She told me you were drunk when you died,

But now, I know the truth.

I saw it in his memories, mother,

He remembered that night too.


The whole world thinks I lived,

But they forget you died.

They thought I was their savior,

And for this they cheered.

But it wasn't right,

Because it wasn't me who vanquished Voldemort that night, that time it was you.


At time I entered this world,

Everyone thought I was special.

I was tried and tested by everyone,

And faced situations beyond my years.

These tests were assurances that I was the real savior,

Because they didn't believe the truth.


I keep on repeating,

That it wasn't me last time, and,

That you were the real hero.

But they are too prejudiced,

To admit that their savior,

Wasn't born to their kin.


The prophecy spoke of a power,

The dark lord knows not.

I didn't knew, what it meant,

till I saw, you in that monster's head.

I saw you mother, how you stood against him ,

You acted so strong and brave.

You pleaded from that monster to spare my life and take yours instead.


The wizarding world didn't deserve,

My mother, your sacrifice.

They don't thank or praise you,

To them you are another victim.

I knew you didn't die for them,

I knew you did it for me.

Oh, mother did you loved me so much,

Enough to die for me.


I think he chose me to come back,

Because I had what he didn't.

He used my blood, to complete his ritual,

Because my mother loved me and his mother didn't.


Your love was your most important gift,

It saved me from going down the dark path.

It was the only this love, which,

Saved me from that wretched soul part.

Not only what you did that night

But how you lived before,

Was the only reason that,

Professor cared at all.


I guess the cheers and appreciation,

This time are well justified,

Cause this time it was really me momma,

It was, me, your brave boy.


I was not afraid that,

I will cross the veil,

During the final battle,

Because I knew that if I do,

I will join my beloved mother.