Author's Note: Well you guys, here is the new story! I was really excited and started to write this tonight. For those who didn't read the other note, this is a redo! I scrapped the other version of this and I hope you like the new version! Completely different storyline to it I hope you enjoy!

Attending Fairy Tail University was a dream, I never thought that I would be able to attend this elite school. After graduating from Fairy Tail with honors, I would now not only be attending one of the biggest schools in the country but I would be going with my fiancé! Yeah you heard me, I am engaged to Gajeel Redfox. I met him at the beginning of my senior year at Fairy Tail Academy, and we quickly fell in love with each other.

I zipped up my bags, getting ready to leave for school when I heard a loud shout coming from downstairs. "YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY PERCIOUS BABY GIRL ON THAT DEATH TRAP OF YOURS!" I heard Gajeel's father yell. He would soon be my father as well, and he already treated me like I was a part of this family. Actually he treated me like I was his cherished daughter, and Gajeel was the big bad wolf.

I walked down stairs carrying my bag. I walked into the living room and looked at them glaring at each other, "You bought me the damn bike!"

His father rolled his eyes, "Feh! I don't care if you ride it, just don't put my little girl on that thing." He said crossing his arms.

Gajeel looked at his father and then at me, "Would you tell him that I drive fine on it!"

I laughed and shook my head, "Well if I did that, then I would be lying." I said giving him an innocent look.

He scowled at me but his dad grinned, "There you see! You can take your car, I'll have your bike delivered to your school later this week. But if I find out you went behind my back and put my beautiful daughter on that bike then I will disown you!" He said.

"Mr. Redfox…" He narrowed his eyes on me, "I mean dad!" Man I was still getting use to that, "I thought you were okay letting me ride with Gajeel on that bike?"

"That was before I found out about all the speeding tickets and reckless driving charges!" He said in a huff, "I won't having him risk you like that!"

"I don't drive like that when shorty is on the bike with me!" Gajeel said defensively.

"Pssh! I don't believe you!"

I sighed seeing another father and son argument coming on. I would have to soften the deal. I walked over to Metalicana and hugged him, "I had fun this summer, dad." He hugged me tightly while Gajeel scoffed while rolling his eyes.

"I don't know what I'll do with myself, while you're gone!" He said.

"Oh I don't know, maybe work!" Gajeel muttered under his breath, "No normal grown ass man takes a whole summer off work just to spend time with his soon to be daughter in law."

We both ignored him, "I promise, we will come to visit you all the time. And if you want you can come see us on the weekends." I said pulling away and smiling brightly at him.

"SHORTY!" Gajeel face palmed. "What the hell do you think you're doing by saying that? He is going to be at our school every weekend now!"

Oops. I shrugged and Metalicana glared at Gajeel, "And what's wrong with a father visiting his daughter?! It's perfectly natural."

"Ugh huh…" Gajeel looked at me then grabbed my bag, "Let's hit the road shrimp." I said my goodbyes to Metalicana and we left quickly. Gajeel was convinced that if we didn't leave now his father would never let me leave. Even though Gajeel pretended that he hated when his father would pamper me and give me lots of attention. I could tell he was really pleased with it. Maybe because I lost my father last year. I wasn't really sure.

We drove to Fairy Tail University, and Gajeel even let me choose what station on the radio to listen to. We listened to the radio for a while and then I read one of my many books out loud to Gajeel, he loved it when I read to him. Once we got to the school, Gajeel parked and we got out of the car. This year we would be sharing a dorm room since we were engaged. Gajeel grabbed all of our bags, which was shocking since I had at least three bags full of books. Gajeel made it look easy, but he was really strong.

We walked to our dorm, and this place looked as expensive as Fairy Tail Academy. I was just happy I was here on a scholarship and didn't have to worry about racking up a debt. Not that my grandparents would ever let that happen. I was pretty sure that Gajeel would have stepped in to. He made me give back my grandparents credit card, and he gave me his own. I take care of what's mine, shrimp. Your grandparents don't need to take care of you anymore, it's my job now and I take it very seriously.

It was nice that he cared so much about me, but it could be annoying at times too. Especially when we went into stores. If I starred at anything too long he would buy it for me. I would need to talk to him about that soon, hopefully he wouldn't be so stubborn.

When I walked into our dorm room I heard two voices talking, Gajeel dropped our bags by the door. "Stay here." He whispered.

"No. I'm coming with you." I said.

He sighed then nodded, we walked further into the dorm room and I suddenly recognized the voices. I saw Natsu sitting in our living room with his feel on the coffee table, flipping through the channels on the TV. "Grey you should check this out, they have all the good movie stations!" Natsu said not noticing us watching him.

"Oh that's nothing, you should check out their bathroom! It's huge, and it has two sinks!" He said coming out in only his underwear. Gajeel covered my eyes.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" I batted away Gajeel's hands and saw Natsu and Grey looking at us shocked, "Grey put some damn clothes on!" Gajeel barked.

I blushed and looked down, "Grey you're nearly naked."

Grey looked down at himself and gasped. "Crap!" He walked back in the bathroom to find his clothes.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I asked.

"We wanted to check out your place!" Natsu said shrugging.

"Yeah your place is nicer than our rooms." Grey said coming out of the bathroom now fully clothed. "This is a good hangout spot."

Gajeel sighed, "Too bad! This is mine and shrimps place! Don't come here unannounced!" He grabbed them both by the collar of their shirt and dragged them to the door.

"HEY!" Grey yelled.

"What the hell man!" Natsu snapped.

Gajeel pushed them out the door and then slammed the door shut, and locked it. He shook his head and walked back to me. "Well shorty, welcome to our new home."

Author's Note: Okay you guys tell me how you liked this chapter! It's finally done, and I had so much fun writing it! It gave me all the warm fuzziness that Fairy Tail Academy did when I wrote that! So please review!