Disclaimer: I don't own Five Nights at Freddy's or RWBY duh... By this point, someone who doesn't have common sense will stupidly believe I stole these franchise and make it into a cringy story of my own creation. I obviously don't own any of these for god sakes.

Ruby and Friends


Jaune Arc is just a normal person, who has two loving parents with seven lovable sisters. They were just a normal family. However, Jaune needed money so the only easy and simple job he could get was being a night guard in a family restaurant. It was simple, but it was not normal after all.

Beta Reader: VariousStories


Jaune Arc was walking on the side of the city streets, crestfallen and head low - specifically because he just got rejected from Beacon Academy, a college widely known for its amazing teaching and famous for letting students achieve great scholarships and giving them good job prospects, but it looks like he won't be going there.

He looked up at the darkening sky, wondering why fate doesn't want him to go to that particular college. Maybe he can cheat his way in with a professional forger that—no, that would be shameful for him and his family. He is 19 years old after all. Still young, but already qualified for a job.

Wait a minute, why does he need a job for? Oh yeah, because he was broke at the moment. Nothing too major – he wasn't in debt or anything – but his family wouldn't help him. They only helped him by giving him an apartment and some food to last for a few weeks and then suddenly leave him, thinking that he can survive on his own since he is nineteen years old.

Oh boy, how wrong they were. They were right about something, but he needed a job to keep his apartment and way of life. Plus his family isn't rich, so he's on his own on this one by going job hunting when suddenly-

A poster landed on his face.

He was surprised and flailed around like an idiot until he stopped and realized what he did. He certainly hoped that no one saw that, but the poster was still on his face so he grabbed it and glanced around to see if someone noticed. A few did, so he hastily ducked his head in embarrassment and fast-walked away from the area.

He looks at the poster that hit him on the face and took notice that it was a flyer for a job.

'Wanted! Nightguard for the family restaurant called Ruby and Friends. Call us now for more details on the job at 6378-0828-4003'

Jaune blinked, 'Huh. Something tells me that I'm either really lucky, or I just used up the last of my good luck... ah, whatever. Thanks... erm, whoever is watching?'

Yep, he probably just pissed off whatever deity was listening.

Either way, Jaune was happy that he found a job in a nick of time, so he quickly ran to his house and dialed the number. It rang twice before someone picked up.

"Hello?" A voice said through the phone.

"Hello, I want to apply as a night guard in your restaurant," Jaune said very confidently.

The person on the other phone didn't reply for ten seconds, though he heard some shuffling on the other end.

"Alright... just go to this street and from there we'll fill you in the rest of the details. You can get started on your job as we are explaining things on what you need to do." He pauses, "The street name is 13923 E Exposition Ave, Aura, OA 80012. That is all."

"Okay, I'll go there tomorrow, thank you." Jaune hangs up and set his scroll on the table. He spent a second calming his excitement and quickly went over to his computer to search for the street, get directions and settle in for the night. He couldn't afford to mess up on his first day.

He cooked himself some dinner, watched a few shows, brushed his teeth and finally slept early – very early because he was eager to make a good impression. According to the small print on the flyer, it was a simple job. A very simple one, in fact; just watch the restaurant for six hours and there, he gets the money. Hopefully, the place wasn't some weird sketchy place.

Shaking off his feeling of foreboding, he closed the book he was reading – 'The Four Maidens' – and laid it on his bedside table, flicking off the lamp and tucking into sleep.


Jaune woke up very quickly in surprise, hastily shutting the alarm off. He sat there in bed for a few long moments before slowly getting up to go to his new job which was very far, but after looking up the directions he got familiar with where he needed to go, so he knew he had some time.

He went through his daily routine as always. Take a bath, get dressed, eat breakfast, watch some TV, and prepare the things that he needs to bring. You know, the usual.

Jaune tied his shoes and checks his bag to see if he forgot something to bring.

"Hmmm... Scroll? Check. Extra shirt? Check. Lunch for the job and snacks? Check. Coffee in case I fall asleep? Check. Hmm... I think that's all, well, it's time to hit the road."

He went outside and proceed to lock the door as he was out. He was wearing some blue jeans, a pair of white strip shoes and a black hoodie – his 'signature' clothes. He hoped they weren't expecting him to wear a suit or he was screwed.

He stopped at a bus stop and waited for the next bus to come by and pick him up. It was still 8:00 so he got a lot of time to get there


Jaune was standing in the parking lot of the restaurant. He went in and double-checked if this was the place, taking a look at the surroundings. There were a lot of cars, that's for sure, signifying the restaurant's fame because one look at the sign or logo on top of the restaurant would make you want to go in and have dinner.

Because the sign includes four animatronic... girls. What, you thought four animatronic animals? Hell no, it's girls. Girls that are obviously wearing animal costumes, but they are still animatronics even though they look too human.

Jaune gets uncomfortable as he sees them, but he shakes his head and puts on a confident face. There is no turning back now so he must do it even it kills him.

So without a word, he continues to walk to the building to apply for the job... and to sign his death warrant.

-~- Ruby and Friends -~-

As Jaune entered the building, he was met with lots of kids playing with their food at the tables while singing some kind of song. He looks to his right to where all of the kids are facing and saw the stage where three animatronics girls in animal costumes were dancing and singing.

To Jaune, he was a bit disturbed by them. He doesn't even know why they are entertainment to the kids, he thinks he only saw a few six to four years old while the rest are nine to thirteen years old and plus, in the corner of his eyes, he can see a few grown adults sitting around the kids' table area, probably they're their parents, but most of the adults are men, he deadpan with a sigh.

He looks back at the stage to get a good look at the "animatronics" if they are even animatronics, to begin with. Firstly is the one that looks like a rabbit that is playing the dark red guitar and it seems it doesn't even wear a costume apart from the rabbit ears, the rest is just human clothes that are a vest with a top bodysuit, leggings, and gloves. The ears and clothes are colored lavender with a red bow tie and light lavender long sleeve shirt.

The rabbit's face is so real, and pretty cute too because it's basically what he's seeing – a cute girl with silver eyes and red hair. It's weird that whoever made them added the features of human beings and for some funny reason, his mind just told him that it or she is the age of fifteen, it's weird because she was only a machine that doesn't have any age or…emotion.

Shaking the thought away, he looks at the center of the group of animatronics. Next was a bear, since it wore the same outfit as the rabbit, but this time the vest is colored light brown along with the top bodysuit, a black bow tie and a hat with bear ears on the sides. Now this one really pops out from its appearance because of the long blond hair that reaches down to its butt, with alluring purple eyes.

Now the weirdest feature on it or her out of all of them are… her breasts. They were huge, easily a D or DD, and from the corner of his eye, he saw many of the adult men staring with blushes on their cheeks, eliciting a strained sigh from him.

Finally, the last one was a chicken. She wore a different kind of costume or clothes for that matter; comprising of a yellow dress with a white bib over it that had the words 'LET'S EAT' in bold yellow letters. Additionally, she wore two yellow sleeve arms, a chicken hat on her head, one that had a pointy orange beak. What really stood out was the skin – it was so pure, so pale that it reminded him of snow, of winter. Her hair only added to the image, is a silvery-white and her eyes were an icy blue.

Really, he needed to ask who is the creator of these things. They look beautiful and attractive, but at the same time, they are not real. They looked so unnatural, so ethereal that it made him nervous. A very literal uncanny-valley feeling.

Now he needs to find the manager-

"Hello sir, are you perhaps the one who wants to apply as the night guard?" A voice greeted him lightly, tone querying.

Jaune turned towards the voice and saw the manager of the establishment. She wore a typical manager mini skirt and a coat with long sleeves. All of her outfits were black with a red stylish tie that brought out her appearance, a pair of glasses resting on her nose with a black frame, blending in with her shiny black hair. She stood with an aura of professionalism, making him feel like he was almost standing before a teacher.

Jaune snapped out of his train of thought and answered the woman's question.

"Uh y-yes, I am..um, where do I sign?" He asked, causing her to smile.

"Please come with me Mister…?" she trailed off, prompting Jaune to answer.

"Jaune, Jaune Arc"

"Cindy Elaina." Cindy gave her name as they walked to her office, which was between the restroom and kitchen. Cindy opened the door and went in and Jaune caught a glimpse of another animatronic at the other side of the room but didn't get a good look at it.

Cindy walked around her desk and sat down in her chair, "Please mister Arc, have a seat."

He did, waiting patiently as Cindy went over all her paperwork before handing a few pieces of paper to Jaune with a pen.

"Please sign where it says to with the relevant information." She said as Jaune took the stack of paper and pen. ''

"Should I write this outside Miss Elaina?" Jaune questioned but Cindy just shook his head.

"No it's fine, it will only take like 5 minutes to finish that, it's only 3 pages," She replied as she studied some other documents on her desk as Jaune filled out the papers.

He answers a few questions about who he is and how old is he, you know, that sort of stuff before he gave it back to Cindy.

"Thank you, Mister Arc, would you like a tour of our restaurant before you work for the night?" She offered. Jaune simply nodded; he had nothing else to do anyway.

They both went out of the office and Cindy began to explain a few things.

"I assume you already know those three over there by the stage?" Jaune could only nod.

"Alright, but do not be mistaken Mister Arc there is another one right there." She pointed to the curtains as there was a sign saying 'SORRY OUT OF ORDER'.

"Yeah, I thought I caught a glimpse of another one, what is its name?" He asked curiously.

"Its name is Blake or 'Blakey the Pirate', but most of the children call her Blake. The other three are named 'Ruby the Rabbit', 'Yang the Bear' and 'Weiss the Chicken'." Cindy answered with a straight face, her eyes closed.

She could tell that Jaune had a face of disbelief. He wouldn't be the first person to question the rather... unusual naming choices.

Jaune made to open his mouth, but Cindy cut him off.

"Don't ask. I don't know why they're named like that – besides, giving them names that are appropriate to their appearance makes sense." Cindy sighed, making Jaune laugh nervously.

''Haha... sorry...'' He trailed off and scratched the back of his head bashfully.

"Never mind that now, let us continue." She said as she stopped at a particular hallway next to the curtains.

"You may know that the kitchen is right beside the room of my office, correct?" She questioned just to clarify. He nodded.

Obviously, there was a kitchen beside Cindy's office because there is a table in front of a window that serves the food with another person behind the table as she is the cashier, anyone would figure that out.

"Good, and you probably know that on the other side of the office is the restroom?" She questioned, and Jaune only nodded again.

"Perfect, you know where the kitchen, restroom, and my office are. Now, let us move onto the closet." Cindy declared, leading them both down a hallway.

"As you may notice there are two hallways, one on the left and one on the right. We'll take the right hallway first to go to the closet that I mention earlier." She stated as she and Jaune walked down the right hallway where Blake's stage was. They arrived at the closet very shortly and the manager opened it to reveal its contents.

"This is where the janitor usually keeps his cleaning supplies. It's small, but it works for us. It's only big enough for one or two people so let's move on." Cindy said as she went back the direction they came, Jaune following.

"We're now moving to the next hallway because there is something there as well…" She clarified for his benefit, leading him to the other hallway. They passed by children as they walked by the kitchen, soon reaching the left hallway.

"Now you may notice that there is a door at the side; that is just another door to the kitchen. Now let's move on to the security office where you will be working..." She trailed off as Jaune followed her quickly, soon reaching the security office.

Jaune noticed the walls here were a bit dirty, even the office. "I see that you notice that this area looks decrepit. That is because the Janitor is too lazy to clean the whole damn building, he only cleans the ones where people usually go, like the tables over there where the kids are playing." Cindy explained as Jaune notice a few things.

"Um, why are there metal doors here?" He asked, unaware of the manager stiffening a little.

"Oh... those? Well, you will get all the answers from that tape recorder over there by the table beside the screen – it will automatically play by itself to answer all of your questions, like this metal door…" She quickly explained, trailing off at the end.

"Okaaay? So how much am I going to get paid?" Jaune asked, earning a smirk from the manager.

"Every hour, 150 lien." At that, Jaune's eyes nearly burst out of his skull.

"Y-You mean it w-will be…"

The manager only grinned at his dumbfounded expression. "That's right, every end of your shift, you will get 900 lien for each night you complete."

"You're thinking that you've gotten the best job ever? Right?" She questioned almost teasingly, amused that he could only nod dumbly.

"Well, you can stay here if you want until your shift starts where you will begin locking the whole place up at 11:00. We have a uniform prepared for you, just asks the cashier. You can also order anything you want since you're an employee of this establishment now." Cindy added as Jaune got even more frozen.

"Oh I almost forgot, there is another room where we keep some parts for our mascots, it's a storage room beside Blake's stage, you got that?" Jaune could only bring out a thumbs up.

"Well, you can do anything you want now since the tour is over." She said as she left Jaune there in his statue-esque pose.

Little did Jaune know, that the job is not great. The pay may be good, and he gets free food, but what he didn't know is this restaurant's back story of when a person takes the job, they are likely to be dead…in more ways than one.

Yeet, whoa I actually did it well not me technically, but I actually updated this story without going as long as four years?! The world must be ending (We're still going to talk about the four years thing). So as some of you guess, this is the edited version and the most perceptive of you can tell the first half of this chapter is chapter one merge with the chapter 2. The person who edited this is VariousStories. Praise this name, praise this person, I order you to go to their profile and send him/her some love and determination. Even though in their profile it said Author: Inactive I was still able to enlist their help for beta reading my story and I gotta say he/she did a mighty fine job, it looks clean to me with a bit of more refine edits here and there by me.

Make no mistake VariousStories is still Inactive since I keep refreshing the page to make sure. It does not mean he/she will stick with me throughout this story. I will explain it in the next chapter. So about that four years thing, seriously? Did it take me four years to update this? Ever since I posted night 2, two reviews said four years. Wow was it really that long? God time sure does fly fast. I will address that probably in the next chapter or in the alert chapter where I make an announcement where the chapters are finish rewritten (except for night 2).

Anyway, stay cool, go make sure to check out VariousStories' work even though his/she is inactive they still have amazing works that I have yet to read so check their works out. This is the gamer that is also the artist signing off.