As Emma awoke she remembered the hazy events of the Evening before.

Emma had carefully lifted Regina from the carpeted floor, depositing Regina's shivering body onto the sofa.

Regina had subsequently disturbed and somehow persuaded Emma to join her in her huge bed upstairs.

Emma now shuffled gently under the covers, to pull her phone out of her jacket pocket, glad when Regina didn't disturb.

She could feel the woman's slightly pronounced stomach resting on her toned belly.

Emma smiled lightly, pressing a feather like kiss on the crown of Regina's head, before turning her attention to her phone.

She had several messages from Whale, an invitation a pre-natal check up and scan later that day.

She also had 6 messages off Killian, all feigning worry over Emma's life, imagining Regina had killed her, or worse!

The final 2 were off David, expressing his concern that he hadn't heard from her in almost 12 hours.

Henry, who had been persuaded to sleep in his own bed now came bounding into the room.

It was as if Regina was trained to awake as Henry did, her eyes fluttering slowly open as Henry's weight caused a dip in the bed.

"Morning…" Regina mumbled, seemingly not fazed at the fact that her head was pressed lightly against Emma's breast.

"Hey Mom, Ma…" He grinned, never before had he woken up to find both his Mother's in the same house, not fighting, not kidnapped against their will, just laid together in bed.

Suddenly, the peace was interrupted, as Regina's home phone began to ring.

Henry jumped off the bed, answering the phone.

"Mom! It's Whale, he wants to speak to you." He thrusted the phone into Regina's hands, the woman looking visibly flustered.

"Come on, kid, let's go and make pancakes…" Emma slipped off the bed, Henry skipping happily after her as Emma glanced back at Regina who curled up on the bed, the phone pressed to her ear.

"Can we make banana pancakes? They're Mom's favourite!" Henry bounced down the stairs, Emma catching his arm as she was sure that he was going to tumble head over heels down the stair case.

"As long as your know how to make them kid, my menu ranges from grilled cheese, to beans on toast…" Emma laughed as Henry scrunched up his nose and sprinted off to the Kitchen.

By the time she reached the room Henry had half of the working surface covered in food.

"What the hell is a 'skillet'?!" Emma glanced at the recipe Henry had on the side. Henry held up a frying pan.

"Duh!" Henry chuckled as Emma rolled her eyes.

"That's a frying pan, kid! No two words about it!" Emma laughed, her attention reverting to Regina as she appeared at the door.

"I uhh… Henry, before we eat breakfast I need to tell you something." Regina sat down heavily on a stool at the Breakfast bar.

Regina had tears in her eyes, Henry dashed to beside her, sitting on the stool next to her.

"Please don't hate me?" Regina whimpered, Henry furrowing his brows and looking at Emma for an explanation. "I'm pregnant, I'm having a baby!" Regina blurted out.

Regina had fully expected Henry to throw a tantrum, kicking and screaming as he berated Regina for adopting him and now carrying a child of her own.

But instead his chubby cheeks grew into the widest smile.

Henry reached out his hand to touch Regina's stomach, the woman flinched backwards, looking over at Emma who nodded, taking hold of Henry's hands gently as she rounded the counter.

"Mom is really having a baby?" Henry grinned, wrapping his arms around Emma's neck and squeezing tightly. "Will it be my little Brother or Sister?" Henry asked seriously, looking at Regina who nodded, happy tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Woah…" Emma gasped lightly as she looked over at Regina, her tears were dark and almost black.

Emma let go of Henry, running her hands over Regina's unexpected cheeks.

The woman jumped, almost falling off her stool.

The black liquid turning pure white on Emma's fingers.

"Your tears are black."

"The Darkness is inside me…" Regina whispered, Emma rolling the shining liquid on her palm.

"But it turns light when it touches me."

"We're opposites Emma, together we balance one another out." Regina was just thinking out loud.

"You're not all bad Regina, I promise I will do anything to get this Darkness out of you…" Emma brushed her hand across Regina's cheek, this time Regina's whole cheeks fluttered with bright white light.

"Operation Spark." Henry said, the two women blinked and looked over to their Son.

If they were both honest they had half-forgotten Henry was even in the room.

"What, kid?" Emma asked, knowing Henry's tendency to turn every situation, no matter it's proportion into an 'operation'.

"Operation Spark, that's what we're going to call this, me and you helping get rid of the Darkness. Because when you and Mom touch you spark." Henry smiled, obviously proud of his inventive name.

"I like it." Emma smiled, watching Regina not gently beside her.

They made breakfast quickly, Emma and Henry leading the conversation, Regina happy to listen to the two bickering and joking as Emma flipped the pancakes.

Emma and Henry devoured their pancakes within seconds of making them.

Regina, on the other hand, sat nibbling half-heartedly at the pancake before pushing it around her plate.

"Can I go play with Paige, today?" Henry asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he pestered Emma who was washing up their plates. "Please, please, please, Ma?"

Emma chuckled, looking over at Regina who looked a tad green as she was hunched over her food.

No one had said anything about Regina's lack of a wardrobe change, the brunette still donning the grey baggy dress.

But Emma guessed it was comfortable over her growing stomach, so the topic was left alone.

"Sure, kid, just be back in time for dinner, alright?" Henry nodded eagerly, and within 10 minutes he was out of the door.

"Who was on the phone?" Emma asked as she scooped Regina's mauled pancake from in front of her and piled it into the bin.

"Whale…" Regina's voice was shaky as she lowered herself off the stool, Emma watching Regina's hand fall unconsciously to her belly.

"Are you gonna be sick?" Emma looked around, wondering what the hell she could use as a makeshift bowl.

"No, I'm just… He wants me to go in for a scan, a proper one, to check everything." Regina bit her lip, gazing at her lightly swelled stomach and rubbing her hand up and down it gently. "Will you… Will you come with me?"

"Of course I will, when's your appointment?" Emma asked.

"In 20 minutes." Regina whispered, Emma laughing and running her hands through her hair.

"It's a good thing I didn't get unchanged last night, come I'll drive us." Emma smiled, pulling Regina to her feet and leading her towards the car.

They arrived at the Hospital a short 10 minutes later.

Regina hadn't realised the car had stopped until Emma had opened the passenger door to see if the brunette was ok.

Emma crouched down, resting on her heels and taking Regina's hand in her own.

"Why are you here?" Regina whispered so quietly Emma almost didn't catch what she said.

"Well, you asked me Regina." Emma furrowed her brows, not sure what Regina was really getting at."

"I don't mean now, I mean, why are you helping me? I'm the Evil Queen and the Dark One, what if I hurt you? Or Henry? Or anyone else?" Regina bit her lip looking at Emma who shook her head.

"It's not who you are anymore, we just have to keep the Darkness under control, and I know it's hard Regina and I'm sorry, but I'm staying." Emma took Regina's hand and helped her out of the car.

"Thank you." Regina managed a half smile.

"Now let's go and check up on this little munchkin." Emma started to walk, Regina keeping a firm grip on her hand.

Whale quickly ushered the two women into a private room.

Emma was glad the waiting room was basically empty, as she didn't know how well Regina would deal with hushed whispers right at this second.

"Right, Mom to be…" Whale gestured to the table, Regina having to loose Emma's hand so she could get onto the table.

Regina once again quickly sought out Emma's hands, the two having become accustomed with the light glowing their hands produced left Whale in a daze.

But he had lived in the Enchanted Forest, and under a curse for 28 years, he had seen basically everything.

He pulled a blanket up to Regina's waist then asked if it was ok for him to roll up her dress, she nodded watching as Emma got the first peek of Regina's stomach.

Emma's eyes grew wide with surprise as she saw the defined round shape that stuck out from Regina's figure.

She was unsure as to how Regina hadn't guessed she was pregnant, but Emma presumed she had other things on her mind.

"This is going to be cold." Whale warned, Emma shuffling closer to the bed on her chair, as she felt Regina shiver from the gel.

"Can I find out if it's a boy or a girl?" Regina asked quietly, tugging Emma's hands closer to her chest, as if it was a comfort blanket.

"Of course, let's see…" Whale ran the Doppler over Regina's stomach, backwards and forwards until he found a good angle and turned the screen so Regina could see.

Regina let out a low sob, clutching tightly onto Emma's hands.

"Hey… Everything's ok, look at that little munchkin." Emma grinned, memories of when she had her first scan with Henry came flooding back.

Neither were the best circumstances, but still the rush of overwhelming love and emotions seemed to be there each time.

"That little munchkin is a girl." Whale smiled, Emma didn't think she'd ever seen him genuinely smile and didn't know if she really liked it.

Nevertheless, Regina looked thrilled and let a small smile tug at her scarred lip.

Whale printed out a few photos, one for Regina, one for Henry and Emma smiled as Regina passed her the other copy as if it was the most natural action in the world.

The Doctor then wiped the jelly off of Regina's stomach and pulled her dress back down so she was decent.

"I just need to go over a few things with you, regarding your health and activities during your pregnancy." Whale said, watching as Emma helped Regina to sit up carefully. "I've got a leaflet, but I thought I'd go through the main ones with you."

Emma nodded, rubbing Regina's back lightly as she saw the brunette stifle a yawn.

"Ok, so obviously, no alcohol, no smoking, no heavy lifting and no extraneous exercise, but swimming is a good sport to help keep you fit." Whale watched as Regina paid little attention, Emma now stood beside her and the older woman resting her head on Emma's chest. "Your caffeine intake should also be at a minimum, also raw egg is a no no." He paused as Emma ran her hands across Regina's tired face, a line of silver sparks fell from Emma's fingertip. "Any questions?"

"I think were good." Emma smiled, watching Regina's face drop and knowing it would be best to usher Whale out as quickly as possible. "Thanks, see you at 6 months?" Emma asked, Whale nodding and taking the hint to leave the room.

"I have to tell Robin…" Regina whimpered as soon as Whale had left. "I have to tell him…"