
Hello there and welcome to the latest chapter of Uzumaki: Subject Zero. For the first time in a long time, there's nothing in the way of notifications, so please enjoy the chapter ne?

I thank everyone for their patience and warm wishes. I'm healing well apart from the occasional bout of randomness and writer's block. XD




"Ramen" – Speech

'Ramen' – Thoughts

"Ramen" – Bijuu/Summon Speech

'Ramen' – Bijuu/Summon Thoughts

"Ramen" – God/Deity Speech

'Ramen' – God/Deity Thoughts


Silence suffocated the training ground known as Training Ground #44, more commonly known by Konoha as the Forest of Death.

Anko Mitarashi was never one to be nervous or intimidated by much, but she hadn't felt this nervous in a long time. As she cautiously made her way into the clearing located in the very centre of the Forest, she found herself on edge.

'W-Why do I feel so nervous?' she pondered as her eyes darted around the clearing.

A presence made itself known and a quick analysis of the extra chakra signature identified the presence as her friend Kurenai Yuhi … so she wasn't the only one feeling the power coming from the Forest of Death. Extending her senses, Anko recognised the addition of Asuma Sarutobi lurking in the background, and she nodded mentally, the Sarutobi was being careful to remain hidden – an excellent strategy considering they didn't know who or what they were dealing with.

The two women twitched as an eerie and quiet whisper floated past them on the cool morning's breeze.

"Leave," it whispered softly – a simple message, and Anko's entire being screamed at her to obey, but her stubbornness was equally as loud in her mind.

"Anko," Kurenai whispered. "What is this presence? I've never felt anything like it."

Anko gulped. "I-I don't know Kurenai, all I do know is that it's not like anything I've sensed before."

"It doesn't help that the Forest of Death is always foggy in the morning," Anko muttered to her only true friend in the village. Kurenai nodded her agreement to her statement and together they continued their journey to find the source.

The fog was denser than Anko had ever seen it before as they got closer to the strange power and it took all her concentration to watch where she was going, whilst Kurenai wasn't fairing much better. Asuma remained silent, but Anko assumed that he too, was having the same problem.

Kurenai suddenly stumbled and fell face first into the mud.

"Shit, Kurenai," Anko hissed as she instantly moved to assist her friend. "Are you okay Kurenai?"

Kurenai grunted her displeasure and glared at the offending rock that caused her to stumble, only to pause in shock as it was huge. So huge in fact that it wasn't a stone at all, but a boulder the size of a large dog. It floated as if it wasn't as heavy as it seemed, but the strange thing about it was that the dirt and mud that covered the boulder's surface was also floating around its surface.

The fog cleared slightly as the sun rose and all three blinked in awe as the clearing came into view. There were floating stones everywhere and at the very centre of the clearing was a hooded figure seated in a meditative stance.

"I asked you to leave," the person's seemingly disembodied voice spoke. "You are interrupting my solitude and training."

"Fuck you," Anko snarled. "This is my training ground, and I've never seen you before … identify yourself!"

Rin hummed in thought for a moment before a smile made its way onto her covered face. So Anko wanted to fight? Judging from her posture … that was the reasonable assumption.

"Make me," Rin replied simply.

Anko snarled again and charged forward, Kurenai staying back and running through handseals at a quick pace. The Genjutsu Mistress prepared to provide assistance to her friend but gasped as Rin's form faded into the clearing fog. Anko halted her charge and tensed in anticipation of an attack, and just in time too … as less than a split second later, she found herself on the defensive.

Quicker than the two women and one man could register, Rin materialized out of the fog and moved to stab Anko with a Kunai. Anko deflected the Kunai and slashed at the hooded figure in retaliation, grinning sadistically as the figure gasped in pain … only for the figure to puff out of existence.

"Shit, Kage Bunshin!" she yelled to notify her comrades of the newly discovered knowledge.

A hissing noise garnered their attention and they all gasped as two red beams of pure energy could be seen in the morning fog. The hooded figure charged forward with speed they couldn't properly follow, and Kurenai grunted in shock as her own Kunai was effortlessly sliced in two by the thrumming energy. Jumping back to avoid the second slash from the other beam of the weapon, Kurenai landed by Anko and they stood back to back.

"Nice reflexes Kurenai Yuhi," the voice called playfully.

Asuma leapt from his hiding spot, jutsu ready as he landed by the two women. "Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough)!"

A sudden and powerful gust of wind slammed into the ground and pushed the figure away from the two women, whilst it also blew the fog away from the clearing. The all glared at the now discernible fighter standing proudly in front of them.

The figure that stood before them was wearing all black and a glance told them that the figure was female. The tight clothing was distracting, but the hooded face put them on edge as the only Shinobi and Kunoichi that wore hoods in Konoha were ANBU or Missing-nin. The figure casually held an incredibly beautiful two-handed weapon that had the two beams of red energy that they'd seen moments earlier – humming powerfully at each end of the ornate handle.

"Asuma Sarutobi," the hooded figure giggled. "I was wondering how long it'd take you to come out to assist your beloved Kurenai."

Both Kurenai and Asuma glared at the figure, though the slight dusting of pink on their faces made it less intimidating. Anko hissed and threw a handful of Shuriken at the figure, only to gasp as they were halted in their journey. Like the boulder from earlier, the Shuriken halted in mid-air and floated harmlessly in front of the female.

"My, that was rude," the figure commented casually, before she waved her hand and returned them at incredible speed. Anko actually flinched as they stopped an inch away from her face.

"W-Who are you?" she hissed, subtly going through handseals for a Summoning Jutsu.

"Now that I've had my fun, I suppose I owe you an introduction," the figure spoke after humming. She removed her hood, revealing her tattooed head and unique hairstyle for them. "My name is Rin – Rin Uzumaki at your service," 'I should keep my true Rank a secret until the Hokage divulges that information. "I'm a Gennin of Konoha."

Asuma, Kurenai and Anko looked disbelieving at Rin. She was a Gennin – her strength far surpassed a Jounin.

Anko grinned mentally and cut her thumb behind her back, ready to summon a snake to assist her, only to freeze in shock as she couldn't feel the connection from the contract.

"Tsk, I didn't give you permission to call upon my Clan's summons," Rin hissed with narrowed eyes, only to suddenly wave her hand at Kurenai – sending the woman crashing against a nearby tree, and stopping her from using the Genjutsu she was preparing. "Nor did I expect you to be so rude in attacking a comrade in the back, Kurenai Yuhi."

Kurenai gagged as her ability to breathe was suddenly cut off whilst Rin continued – her hand now clenched into a fist and a glare levelled at the scared woman. "Perhaps I should teach you a lesson?"

Kurenai struggled for precious oxygen as Asuma attempted to help his not-so-secret girlfriend. He sent a pleading look to Rin and she scoffed before releasing Kurenai from her power's hold. "Consider this your first and only warning Kurenai Yuhi."

Asuma gritted his teeth and sent a scared glance at Kurenai as she passed out. Rin concentrated on Asuma for a moment, before smirking and waving her hand at him, while tapping into her power. "I'd take her to the Hospital if I were you, Sarutobi-san – in fact … you must take Kurenai Yuhi to the hospital … her life depends on you taking her at once."

Anko narrowed her eyes at Rin, wondering what she was playing at – there was no way Asuma would leave her to face a possible enemy alone. She watched in pure astonishment as Asuma immediately picked Kurenai up … ignoring the world around him.

"I must take Kurenai to the hospital at once," Asuma intoned blankly, right before he Shunshined away from the clearing – leaving Anko and Rin alone.

"Now then," Rin grinned as she gazed at Anko. "Now that we're alone … we need to talk, you and I."

Anko found herself swallowing in slight fear of the much younger female in front of her – this girl wasn't normal.

"You seem to have built a reputation on the back on the Uzumaki Clan summons, Mitarashi-san," Rin spoke as she casually circled Anko. Anko went to move, only for Rin to pull her back and hold her still with her power. "Your former master Orochimaru no longer holds power over the Hebi Clan, Mitarashi-san."

Anko relaxed under Rin's power – recognising that struggling was futile, though she hissed her response in a clipped tone. "You lie, that bastard is called the Hebi no Sannin (The Snake Sannin) for a reason."

Rin laughed in response. "I do not lie Mitarashi-san, perhaps you failed to hear me earlier but I am Rin Uzumaki, Queen of Uzu and the rightful holder of the Hebi Clan's summoning contract – as they owe fealty to Uzu's Royal Family."

Anko gaped in shock at the sheer audacity of the young woman in front of her, but that thought was put aside as Rin continued. "I was asked by the Clan to ascertain your allegiance, Mitarashi-san – that is to say … whether you are loyal to the Hebi Clan or Konoha."

"Anko," she bit out. "Stop with that Mitarashi-san shit."

"Anko-san then," Rin nodded with a pretty smirk on her face. "Now, please answer my inquiry … are you loyal to the Hebi Clan or Konoha?"

Anko wasted no time in her answer. "I am loyal to Konoha first, the Hebi Clan second."

Rin hummed as she continued to circle Anko's unmoving form. She stopped in front of her and leaned forward until their heads were almost touching.

"W-What are you doing brat?" Anko hissed.

"Be silent," Rin commanded and used her power to silence the woman. "I need to concentrate."

Before Anko could even attempt to disobey, Rin not-so-gently intruded on Anko's mind, causing Anko to gasp in pain as she felt Rin moving through her memories. As quickly as she entered – Rin left again and grinned sadistically at Anko.

"I see Orochimaru branded you," Rin commented as casually as discussing the weather. Anko growled at the comment but stopped when Rin's grin grew in its sadistic quality. "He tried to brand me too, but he failed miserably ... let me remove that for you. This. Will. Hurt."

Anko's muffled screams echoed through the Forest of Death as Rin placed a hand on Anko's curse mark and fed her chakra into it. The smell of burning flesh started to fill their immediate area and Rin's grin turned savage as she concentrated on the Seal. Anko passed out from the excruciating pain mere moments later, and it continued for another five minutes before Rin pulled away. She eyed the burnt flesh and shrugged.

"Oops," Rin shrugged. "That was messier than anticipated, but it had to be done Anko-san. I know you can't hear this but you owe me Anko-san – you owe me big. Enjoy your freedom."

Rin internally debated for a moment before creating a Shadow Clone to take Anko to the hospital. A shrill cry drew her attention and she glanced up at the sky – spotting the hawk that made said cry.

"I guess I'm late," Rin hummed as she shifted her gaze slightly to the left while showing a sly grin. "Good thing I finished my Fūinjutsu last night, otherwise I'd be even later … better go and see what the old man wants. I hope you enjoyed the show though."


Hiruzen Sarutobi gulped as watched the events play out in the Forest of Death. He knew Rin would be powerful, but he didn't expect her to be that powerful. It was one thing to read the reports, but to see them left him in shock. Then when she looked in the direction of his Viewing Orb and grinned, asking him if he enjoyed the show, he gulped.

'It's a good thing she's on our side' Hiruzen sighed in relief.

"For now old man," Rin's voice echoed through the Hokage's Office. "I'm technically on an open contract … remember?"

The Hokage instantly noticed the change in Rin's appearance. The tattoos startled the old Hokage, as he recognised the seal work from ROOT – as Tenzou also had them, though they were made to disappear. Rin appeared to not care about the 'brand'. Tattoos aside, Rin's new haircut helped emphasise the slight shade of red illuminated by the morning sunlight, whilst it revealed Rin's beautiful face. Rin's new clothes also emphasised her womanly curves while offering her protection, and the sleeveless hoodie with the Uzumaki Spiral proudly displayed on the back showed her Clan. His gaze fell to the two-handed chakra weapon attached to the belt near the small of her back and he frowned momentarily. He knew all too well the power of Uzumaki Chakra Weapons, and the fact that one had been sitting in the Emporium for Kami knew how long was disturbing – if they'd studied the weapon – they could've reverse engineered the weapon. The thought died as quickly as it appeared – it belonged to the Uzumaki Clan – and Clan Secrets had to remain as secrets for a reason. He shuddered to think of what other Clans or enemies would do with the Sarutobi Clan secrets.

The Third Hokage noticed the impatient twitch in Rin's stance and returned to the situation at hand. So the Hokage simply sighed, "I wish you'd use the door Uzumaki-san."

"Fuck that," Rin nonchalantly brushed off. "Your memories scream that you find it annoying … thus the basis of its appeal. You're … sweet … for thinking I'm beautiful, but you're not my type old man."

Rin made a face at the word 'sweet' and Hiruzen chuckled before straightening up. "To business then: Rin Uzumaki, Chunin of Konoha … as Hokage I order you to report to the hospital for a health evaluation, and then report to the Academy to initiate contact for your mission."

Rin frowned but nodded in understanding of the Hokage's orders. Her gaze shifted to the window and Hiruzen blinked as Rin's hand twitched. Seconds later, one Kakashi Hatake was flung unceremoniously onto the floor.

"Oh, if it isn't my father's student," Rin spoke idly. "Perving and eavesdropping … interesting choice in habits fucker."

Kakashi stood up and blinked the stars in his vision away. He looked to Rin and easily put the dots together – he could see the Uzumaki in her, but sadly there was nothing of her father in her.

"As much as I find this amusing," Rin interrupted. "I don't need you comparing me to my father … or … geez you shitty perv … I do not want to know about the wet dreams you have about my father."

Hiruzen coughed on his pipe and Kakashi sputtered in surprise as he tried to formulate a response. "Is there a reason you're eavesdropping though Hatake-san?"

Kakashi collected his thoughts, straightened up and nodded cheerfully. "Why yes, I came to see the third student appointed to Squad #7. Though I am surprised to know you're a Chunin … is there something I should know?"

The Hokage nodded and spoke after a puff of his pipe. "Yes, Rin is assigned with watching the Uchiha to assess him. He may be a Flight Risk, after all."

Kakashi nodded seriously in understanding before looking at Rin again, thinking of his luck in getting his ex-sensei's daughter as a team member – though her punky appearance was interesting.

"Quit thinking about me as your ex-sensei's daughter asshole," Rin interrupted. "I'm a Kunoichi and more importantly … I'm an Uzumaki, not a Namikaze like that bitch that gave birth to me has chosen to be."

The venom in her tone threw Kakashi for a second, but he understood Rin's reasons – Kushina simply left without explanation, abandoning her daughter completely. Rin's scowl drew his attention back to reality as he finally put the evidence together in his mind.

"You can read my mind," Kakashi muttered in awe.

"Oh, figured that out, did you?" Rin replied. "I guess you are considered the prodigy of your generation … I trust you can keep that to yourself asshole?"

Kakashi grinned behind his mask, his ex-sensei's … no Rin Uzumaki was someone that radiated power and it demanded his respect.

"So I did inherit something from my father?" Rin mused as she picked up Kakashi's thoughts. "Whatever, I need to report to the hospital, later Hokage-sama, Shit head."

She nodded her head to the Hokage and Kakashi respectively as she spoke, before vanishing in a standard Konoha Leaf Shunshin, leaving the two men alone.

"She's going to be a handful, isn't she?" Kakashi questioned his leader.

"Oh you have no idea, Kakashi," Hiruzen replied before handing Kakashi Rin's ROOT Dossier. "That dossier is a SS-Rank Secret Kakashi … if you reveal any of that information and I won't stop Rin from killing you."

Kakashi nodded seriously and disappeared with his own Shunshin. Hiruzen turned to face his village and puffed at his pipe to relieve his stress. "The Village won't know what hit it."


"Fucking nurse," Rin snarled as she left the hospital. "A simple sample of blood, my ass … she nearly ripped my vein open."

Rin continued mumbling angrily as she approached the Ninja Academy, she halted at the entrance and blinked at the gate.

"A Barrier Fūinjutsu Array to protect the students in case of danger," she muttered in surprise. "It's old though – too old. It won't protect shit in its condition. The old man owes me for this."

Rin bit her thumb and rubbed it on the centre of the gate. It caused the gate to hiss as the Sealing Array came into view – shocking the nearby Academy Teacher. 'Iruka Umino … Chunin,' the man's thoughts supplied. She went through twenty handseals before reapplying the blood to the centre of the Sealing Array.

Iruka watched in awe as the gate's seal became bolder and looked brand new as it hissed to life. A cold shiver went down his spine as he felt the power pass through him, judging him safe as an instructor.

"There, one newly charged Fūinjutsu Array," Rin muttered. "Bloody Konoha Shinobi and their lack of respect for Fūinjutsu … assholes are begging for destruction. Without the Uzumaki Clan, they're walls would be ruins by now, judging by this shoddy seal work … who the fuck did these seals?"

"Whatever," Rin hissed grumpily. "Time to meet the other graduates … they'd better not piss me off."

Rin stalked off and leapt into a nearby tree to watch the graduating class from through the window. She snorted at the Ino-Shika-Cho Trio as they recanted the tale of their meeting with the Uzumaki Clan Head.

"I probably should've erased that memory," Rin hummed. "Clan Heads have to be Chunin, and I'm supposed to be masquerading as a Gennin. I can use the Ceremonial Card then … a Gennin can be a Ceremonial Clan Head with similar rights … that'll work."

Rin nodded to herself and dropped from the tree to the ground in a perfectly silent crouch. She ignored the curious civilians as she walked into the Academy building – ready to meet and greet. She halted and glared at the classroom door for a second, before sighing resignedly and knocking.

The Instructor from earlier, Iruka Umino answered the door and looked at the tattooed girl suspiciously. "Yes, may I help you?"

Rin put on a forced smile. "Yes, I was told to report here for graduation. You are Iruka Umino, correct? The Hokage mentioned that you were the Instructor."

Iruka's suspicious look turned to a happy one as he gestured the girl inside. It had the expected result of attracting the attention of the class. "Class, this is … um …"

"Rin Uzumaki, at your service," Rin nodded – still a little grumpy with her morning.

"Right, right: Rin Uzumaki," Iruka continued. "She's here to graduate with the class and be assigned a Squad with some of you."

"WHAT, SHE HASN'T EVEN TAKEN THE TEST SENSEI!" a boy with messy brown hair and a leather jacket shouted noisily – his Ninken, a giant hound, nodded in agreement.

'Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru,' Rin picked up.

"Like I care what you think dog-boy," Rin replied – ignoring Iruka's glare at her response.

"The hell you call me?" Kiba snarled angrily. He expected Akamaru to back him up in his anger, only to turn to his partner as the dog whined in fear.

"Your Ninken is smarter than you, mongrel," Rin merely spoke.

Kiba stared at the tattooed girl before he extended his senses. It was then that he sensed it: the power of an Alpha. He immediately sat down and growled in annoyance.

"Right, so please take a seat Rin-san," Iruka squeaked – he'd never seen that reaction from Kiba – at least from outside of his mother and sister.

Rin snorted and moved to sit next to the Aburame boy. She blinked as she heard the distinctive buzzing of insects and acknowledged that he must've already had a larger than normal hive living inside of him. The boy shuffled to the side to give Rin more room, and she smiled at him in thanks.

"Shino," the boy simply spoke. "I am Shino Aburame."

"Rin Uzumaki," Rin responded.

Shino nodded in reply and turned to face Iruka as he prattled on about the responsibilities of being a Gennin of Konoha. Rin on the other hand, shifted her gaze to the remaining class and spotted the blushing form of Chouji staring at her – Rin smiled cutely and waved, whilst Ino, who sat next to him, nudged him to get his attention. The Nara boy, Shikamaru was difficult to read, but he was equally curious and cautious about her. 'I'll have to be careful around that one.'

She spied her target also staring at her and she internally gagged at his thoughts. 'Revenge, revenge and attraction to me … that boy needs to get his priorities straightened out. The old man was right to watch him. Flight Risk, my ass … he's ready to become a traitor if it suited him … fucking Uchiha, why couldn't he be like Itachi?'

Blowing out a frustrated breath, Rin assessed the remaining Gennin candidates, particularly the Clan Heirs and Heiresses. 'They're mindset is pathetic, but their individual skills are nothing to sneer at … I'll need to be ready to use 42% of my power at least, if I want to fight them without revealing too much. Hmm, this will be fun.'

"Squad #7: Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Rin Uzumaki – your sensei: Hatake Kakashi."

"Squad #8: Hinata Hyūga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame – your sensei: Kurenai Yuhi."

"Squad #9: Is still in active service."

"Squad #10: Shikamaru Nara, Chouji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka – your sensei: Asuma Sarutobi."

Rin ignored the remaining Squad calls. Her mind instinctively picked up the thoughts of the entire room, and she knew that only the aforementioned teams would make it.

"Game on," Rin muttered to herself.


That's it for the latest chapter. I know it's only worth 4,000 words, but it's better than nothing right?



