Dawn was breaking over the island and Thomas was beaming over finally discovering the treasure with Marion and the diggers.

Meanwhile, Gordon, Henry and Emily were at Knapford Station, and Gordon was waiting for Percy to bring him his coaches. He was still boasting about "silly little tank engines," much to Emily's chagrin…but soon, he would receive his own comeuppance. Percy arrived with the coaches and just before Emily could start scolding her former enemy…

"GORDON THE NUMBER 4 ENGINE!" Gordon knew that voice and began shaking with petrified fear. He had been found out by the Fat Controller. Emily smirked with satisfaction and Percy scurried away as the Fat Controller stormed onto the platform, red as James…

"You despicable LIAR! Emily told me what truly happened here...I thought you would have learned to respect all of us equally after Thomas saved Emily all those years ago, but I was wrong! I am impossibly disgusted by you! How DARE you get Thomas sent away for YOUR actions!" he bellowed.

Despite his fear, Gordon tried to talk his way out. "Sir, Thomas ruined the express and-"

"NOT ANOTHER WORD!" roared the Fat Controller. "You, Gordon, have broken your word and made one of my engines suffer yet again, just like James did with Percy and the 'scrap monster'! I will keep my word from when Emily was still suffering…for deceiving me and Thomas again, you will stay at the smelters, watching scrap be melted down until this evening for tonight's express...should you attempt to leave that smelters before I come for you, I will lock you in the shed for the season! AM I UNDERSTOOD?!" His voice seemed to shake the whole station.

Gordon felt as though the water in his boiler turned to ice. He barely whispered. "Yes sir." Henry merely stood still and speechless. Then the Fat Controller turned to Sodor's angel. "Emily, you'll have to take the express today."

"With pleasure, sir," said Emily. Now she could truly prove she was as good as Gordon. This time, she waited for the brake coach to be coupled on. The guard's whistle blew and she huffed out of the station, chuckling at Gordon's defeat.

"Henry, before you head up to the docks, get this abomination of the railway out of my sight!" the Fat Controller grouched.

"Yes sir," said Henry. He coupled to Gordon with a stern bump, then roughly jerked out of the station. After Henry left Gordon at the smelters, he couldn't help but say to himself, "Galloping sausage," as he went to collect his train from the docks, leaving Gordon to shudder with horror at the showering sparks from the claw above him.

On his way to the docks, Henry passed Emily. She had remembered this time to stop for water and the coaches were full with Bertie's passengers. Henry winked at her, making her smile. She had saved Thomas, and now she was pulling Gordon's express…the right way. She was making good time thanks to her patience and going smoothly and gently with her passengers. She had a wonderful time.

Back at Knapford, the Fat Controller heard a ring from his office. "Oh, bother that telephone!" he grumbled. When he answered it, it was the Harwick Manager. The Fat Controller listened…then in just half an hour, he was at Harwick.

"Thomas!" he exclaimed. "My goodness! What on Earth did you discover?"

"But sir, I didn't find it," said Thomas, with honesty. Then he laughed. "Marion already dug this pirate treasure up. Dropped it on me by mistake." Marion merely blushed as Thomas gave her a wink. Workmen picked the gold coins and the jewels off Thomas, and returned it to the chest.

"Pirate treasure!" beamed the Fat Controller. "This will make a splendid addition to the museum!" While the Fat Controller thanked Marion, Ryan and Thomas were on their separate ways for more dynamite and the dump.

"See you later!" whistled Ryan. But Thomas didn't reply…he frowned to himself, remembering Sailor John's warning not to think that was the end…and he began to wonder if that was the treasure Sailor John was trying to find.

At the coastal cliffs, a storm was slowly gathering and Thomas was still lost in thought, until he heard a whistle and shout. "Henry?" he called. "The Lost Pirate!" exclaimed Henry. Sure enough, Thomas saw an anchor, and just in front of it was Sailor John and Skiff.

"Where's my Treasure?!" demanded the pirate. "The Fat Controller has it," explained Thomas. "He's giving it to the museum."

Sailor John was cross. "MUSEUM?! WHAT museum?! I haven't been searching all this time to see the treasure end up in a museum! It's for me!"

"But you always said we were going to give it to the museum!" said a confused and worried Skiff. Sailor John only growled stepped on his bow.

"Get my treasure back, Thomas!" he roared. "No, Sailor John," refused Thomas. "That treasure didn't belong to you, and it didn't belong to the pirates. It was stolen! So it's going to the museum, and that's the end of it!" With that, he began to approach the sailboat.

"I will not be pushed aside," Sailor John said stubbornly. "Hold firm, Skiff!" But Thomas simply shunted Skiff into the siding, knocking Sailor John off his feet. "Sorry, Thomas!" called Skiff. Thomas trusted Skiff and felt pity for him being under control of such a man. As he went on his way, he could hear the pirate complaining.


Thomas took the trucks to the dump. He passed through Knapford Station on his way back. Thomas felt wonderful to be at his home station once again. Despite his thrill to be home though, something caught his attention. The Fat Controller was in his office on the phone. He was speaking to the manager of the museum about the treasure while holding a coin beside the open chest. Thomas listened in to whatever he could hear. He managed to hear the Fat Controller say,

"Is that right? 16th Century? How incredible…Oh, I see. Well, I can keep it locked up in the safe here overnight. It should be safe in the safe, after all."

Thomas couldn't stop worrying. Would the treasure be safe in the Fat Controller's office overnight? As he went along the line, he kept thinking about Sailor John and the treasure. After a while, he saw the Fat Controller at a level crossing.

"Sir?" Thomas called as he stopped. "Hello, Thomas. You look nervous…What's the problem?" said the Fat Controller.

"I'm not sure the treasure will be safe at the station," said Thomas.

"Oh? Why do you think that? A safe is very protective and practically unbreakable."

"Sir…I've seen Sailor John." The Fat Controller's heart jumped. "You have? When and where? Thomas, tell me everything."

And this is what Thomas told him…

"I think Sailor John is a dangerous man. When I returned from the Steamworks after my cavern accident, that night, I saw him in a white sailboat named Skiff. I told him about the ship. He told me that made him a friend of mine. He invited me to help uncover the treasure. So I lowered him down the cavern and he found a treasure map. We searched all night, but then he told me to escort him to the harbour before daybreak. All he said was that he forgot a shovel…"

The Fat Controller had heard of Sailor John's former involvement in the Navy and knew what Thomas meant. "I know why he leaves at daybreak, Thomas. He's a retired Navy member. He's sure to be avoiding the police. When else did you see him?"

Thomas told him: "Only last night, after Emily brought be back to Harwick, I met him again. This time, he had the shovel. We followed the map's instructions but when we reached 'X marks the spot,' the treasure wasn't there. He believed that I beat him to it…although Marion dug it up last evening. He told me not to think that was the end. That's when I began to get suspicious of him."

The Fat Controller grew concerned. "Thomas, he must be up to something. Do you have any more to tell?"

"One more thing…just before I arrived at Knapford…" said Thomas.

"While I was heading to the dump today, I passed Henry at the coastal cliffs. I found Sailor John again and told him about the treasure going to the museum. He demanded me to get it back, but I refused, telling him the treasure was stolen and was going to the museum one way or another."

"Thomas," said the Fat Controller. "I'm very grateful that you refused to obey that pirate's command."

"He still might try to get the treasure, sir," worried Thomas. "Would it help if I keep watch at the station tonight?"

The Fat Controller wasn't sure. "I almost lost you after you tried to run away, Thomas. I would rather not risk you against such a dangerously determined man…but if you're determined to protect the treasure and keep that pirate at bay, I will not stop you. If you see him again, whatever happens, you must be careful."

"Yes, sir," said Thomas. "Even if he does get the treasure, I'll make sure he doesn't go unpunished." The Fat Controller smiled. "Thank you, Thomas. Why don't you go make amends with Ryan? He wants to be your friend."

"Of course…Goodbye, sir," said Thomas as he went on his way, with a full mind. He wondered what would happen if the treasure was lost, or what that pirate would do. Back at Harwick, he arranged a small train of stone and brought it to one of the sheds.

"Hello, Thomas," said a voice. Thomas looked to his right. "Oh, hello, Ryan."

"Thank you for helping me with the burning dynamite. What you did was so brave." Then remembering his panic, Ryan spoke apologetically. "I'm sorry if I got you in trouble again."

Although his punishment was completely unjustified, Thomas couldn't help but apologize a little too. "But I'm the one who should be saying sorry. I should have warned you about the bad coal."

"Oh, come on now," Ryan joked. "Look, why don't you sleep in the shed tonight, Thomas? There really is plenty of room."

Thomas appreciated Ryan's generosity and consideration but he remembered he had a job to do. "That's alright, Ryan. I think I'll spend the night at Knapford, just in case," he said as he departed Harwick. "Oh…in case of what?" Ryan asked.

Thomas found a place behind one of the Knapford Station buildings, where he could keep watch. He looked all around and saw complete stillness. At that time, the clock read 12:10 a.m.

Later, at 2:35 a.m., two voices broke the silence. "Where are we going?"

"Keep your voice down, you'll see soon enough." It was Skiff and Sailor John. And Thomas had fallen asleep, not hearing the quiet sneaking in. Sailor John anchored Skiff at the platform and climbed off. Suddenly, he heard the sound of an engine. Henry was coming through with the Flying Kipper. As he passed through the station, Sailor John had hidden by posing in front of an Arlesburgh Beach poster.

Then he came up to the Fat Controller's office and spotted the safe. Smirking with triumph, he took out a dynamite stick! An explosion and shattering glass split the air, waking Thomas up at once.

As Sailor John departed the station, Skiff was now very afraid. "It's not right! I don't want any part in this!" He protested.

"Oh, why don't you just pretend you're putting your face in the water and keep your mouth shut!" growled Sailor John as he once again stepped on Skiff's top.

"Ow!" called Skiff. "The treasure!" gasped Thomas.

"Thomas!" called Sailor John and Skiff.

"Stop!" yelled Thomas. "You'll have to catch me first!" laughed Sailor John.

"Come back!" Thomas couldn't chase them! "Oh no!" His fire had gone out and there wasn't enough steam!

Sailor John and Skiff were getting away! "HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAHHH-HA-HAAAAHH!" laughed Sailor John. His cackle echoed through the town and into the dead of night…

At Tidmouth Sheds, Edward, James, Percy and Emily were asleep. Annie and Clarabel were on the siding outside the shed. Besides Thomas on the chase and Henry's Flying Kipper run, Gordon was taking the late-night express. Three of the engines were in complete beauty-sleep, but Emily was mumbling in her dreams...

"Don't cry, Thomas…don't cry…" she mumbled. The Fat Controller may have sincerely apologized to Thomas, but she still wondered about her star. Thomas did say he could endure a night or two alone and she didn't sleep easily without him. But still, she had the other engines with her, so it wasn't all bad. Then, as she remembered defending him and having a lovely long kiss with him at the Harwick site, she began to feel relaxed again and she slept more peacefully…

Suddenly she heard a distant chugging sound…she snorted and her eyes flickered open as Henry rushed by, waking up Annie, Clarabel and the other engines. "Oh no! Oh no, he's coming! He's coming, it's-it's…the Ghost Ship!" Henry howled as he flew past the sheds and into the night. "What are you talking about Henry?" Emily called sleepily after him. Edward, James and Percy were utterly confused and went back to sleep. Then Emily saw Skiff sailing past with a cackling Sailor John on board. She was very confused indeed.

"I'm having a very strange dream...So am I," she heard Annie and Clarabel say. Then, an all-too familiar whistle split the air, waking everyone up again. "THOMAS!" Emily joined in with Annie and Clarabel.

"Come back with that treasure!" Thomas shouted as he soared past the sheds. Then, James and Edward suddenly realized! "That's the Lost Pirate! Henry was right!" they exclaimed simultaneously. "Hurry! You can do it, Thomas!" Emily called after her love. Thomas heard Emily and went even faster after the pirate. As he rounded another bend, the signal went red.

"Oh dear, Thomas. Red light!" laughed Sailor John as Thomas soared past it and heard a deep whistle. Thomas looked ahead and saw Gordon. Gordon's mind was still clouded over his punishment earlier that day and didn't even hear Thomas shout, "Express coming through!" The signalman switched the point and the signal's bell alerted Gordon's attention. Thomas just managed to pass the switch when Gordon thundered onto the line.

"THOMAS!" he roared, but Thomas kept soaring along through the tunnel. Then at the top of the hill…

"The pirate ship!" Thomas exclaimed. At first he was confused, wondering how John could have got it from Arlesburgh to this hill…Then as he felt a considerable breeze in the air, he saw that the sails were open…it hit him! "He must be using the wind to guide the ship!" he thought.

"Superior sail power, Thomas me lad! You'll never catch me now!" He unhooked Skiff's anchor and the ship began to creak down the hill. Thomas saw Sailor John give a pirate salute and he began to tire as he climbed the hill. But he remembered.

"You can do it, Thomas!" Emily's encouragement kept ringing through him as he went as fast as his wheels would carry him.

"Whoa! Too fast! Way too fast!" wailed Skiff as the ship plummeted down the hill and round the bend.

Meanwhile, Ryan was out in the night too and was just arriving at Arlesburgh Junction. "I can't sleep. I keep wondering what Thomas was worried about. If he's in trouble, he might need my…Help!" he called as he finished his sentence, followed by Sailor John's laugh…and the ship! "Pirates!" shouted Ryan, as he started to reverse backwards. "Pirates!" said the three small engines, when they heard a familiar whistle. "That sounds like Thomas!" said Rex.

"Stop! Stop that ship! Rex, Mike, Bert!" called Thomas. "What? Those little engines?" laughed Sailor John. Rex backed up. "Quick! Give us a push!" Bert and Mike backed up too and all three said. "One, two, three!" and shunted a train of ballast off the junction onto the line!

"Huh?" said Sailor John as the ship hit the rubble, making Skiff cough and splutter ballast from his mouth.

Sailor John was now at Skiff's front. "Oh! Sink me! Huh? Oh no! We're losing power, Skiff!" One truck was caught under the ship and sparking wildly. "Ahh, you little engines!" Thomas looked up at Rex, Mike and Bert. "Never overlook a little engine!"

"That's right! Go get him Thomas!" they called back. Ryan was still reversing, trying to follow the ship.

"Faster!" shouted Sailor John. Thomas saw a long rope flailing around in the breeze. "Ryan, the rope!" called Thomas.


"Stop that ship!" The rope latched onto Ryan's right buffer and the ship started pulling him backwards. Ryan's shouts alerted Sailor John. "What?" Ryan braked hard and as he hit the buffers, the rope tightened and the ship began to tip over. At last it sprawled on its side, leaving Sailor John only with Skiff to escape in. "Ahh! No!" he shouted.

"Great job, Ryan," complimented Thomas as he continued his chase far into the night. Hours passed. Thomas' firebox was hotter than usual and his wheels ached, but despite his exhaustion he kept chasing on, remembering Emily's words all the way.

As dawn began to rise, Thomas and Skiff were speeding towards Arlesburgh.

"Skiff, stop!" commanded Thomas. "But I can't! I can't" wailed Skiff, who's wheels were now shaking along the line.

"Shiver me timbers! You never give up, do you?" growled Sailor John as he grabbed the shovel and hurled it at Thomas. The shovel spun past his wheels with a bright spark. "Skiff, drop anchor!" called Thomas.

"Here, let me drop it for you!" laughed Sailor John as he threw that at Thomas too, but that didn't stop him. "Argh! Scupper that!" cursed the pirate. Then Thomas saw him reach down again. When he stood up again, laughing, Thomas saw a roll of dynamite! He gasped and tried to keep his distance as Sailor John lit a match to the fuse.

"So long, Thomas! It's been a blast!" shouted Sailor John as Thomas shut his eyes and prepared for the end. He heard Skiff call, "Thomas LOOK OUT!" And Skiff leaned over to one side, making John lose balance and drop the dynamite as it exploded on the other side of the line. Thomas was both relieved and shocked as he felt lucky to be alive.

"Oh no! SKIFF!" Sailor John shrieked as Thomas came up again and bumped Skiff. "Sorry, Skiff, but I have to stop you somehow."

"That's OK, Thomas. Try again. Derail me," said Skiff. Suddenly, Thomas felt a whack against him. Sailor John had an oar with him. "Treachery! Mutiny! I won't stand for it" he roared. "I'll have you in the dry-docks, Skiff, and take away your sail!"

Thomas tried bumping Skiff again but it only spun him around over the points while Thomas sped off on the other line. "Oh no! Skiff!"

"Goodbye, Thomas!" sang Sailor John, laughing as he escaped. "I'll always treasure the good times we had. Come on, Skiff. We're heading for home!" As the sailboat went out of sight, Thomas lost confidence. He thought he'd fail to keep his promise to the Fat Controller. But suddenly, he looked ahead and had one last plan. He repeated what Emily said. "I can do it!" He gained speed and went for where the tracks crossed over each other. Sailor John could still see Thomas. "Huh? Faster Skiff!" he ordered.

Thomas appeared from the other side. "Here I come, Skiff!" He shouted as he bumped Skiff again, making him spin round until he was facing Thomas. At first, they exchanged a smile but then… "Oh! Cinders and ashes! No!" Thomas' driver and fireman jumped clear but Thomas slithered into the sea. A wave splashed over him and at last washed the dirt away from his number.

"Thomas!" gurgled Skiff. "You'll never catch me now!" Sailor John repeated as he began to row out to sea.

"We have to help him, Sailor John! He shouldn't be in the water!" protested Skiff.

The pirate stepped on Skiff's bow for a third time. "Sail on, Skiff! One more word of mutiny, and you'll be driftwood, mark my words!" Then a wave began swaying them around. "Whoa! Stop that!" said Sailor John. "Skiff, you're letting in water!"

"It's not me, it's the treasure! It's too heavy!" Skiff replied, and indeed, the treasure chest kept rocking back and forth in his deck. "Throw it overboard or we'll be sunk!"

"No way, Skiff. Sail on, I tell you!" Skiff continued to gurgle in the water, until he saw a huge wave approaching. "Not this time, Sailor John!" shouted Skiff as the wave overturned him and Sailor John. The chest dragged him down towards the sea and eventually escaped his grip, much to his disappointment. Thomas remained at the edge of the harbour, perched on Skiff's chassis, panting and waiting for Skiff to resurface.

"No, no...this can't be the end, Skiff can't be gone! He has to come back up!" he thought frantically, fearing his friend was gone forever. Soon enough, however, Skiff did resurface. He and Thomas exchanged a few laughs and Sailor John resurfaced too. He climbed on top of Skiff and just rested there, finally giving up.

Thomas didn't know what to think. He didn't know if Sailor John would try to keep going, but he did know that the treasure was lost and the ship was derailed and overturned along the branch line. Those two things set off some new fears. What if that would make the Fat Controller cross all over again? All Thomas could do was wait and hope he would be listened to this time...

Sometime later, the sun rose and Sailor John was picked up by the police. Captain had arrived with two officers and a lifesaver.

"Hello, hello, hello. And what have we got here then?" said an officer.

"But I'm innocent, I tell you!" protested Sailor John, to no avail.

"Tell it to the judge," said the other officer, flatly.

He was placed under arrest. "You've got the wrong pirate!" And Thomas was rescued by Rocky. As he was lifted back to a flatbed, he saw the Fat Controller and gasped.

"I'm so sorry sir. It's all my fault, I know it is…" But the Fat Controller was wearing a smile.

"Thomas, there's nothing to be sorry about. I'm proud of you. Ryan told me everything, and I know you did your best to stop that pirate getting away."

At first Thomas was relieved that Ryan explained about the chase, but one other worry loomed. "But I wasn't quick enough to save the treasure, sir."

The Fat Controller chuckled. "Please don't worry about the treasure, Thomas. My engines are much more important to me than any treasure, and YOU, Thomas are my No. 1." Hearing that, Thomas looked back. Indeed, his number was there and he was right. He said that dirt would wash off eventually, and it did. Thomas' fears had completely dissolved now and he felt really useful once again.

By daybreak at Tidmouth Sheds, the other engines woke up to see the Fat Controller holding the morning newspaper. He told them all about Sailor John's defeat and how far Thomas went to stop him getting away. "Well, Henry," said James. "Perhaps I owe you an apology. Salty's story was true!"

"That's alright James. I was silly, thinking he was a ghost," said Henry.

Then the Fat Controller told the engines about John's attempt to destroy Thomas with dynamite and how Skiff saved him just in time. All the engines gasped and their eyes were as big as dinner-plates. Gordon immediately felt absolutely terrible for what he did at Knapford. His teasing ultimately lead to his ally nearly being blown to kingdom-come. "Gordon, what have you done?!" was all he could think to himself. Emily's mind raced. "Please be alright, Thomas," she whispered frantically.

"Now," said the Fat Controller. "Let's hear a wonderful welcome-home for the one-and-only No. 1 of Sodor!" And just as he said "Sodor," Thomas came into the yards, then onto the turntable and was greeted by a chorus of cheers and whistles for his return and his courage. After the Fat Controller left, Emily then came onto the turntable and buffered up to Thomas. The other engines went quiet.

"Thomas…we heard everything, and not only are you the most handsome engine I've ever met, but you're also the bravest…facing up against that pirate and how you risked your life…oh, no engine has ever gone that far!" gasped Emily.

"Well, Emily," breathed Thomas. "It wasn't my duties, or my coal and water, or the Fat Controller's orders that kept me going…It was your defending me and eternal love that drove me through the night and into the morning…You helped me to do whatever it took, no matter what…and I can never thank you enough for that…I love you, Emily. I'll never stop loving you, my beautiful emerald angel."

Emily was so deeply touched by these words, her eyes had already started dripping tears of joy. "Oh, Thomas…I love you too, I'll always love you and I'll never stop thanking you for being so kind and considerate of me, my handsome cobalt star." The other engines stifled a chuckle. "Emerald Angel and Cobalt Star," they whispered. "Perfect names."

Then, taking no notice of their surroundings, Thomas and Emily kissed deeply and passionately, occasionally pulling apart to whisper to each other before kissing again...all while the other engines stared in amazement.

"Thomas…my love…" Emily whispered passionately.

"Oh, Emily…" Thomas whispered back as they fell back into kissing.

"Aww…" the other engines murmured, smiling sweetly at the loveliest couple on Sodor. Edward was the proudest of all of Thomas' bravery. "Well done, Thomas…" he whispered. "And well done, Emily." He had never felt so touched, seeing the perfect Sodor couple together again...

At last, work on the new branch line was completed. It extended the Fat Controller's railway from Arlesburgh to Harwick.

"This is so exciting, isn't it, Oliver?" Marion said to the excavator. "We actually built a new branch line." Oliver the engine was coming along with Toad. "I think we're meant to be on that siding over there, Mr. Oliver," said Toad.

Marion was confused. "Oliver? Oliver. But I thought you made a wish. I thought you had changed into a digger. There can't be two Oliver's!"

"Yes, there can!" said the digger and engine together.

"Shush, he's here. Look!" said Douglas. Thomas had arrived with Annie and Clarabel. Thomas even had his scratches repainted.

"It's good to have you back, Thomas," said Annie. "It's good to be back, Annie," Thomas replied. As he pulled up alongside Ryan, the Fat Controller made his announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, engines and excavators, I am very proud to open this new branch line, taking my railway up to Harwick for the very first time. My new tank engine, Ryan will take care of the goods traffic, and I'll be calling on a very special friend to look after all the passengers." The Fat Controller didn't intend to gesture at Thomas, but that still confused him.

"But sir, I already have a branch line," he said. The Fat Controller chuckled. "Not you, Thomas. I was referring to Daisy, the diesel railcar."

Thomas was shocked. "Daisy?" he asked. She came up from another line. "That's right, Thomas. Me!" she declared. Everyone cheered for Daisy. She had not been seen for many years and although she had a few mishaps, she meant well.

The Fat Controller continued. "Ahem, so without further ado, I declare this branch line open." He directed everyone standing around him to board Annie and Clarabel.

"But sir, aren't you going to cut the ribbon sir?" asked Thomas. "No, Thomas you are," said the Fat Controller as he leaned out Annie's window. "Full Steam ahead!" he smiled.

"Full Steam Ahead, sir!" called Thomas as he cut the ribbon and officially opened the Harwick Branch Line. Daisy, Ryan and Oliver proudly followed. Then Donald and Douglas, then Duck and Rocky. The diggers and Marion lifted their shovels in salute and Marion beamed with pride as she spotted one little ruby on her shovel. Even Max and Monty observed the cavalcade as they passed by. On the road just above him, Thomas could see Bertie, who suddenly stopped for a flock of sheep to cross, but he didn't mind.

When Thomas reached Arlesburgh Harbour, he was surprised and happy to see Skiff, who was given the job of touring children along the line. He looked much happier now that Sailor John no longer had control over him.

"Hello, Thomas!" he called.

"Hey, Skiff!" whistled Thomas.

"Hey look, I've got my own line now, just like you!" beamed Skiff.

Even better, as Thomas traveled to the other side of the new line, he looked out and saw Captain and three divers, who had just retrieved the treasure and soon, it was sent off to the museum just as the Fat Controller planned. All day across the island, the other engines talked about Thomas' heroism and return home that very morning…

The three Small Engines at Arlesburgh Junction, Porter, Salty and Cranky at the docks, Percy, James and Edward at Knapford Station, Gordon, Henry and Emily on the main line, Toby and Mavis at the Quarry, and Kevin and Victor at the Steamworks. The Grand Opening was a huge success and Thomas spent a little longer at the harbour with Skiff. The ship had been restored and placed in the water while Thomas and Skiff watched the fireworks crackling and sparkling above. Thomas enjoyed it, but he couldn't wait to get back home…

After an hour, he returned Annie and Clarabel to a siding and approached Tidmouth Sheds. All the engines were asleep, except Emily, who was waiting for her star to come home. When she saw him, she squealed with delight. Thomas rolled over the turntable and buffered up to her.

"Welcome home, Thomas," smiled Emily.

"Thank you, Emily," said Thomas. "You know…now that I'm home…" Thomas began. He buffered as close as he could and whispered something to Emily. She rolled her eyes with wonder, then she gasped with a warm smile. "What do you say, Emily?" Thomas asked.

"What are we waiting for?" she giggled. Thomas gently pulled her out of the sheds and took her to Knapford Sheds. "Here we are," murmured Thomas.

"Ready to have some fun?" Emily asked seductively. Thomas answered by pushing her inside, into the warm shelter of their favorite place to sleep.

"I take that as a yes," she giggled. "I want this night to last, Tommy. Let's take it nice and slow."

Thomas agreed. They stared into each other's eyes for several minutes then ever-so slowly, they began inching closer to each other. They whispered to each other, "I love you," then began their night of happiness, love and reunion.

Emily blushed deep red and sighed happily as she felt Thomas kissing her again. At last, Thomas had come home and Emily couldn't be more joyful. Thomas felt like he was in the clouds as he felt Emily's soft, warm face again. She kept whispering over and over, "Oh…Tommy…" Hearing his nickname drove Thomas' need for Emily. He kept kissing her for eight more minutes, loving the sound of her whisper.

"Oh…Tommy…I love you so much…oh, my gosh…" Emily whimpered.

After Thomas stopped, he let Emily return the favor. She was still blushing as she began to gently kiss his face.

"Aww…Oh…I love you…I love you, Emily," Thomas whispered. Hearing this made Emily even happier as she treasured every moment that passed as she kept kissing him and making him happy. Then Thomas let out a happy groan as Emily began to dot her tongue with her kisses and gently lick his cheeks. "I'm so happy you're home, Tommy. I missed being here with you, so much," Emily said with her beautiful, queenly voice.

"So did I, sweetie," Thomas murmured. "Thank you, Emily…Thank you so much…"

Then, Thomas brushed his lips against Emily's, making them both flush from the sensations felt by both of them. Both of them trembled from the softness of each other's lips on theirs, caressing them lovingly as they kissed each other so softly and sweetly. For a few moments, both of them held that one perfect kiss, suspended in time. Then Emily nearly squeaked with surprise as Thomas kissed her harder – but the moment passed, and soon Emily was losing control of her emotions as well. Kissing Thomas even harder, she faintly heard him emitting slight moans of passion.

Soon, Thomas and Emily were kissing each other with great passion and love; their tongues were intertwined, caressing each other and holding each of them together as they shared themselves in a very intimate and beautiful way. As the explored the deep crevices of the mouths, Thomas gently took hold of Emily's tongue with his tongue and began to gently suck on it. He was rewarded with Emily's soft moans of pleasure, prompting him to continue while slowly raking her tongue with his teeth.

Emily just kept moaning in delight as Thomas continued to delicately treat her tongue. After a glorious ten minutes, Thomas released her tongue so that Emily could give him the same pleasure he had just given her. She did not disappoint. Emily made sure that Thomas felt every kiss, lick and suck she gave his tongue, and he was moaning wildly in incredible pleasure. She ever so slowly and gently ran her teeth over his tongue and then wrapped her tongue around his as her lips captured Thomas' once again in a sweet, tender and passionate kiss.

Tenderly, Emily moaned so softly inside Thomas' mouth, as she kissed him. Thomas moaned next, in desperate desire to kiss his love and hold her close to him forever. Both of them were joined immeasurably, lost in their love for each other as they held each other close, and worshipped each other with their mouths.

They spent another two hours together, whispering happily to each other and exchanging kisses to the lips until finally, they both began to feel sleepy.

"Feeling tired after a pirate's life?" Emily asked jokingly.

"Very," Thomas yawned. "Without you, Emily, I don't know what I would do."

"We are meant for each other, Tommy," she said. "Now, let's enjoy a lovely, long, warm sleep together."

"Goodnight, Emily," Thomas whispered as he kissed her check one more time, then he fell asleep at once.

"Sweet dreams, Tommy. I love you," Emily whispered as she kissed his cheek and drifted to sleep too, smiling as she left his buffers touching hers. Thomas and Emily were in such a deep, happy sleep, they'd be lost in dreamland for a very long time until the sun would rise again

And thus we have reached the end of "Restoring Lost Honour" ladies and gentlemen. This has been, I would say, one of the most ambitious story that I have posted, but again this story would not have come to life without Jeremy, he has been assisting me with this story ever since December, he has put so much effort into helping me write this for you all to see, and once again Jeremy I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done to help me, not just with this story, but many more. In fact the next time you'll see us will be with the follow up to this story, continuing on from SLOTLT. So once again, thank you all so much for reading this story, please a review for this grand finale and tell us what you thought of this story as a whole, and we will see you all next time for the sequel (sort of) to "Restoring Lost Honour" real soon. Stay tuned for "Inner Demon."