HIAF Chapter 1: First impressions matter

Hey, NyanPie here! I came back from writing fanfics, after a long wait. I wrote this long before the origins episode, so I kinda guessed what happened at the first half of the story. (Please keep in mind that some things in this fic may not be canon!)

Anyway, as you can see, I'M OFFICIAL LADYBUG TRASH! HELP MEEEEEE (lol actually don't help me) This is my first Miraculous Ladybug fanfic, I really hope that you enjoy!

This story would include all the main ships (LadyNoir, MariChat, Adrienette, Ladrien). Be prepared XD! Also, it will include tons of reveals and cat puns (so be prepared for that, too!)

Special thanks to my awesome friend for giving me a few ideas in the story.

Disclaimer: I can't even animate 10 seconds of a cartoon, do you expect me to own Miraculous Ladybug? (If I did, they would KISS by now!)

Once upon a time in Paris, there lived a princess.

She was beautiful, with eyes of blue and dark hair as soft as silk. Her parents, the king and queen ruled their kingdom with a tender heart. They loved each and every one of their subjects, and in turn their subjects love them. Content with her life, the princess couldn't be more happier. But she longed to have a happy ending with her prince charming. Luckily, her eyes were already set on a certain prince. The moment she saw him, she was suddenly filled with visions of the life she awaited.

She knew the moment she saw him they would live a normal life together, as king and queen.

Until a black cat came along.

Oh, and a pair of Ladybug earrings.

.+*. +*.

The sky was baby blue with clouds spread over, like peanut butter on bread. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming. Only on days like this, you would be happy about life. But occasionally, you can't see it because YOU'RE BLINDFOLDED AND KIDNAPPED!

"Woah!" Princess Marinette yelled. It was her 5th time she had been captured ever since she was crowned princess. During the supposedly "magical" day that comes once in a year, a bag was thrown over her head, and she was flung across her mysterious kidnapper's shoulder.

"Unhand me, you brute! What is your problem?!" She was being carried over the kidnapper's shoulder, a position that she would rather not be in. Marinette swinged her fists wherever she could reach, but no avail, the kidnapper didn't even flinch or groan in pain. Why did she have to be captured right before her birthday party today, wasn't there a better time? It's like bad luck was poured all over her!

It took her a few minutes to realize her little tantrum is not doing anything at all. Defeated, the princess relaxed her shoulders and pondered for a moment, questions circling around in her mind. Who would have the right mind to do something like this? What was the objective of placing her in a tall stone castle? Who was behind this? What is the meaning of life?

Marinette rolled her eyes at the last question.

….And why would they leave her in there, with plenty of food to eat? Why did she have to wait in the castle to be rescued by Prince Adrien?


Did she just-

Prince Adrien.

Oh. My. Gosh.


Marinette couldn't help the goofy grin which had appeared on her face, thinking about him always seems to calm her nerves. She let out a long, happy sigh, not even aware of her kidnapper's presence. Maybe being kidnapped wasn't so bad after all. Every time she gets captured, her prince would always appear a few moments later. Deciding to just spend the rest of her "ride" calmly, she closed her eyes and slept.

~A few dreams later~

Marinette wearily lifted her eyes, slowly getting up from her position. She moved her head around, processing the familiar surroundings around her. "We meet again." She mumbled. It was this place she is fated to meet whenever she's kidnapped.

Waving towards the wall in front of her, she let out an exaggerated happy tone: "Hello, Stone wall!" She then turned around to face yet another familiar object. "Hello, Mysterious moldy piece of blob which I think is hair!" She was then interrupted by her own stomach. "Gruhuhhhhh…."

Her stomach growling, she turned around to face the familiar buffet behind her. There's always a special in every kidnap, so what was it this time?

Her eyes scanned the red satin table, searching for a special. Only until she found it, her eyes lit up. On there, was a label written: "SPECIAL~OPEN ME". The object was just a clam shell shut tightly. Curious, she pried open the shell with a few grunts, and peered inside.

Nothing was inside.

"Oh well, whatever. I don't like clam anyway." Marinette shrugged and attempted to throw away the hollow shell...

...Before she witnessed a handful of sparkles flinged towards her face. "YAGHH!" she screamed. The force unexpectedly flung her whole body flew across the room, and she hit the floor. Sitting up as she regained her vision, she saw something new. Standing, er, floating before her was a tiny creature with a red coloured background and black spots scattered around it's back. The creature was floating around, even without wings.

"Hiya, Tikki here! I'm your personal Kwami!" The tiny creature yawned, and stretched her arms out.

The princess was speechless. She could only stare in surprise, mouth hanging wide open.

Tikki smacked her left hand on her face before sighing. "This always happens." She muttered as she shrugged. The Kwami flew over to Marinette's face, and waved it's tiny arms around her face. Only then did Marinette come back.

"Do you have any questions?" Tikki asked.

Falling back, Marinette yelled. "There's a bug in my room!" Gasped Marinette. "THERE'S A FLOATING, MAGIC, LADYBUG IN MY ROOM!" She screamed even more. The terrified girl took the first thing that was closest to her, which was a spoon. Throwing it, she took another object, and another. "Stay back!" She screamed.

Tikki continued dodging the objects hurtling towards her. "Please liste-" Tikki nearly got hit by a flying plate. "Please Listen!"

Marinette threw another small cutlery, until she held up a chopstick facing Tikki to defend herself. "Okay... I'll listen." With a sigh of relief, the Kwami repeated her sentence once again. "Do you have any questions?"

"A question?" Marinette inquired. She had just been hit by a blast of sparkles, and now the fairy is asking her a question like nothing's weird? But to be fair, the Bug Fairy did seem to be patient with her, even after dodging various objects thrown toward it.

Thinking up a question was hard, but picking one single question from Marinette's mind was harder.

Taking a deep breath, The princess spoke. "W-what's a Kwami?"

Tikki's face lightened up. "Glad you asked! Kwamis are a rare and organic beings that came from another dimension! The reason I'm here, is because it is our mission as Kwamis to help the human race from being over-run by the forces of evil, using Miraculouses! We were assigned to let fate decide who the owners of said Miraculouses were, even if we had to wait in a seashell for A LONG TIME!" The Kwami's pupils shrinked as she said the last few words.

Marinette nodded, staring at the Kwami before her. "So fate chose.. ME?!"

"Yes!-" Tikki exclaimed happily. "-YOU!" Her arms stretching out, pointing towards Marinette.

"Woah, uh, what an honour!" To which the Kwami happily nodded her tiny head.

The princess thought for a moment, before speaking. "Look, I really want to accept, I really do." Tikki, at this point already knew something was wrong. "But I don't think such a clumsy girl like me should be in charge of something like this. I may be a princess, but I am not definitely fit for the job! Imagine if I had both of these responsibilities that were depending on me, I'm sure you'd want to switch partners! "

Tikki hung her head, and spoke. "I understand. It's good of you for being so considerate, though. But can you at least wear these? I can't bear to give them to the wrong hands." The Kwami placed a set of black earrings on Marinette's hands.

"Earrings?" Marinette questioned.

"I know it doesn't look like much, but it is way more than you think it is-" Tikki's face then got serious. "-Much, much more."

The princess inspected the earrings for a few seconds, before returning her gaze towards Tikki. "That I can do." She smiled. "Now!-" clapping her hands together, "I just need to wait for my prince~" She sighed dreamily.


"Take that!" Chat noir yelled, swinging his fist in front of him. He missed, but hearing the sound of teleportation (which was a bomb exploding), he then swung his leg back, just in time to hit the enemy behind him. Today was a bad day, one Akuma managed to get into a man's bow tie, because he claimed that he always had bad luck following him everywhere (If he knows Chat Noir's powers, maybe he won't complain). Now he's on a rampage, teleporting everywhere, and he calls himself… You guessed it. The TelePorter. That wouldn't be a problem, if he wasn't going after Chat Noir's miraculous. The man was swinging his arms frantically, as he was throwing what seems to be little smoke bombs.

The black-dressed hero was about to make another cat pun (which would've count as the 7th one today), but was interrupted by a rough tug of his tail. "Oi! Didn't anyone tell you not to pull a cat's tail?" The attacker ignored him, and proceeded to grab his arm. "Why don't we stop fighting? I'll make sure you won't get hurt, okay? So-" Chat noir then smirked. "-CAT-pisce?"

The TelePorter rolled his eyes out of both agony and embarrassment for fighting the hero. Nevertheless, he continued throwing his bombs while dodging the Cat's attempts of hitting him. "Shut up!" He yelled, while teleporting.

"Hey! Watch your Cat-titude!" snapped Chat. This only angered the villain more, as he became quicker in pace. Teleporter managed to hit Chat Noir, but it was only a soft punch. Still Chat noir complained, with an exaggerated: "Me-OWCH!"

"I REALLY need to get a sidekick." Muttered the tired hero. He ran away from the teleporting enemy, but the villain appeared seconds before him as he did so.

'I just need to find out his weakness..' whispered the voice in Chat's mind.

~Back to the castle~

"I sense it."

The sudden remark surprised Marinette. "Sense what?" Questioned Marinette, turning her head to face the worried Kwami.

"Chat-" Tikki paused for a moment to think. "Chat Noir is in trouble! Please, PLEASE go save him!"

"But I don't even know how to even use my powers!"

"I remember one of the ladybugs in my generation saying that. You wouldn't believe how much she did, Marinette!"

"But I'm not the same person as her…" She replied softly.

Tikki just smiled and stared at Marinette, eye to eye. "Don't worry Marinette, you were prepared for this. The Miraculous chose you, at this specific place, time, and event. It won't just choose a random person for the job! Please just try using the miraculous, I promise you won't have to use it again if you don't want to."

(Cue dramatic music) Tikki's words made Marinette stronger somehow. She didn't feel any different, but she could feel a spark of confidence flaring within herself. How can it be, after a minute of saying no, that she changed her mind so quickly? "Hey, Tikki?" Marinette spoke, softly.


"I'm in. I'm sick of being the damsel in distress, even if I have twice the responsibility depending on my own hands, I don't care. I'm going to do it."

Tikki smiled, already showing all her thanks she could give to Marinette. "Then, we don't have a moment to waste! But first, look at this piece of paper. It has everything you need to know about Ladybug!" Picking the tiny piece of paper from Tikki's hands, Marinette tried to make out the tiny words that were written in cursive.

"Takki.. Spets On!" Marinette cried, surprising herself.

"Close enou-WOAH!" Tikki shouted, as she was dragged by the magical force into the miraculous.

A sudden burst of music flooded the tower (a catchy one, too.) "What is this music coming from?!" Marinette yelled. A red mask with black spots started to form on her face. "What's going on?!" Marinette hollered again, hoping that Tikki would answer. "Tikki? Where are you?!" Her Ladybug suit started to spread across her body, sparkles marking where it was spreading. She felt a slight tug on her hair, and she could feel them separated into a set of pigtails tied with a ribbon.

The transformed girl was relieved when it was finally over. Looking at her hands, her eyes widened with shock. Replacing the white gloves that covered her hands, was a Ladybug-like pattern. She looked down, and sure enough, her whole body was covered with that certain pattern. On her hip were bow and rope-attached arrows with the same pattern but with bigger spots.

Quickly she looked out the window, and she took a deep breath. Grabbing the bow and arrow, she clumsily shot out an arrow to test its power. Out the window it went, soaring through the baby blue sky with clouds spread over like peanut butter. The direction of the arrow seems to be flying towards a tree branch (which was a few metres away from the tower). Ladybug watched as the rope-arrow reached the branch, but at that moment, a man in blue appeared, blocking the way. Around the figure it went, and it stopped spinning when the rope circled him on the third loop. A sudden force ripped the heroine off the tower floor, and towards the man. After that, all Ladybug could do was fear for the worst, and it felt like an eternity until she collided with the mysterious man.


Ladybug looked down on the victim, and gasped when she realized she's knocked him out. Is there a way to cure him, or undo what she just did? Unclenching her fist, she unfolded the tiny piece of paper hidden inside.

Ladybug Facts

*The rope attached to the arrow is infinite!

*You can create anything, but the object will always be random (Say "lucky charm")!

*You're awesome!

*You can cleanse the butterfly from evil!

*You will have five minutes to de-transform after you use your special power.

"What's with the fourth fact, Does Tikki have a grudge against butterflies?" Marinette thought.

"Hello! Thanks for catching my villain, Ladybug girl!" A sudden voice yelled from below. She looked down, and saw a boy with messy blond hair in a black cat suit. Throwing the "villain" on her shoulders (kind of how the kidnapper did it), she climbed down the thin tree. She faced the boy, and looked at him, eyebrow raised. "Please tell me, who are you?"

Smirking, the boy in the black cat suit bowed down, and began to introduce himself. "Glad you asked! I am the one and only Chat Noir, protecter of Paris."

Oh. Ohh.. Wasn't he the one Tikki mentioned, saying he's in trouble? Wasn't he very famous in her kingdom, who everyone called him the mysterious masked hero, or the "Cat Warrior"? Too bad she's too busy being kidnapped to see him.

Nodding, she said: "My name is Ladybug." Turning towards the knocked out villain, she asked: "What are we supposed to do with him now?"

"Easy!" He chuckled, his claws reaching towards the man. "We just have to find his cursed item." Helping Chat Noir, Ladybug tried to find an object that's curse-worthy. She pulled out a necklace around the man's neck. When she showed him it, his face lightened up. "Purr-fect, that must be it!" He exclaimed excitedly, exaggerating the "r". Ladybug smiled, knowing she accomplished her first task.

Unfortunately, as soon as he touched the necklace, the eyes of the villain opened up immediately. "Hissssssssss…." Chat Noir hissed, shaking on all fours. "Hah! Think you can catch me?!" He then quickly threw one of his smoke bombs. "Chat Noir, Behind you!" Ladybug shot her arrow yet again, but this time instead of catching the Teleporter, the wire circled around a nearby branch, trapping the branch within the it. "Hahah! I don't need to teleport to get out of the way, I can just wait for you to fail by yourself!"

The heroine only stared at the branch wrapped with her rope-attached arrow, until it came back to her hand. "I'm such a klutz…" She sighed. Noticing her spirits were down, Chat Noir put his hand on Ladybug's shoulder. "Don't worry, I was just like you when I started. I'm still learning." He smiled gently.

She smiled weakly, and was just about to thank him, before she heard the sound of a tiny bomb exploding. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I believe I have to take your Miraculouses now."

"In your dreams!" They yelled together.

As soon as he threw the smoke bomb, the two heroes jumped out of the way, just in time for the TelePorter to miss them. Both of them were on a different branch attached to different trees, with the Villain in the middle. As soon as they were about to jump at him, the TelePorter teleported away.

Every time they tried to strike a move, he would always miss them all. Growing tired, Ladybug suddenly remembered something about her 'Lucky Charm'. "I think (huff) it's time for us to use our (huff) powers, right?"

"If you want to!" He replied, while dodging one of the few kicks the TelePorter threw at him.

Um, Lucky Charm!" Cried Ladybug, unsure if what she said was correct. Immediately, another blast of music filled her ears, and the arrow in her hand sprang up into the sky. A trail of tiny ladybugs and sparkles followed it, until it stopped and it formed a shape.

Appearing from the sky, a long cane fell down safely into Ladybug's hands. "What am I supposed to do with this, perform a tap dance?" She asked, confused.

"I'm out!" Yelled the tired villain, throwing another smoke bomb. Marinette observed the man closely, and realized something. "What are you standing here for, we have to go catch him!" Pulling the cat's tail before he could go any further, she told him of her discovery. "Haven't you noticed, he can only teleport within a radius of two metres! We have to lure him into an open space." She then let go of his tail, before running off.

"Smart girl." He whispered, although he knew she didn't hear him. Running after her, he shouted into the distance: "Wait for me!"

As soon as Chat saw Ladybug, she was still trying to catch the TelePorter. Using this opportunity, he noticed how cute her pigtails were, bouncing and flowing in the wind. Oh, and those legs, those gorgeous legs, were so strong yet so delicate. Noticing how he wasn't concentration on the mission, he slapped himself on the head. "Focus, Chat, focus!" He demanded himself. Taking bigger steps and a quicker pace, he soon caught up to her.

"Where do you suggest we lure him to?" Asked Chat, still running.

"I know a place." Ladybug answered.

Chasing the villain into an open field of green, The heroine stopped to bend down and smell the flowers quickly before executing her plan.

Tying her arrow with the base of the cane, she shouted to the villain. "Let's play a little game of helicopter, shall we?"

"Uh, no thank you!" The man replied nervously, noticing her confidence.

"Chat Noir, I advise you to stay clear." Before he could reply, Ladybug ran off and began spinning her whole body, her arrow spinning next to her body horizontally. As soon as she did, the villain began to start panicking. Teleporting away (and leaving behind a lot of smoke as he did so), she stayed at the same position as she did before, remembering something on the sheet of paper Tikki wrote.

'The rope attached to the arrow is infinite!'

Smirking, she let her mind be one with the arrow rope, and stretched it to a longer distance. Unfortunately for TelePorter, the cane hooked around his waist, making him fall.

As soon as Chat sees this, he immediately sprang towards the villain. He wasn't going to make the same mistake again.

"Cataclysm!" He screamed, scaring the villain. A black aura appeared from his hand, giving him the power of distruction. He smashed his claw towards the ground, and it crumbled into a three metre hole (and a few more centimetres for good measure), until the villain had no chance at escaping. Jumping down into the hole, the cat hero ripped away TelePorter's necklace in the blink of an eye, before smashing the jewelry.

A small black butterfly fluttered out quickly, trying to escape. On the surface, Ladybug spotted the insect and cupped it in her hands. "Now I know what Tikki meant from 'cleansing the butterfly from evil'." She muttered.

Just then, Chat Noir jumped out of the hole carrying the unconscious man. "Butterfly, I free you from evil!" Ladybug yelled. She fumbled around with the arrows, shooting the black butterfly as it got away. When the arrow hit it, it disappeared along with the butterfly's black colour.

Chat Noir could only watch in awe while the man on his back was gaining conscious. As he woke up and saw Chat Noir, his confused face turned into joy. "Chat Noir, I'm your biggest fan!" He yelled, changing said hero's attention to him. "This is by far the most luckiest moment I've ever experienced in my life!" Noticing Ladybug at the corner of his eye, he turned to face her and questioned: "..And who are you supposed to be?"

Before Ladybug could answer him, Chat Noir quickly said: "She's the newest protector of Paris, Ladybug. Isn't she claw-some?!"

Nodding his head, the man stretched out his hand to shake Ladybug's. "Nice to meet you Ladybug, you're so lucky to be working beside Chat Noir!"

Laughing, Ladybug replied: "I guess I am."

Suddenly, tiny beeps were heard coming from Chat's ring. "Oh! I'm about to de-transform. I don't know about you, but I don't want to reveal my identity so quickly on the first day on meeting you, my lady."

"First with the cat puns and now with a nickname? You never fail to impress, minou." She giggled.

The two shared a quick fist bump before jumping off in different directions, leaving the man alone.

"They're quite a pair." He chuckled, looking at both directions.

~Meanwhile in an evil lair...~

White butterflies were fluttering around in the room, whilst a tall man dressed in black, mask covering his identity, was standing in the middle of them all. He was watching the heroes' ever since the story began.

"At last you appear, Ladybug. You may have defeated your first villain, but one day, I swear I will take you and Chat Noir's Miraculouses. When that happens, I will finally get what I yearned for all these years." The window on the ceiling closed, cutting off the only source of light in the room.

~Back at Ladybug~

Running towards the direction of the tower, Marinette couldn't stop thinking about what happened.

Did I just do that? Was it all a dream? How did I, Princess Marinette Dupain-Cheung help defeat a villain with Chat Noir? Oh my gosh, why can't I stop thinking about it! I'm definitely going to thank Tikki for it. I can't believe I almost turned down this opportunity.

Her thoughts ceased when she saw Prince Adrien waiting for her at the bottom of the tower. "Shoot!" She half whispered/screamed. Remembering there was a second window behind the tower, she quickly took the chance to swing herself the heck in.

~Chat Noir's POV~

Swinging himself on a tree, his hero persona dissolved away, his Kwami (Plagg) zipping out of his ring.

"I think I just fell in love." Prince Adrien whispered, not even bothering to face Plagg.

"Geez, teenagers and their romance. Do I have to deal with this every time a Chat Noir meets a Ladybug?"

"Well, it's not my fault your face is always stuffed with cheese."

"CAMEMBERT cheese! There's a big difference. What does she have that Camembert cheese doesn't?"

"For one, she doesn't stink like a horse stable!"

"That's offensive to Infin and camey!" Plagg snapped back, referencing Adrien's horse.

Ignoring Plagg and climbing down the rough tree trunk, Adrien couldn't help but sigh dreamily. "How can you miss her irresistible attitude? She just defeated a teleporting villain but she treats it like anybody could do that!"

Before Plagg could even reply, Adrien brushed Infin's pearl white mane and continued his chatter.

"-Also, how can you miss her eyes? It's like looking into an ocean of pure blue."

"Ugh, don't you already have a girlfriend?" Plagg questioned, sitting on Adrien's shoulder.

Feeding Infin a sugar cube before turning towards his shoulder, Adrien raised an eyebrow.


"What do you mean 'who', it's Marinette, the girl you save everyday after you've defeated a villain!"

"Oh come on now, she's just a really close friend of mine who I know. Anyways, I'm the only one who knows where she is. What kind of person would I be if I left her in the tower to die? Speaking of which, she's probably waiting in the tower right now!" He then quickly used the reins and Infin galloped away.

DUN DUN DUUUUN! THE SUSPENSION! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?! The next chapter will include Adrienette fluff ^_^

I have a rough plan on where the story is heading, but it would be awesome if you review and give me feedback and ideas!

See you next chapter :D