Guess who's back and still a piece of garbage! It's ya girl with a new chapter that hopefully, you like. Quarantine is a beef

"So you already told Eddie then," Eloisa asked putting her phone on speaker and setting it aside as she continued folding her clothes, "FYI, you can't lie to me Barry," she added on knowing he was going to give her some lie, "from another world? Where I have seen this show about 50 times? Any of that rings a bell," she teased hearing him sigh from the other end.

"You watched my show 50 times?" Barry asked a grin growing on his face while Eloisa rolled her eyes regretting telling him that, "but yeah, it took him a while to fully process things and after a lot of convincing from both Joe and me, we got him to keep this from Iris."

"Well that's a good thing then," she tried to reason, "that means you and Joe get more help with crimes now that Eddie isn't trying to get you captured," she offered knowing he had already stopped three robberies and indecent exposure.

"We stopped three robberies and indecent exposure," he proudly said, rambling on about the details, making Eloisa smile hearing how proud he felt. He hadn't been having the best of days later, with everything that has happened so far, and it has been putting some stress on him. With Eddie now helping them out, the stress of stopping crimes eased up on him a bit, "which you already knew about didn't you?"

"Yeah, but I had a feeling you were dying to tell someone about it so," she shrugged, putting the last bit of her laundry away, "so here I am."

"Well thank you for being there," Barry said grateful, "don't you have to open up Jitters tomorrow?" Barry asked as Eloisa let out a yawn grabbing her phone

"I switched shifts with someone so they open for me tomorrow and I close for them the week after so no need to wake up at 4 in the morning," she yawned out, turning her lights off and hopping into her bed.

"So sleeping in until noon," he joked as she let out a small laugh.

"Our normal deal for tomorrow morning," Eloisa asked, feeling her eyes get heavy with sleep.

"Iced coffee with six pumps of caramel with cream, a medium easy on the ice," he said having memorized the way she liked her iced coffee.

"Memorized my order already," Eloisa said, impressed, "and you've only gotten my coffee five times."

"Not that hard to remember actually, but I can tell you're falling asleep so I'll you go I goodnight," Barry said, quickly hanging up before she could interject. Smiling, she put her phone to charge before snuggling into her bed slowly falling asleep.

"Three weeks," Caitlin said typing away on her tablet moving from screen to screen as Eloisa laid on the bed ready for whatever test was next. She had gotten used to all the tests. moving from screen to screen as Eloisa laid on the bed ready for whatever test was next. She had gotten used to all the tests.

"You have been here for three weeks and we've discovered three, THREE, powers," Cisco excitedly said walking over to Eloisa a huge smile plastered on his face. "And there's still a chance you could have even more powers."

"How is the memory coming along? Remembering anything from your world?" Caitlin innocently asked, removing the wires attached to her.

"Honestly, a few things here and there," she told her sitting up, "memories of my family, my mom, and dad. I have a younger brother," she said looking down at her hands, "more memories of here actually," she said looking up at Caitlin who was giving her undivided attention, "they feel like memories of mine," she tried to explain, "as if I had taken part in them and I'm not talking about things that have happened already I'm talking about things that will happen. I remember being in those things," she said with a confused look on her face looking up at Caitlin hopefully with an answer to that.

"I think our world is slowly making you a permanent part of it," Dr. Wells said, rolling closer to her as she felt a weird pang start in her heart. "The progress is unclear for now but it is possible from what you just said."

"I'm getting sucked into this world," she mumbled running a hand through her starting to feel stressed.

"In a sense yes," Dr. Wells said, "keep in mind this is still completely new to us as much as it is to you. We still have some way to go before we can fully understand all of this."

"I'm not going home, will I?" Eloisa weakly asked.

"We're getting you home," Barry stated, walking into the room, "I promise you we are one way or another," he finished, as she gave me a small nod, getting off the bed.

"Any new metahumans or anything," Eloisa asked, trying to get the attention away from her and on to something new and less depressing.

"Right!" Caitlin said, changing the screen on her tablet walking to the main cortex room, "Death by apitoxin."

"Honeybee venom," Eloisa clarified, as she walked behind everyone else, rubbing her chest where she had felt the pain from before slowly increasing at an annoying rate.

"Bees," Cisco said, irked seeing that the new 'metahuman' was involved with his long time hatred of bees. "Why did it have to be bees?" he exasperated looking at the close up of a bee on the screen, "Y'all I don't do bees. Ain't nobody got time for bees," he said.

"Wait," Eloisa quipped up remembering something I had seen on the discovery channel about bees, "when a honeybee stings aren't their stingers torn from their abdomen and die when they sting someone."

"They do," Barry confirmed, "but there were no stingers in the body and no dead bees in the car"

"A honeybee can only deposit point one milligrams of apitoxin," Caitlin added, "when it releases its stinger."

"Ms. Kang was found," Dr. Wells started pulling up her picture on the monitor as Barry nudged Eloisa handing her an iced coffee with a nod and a smile before moving back to his original spot since everyone's attention was focused on Dr. Well's explanation.

"Wanna get a beekeeper suit together Cisco?" Eloisa teased, taking a sip of her coffee Cisco sending her a glare while Eloisa scrunched up her nose at him smiling.

"Pretty sure I can outrun a bee," Barry said nonchalantly.

"Just don't run into a lake," a voice pipped up gaining everyone's attention.

"Felicity," Eloisa whispered in awe, she was a huge fan of the quirky girl and secretly had wished her and Barry had ended up together. They would have had a very adorable relationship and maybe even Iris would have approved.

"Bees will wait for you to come up for air," Felicity continued, "and then they'll sting you. "Discovery Channel turns out there's a lot to discover," she finished off as everyone gave her surprised looks.

"Felicity, what are you doing here?" Barry asked her as she motioned for them to follow her outside.

"I know who's out there," Eloisa excitedly said running ahead of everyone, "it's the DC version of Iron Man," she yelled, Felicity giving Barry a questioning look.

"Later," he told her softly patting her back as they all headed outside to see Felicity's new boyfriend Ray aka The Atom.

"So, she all caught up then," Eloisa asked, practically jumping in her seat looking from Barry to Felicity.

"She is yes," Barry informed her making her squeal in excitement.

"And you've processed all that information then?" Eloisa asked Felicity eager to release her inner fangirl.

"For the most part, not the easiest thing to handle," Felicity said taking a sip of her cappuccino.

"Can I?" Eloisa asked Barry, who simply nodded seeing she was holding in her excitement.

"Can she what?" Felicity cautiously asked before being attacked with a hug.

"You're Felicity Smoak!" Eloisa exclaimed, "the Felicity Smoak! One of the smartest, cutest, quirkiest and sexiest characters I have laid eyes on and I love you," Eloisa said all in one breath still holding on to the shocked blonde.

"Uh, thank you," she said unsure on how to respond to all that was said to her, "I've never had a fan before," she happily said as Eloisa let her go sitting back on her stool. "I kinda like it."

"Barry, hey," Eddie said in a stressed tone of voice looking between Eloisa and Felicity.

Eloisa gave Eddie a quick 'hey' and nod of the head before letting the three of them have their conversation. She, on the other hand, was trying to recall the rest of the episode she was currently in. She should probably write down everything she remembers but at the same time with certain people around that could cause a lot more problems. She could help Caitlin and Dr. Wells with this. She was smart but she was not helping fix up a billion-dollar suit type of smart. She was starting to feel useless.

"Eloisa can be your plus one/" Felicity suggested snapping Eloisa out of her thoughts, "Right?" she asked Eloisa who looked at her with a confused look before quickly realizing what the question was about.

"I'll buy a dress!" Eloisa said smiling, as Barry got ready to tell her that he didn't mind going alone, "It would be an honor to be your plus one Barry, plus free food," she shrugged.

"You died, literally less than an hour ago, and a quick text was too much for you to send," Eloisa angry voice startled Barry, "great being friends with you Mr. Allen," she said slapping him on the back.

"S-Sorry," Barry stuttered getting a full look at what she was wearing. A simple black dress, a tight simple black dress that showed off everything. She looked, in a few words, in one word actually, breathtaking.

"You're drooling," she snapped giving him a quick once over.

"You look amazing," Barry quickly said rubbing his hands nervously.

"Compliments will only get you so far Mr. Allen," Eloisa stated strutting away to where they were being seated a sense of pride washed over her seeing that she was able to get that type of reaction out of Barry.

"So, me and Cisco are getting beekeeper suits," Eloisa said looking at all the evidence he had on Dr. Well on his board. "That close to death experience put him there," she said moving closer to the board.

"We're going to tell," Barry started saying, Joe walking in giving Eloisa a quick nod hello.

"Y'know Detective West," Eloisa interrupted Barry running her fingers over the red yarn, "Barry looks outstanding in a suit, and I think that's what impresses the ladies."

"Oh, really?" Joe asked leaning against the windowsill.

"Eloisa," Barry started again, he wanted to explain what he was going to do. It wasn't an easy thing and he wanted her there even though he knew what he was already going to say.

"I know already," she sighed, "I know all of it and I'm sorry I can't even help in answering yes and no questions to all of this," she motioned to the board.

"Who's ready for Karaoke?" Cisco sang as he and Catlin walked in smiling faces which slowly vanished as they read the room.

"We're not going karaoke tonight guys," Eloisa sadly said.

"This," Barry motioned to the board, "is everything we know about my mother's death and the Reverse-Flash," he said looking over the board before glancing at his friends, "I've been gathering information on him for a long time and this is everything we know about Dr. Wells," he finished pulling down the slide that showed all the clippings.

"What do Dr. Wells and The Reverse-Flash have to do with each other?" a confused Caitlin asked while Cisco slowly started to piece things together.

"Cisco?" Eloisa tried to coax him into speaking up, "Say something."

"I've been having these dreams," he started, "mostly at night, sometimes during the day."

"They don't feel like dreams do they," Eloisa asked, rubbing her chest where she had felt that surges of pain lately, her heart.

"They feel real," Cisco answered,

"What happens in the dreams?" Barry asked.

"Dr. Wells is The Reverse-Flash," he answered before turning his gaze at Eloisa with everyone else following suit, "and he kills you."