatever god there was for the meal, and bit Lelouch. Wincing at the feeling, Lelouch let out a low animalistic snarl as CC drank in deeply. The blood leaving him, Lelouch felt lightheaded, his arms sprawled out. The subdued vampire barely felt his blood trickle down his chest in warm rivulets. He only briefly saw CC through his blurry eyes. He made out her beautiful green hair. Her rising and falling chest kept in pace with her short pants for dear air. He discerned her smoldering eyes, burning with hot desire blood red with the glowing Geass symbol staring back at him. The faint-headed vampire noticed what was most likely his blood escape her mouth. As the red liquid trickled out, it traced CC's luscious pink lips while a few drops dripped onto his muscled chest. Lelouch's royal violet eyes tracked the blood's journey down. It ran down her long neck, over her Adam's apple. It continued downwards and in between her full perky breasts. And it journeyed further down.

Lelouch's blurry eyes returned to CC's face, her ravenous eyes sending him a message: she wasn't done. Her bloody fangs flashed in his sight before exhaustion took over. Through his internal darkness, he felt her fervent passion warming his cold body. It set his skin on fire while her travelling fingers seared his heart.

When he returned to his senses, he felt a thin layer of sweat on his skin. Two gold pools stared at him or rather through him, lost in a world of ecstasy. CC's breaths were ragged and fast as she ran her hands up her body, feeling her own beautiful body. Her hands then descended, snaking down, Lelouch entranced. One delicate hand began to slide through the folds of her undone uniform, CC's fingers searching for her burning core. Snapping up, Lelouch grabbed hold of the hand, the monster ignited.

Faces millimeters apart, Lelouch hissed to his witch. "Just what do you think you are doing?"

CC offered no reply, only short breathes. Carnal desires had taken over her, her golden eyes glazed over. Her unfocused eyes revealed a consciousness overwhelmed by flesh. She impatiently moved to snap at him with her fangs but came short, Lelouch's hands keeping her at a distance.

Unable to further restrain his own desires, Lelouch finally claimed CC as he plunged his fangs into her lovely neck. CC's erratic movements momentarily stopped as she twitched at the bliss coursing through her, her moan warming the cool air, her mind reaching airy heights never thought possible. The pleasure shot like a lightning bolt through her, an uncontrollable storm raging in her mind, the electricity exciting her every fiber. Her arms wrapped around Lelouch's neck. Her legs wrapped around his waist, closing the distance between the two aroused monsters of the night. Now firmly pressed against Lelouch's hot body, CC felt heat flow through her body before it gathered in the area between her legs, which begged to be touched.

Lelouch drank more and more like he was drinking for the first time in centuries. Oh wait, that's true. Wilder, his eyes turned into Geass, his large hands feeling every inch of CC's pearl white skin.

"Lelouch." CC managed to moan out.

Lelouch tightened his grip on her. Through the pleasure of drinking CC's precious blood, Lelouch felt a wet spot pooling around his crotch region. Lelouch mentally grinned, pleased that he could elicit such a powerful reaction out of his witch, and moved to please his aroused CC. CC quivered when she felt his hand snaking down into the folds of her wrinkled uniform, his touch leaving behind a warm tingling. Then, his fingers brushed against her burning womanhood, and she quivered from the thrilling jolt it sent through her. Hearing her hotter moans, Lelouch ferociously plunged two long fingers inside of her wet core, his digits driving deep and hard.

Recoiling from the stirring sensation, CC raked her sharp nails up his hard muscular back, leaving behind bleeding scratches. Lelouch hissed at the slight pain and added a third finger to the wet mix. As they massaged her inner walls, CC screamed his name, her slender fingers running through his raven locks.

CC was going blind. She couldn't make out where she was. Everything just felt so good. The hot blood rushing throughout her body, Lelouch's possessive iron grip, and his pumping fingers that were satisfying a deep aching, all of it drove her mad. Sweat glistened under the moonlight, the heat building up in CC. Her fiery core pulsed and demanded more.

"Haa…ah….Le-…AHhhh…louchaaa…ah…" CC felt something building up in her like the unfathomable euphoria currently pounding against her mental walls. She couldn't handle the combined pleasure of Lelouch's bite and his skilled fingers, her moans growing in intensity, her nails digging into his skin. Suddenly, Lelouch added a fourth long finger, the four fingers filling and stretching CC. Then, that was it. It hit her. Her dam broke, her mind unable to withstand the ecstasy any longer. She silently rode through the rapturous waves, her body quivering and twitching, her wet walls clenching around Lelouch's fingers. Mouth agape, CC reached a high that she never felt in her long life, stuck in a mind-shattering trance.

Her neck free of Lelouch's fangs, CC numbly rolled over to the side. One of her legs still draped over his body, CC gasped for breath, her steaming body still rocking. Lelouch's smoky eyes observed her rear erratically twitch from the pure bliss that CC was experiencing, her juices leaking through her crumpled uniform. He then brought his hand up, closing and separating the fingers, fascinated by the nature of CC's fluids that clung between his digits. Finally, he tasted her, his tongue snaking between his fingers.

His fingers licked clean, Lelouch smiled to himself. This was a rare rare rare dish that he would never share. Through her lime-green locks, CC whimpered at the sight of Lelouch's devilish smile. Crawling on all fours towards his vulnerable prey, Lelouch positioned himself on top of CC's heaving form. Through Lelouch's pants, CC shivered from the large hot hardness that was now heavily resting on her unblemished back.

Bending down, moist lips brushing against her ear, he roughly whispered, "The night is just getting started."

Seeing the predatory look in his Geass eyes, CC tried to crawl away, but, still recovering from her orgasm, she wasn't quick enough as she felt Lelouch's fangs sink into her neck once more.

The office doors creaked open; sunlight streamed into the dark office. Out of the gloom, a glowing Lelouch emerged. Besides the outside world greeting him, Gottwald and Sayoko bowed upon seeing their master.

With heads still down, eyes closed, the loyal orange soldier and the elite maid said, "Congratulations, Master Lelouch."

Stepping out into the hallway, Lelouch thanked his servants. "Your salutations are appreciated, my loyal followers. Come Gottwald. I have some business to attend to with Lloyd."

"What about your shirt, your highness?" Gottwald tipped his head towards Lelouch's bare well-built upper body.

"Oh that. Well, due to last night's strenuous activities, it became an unfortunate casualty. Easily replaceable, so there is nothing to worry about."

Gottwald accepted his master's answer without question and proceeded to follow Lelouch as he strolled down the hall. Stopping, Lelouch turned, the bowed Sayoko anticipating an order.

He smiled. "Take CC to the bathhouse please, Sayoko. She will feel sore and will require your assistance."

"Certainly, Master Lelouch." The chief maid bowed and watched the two men disappear around a corner before entering the dark office.

Her vampire eyes quickly adjusted to the dim lighting. She made out splatters of blood on the rug and desk, an irresistible aroma drifting from the scarlet drops. The strong smell of sex permeated throughout the room. A wet spot over here and over there. Even a few pieces of furniture were knocked over, vases and lamps smashed upon hitting the floor. Concentrating on her task, Sayoko's light brown eyes searched for Mistress CC. Suddenly a distinctively feminine groan from one of the room's corners caused Sayoko to instinctively to snap in its direction, kunai drawn. Spotting a familiar figure shift on a deep leather chesterfield sofa, the maid returned her weapon to its holster and softly approached her master's new mate.

"Ah!" The green beauty winced as she tried to turn her sore body. Nothing was working quiet like they used to, thanks to last night. Underneath the naked CC was Lelouch's black dress shirt that was torn in all sorts of places.

"Mistress CC."

"Wha-" CC turned her head towards the source of the voice. "Oh, it's you, Sayoko."

"Master Lelouch has ordered me to assist you this morning."

Putting her feet on the floor, CC frowned. "I am not that weak. I can stand just- AH!"

Sayoko caught CC, her feeble attempt at standing failing as soon as her wobbly legs gave out. CC gritted her teeth in annoyance. "Just, take me to the bathhouse, Sayoko."

"At once, Mistress CC." Sayoko supported Lelouch's witch as they slowly made their way towards the spacious bathhouse.

After a quick stop to his room, Lelouch walked into Lloyd's lab with Gottwald not far behind, now properly dressed. "What do you have for me, Lloyd?" Bloodcurdling screams bounced off the cobblestone walls of the lab.

The mad scientist looked up from his tablet, his white uniform stained by blood and other strange substances. "Ah! Lelouch, how wonderful of you to stop by!" Lloyd seemed to twirl to Lelouch's side while Gottwald restrained himself from scolding Lloyd for a lack of respect. "Congratulations by the way. I have something positively exciting to show you." Lloyd guided the resurrected vampire to a large indigo curtain. "Behold my latest and greatest creation, the Knightmare!"

The curtain flew up, revealing a vast tank swirling with green fluid. In the tank, a large thing stared back out, its beady red eyes unblinking. The six-meter-tall creature possessed humongous muscles, the skin barely preventing the strengthened fibers from bursting out. Bubbles escaped out of the black breathing mask on the monster's face. Unfazed by the intimidating figure, Lelouch approached the vat and placed his hand on its cold surface.

"What is it?" Lelouch slowly asked, fascinated by and thinking of the possibilities with such a new weapon.

"That is the pinnacle of a century of research. However, I did not create this new weapon, rather my new drug did."

"Explain." Lelouch and the Knightmare had their eyes locked.

Lloyd pulled out a small test tube from his bloodied lab coat. In the test tube was a long black pill. "From researching our own kind and other supernatural races, I produced a drug that enhances the user's supernatural abilities, such as strength and resistance against silver weapons. The drug causes them to undergo a transformation into the being you see before you. Luckily, they retain their intelligence, so their loyalty to our cause remains intact if not increased to the point of fanaticism."


"Unfortunately, our tests on humans failed to make headway as they explode or quickly die after the transformation. Humans are so fragile." The mad scientist shook his head in disapproval before entering his own small world, rambling under his breath about human anatomy.

"Nonetheless. Good work, Lloyd. Begin producing as much of the drug as possible. Gottwald!"

"Yes, my highness!" Gottwald snapped to attention, chin high.

"Begin looking for suitable candidates for this drug. They must be volunteers, I will add.

"At once, your highness!" Gottwald hurried out of the lab, his boots becoming a faint echo.

Click. Clack. His crisp footsteps bounced off the ancient cobblestone walls. The cellar's damp smell reached his nostrils. While it wasn't the most pleasant of smells, something more pressing occupied Walter's mind, something more pressing than whatever command Sir Integra gives him. The fact that Alucarda requested company was not only unusual but alarming to say the least. The powerful vampire never asked for company, yet she had just done that. Of course, being a close friend, Walter nervously accepted the strange invitation. He didn't have to attend to Sir Integra since she was unfortunately locked in a serious meeting with the Convention of Twelve.

Reaching the bottom of the cellar stairs, Walter stopped in front of Alucarda's door. He straightened his black tie and smoothed out the wrinkles in his vest. As his gloved knuckles approached the door, it creaked open. In the dim room, Alucarda sat, legs crossed, ruby eyes brooding. Her scarlet overcoat was draped over her chair, her cravat lying on the armrest. Her black vest hugged her slender waist, her white dress sleeves rolled up. Clearing his throat, Walter entered the room and sat across from the No-Life-Queen. Between them, a bottle of 1934 Domaine de la Romanee-Conti rested upon a dark chocolate, single pedestal table. Noticing no response from Alucarda, Walter cleared his throat once more, finally pulling the vampire out of her stupor.

"Ah, Walter. Thanks for agreeing to my request. I know it was out of the blue, but I really needed some company at the moment."

Popping open the rare wine, Walter poured a glass for Alucarda and himself. "It isn't a problem, Alucarda. We are friends after all." He handed the youthful beauty sitting across from him a full glass.

Quietly accepting it, Alucarda swirled the alcoholic drink. "Friends, huh?"

"Do you want to talk about it?" Walter inquired, concerned for the usually confident vampire.

Alucarda seemed to not hear him as her fingers gracefully continued to tilt and rotate the glass, the wine swirling with the minute movement. A calm silence settled between them, each occupied by his or her own thoughts. Walter diligently observed the attractive woman across from him. He wondered what has caught the attention of an 'immortal' to the degree that she would seek council. He entertained the idea that a lucky, or unlucky, man has finally snagged the cold heart of the Lady of Darkness. Even though the romantic image was certainly amusing, it was far too outrageous. Right? A more plausible reason for Alucarda's distressed state was indeed a man but not in the romantic sense hopefully. Her previous mission put her into close contact with Lelouch vi Britannia, the ultimate vampire with a private army still at large. After his resurrection, Lelouch and his followers disappeared without so much as a trace. Only a gaping hole in the middle of nowhere suggested a sign of their presence.

"Walter." Alucarda began. The old butler looked up expectantly. "When was the last time you were afraid?"

The Black Butler paused thoughtfully. "Afraid? Perhaps, it was when Sir Integra was almost killed by her uncle. I feared that I had failed my duty to the family."

Alucarda sipped her drink and softly said, "No, Walter. Not when you were afraid for others, but when you were afraid for your own life."

Walter's aged eyes widened. This conversation was going into a direction that he did not like. Setting his glass down, he rested his arms on the plush chair. "When I just beginning monster hunter, I was afraid, but it soon faded away." The Black Butler hesitated before asking, "What are you afraid of, Alucarda?"

"Him." Alucarda said in a hushed tone as if she was afraid someone would hear.

Walter had an idea who 'him' was, but he needed to be sure. "Him?"

"Lelouch vi Britannia." The No-Life-Queen whispered, fixated on wine glass in her gloved grasp.


"I hear his voice." Alucarda felt her vampiric heartbeat speedup, the pounding ringing in her ears.

"His voice?"

Alucarda pulled down her white dress shirt's collar. Walter immediately looked away in a gentlemanly fashion. "Or rather many voices. Look." Alucarda's nervous voice called to him. Slowly turning his head around, Walter saw a charcoal black collar around Alucarda's white neck. The intricate patterns and symbols on the collar danced with a life of their own.

"Does Sir Integra know?" Walter inquired at which Alucarda shook her head, her raven locks shifting slightly.

"The voices speak to me. They tempt me with power and pleasure. They want me to kill Sir Integra and even you Walter."

Walter's eyes became calculating and serious. "But, you can resist them, yes?" Alucarda nodded. "Can we remove it?"

Alucarda sighed. "It is impossible. I have tried everything. It cannot be removed nor broken for it was made from Judas' Thirty Pieces of Silver."

"Judas' Thirty Pieces of Silver!?" The old English butler harshly whispered to himself, staring at the charcoal choker with greater intensity. He could have sworn he heard it laugh at him. "Shouldn't it be silver and, you know, not black?"

"It was silver until Lelouch touched it."

That resurrected vampire corrupted a holy relic with his dark powers!? Cold nervous sweat formed upon Walter's forehead, which he quickly dabbed with his white handkerchief. Just what kind of monster left Mongolia?

"But I feel stronger." Alucarda kindly rested her fingers on the corrupted holy relic, its dark powers seeping into her digits.

"Stronger? How?"

"I don't know. It seems to feed me power whenever I wish for it."

"Interesting." Walter muttered to himself. "Do you think it is a potential security threat?"

"No. It seems to obey me most of the time. I have not felt Lelouch's actual presence from it, only his power. I don't believe it's a security threat."

The Black Butler nodded until something rocked the mansion's foundation. "What on earth was that!?" Pulling out his phone, Walter quickly punched in a few buttons. "What is going on up there, Captain Charlie!?"

"We're under attack! I repeat, we are under—"

Walter grinded his teeth as the line went dead. "Alucarda, you stay here! I have a feeling this isn't some ordinary attack."

"Of course, Walter." Alucarda lounged in her chair and continued to drink her wine. Walter quickly nodded his head before dashing out of the room. His footsteps as he climbed the stairs faded away, and silence once more settled in.

In the darkness, two vermillion eyes could be made out. A black aura radiated from a strange intricate collar on the beautiful vampire's neck. "Damn, this is good." She muttered before pouring another glass for herself, willing the voices to silence themselves for a brief moment.

She tried to think of plans, but she couldn't. Memories were distracting her, very pleasurable memories, memories of last night. Gold eyes opened as CC huffed in annoyance. A light veil of steam occupied the bathhouse. In the nude, CC leaned back, enjoying Sayoko's masterful hands release the stress from her neck. Similar to the pink petals floating in the pool, the sweet scented oils drifted on puffs of steam. The hot water caressed her rosy skin while smooth delicate hands unknotted her sore muscles.

It was serene. The quietness accompanied by a tranquil symphony of water until wet footsteps disrupted the peaceful concert. Flicking her eyes to the source, CC spotted two hourglass figures approaching her. The Witch of the West rolled her eyes before closing them.

"Good morning, Mistress Kozuki and Mistress Fenette." CC heard Sayoko respectfully say.

The slight splash of water indicated that her two rivals had joined her in the pool. There was a nice pause, then they began.

"I smell Lelouch on you." Kallen started.

"You already recognize his smell? How creepy." CC jested.

Brushing a red bang aside, Kallen rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Shirley giggled. "Oh, Kallen, no need to be so sensitive. CC knows what you mean. Right, CC?"

CC put her index finger on her lips in mock surprise. "What on earth do you mean?"

"Yeah. See what I mean, Kallen. Now, CC…"

CC opened one gold eye. "Hmmm?"

"Spill the beans. All of it. Not one detail left out." Shirley eagerly demanded. CC said nothing, a slight blush reddening her cute cheeks, images of last night flashing before her eyes. "Hahahaha. No need to hide it, CC. You are covered in Lelouch's scent. Not to mention everyone heard you two going at it last night. It made me soooooooooo jealous as well as hot and bothered." The Blood Countess playfully licked her lips.

At that revelation, CC felt all her blood rush to her face. Well, it could have been worse. At least, everybody knew to not to even try their luck with her Lelouch. Kallen and Shirley will want a piece of him for themselves no doubt.

"Come on, CC. Don't be shy." Shirley urged as she edged closer with a devious expression to the contemplative vampire.

"Ok. Ok. Don't get closer to me, Shirley, or else I swear you won't even get a taste of Lelouch." Shirley hastily withdrew at the threat. Easing into a comfortable position, CC began her story of a passionate night.

Lelouch's bite and the teasing, all of it was described in detail. When CC illustrated the scene of Lelouch dominantly pinning her to the floor and taking her, Kallen and Shirley's faces visibly began a white hot red. Images of CC reduced to a wet mess by Lelouch filling her up aroused the audience of two. CC herself felt her core tingle with excitement, lighting a desire to relive those passion-filled memories. And, with a dreamy look in her gold eyes, perhaps she will tonight.

Her breath hitched, Lelouch burying himself in her as deep as possible. CC's hands clutched the bedsheets for dear life, her head pressed against a soft pillow. Sweat glistened on her back, her lime-green locks pooling around her. Lelouch's hands had a bruising grip around her small waist, his strong thrusts hitting CC to the core. The slapping of flesh resounded in the crisp night air. Suddenly, Lelouch sped up his pace while CC's breaths became shallower as both were about to climax.

"Ah! Ah! AH! LELOUCH!" Seeing white, CC feels her orgasm rocket through her body, her core pulsing and throbbing. Grunting, Lelouch filled her with his essence. Her long legs jerked and jolted. When Lelouch pulled out, they lost strength all together. CC fell flat on the bed, her rear continuing to convulse from her orgasm. She released a content sigh. After he gently pulled the bedsheets over her, Lelouch put on his boxers. Sitting on the bed's edge, he prepared to check Lloyd's progress of his drug, but a new presence in the room stopped him.

Lelouch looked at the boy who looked to be about fourteen. He was dressed like one of those Hitler Youths that Lelouch learned about from CC's memories. The boy looked prepared for a summer march with his short black pants and black knee high socks. However, the most interesting aspect of this intruder was his two cat ears that protruded out of his messy blonde locks. A werecat… Interesting. In the werecat's gloved grasp was a small portable television.

"Who are you?" Lelouch asked, and, at that moment, the bedroom doors burst open, wood flying. Gottwald rushed into the room, accompanied by two Knightmares and a squad of Black Night soldiers, all heavily armed. Red eyes sized up the unarmed werecat before them, their guns trained on his head.

The furious Gottwald yelled at the feline intruder. "How DARE you tread upon the sanctity of Master Lelouch and Mistress CC's chambers!? I will remove you piece of filth effective immediately!"

"Voah zere. I'm just a messenger. I'm not here to fight anvone." The Hitler Youth put his hands in the air. Red lasers danced on his face as the Black Nigh soldiers trained their rifles on his head.

"Let him speak, Gottwald." Lelouch commanded.

"But he is a member of—" Gottwald silenced himself upon seeing Lelouch's steely amethyst eyes.

Setting the miniature television on a desk, the Nazi messenger announced. "To Lelouch vi Brittania and his gazered follovers, meine commanding officer, zee glorious Major, haz a message for you all." He pulled a remote control from his shirt pocket and pushed a button. The television flickered to life. A plump blonde man with devilish blue eyes behind a thin pair of glasses appeared. He wore an expensive white suit and sported a wide grin that would unnerve normal people.

"Greetings, Lelouch vi Brittania! I am zee Major, the leader of—"

"Millennium" Lelouch finished.

"Oh. So, you know of us?"

"Oh no, but someone in this room certainly has." A slender arm draped itself over Lelouch's shoulder before pulling its owner from the bed's comfy embrace.

"It has been a long time, Major." A sweet voice called out, gold eyes flickering between red and gold before settling on the latter.

"Oh! CC! Vhat a pleasant surprise!" The Major exclaimed with a gleeful grin.

"I still haven't forgiven you for trying to capture me for experimentation, back in '42." CC wrapped her arms around her mate's neck, her smooth hands gliding over the hard planes of his chest. Letting the bedsheet fall, she pressed her naked breasts against Lelouch's back, her chin coming to a rest on his shoulder. A few screams behind CC were heard as Black Night soldiers quickly looked away from CC's naked form, fearing for their lives that could be easily taken by Lelouch.

"Oh. I'm deeply sorry about zat, meine fräu—wait… You aren't a fräulein anymore, are you?" The Major inquired.

CC playfully rolled her gold eyes, her arms tightening around Lelouch. "No."

"Oh, congratulations!" The Major clapped his hands. "Anyvay, back to zee matter at hand. I propose a deal to you, Lelouch vi Brittania."

"Go on." Lelouch nodded.

"I will soon declare war on Britain. I request that you do not interfere. You can tear up zee Americans for all I care, but you will not interfere with my planz for Britain. In exchange, I vill give you all zee information I have on zee Vatican, half now and half after."

Lelouch pondered a moment while CC's fangs teasingly nicked his neck. "Very well. I accept, your proposal."

"Excellent." The Major smiled sinisterly, his shining lenses hiding his evil eyes. Lelouch merely nodded before shooing the werecat away. Collecting the television, the werecat vanished.

"What is the mission status of Italy?" An imposing man in a black suit asked, sitting at the head of a long meeting table. Behind him, imprinted on the glass wall was a large Area 51 insignia. Outside the glass meeting room, phones rang, and computers buzzed as workers rushed in and out of the operations room.

"The Sicilian Mafia and its associates have been driven out of Italy, appearing to flee south into Africa. Their combat effectiveness has been reduced drastically, thanks to the Vatican's cooperation." Rising from her chair, a woman reported. On the screen, images of devastated bases appeared with dead vampires in every frame.

"And our losses?"

"Below expectations, but sizeable nonetheless. The remaining men are returning home as we speak and await reassignment."

"Good good good. And Japan?" The man at the head inquired.

A young solid man stood up, his shaky voice carried a noticeable nervousness. "Progress in Japan goes slowly as the vampires blend in well with the dense cities. Furthermore, the cooperativeness of Japan's supernatural units varies, leading to some difficulties with manpower and intelligence. We are trying our best to mitigate losses, but they continue to mount as we attempt more operations."

The leader nodded his head in understanding. A rugged man to his right suddenly spoke out, "Secretary Smith, with all due respect, why are we diverting the majority of our forces to Lelouch's bases in Italy and Japan when the monster itself is in our backyard!?"

Secretary Smith sighed before turning to his subordinate. "Richard, we know Lelouch is based near Las Vegas. He and his followers are hiding behind the PMC Black Night, which is led by CC. By weakening his presence abroad, we hope to cripple his operations in the States. When he gets careless or desperate, that is when we will strike."

Crossing his muscular arms, Richard grumbled. "Seems like a big risk. He could be building up strength at this very moment while we are off playing police for other countries. Not to mention, he is awfully close to us, 83 miles to be exact."

"I understand your concerns, Richard, but—" The secretary noticed a flurry of activity around the meeting room.

Rushing into the room with a pile of papers in hand, one of the secretary's assistants frantically informed the gathered leaders of Area 51 of an unfolding event. "Sir! Sir!"

"What is it, Daniel!? What's going on!?" Secretary Smith demanded, rising from his chair.

"It's the Nazis, sir!"

"What!?" Richard shouted, his chair falling over as he also stood. "What do you mean 'the Nazis'!?"

"Three large zeppelins have appeared out of South America! They have Nazi insignias on them!"

Secretary Smith and Richard glanced at one another. "Where are they headed!?" They both shouted at the shaking assistant.


"Inform Hellsing and Queen, immediately! Scramble as many spare units as possible." The secretary ordered.

Another assistant burst into the room, knocking over Daniel; papers flew everywhere. "Sorry, Daniel! Sir! We just learned that Lelouch is on the move!"


"Intelligence says Black Night forces are heading towards New York City."

"How is that possible!? They were under surveillance around the clock! Can they be stopped!?"

"No, sir! Black Night forces are already crossing into New York as we speak! We also believe that Lelouch is with them."

Secretary Smith clenched his teeth. Send forces to Britain or defend the homeland? Area 51 doesn't know the full capabilities of Lelouch and his followers, which means he can't afford to help Britain this time. Hopefully, Hellsing and its pet vampire can hold onto Britain till America reinforcements arrive. The secretary reached a decision. "Scramble everyone! Reassign the men bound for Britain to New York!"

One meeting attendee spoke up. "But that leaves Britain—"

"I know!" Secretary Smith snapped. "But, at this moment, Lelouch poses a greater threat to us." There was a pause in the room. "Well!? MOVE! We have a crisis on our hands!"

The gate officer grumbled as he lost another Overwatch game, the seventh straight loss tonight. Looking up from his monitor, he quickly scanned the front of the water treatment plant before starting another game. Engrossed in his team shooter, he failed to notice the door open. Sneaking into the room, a heavily armed Black Night operative pulled her machete from its back holster. Rushing forward, she slid the cold steel across the gaming officer's neck, her gloved hand over his mouth. He drowned in his own blood as horrified eyes locked with her pale blue ones. When his eyes dimmed, she lowered the corpse slowly to the floor, lowered the blinds, turned off the lights, and gently closed the door.

"Move up." She ordered into her radio mouthpiece.

"Roger." Several voices acknowledged. More Black Night operatives appeared out of the shadows and advanced with their leader towards the alight water treatment plant. Using their suppressed weapons, they quickly removed any obstacles in their way, be it plant workers or more security.

The vampire group ventured deeper into the installation until coming upon the water plant's control room. Stacking up beside the door, Vega Team reloaded their weapons, preparing to breach.

First in line, a hefty man laced the door with breaching charges before bellowing, "Breaching."

Hitting the detonator, the explosives detonated, and he rushed into the smoke-filled room with suppressed shotgun drawn. Raising his weapon at the sight of the first human, he pulled the trigger, the shotgun's stock pounding against his chest. The human exploded into a bloody shower, the impact flinging the unfortunate soul over a control console. Through the white smoke, more Black Night operatives entered the room, guns firing. Smoking bullet casings rolled through pools of blood. The defenseless plant workers screamed and hollered as they were cut down. Once the smoke settled, the Vega Team only saw corpses strewn all across the floor and consoles.

"Kingpin, this is Vega Team leader, Speza. We have control of Objective Dew. Orders?"

"Kingpin, copies. Proceed with the operation as scheduled. Do not fail. Kingpin, out."

Listening to their orders, the elite vampires failed to notice a sole surviving human hiding amongst the dead. Bolting from the bloody floor, he dashed towards a large red button on the control panel.

The bulky man silently raised his weapon. Quickly pulling the trigger, the shotgun hit the human in the right chest. However, the injured human managed to hit the red button, and buzzing alarms sprung to life.

"Son of a bitch!" Speza shouted before spraying the human with her Kalashnikov. His blood splattered all over the windows, his bullet-ridden body crumbling like paper. Her rifle's barrel smoking, Speza angrily turned to one of her subordinates. "Emile! I told you to make sure they were dead once we breached!"

A tall, lean man shrugged his shoulders, leisurely walking away from his commanding officer. Pushing a dead body out of an office chair, Emile sat down, his rifle resting against a table, his boots on the console.

"Why you little lazy prick! I outta—" A hand on Speza's shoulder held her back. "What is it, Sasha!?" Speza hissed at the bulky man with the shotgun.

"The alarms are still going." Sasha rumbled, pointing at the flashing red alarms above them with a thick finger.

"Right! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" Speza punched the red button repeatedly, hoping that it would silence the annoying ringing, but it didn't. In frustration, she emptied an entire magazine into the console, sparks flying, her subordinates nervously stepping away from the enraged female. The alarm finally cut out; however, her radio sprung to life.

"Vega Team! Come in, Vega Team! This is Kingpin. We are picking up increasing chatter in your area. Are you sure Objective Dew is secure!?"

Speza let out a slew of curses before answering. "Affirmative, Kingpin. Objective Dew is secure, but we need reinforcements. Objective Dew's alarm was set off. Over." The radio whined from her tight grasp around it, the polymer slightly cracking.

"Kingpin, copies. Redirecting Zoya Team to Objective Dew. Approximately four hours out. Kingpin, out!"

"Vega Team copies." Once communications ceased, Speza released another train of curses. "Command is fucking sending Zoya Team!" A collective sigh was released, team members recalling memories of the intense rivalry between Speza and the Zoya Team leader.

"Um, Speza." Sasha softly thundered, his finger tapping her shoulder incessantly.

"What!?" Speza shouted, her patience wearing thin.

"The package."

"God damn it! Emile, go with the others and deliver the package!" Speza ordered.

Emile casually looked at her before lackadaisically throwing her his backpack.

Unsurprisingly, Speza exploded, her helmet flying towards the lounging Emile who easily dodged it. "YOU LAZY SACK OF SHIT!" Speza stormed up to her insubordinate subordinate. Sasha watched a moment before grabbing Speza by the straps of her tactical vest. He dragged Speza out of the room with some other Black Night operatives in tow, her shouting still reaching the control room.

"Remind me why the higher ups thought it was a good idea to put Emile and Speza in the same team." One man asked.

"Something about chemistry." A woman piped up.

"Chemistry, my ass."

"I know right…"

"This is Overlord. Come in, Ladin Team."

A blonde man answered the radio. "Ladin Team, copies." He grunted as the armored truck hit a bump in the road.

"We are redirecting you from New York City to Owls Head Wastewater Treatment Plant. We believe Black Night forces have taken over the facility. Your objective is to retake the plant and gather any intelligence of their plans. Overlord, out."

"Ladin Team, copies." The blonde man pounded the armored car's side. "Jose, we have been redirected to Owls Head Wastewater Treatment Plant."

"Alright." Jose muttered. The heavy van screeched as it turned around, the rubber burning against the asphalt.

Her maniacal laugh echoed throughout the hall. Recovering from the bout, Alucarda's vermillion eyes bore into the Major. "A declaration of war? Excellent! I can't wait to destroy you again!"

"No matter vhat you do we will never give up we will reverse this ridiculous situation as many times as we act." The Major's grin widened. His blue eyes burned with determination found only in a zealous fanatic.

Eyebrows scrunching, Sir Integra ordered. "Alucard. Seras. Kill him."

Alucarda shoved the Casull into Warrant Officer Schrödinger. "Vhat?" Schrödinger choked before Alucarda pulled the trigger. The 13mm bullet exploded his tiny head, blood spraying everywhere, brain matter staining the chamber's marble floor. Schrödinger's dead twitching body hit the floor in a disgusting mess, one eyeball rolling off to a corner.

"Fine shoot zee messenger if zis is vhat you come to. Auf wiedersehen, meine fräulein. I look forward to meeting you across the battlefield." The Major saluted before Seras blew the television away.

Holding their breaths, everyone's eyes widened when the Hitler Youth's body vanished, which left an impeccable floor. However, their attention was redirected to the Queen as her commanding voice took hold. "Alucarda. Sir Hellsing."

Alucarda's bloodthirsty eyes turned to the old woman sitting on the throne. Sir Integra rose from her chair.

"Destroy them. You have your orders." The Queen ordered.

The elevator dinged, the doors parting. A head-turning couple exited the lift and into the reception area. The handsome raven-haired man escorted an angelic green-haired woman, their arms hooked. The man was wearing a tux with scarlet shirt, nothing to attractive. Rather, his facial features caused women to swoon, his unique amethyst eyes melting them. The voices in the lobby became rapid hushed whispers, the fashionably women glaring at the woman in the mystery man's arms with hot jealously.

The green-haired woman lightly scoffed. The men ogled at the woman's incredible hourglass body. Almost touching the floor, a sparkling vermillion dress rolled like wine down her perfect figure. On the outfit's left side, a side slit almost reaching her hips caused men to tug at their now tight collars, her long sensuous legs seemingly endless. The brilliant ruby garb dipped low enough for plenty of cleavage while it boldly allowed the chilly air to prick at the woman's exposed back. Her moonlight skin was comparable to the white pearls that hung from her ears. Lightly swinging around her neck, an extravagant piece of gold and precious jewels followed the shapely curves of her well-endowed breasts. The lobby's volume increased tenfold.

The jaw-dropping couple walked up to the captivated server attending the entrance. His eyes locked onto the way the woman's hips swayed. They traveled up, lingering a moment on her cleavage before proceeding higher. Inviting glossy pink lips parted slightly as if they were speaking. He believed he heard her giggle, which sounded like an angel's.

"Excuse me!" The server snapped towards an agitated voice that belonged to the man at the stunning woman's side. "I said we made a reservation under the name, Lelouch."

Sneaking looks at the mesmerizing golden-eyed beauty at the man's side, the server stuttered. "Ah! Y-yes. We h-have you booked for the b-best table in the h-house. Uh…" He paused, admiring how beautiful the woman looked as she slightly tilted her head.

"Ahm!" The raven-haired man coughed.

"Right! R-right this way, please." Slightly tripping over himself, the server ushered the couple in, leading them through the packed high-class restaurant. Conversations stilled as people stopped to watch the passing couple before resuming at hushed whispers.

"Y-your table, sir and ma'am."

"Thank you." The man muttered as he helped his captivating companion into her seat.

"No problem, sir." The server continued to linger for an awfully long time, his eyes ravishing the woman who spared him a glance before giggling.

"Give us the best drink you have." A male voice ordered.

"What?" Tearing his eyes away, the server cowered as two burning royal violet eyes caused his skin to crawl.

"I said," the man menacingly grated, "give us the best drink you have."

"At once, sir!" The server hurried away, wishing away the unnerving aura directed at him. Amethyst eyes followed the server who disappeared behind the kitchen doors. A small soft hand rested on his.

"He's only a little human, Lelouch." Her gold eyes glowed with amusement.

"Hmph. I didn't like the way he was looking at you." Lelouch muttered, running a hand through his charcoal locks.

"Sounds like jealously." CC sang.

Lelouch prepared to retort, but the returned presence of the server stopped him. "Here you go, sir. It is a—"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you very much." Lelouch raised his voice. The server hastily set the bottle down with two glasses and barreled away.

"So mean." CC teased, her delicate fingers brushing over his larger hand.

Uncorking the expensive bottle, Lelouch filled the glasses. "He's only a little human, like you said." He pushed a filled glass of the bubbling drink towards her.

Taking the glass, CC watched the gold champagne's bubbles rise and pop. The clogged New York streets below presented a light show as the growing puddles of rainwater reflected the Big Apple's lights. Raindrops trickled down the polished glass windows of the high restaurant. Bottle recorked, Lelouch raised his glass, and CC did the same.

"To Nunnally." Lelouch said.

CC softly smiled. "To Nunnally."

Their glasses clinked, and both downed their drinks. As the glasses were emptied, a shockwave rocked the skyscraper, shattering the windows, the rain pouring into the restaurant. A large blooming explosion engulfed the side of a neighboring skyscraper. Customers screamed as they saw the tower across the street burn, debris from its side falling down into the crowded streets below. Some customers rushed to leave, pressing the down button for the elevator. Sighs of relief were heard as the ding was heard. They prepared to board, but, as the doors parted, they were met with heavily armed soldiers dressed in black. A strange red crane symbol ran across the chests of the intimidating soldiers who stared at the terrified customers.

"M-move! W-we need to g-get out! Don't y-you see w-what is happening!?" A brave man shouted at the strange soldiers, his finger pointing at the burning skyscraper. In his arms was a crying brunette.

The soldiers said nothing; rather, they raised their weapons, their fingers flicking off the safety. The petrified crowd took a step back.

"Wha-what are y-you doing?" Holding his woman closer, the same courageous man stuttered, sweat appearing on his forehead. "D-don't point that at u—" Bang! The woman in his arms screamed as he hit the floor dead, blood pooling out of the bullet hole in his forehead, his cold hollow eyes wide. The crowd screamed and scattered.

"Kill them all!" His pistol smoking, a tall turquoise-haired man with a strange orange eyepiece ordered. The Black Night soldiers obeyed and opened fire.

Meanwhile, Lelouch poured CC another glass of champagne, blood and gunfire erupting around them, the heavy rain almost drowning out the screams. Lelouch downed a full glass while CC took sips of her drink.

Raising his arm up, sleeve pulled back, Lelouch looked at his Louis Moinet Meteoris Watch. "I believe it's time for dinner."

"Good. I'm famished." CC added.

Reaching out towards the horde of fleeing customers, his arm snagged a pretty blonde. She screamed as her back slammed against the table's surface, plates clattering to the floor. "LET ME GO!" She struggled against Lelouch's grip. Lelouch and CC's eyes flashed red, their hunger seeping into their wicked smiles. The girl's screams became increasingly hysterical and desperate, begging for help, but no help arrived. At this point, every person cared only to save themselves from the unfolding carnage, fleeing from the Black Night soldiers who filled any person they saw with led.

Lelouch tore apart the woman's dress, tatters clinging onto her quivering body. The woman begged for mercy, tears streaming from her eyes. Lelouch licked his lips. "Bon appétit, mon amour."

The blonde woman shrieked as Lelouch and CC's fangs sank into her.

"How come CC gets to hog Lelouch all to herself?" Shirley pouted. From the mountaintop, she looked through her binoculars at Area 51, the classified military base alive with activity. A large convoy exited the Area 51 base as the vampiric redhead put the binoculars down.

"Because Lelouch wants us to deal with Area 51." Kallen reminded the unhappy Shirley.

"But, I want to have dinner with Lelouch, too." The orange-haired vampire whined, her eyebrows cutely scrunched.

"So, do I, Shirley! Now, stop whining! Lelouch trusts that we will complete this mission without any problems." Kallen snapped, her ears eagerly waiting for her radio to come to life.

"I am not whi—" Shirley started but never finished because the radio buzzed to life.

"Mistress Kozuki, come in." A feminine voice called.

Jumping from her chair, Kallen brought the radio to her ear. "Are you in position, Sayoko?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Do it." Kallen ordered. The Area 51 base suddenly went dark. Kallen rose, her blue eyes glowing in the darkness. "Move out." She ordered into her radio. Several groups of armored vehicles drove over the mountaintop and down towards the crippled compound, the night sky erupting into a cacophony of gunfire. Kallen and Shirley boarded their command vehicle and followed.

The bustle of the command room suddenly was silenced, the phones muted, the screens dead.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Secretary Smith boomed.

"We don't know, sir! It appears we have lost power!"

"Then, get the emergency generators running!"

"Negative, sir! The generators are not coming online!"

The facility suddenly shook, knocking the secretary to the ground. An Area 51 agent burst into the command room.

"Sir!" He shouted, his forehead bleeding. "We're under attack! It's Black Night! They have breached the facility! There are hundreds of them, possibly thousands, sir!"

As Richard helped Secretary Smith from the floor, the secretary cursed. Pulling out his cellphone, he swiftly punched the screen a few time. His heartbeat increased as the ringing continued. Finally, it was picked up.

"What is it, John? I am already aware of a developing situation in New York."

"It's not that, Mr. President. Our facility is under attack, and I fear we will not make it out alive. Do not worry about us, Mr. President. We will fight to the last man. Focus on saving New York."

There was brief silence. "Do you need anything from me, John?" The President's tone was soft and comforting.

"Tell my wife and children that I love them, sir."

"Of course, John. I wish you the best of luck, and godspeed." The line went dead, the tone monotonous and unending.

Putting down the phone, the secretary looked upon the frightened faces of some and the determined faces of others. His mouth opened to address them all. "We are under attack at this very moment by vampiric forces. However, we are the finest that our country has to offer, sworn to defend her from evils incomprehensible to the common man. So, we will not go down without a fight! I, Secretary Smith, hereby issue my final order. Fight! Fight till your last breath for your families and for yourselves!"

A roar answered him. As his subordinates prepared to fight to the bitter end, the secretary appeared to age a decade as he turned to Richard. "Richard," he started, "gather as many explosives as you can in this room."

Richard gravely nodded.

Pouring rain drenched the windows of a dark bedroom. The bed creaked as a curvaceous woman with messy pink hair got up. The man still in the bed groaned, green eyes slowly opening. He shifted and watched the love of his life standing in the doorway.

"Is something wrong, Euphemia?" The brown-haired man yawned, his arm stretching towards the ceiling. The pink angel admired the toned physique of her lover before her face broke into a burning blush.

"It-it's nothing, Suzaku. Just a bit thirsty." Euphemia shyly informed Suzaku. Suzaku listened to her soft footsteps as she descended down to the kitchen. He fell back into the comfy depths of their shared bed. He was a lucky bastard. He never thought that he would be able to get the angelic Euphemia. She was the epitome of perfection itself. Her cute soft smile, her infectious joy that brightened the room, and her unbelievably kind heart were aspects that he loved. She had accepted and loved him, all of him, including the monstrous parts of him. However, the sound of glass shattering snapped Suzaku out of his thoughts.

Slowly leaving the bed, Suzaku approached the dark stairway. "Euphemia?" He called down to her. He got no answer. Holding onto the stairway's railing, he descended a step before calling to his girlfriend once more. "Euphemia?"

This time he heard something, but it didn't sound like Euphemia's harmonious voice. He heard something like a gurgle or a deep moan. Suddenly, a hunched silhouette came into his narrow field of view. It looked like Euphemia, but was it her?

"Euphemia?" He asked again as he turned on the stairway's lights. What he saw made his heart stop. The hunched figure was indeed, Euphemia, but it wasn't his Euphemia. The Euphemia before was sickly, grotesque even. Her lively rosy skin was now a dull grey, sweet lips replaced by dead crusty ones. Her previously shapely figure was a thin drained body. Her bright pink hair was paler. No longer did merry bluish violet eyes lock with his vivid green, instead pale orange eyes stared hollowly at him. This Euphemia moaned, her foot taking a step towards Suzaku.

Suzaku stared at the ghoul that was his perfect girlfriend, his shining light in the world, just minutes before. Now, that same girlfriend was changed into the complete opposite, an undead creature serving a darker power. Yet, he couldn't comprehend it. Tears brimming, the devastated young adult fell flat on his rear as the zombie-like monster stumbled up the stairs to him.

"No. No. No." He whispered to himself, his lips quivering. "No. Not you, Euphemia. Not you! NOT YOU!" The undead creature's arms reached towards its prey, blood dripping from its foul lips. "EUPHEMIA!" Suzaku screamed, launching himself at his long dead girlfriend. Silver fur grew out of his arms, his fingers morphing into long silver claws.

Schlick! Falling to his knees, Suzaku cried his immortal heart out, his grief-stricken wailing echoing throughout his, no… THEIR apartment. His entire being was coated in ashes, Euphemia's ashes. Staggering onto his feet, Suzaku numbly leaned against a wall, his sorrow shaking his very soul. Through the swirling grief, Suzaku knew what he had to do. Kill. Kill the thing that ruined Euphemia's life. Wiping away his tears, Suzaku entered the kitchen where he found a shattered glass, Euphemia's glass. He somberly cleaned up their kitchen after flicking on the television. It was chaos. New York City was turning to a hell. While the apocalyptic reports played, Suzaku respectfully removed Euphemia's ashes from his clothes and put them in a tiny bottle, a bottle that he would carry throughout his crusade. The light of flames and the sound of screams reached the apartment's windows. The solemn Suzaku dressed himself in a long turquoise hoody that almost reached the floor, a khaki-brown t-shirt, and a pair of worn jeans. Snatching his keys off the kitchen counter, Suzaku opened the door. A car flew down the wet street before exploding, apartment windows shattering from the shockwave, car alarms echoing. Sticking his head out the doorway, his sharp green eyes spotted a six-meter-tall monster stomping down the street. Behind the towering creature were several heavily armed men dressed in black who were shooting any person they saw. Suzaku felt his resolve harden.

He took a deep breath and stepped through the doorway. "Goodbye" He softly said into the empty apartment that he shared with Euphemia, an innocent kind soul. Closing and locking the door, Suzaku left behind his old life, a most fabulous dream he would have shared with the love of his life. At this moment, Suzaku would become a monster, a monster that would avenge her. He would make whatever demon that took Euphemia pay. And, with that, he descended the front steps.

He took one last look at their apartment, and smiled softly. Clutching the bottle containing her ashes, Suzaku brought it up to his lips and lovingly whispered, "I love you." He kissed the cold bottle and stepped into the wet street. Red vampiric eyes locked onto the lone figure standing in the middle of the street, the heavy cold rain soaking the young man to the bone.

"Is that all of it?" Speza asked after dumping the last package's contents into the plant's pools of filtered water.

"Yes, sir." Several voices answered.

One young male voice piped up. "Do you really think the drug will turn whoever consumes it into a ghoul, sir?" He tipped his head towards the empty boxes piled beside the water pool.

Speza wiped her forehead with her arm. "How would I know? I'm just a soldier. If Lloyd says it works, it must work, and I'm not about ready to question him."

The soldier nodded his head.

"Hey, Spezy." A smooth voice called from her radio.

"What, Emile!?" Speza wanted to kill the lazy bastard for giving her such a ridiculous nickname.

"We got company."

"We're on our way. What kind of company are we talking about?" Speza motioned for the men to follow her as they made their way to the plant's perimeter.

"Um. A whole bunch of cops."

"That's no problem."

"And some Area 51 agents."

"God damn it, Emile!"

Red eyes watched the couple gracefully fly across the makeshift ballroom. From the sidelines, cloaked in darkness, vampires dined on the dead customers while others watched the chaos unfolding in the streets below. An untouched single glittering chandelier hung from the restaurant's ceiling, the only light source in the eerie establishment. A classical tune played over the rumble of thunder as the couple glided across the bloodstained floor, their heels making resounding cracks in the chilly air.

Gottwald proudly watched the skillful moves of his master and mistress, his analytical eyes searching for any imperfection but finding none. A tap on his shoulder shook him out of his worship. The offending soldier squeaked when Gottwald's zealous orange eyes turned to her.

"S-sir, we-we ha-have a p-problem." She managed to stutter out, Gottwald towering over her.

"What kind of problem, soldier?" The soldier felt a drop of sweat trickle down her chin.

"We-we h-have l-lost con-contact wit-with Seal Team."

Gottwald frowned. "Could it be communication failure?"

"No s-sir!" She stammered. "Their la-last transmission w-was a re-request for assis-assistance."

A request for assistance!? What kind of tomfoolery was this? How could Seal Team go down? They had a Knightmare with them for God's sake, and each team member was trained personally by himself, Jeremiah Gottwald! It couldn't be Area 51 agents since they were occupied at the center of the city. So, who or what took Seal Team down?

Gottwald's orange eyes returned to the soldier when he heard more radio chatter coming from her headphones. She shrunk back from him.

"Well!? What is it now!?" Gottwald demanded at a hushed whisper, hoping he wouldn't catch the attention of his master.

"We l-lost Gig-Gigna Te-team."

What the fuck!? Gottwald's eyes nervously turned to the dancing Lelouch and CC, the classical music still playing. His eyes trained on their brilliant smiles. No, he couldn't ruin their beautiful night. He would handle this problem himself! He was Jeremiah Gottwald!

Just as he was about to march off, a cheerful voice stopped him in his tracks. "What's this I'm hearing about losing teams?" Gottwald gulped before turning. Lelouch smiled, CC clinging onto his arm.

"It's nothing, my lord! I can—"

"I said… what's this I'm hearing about losing teams." Surrendering, Gottwald relayed the information to Lelouch who grew a light smile. Turning to the beauty in his arms, he asked. "How do you feel about a stroll through the rain, CC?"

"Why not?" CC tightened her grip on Lelouch's arm.

"Well? You heard the lady! Let's go, Gottwald." Lelouch with CC in hand marched towards the broken windows.

"Of course, my lord." Gottwald managed to say before following, sweat dropping. Several Black Night soldiers tailed their commander. Gottwald opened an umbrella, shielding his two objects of loyalty from the pouring rain. The trio leapt in sync onto the rooftop of a nearby building while Black Night soldiers followed. Lighting flashed, illuminating their soaring figures.

"WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR!?" Suzaku growled, his furry muscular hand gripping her collar. Water dripped from the edges of his hoody, which obscured his face, but the soldier dressed in black clearly saw predatory green eyes burning with incensed eldritch fire. She scoffed at his efforts to intimidate her. There was no way that she would submit to this creature even though he was quite cute when he was angry. She was trained against such tactics anyway by Commander Gottwald. He furiously shook her, rattling her bones. "ANSWER ME!"

She huffed and turned her head away. She heard a low snarl rumble from Suzaku's throat. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" The Black Night operative refused to respond. "Don't make me do to you what I did to your comrades." Suzaku said threateningly, his free hand pointing at the vampire corpses scattered around them.

No response, so Suzaku resorted to force. The soldier struggled in his grasp as Suzaku tightened his grip around her throat. Her hanging body flailed around, her empty breaths shallow and rapid, her eyes almost popping out. Then, she evaporated into dark shadows. Suzaku watched as the darkness travelled up a nearby building. On the rooftop, the shadows reformed into the soldier who was in his grasp moments before. Suzaku's eyes narrowed at the several figures on the roof before feeling the gazes of many falling onto him. Scanning around, he saw groups of red eyes on top of other buildings; he was surrounded.

His attention returned to the initial group he saw as a single domineering figure began to clap slowly, the sharp sound cutting through the silent but burning street. "A werewolf!" The tall lean figure exclaimed. "How excellent! I haven't seen one since I awoke."

Suzaku frowned, not interested in this vampire's games. "Who are you?"

"Ah, forgive my rudeness. Lelouch vi Britannia at your service." The figure hidden against the night sky gave a dramatic bow. Suzaku barely made out his outline against the city burning behind Lelouch.

"Suzaku Kururugi." The brown-haired man replied in turn, raindrops hitting his stoic face. "I have a question for you?"

"And what would that be?"

"Did you kill, her?"

"Who?" Lelouch leaned forward, his ear turned towards the werewolf. "You must clarify, Mr. Kururugi. I can't remember everyone that I killed."

Suzaku lowered his gaze, his brown locks hiding his darkened green eyes. "Did you turn these people to ghouls?"

The vampire raised his eyebrow. "And, if I did?"

"I'll kill you and anyone that gets in my way." Suzaku stated as he got into a fighting stance. Destructive amethyst eyes met determined green ones. Lightning flashed a moment, which allowed Suzaku to catch a glimpse of the vampire named Lelouch. The raven-haired vampire wore a heavy black trench coat with gold trimming and buttons. Underneath the coat, he saw black pants and dress shoes.

"Say. What was the name of your dead lover, again?" Lelouch walked to the edge of the rooftop, the front of his shoes over the ledge.

"You don't deserve to know her name, you bastard! You took her away from me, and, now, I'll end you." Suzaku shouted, tears beginning to form.

Lelouch frowned. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice, Mr. Kururugi." On cue, the sounds of guns cocking reached Suzaku's ears. The whirl of M134 Miniguns joined in.

Suzaku really had no choice. "Euphemia." He answered through clenched teeth.

"Full name." Lelouch ordered.

"Euphemia li Britannia!" Suzaku shouted through his tears. "There! What else do you want!?"

He paused. Lelouch's eyes appeared calculating before a sinister grin spread across his face. "What if I said I can bring Euphemia back?"

"What?" Suzaku stared at the towering Lelouch with shock, his tears stopping momentarily. They can be reunited!?

"Yes." Lelouch nodded. "But, at a price."

"What price!?" Suzaku impatiently demanded, hope in his wide green eyes.

"Join me, Suzaku. Join me, and Euphemia will be returned to you. Once you have helped me create a new world, you will be free to live your life with Euphemia in peace for eternity."

Suzaku's mouth opened like he was about to accept, but no voice came out. Would Euphemia really want this? No, she wouldn't. She wouldn't want him to help Lelouch for her sake because she would care more for the innocent lives taken than the ambitions of some deranged monster.

Meanwhile, Lelouch patiently waited for Suzaku's acceptance. A vulnerable werewolf would be susceptible to such an irresistible offer. But when he heard Suzaku's answer, he paused. "What did you say, Mr. Kururugi?"

"I said, no. I refuse your offer." Suzaku's hand clasped around the bottle of Euphemia's ashes. "She would never want to return under such circumstances. She would rather stay dead than live in a world built on top of the death of innocent millions. She would want me to end the mindless bloodshed by killing you." Suzaku's declaration rang in Lelouch's ears as the werewolf resumed a fighting stance. For a moment, only the rumble of thunder, the patter of rain, and the burning city could be heard.

Nervous red eyes turned to the furious Lelouch, whose vampiric aura leaked dark intent. CC herself shivered from its cold burning touch.

"My lord, I will deal—" Gottwald stepped forward.

"No, you won't, Jeremiah!" Lelouch ordered, stopping the loyal vampire. "I'll deal with this ingrate myself." Lelouch tossed his heavy trench coat to Gottwald who quickly caught it. Underneath, Lelouch wore a dry-fitting sleeveless turtleneck, which displayed his developed upper body and abdomen. The rain dripped from Lelouch's chin.

Stepping over the building's edge, Lelouch plummeted down towards the street level. The vampire crashed into a car, effortlessly crushing it and emerging from the growing fire unharmed. Stepping off the dented car's roof, Lelouch's dress shoes stepped through puddles. Finally, Lelouch stopped a few meters away from the werewolf Suzaku.

Raising his fists, Lelouch said, "I'll teach you a lesson you will never forget, Suzaku. Never pass a generous offer!" Lelouch lunged at Suzaku and performed a roundhouse kick. Their legs collided with a crack, the rain parting from the hard impact.

Green eyes fired up, the adrenaline rushing through his blood. "I'd like to see you try." Suzaku retorted. Lelouch merely grinned.

A/N: I wrote Chapter 3 of Fourth because it's more popular than Changed Game. Moreover, I am suffering from writer's block for Changed Game. The important Author Note ends here as I begin a sort of behind the scenes for this chapter because it was so long. It took over 30 hours of writing and editing to produce this chapter.

This chapter was my first every lemon, and I had to read a lot of lemons to produce something I found satisfactory, which sounds really wrong no matter how I put it. The lemon was difficult because I had to meet a few requirements. I had to show that Lelouch was stronger than CC and introduce Geass into the story. I hope it panned out well, but I find the Lance part really awkward.

I haven't totally flushed out the capabilities of Geass yet. I think I'll have it be the highest stage in a vampire's development. It will be limited by time and the mental/physical strength of its victims. I still don't know how to deal with Geass powers.

I know this story's Knightmares aren't exactly mech Knightmares, but I had to think of some way to make the mech Knightmares fit the themes of this story. I came up with this drug-infused vampires. They were inspired by Resident Evil's Tyrants.

I don't like creating OC's because they require a lot of work. You need to develop every single aspect about them: personality, likes, dislikes, and physical features.

The Area 51 OC's did not get deep descriptions because I left it up to the reader to form his/her own image. I hope actions and diction can help readers mold the OC's physical appearance into their liking. Unfortunately, my current plan is to use OC's when I need to and immediately kill them off or no longer mention them when they are no longer needed.

The Vega Team OC's were fun to play with but I can't promise a reappearance of them as they were only needed for the delivery of the ghoul-turning drug. They may survive or die at the hands of Area 51 agents. Who knows? I certainly don't at the moment.

The restaurant scene was very fun to write. I initially planned to have the Black Night soldiers just barge into the restaurant, but the idea of them coming through the elevator popped into my head while writing. I do have a thing for the theatrics. I also came up with Lelouch just randomly grabbing a fleeing customer for dinner while writing the scene.

Ah, Euphemia, what a nice character… I think. I originally planned to have Suzaku in the story. I can't remember if the werewolf Suzaku idea was mine or that anonymous reviewer's, but thanks to the anonymous review, Gen. Morrison, nonetheless. I originally planned for Euphemia to just be a blessed nun that Suzaku bumps into and falls in love with, but then the ghoul Euphemia idea came up. Killing off such an important character as soon as I add her is extremely risky, but it pays homage to canon Code Geass. Euphemia's death gives Suzaku reason to oppose Lelouch, and it's just a great image in my head, it's a classic. Their perfect life is suddenly interrupted by evil forces, and, now, Suzaku must get revenge.

I hope you appreciated these insights into my thinking. Thanks again for the amazing support.