Hi everyone!

Hope you've all been doing well!

Queen Rainbow: Thank you!

CloudCarnivore: I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! Thank you!

Now, unfortunately, I have an announcement about the schedule. With everything going on with work, life, etc., I'm no longer going to be able to keep this fic on a regular schedule. I hope to publish one more scheduled chapter in about three to four weeks, but that will depend on my workload. I'm not sure whether the schedule change will be a true hiatus or simply updating as my time allows (the description will be changed to semi-hiatus for the benefit of potential new readers).

Without the regular update schedule, I can't predict how long it will take for me to finish this fic entirely. Due to this uncertainty, I am more than happy to provide some form of summary of the planned remaining chapters if requested.

I sincerely apologize for the change-hopefully I will be able to continue at semi-regular intervals until the fic is finished.

So without further ado, onto the next chapter-in which a new arrival comes to Ichio's castle.

"We're doomed. I tell you, doomed!"

Reiko watched in silence as Nekozawa paced the length of his chamber's parlor. At last, the Duke of Tokare groaned and flung himself into the nearest chair

"Our efforts—all in vain! All the subtle machinations, all the entrapments to prevent Yuko from meddling, the endless hours of watching from the shadows to ensure things ran smoothly—it all means nothing!" Nekozawa cried. He buried his face in his hands with a choked half-sob.

Reiko sighed. In recent weeks, she and the Duke had agreed to be the silent guardians of the young royals and their budding relationship. They had taken to hidden surveillance and any other magical tricks to prevent interference. Thus far, their techniques had succeeded. Nekozawa's spirits seemed to rise with each new triumph, hopes buoyed even more when Tamaki began courting Haruhi in earnest.

Which made the newest development a devastating blow.

"Nekozawa, we can't be certain our efforts have been wasted—" she started.

"Oh, truly?" Nekozawa threw his arms open wide. "They haven't spoken in nearly a week! An entire week!"

This was true. Since their return from a performance in the city, Tamaki and Haruhi had hardly looked at each other, let alone spoken. "Yes, but—"

"Almost a week, Reiko. Have you seen them apart for more than a day or so in the past?"

She bit her lip. "I suppose not…"

"Now, they won't even speak to each other!" Nekozawa slumped forward. "And things were going so well—I had such hopes! I can't imagine what could have happened between them. Nor could I ask without potentially compromising our position."

Nekozawa leaned his head against his knees, letting out a quiet whimper. "If we do not know what drove them apart, what can we do to bring them together?"

The Duke posed an excellent question. And Reiko wished she had the answer.


Haruhi would not be the first to break the silence between her and Tamaki.

No matter how many awkward questions she received from the court ladies, no matter how the other troupe members begged her to end the feud and no matter how Renge claimed she had run out of ideas for plays if Arlecchino and Columbina refused to speak to each other, Haruhi would not bend first.

"This is really ridiculous," Mei commented as they sat in the Spy's Courtyard on the fifth day of the feud. "Are you two going to avoid each other forever?"

Haruhi shrugged. "If Tamaki decides he wants to be civil, then he can talk to me. But I didn't do anything wrong and I'm not apologizing."

"Hear, hear." Hikaru sauntered over to the two, a light of mischief in his eyes. "Milord is being a fool about this fight."

"Thanks Hikaru. It's nice to have someone agree with me," Haruhi said.

Mei sniffed and returned to her embroidery. "I don't think the others disagree with you. I think they just want you both to make up."

Hikaru rolled his eyes, making a comical grimace. "So, Haruhi, Kaoru and I were going to practice our acrobatics. Would you like to come watch and spot us?"

"Oh, yeah, of course," Haruhi said.

But no sooner had she stood up did a flurry of activity swirl through the courtyard. The seated court ladies sprang to their feet.

"Now, I won't have you all standing on ceremony." Ranka swept into the courtyard. "But, since you're standing, gather round—I have news!"

He stopped in the center of the courtyard, looked to Haruhi and motioned her over. She, Mei and Hikaru joined the crowd clustering around the queen.

Ranka raised his hands for silence and the babble of voices quieted. With a smile, he began, "Thank you. Now, you know I would ordinarily make an announcement like this in the throne room. But, I simply couldn't wait!"

Ranka paused, beaming expectantly at the faces surrounding him. "Well, would you all like to know?"

A chorus of agreement answered him.

"Excellent. We have a new special visitor arriving soon!" Ranka exclaimed.

"Oh great," Haruhi muttered under her breath. "Hope it's not another suitor."

They had managed a suspiciously long period without interference from another royal seeking to court her.

Again, Ranka had to quiet the crowd. "We will be hosting the daughter of a well-known tea merchant. Perhaps you've heard of the Kanoya family?"

The group burst into excited murmurs.

"I thought you might have. The family's only daughter, Megumi, will be staying with us for a few weeks while her father is at sea. I trust that all of you will welcome her and treat her to your usual magnificent hospitality," Ranka declared.

"Absolutely, Majesty!" the court replied.

Ranka clapped his hands. "Good! Good! Now, she'll be here tomorrow and I would like to plan for her arrival."

The crowd huddled around their king, enthusiasm buzzing in the air. Haruhi exchanged a glance with Hikaru before joining in.

At least it wasn't a suitor.


"She looks just like Highness!"

"I know—the resemblance is almost eerie!"

Comments from the court ladies fluttered about the Great Hall. Every eye in the court was trained on the new arrival.

Haruhi stood to one side of the hall with Kaoru, Hikaru, Honey and Mori, watching the scene. Frowning, Haruhi asked, "Do I really look that much like her? I didn't really see it when Dad introduced us."

Honey glanced between her and the other dark haired girl standing with Ranka. "Well, you two do look pretty similar—"

"Come on, Honey—beyond their hair color and style, they hardly look alike," Hikaru stated.

"Um, but their eye color is the same too," Honey said. "And they're the same height—"

"Their mannerisms are completely different," Kaoru cut in. "Watch how Megumi tilts her head—see? Haruhi would never do that."

Haruhi did have to admit that Kaoru was absolutely correct. But she couldn't help the sense that she was staring at her mirror image in Megumi. Albeit, a much more feminine, carefree mirror image.

Ranka and Megumi made the rounds about the Hall until Megumi had been introduced to every member of the court. The queen and the new arrival then returned to Haruhi and the troupe members.

"Well, Megumi, Haruhi and her friends will be more than willing to help entertain you while you're here," Ranka declared.

Megumi offered a bright smile. "Thank you, Majesty. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you."

"But there's two of you missing," Ranka said. "Where are Kyoya and Tamaki?"

Mori looked out over the crowd, then pointed. "There."

Surely enough, the troupe leader and the illusionist were edging through the crowd towards the rest of the troupe.

"Ah, Majesty!" Tamaki bowed when he reached them. "Apologies for our tardiness. Where is our visitor?"

Ranka flourished one hand in Megumi's direction. "Megumi, may I introduce Tamaki and Kyoya."

The color drained from Tamaki's face and his mouth dropped opened.

Ranka continued, "Tamaki is the leader of Le Triomphe de la Comedie and Kyoya is the troupe's illusionist."

Megumi offered a wave. "It's wonderful to meet you both."

"Likewise, Lady Megumi," Kyoya replied.

Tamaki shook his head. "But I don't understand, if—"

He looked to Megumi, then glanced about. His gaze stopped on Haruhi. Comprehension seemed to dawn and a laugh burst from him. "Ah, Lady Megumi, please forgive me! At first glance, I assumed you were Her Highness."

Megumi giggled. "Everyone seems to think we look alike. And I can't imagine standing so close to His Majesty helped."

Hikaru's eyes narrowed. He muttered under his breath, "He can't be serious."

"So how did you come to lead an acting troupe?" Megumi asked.

"Ah, my lady, that is a complicated tale—" Tamaki began.

Kaoru and Hikaru slipped up to either side of Megumi. "One that, honestly, you wouldn't be interested in hearing," Kaoru said.

"Especially considering how long-winded milord can be," Hikaru added.

They linked arms with Megumi. "Come with us—we've been practicing our acrobatics routine—it'll be much more interesting to watch."

"I would love to watch," Megumi said, gently extricating her arms from the twins. "And Tamaki, you can tell me all about how you came to lead the troupe while we watch."

The twins' faces fell as glee lit Tamaki's face.

Tamaki clapped his hands. "Excellent compromise, my lady! May I escort you?"

Megumi took the arm Tamaki offered. "Of course."

The twins led the way out of the Great Hall, with Haruhi bringing up the rear of the troupe. Curious court members trailed behind them.

"Did Tamaki really think Megumi was Highness?" one court lady murmured.

"I don't know—the mistake seems quite unlike him," her friend replied. "But then again, I don't think he and Highness are getting along lately."

Haruhi quickened her pace until the conversation faded away.


Days after Megumi's arrival, Tamaki and Haruhi still hadn't spoken. By now, their mutual avoidance had become routine. But Haruhi couldn't help but notice that each time she saw Tamaki, Megumi hovered nearby. The other troupe members said the two had eaten lunch together. Supposedly, Megumi, who had taken to the kitchens on her first day, had prepared the meals. Even the court began to comment on how much time Tamaki spent with the new arrival.

Haruhi shrugged the news off. Tamaki had to speak to her eventually. They would reconcile and everyone could resume their usual routines. To her own surprise, she itched to return to performing in the city. But, Renge had refused to plan any more plays in the city until Columbina and Arlecchino could speak to each other again.

The break left Haruhi with a great deal of time on her hands—time that she usually spent in the library. She devoured any books available on etiquette, diplomacy and politics. After all, Ichio would never form alliances if she was unable to negotiate the agreements.

Yet today, her reading was interrupted by a single quiet call.


Megumi stepped out from behind one of the library shelves.

Haruhi nodded with a smile. "Hi Megumi. What can I do for you?"

"I only need a few moments of your time. And perhaps some patience," Megumi said.

Haruhi set aside her book, trying not to raise an eyebrow at this strange request. "Sure, I can do that."

Megumi smiled and held up one finger. "Just one moment."

Then, she disappeared behind the shelves again. Haruhi strained and heard whispers. At last, two sets of footsteps rang out. Megumi returned…with Tamaki in tow.

At first, the troupe's leader didn't meet Haruhi's eye. He took a deep breath. Then, he spoke. "Highness, if I might have a bit of your time."

Haruhi blinked. After a week and a half, Tamaki had spoken to her. Too surprised to say anything, she simply nodded.

Tamaki shifted from side to side and glanced back to Megumi. When he turned back to Haruhi, he met her gaze. "Megumi has convinced me…to see your point of view. In doing so, I've realized that this feud between us is childish. Both of us had valid reasons for our reactions. But refusing to speak to each other is pointless. We should simply accept it and move on. It is, after all, simply one more difference between us."

"'One more difference?'" Haruhi echoed.

"Well, you never take sugar in your tea, I take several lumps. Your favorite season is autumn, mine is summer. Small differences. And our argument was simply one more small difference." Tamaki smiled, but something about it seemed strained.

"Oh, um, I see," Haruhi said.

"Then we can put this feuding behind us?"

Well, she hadn't been the one to start the silent argument and saw no reason to continue it. "Yeah, of course—if that's what you want."

The strain melted from Tamaki's smile. His face eased and lit. "Excellent. I apologize for allowing things to continue this long. I suppose I simply needed a bit of outside perspective."

At that, he grinned at Megumi, who responded with an equally brilliant smile. A tightness wound about Haruhi's chest as she watched the exchange. How had Megumi managed to discuss such a personal topic with Tamaki so soon after meeting him?

Tamaki looked back to her. "In any case, Highness, I'm glad we can be friends again."

The tight feeling increased, but Haruhi smiled. "Me too."

"I'm sure we will see each other in the throne room this evening," Tamaki said.

"Ri-right," Haruhi said.

"We'll let you get back to your work," Megumi said.

At Haruhi's mechanical nod, Tamaki offered his arm to Megumi. She took it and leaned her head against his shoulder as the two walked away.

Haruhi watched them go. And a hollowness settled in her chest.

Due to the schedule change, there will not be a preview of the next chapter. Thank you for reading!