A/N: Heyyer guys, it's KuroKujira for this story. Well, it's been almost what, 4 years since I last wrote a legit fanfiction and I'm just praying I haven't lost my touch. Hope you will enjoy it~

Too bad for those 1D haters (haters gotta hate) but yeah, I couldn't think of any English songs to use considering my limited knowledge on English songs but hey, 1D is not THAT bad. Now? I'm not sure but they were cool during my era.

Disclaimer: I in no way own or will ever own Katekyo Hitman Reborn! And I am in no way associated with One Direction in any means.


Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful

As I finished the last line of the song, the audience roared into a sea of screams and applause. Upon seeing that, I just merely gave a slight smile before the curtains were drawn and I was off the stage. I made my way out of the concert stadium through the back door to see my manager's, Lussuria's, car parked right outside. I hopped right in and he started to drive me home.

"So, how was today's concert?"

"The usual."



And the rest of the journey was made in silence.

Let me get this straight, it's not that I'm anti-social or anything but it's just that-come on, I, the Prince of Music, or so they say, am a global idol and asking me about how one of my hundreds of concerts did is not exactly a very interesting thing to talk about. But fortunately, Lussuria understands that and does not really press on for a conversation.

When I reached home, I unlocked the door and took in the sight of the room in from of me. It was anyone's dream room and people would kill to be able to live in a room like this. It spelt of luxury. However, how luxurious it may seem, I hated this place. There was nobody other than me living here and it was really… boring being home.

I decided to head over to my best buddy's Squalo's bar to just drink through the night.

~~Haha, Squao and Bel best buds? I'm crying!~~

"VOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Bel! This is your tenth cup! You should fucking be going now! Don't you have fucking rehearsals tomorrow?" Squalo, as usual, screams into my ear.

"Shishishi~ Nah, I still can go for another ten dude~ Chillax~" I snickered.

"VOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I don't care anymore! Just make sure your manager doesn't fucking come barging in here to drag you off!"

"Yes madam~" I swear I saw him twitch in anger and wanting to slash me in half with his sword for calling him in a feminine term. Luckily for me, Levi, another bartender, was there to pull Squalo away mumbling about how "Bossu" will be mad if blood was spilt in the bar.

I heaved a sigh and took a short break from the alcohol, looking around the bar to look in disgust at the people dancing at the dance floor, grinding against each other to feel each other up.

"Disgusting peasants…" I sighed again.

At this moment, I heard someone drag the chair beside me. Like, dude, there's so many godamm chair and this idiot just had to choose the one beside me? Is he asking for his death?

Irritated at this idiot's actions, I turned over to him and was prepared to give him a thrashing he will not be forgetting no matter how drunk he is.

"Oi! The fuc-" I called out.

However, when the idiot looked up, I made contact with his glistening teal eyes and the words that I wanted to throw up at him just remained where they were and I was just staring at him like some love struck schoolgirl.

"Uhm yes?"

"…. Nothing…"

I quickly turned away with a tinge of pink across my face. God, what did he do to me, I just couldn't calm down whenever I think of those teal orbs staring at me.

Just… what is this? I guess it's the alcohol getting to me.

At the next moment, everything turned black.

A/N: I'm not sure whether I should be adding smut to this story but I will need your opinions, provided there's anyone. No guarantee that it would be a good one though but yeah, it's still gonna be rated M for the swearing though~ Might as well right?

Leave reviews on what you think and Follow and Favourite if you enjoyed it and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter~ Jya ne~