A/N: So, being one of my favorite games of 2015, I've been thinking about Phantom Pain a lot recently. Then, after the events of RWBY Volume 3, I got this idea in my head that I couldn't get rid of. So I thought I'd share it with the world. This fiction is mostly recreating the major events of Metal Gear Solid 5 with a couple altercations and the cast of RWBY, the show I still can't stop thinking about. I will be mainly recreating the story-based cutscenes. I don't plan or want to write a bunch of just stealthy action. So without further ado, enjoy.

A/N: Re uploaded with extended escape sequence.

Yang's eyes hazily opened. Her mind wasn't fully there and she couldn't move much more than her eyes to look around at her surroundings. Her vision was blurry. She couldn't tell too much about her surroundings. White walls. Fluorescent lights. Looks like a blue curtain to my left. I think I'm in a bed. The world sounded like she was underwater. All she could hear was some song playing to her right. I May Fall?

A figure walked into her field of vision and toward her. As it got closer, her vision started to clear slightly, revealing the figure to be a woman dressed in white. She came up beside Yang's bed and adjusted something next to her, paying no attention to the dazed blonde. Glancing up, Yang saw that she was swapping out an IV bag hanging from a hook. I'm in a hospital.

The nurse finished replacing the empty fluid bag with a fresh one and turned to leave. No! Don't leave. Yang tried to call out to her to get her attention, but a stifled grunt was all her vocal cords could manage. It was enough. The woman heard her and froze in her tracks. She turned and slowly stepped closer to the Huntress. When she got close enough to see that Yang was in fact awake, her eyes widened, she dropped the things in her hands, and she turned and ran out the room.

Yang exhaled in relief that she had been noticed and was suddenly hit hard with the renewed supply of drugs being pumped into her body. Her eyes fell shut and sleep took her yet again.

3 days after awakening…

"Can you hear me?"

Those were the words Yang awoke to this time. Her eyes opened to see an older man in a lab coat beside her bed. There was no music this time around. Only him on her right, the nurse who had discovered her on her left, and the sound of her heart rate monitor beeping at a steady pace.

"Miss, can you hear me?" He asked again. "Nod if you can."

Yang did better than that. "I can hear you," she managed.

The doctor paused for a moment in surprise. "Impressive. Do you know who you are? Can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Yang Xiao Long."

"Excellent. Do you know where you are?" he asked.

"A hospital room," she answered. "Can't remember how I got here though."

The doctor's eyes glanced down as if in guilt. "Yes… that is to be expected. You see, miss, you have been here in a coma for some time now." The heart rate monitor started to beep at a faster pace. "I'm sure you'll want to know exactly how long." Yang tried to prepare herself for the answer. "I'm afraid it's been… nine years."

Her preparation wasn't enough to hear that. The beeping's pace rose astronomically. Yang's eyes burned red as she utterly panicked. Every muscle in her body thrashed to get her out of her bed.

The doctor jumped into action and attempted to hold her still. "Calm down. Calm down, Miss." The nurse on her left was already preparing the syringe. "Please, try not to panic." The syringe went in her arm and her heart rate slowed again. "Calm down. Calm down." Her muscles relaxed and her eyes got heavy again. "There you go. There you go." Sleep took her. "Rest now."

9 years before awakening…

Yang woke up lying in a gurney, with a paramedic beside her. She looked around at her setting. She was in a medical airship. Going to the hospital. Out the windows was chaos. Explosions, airships, and a fleet of Grimm filled the skies.


She turned to follow the voice calling her name. "Blake." Her teammate was lying on a gurney to her left, reaching out to her. Yang reached over and grabbed her hand. "Where's Ruby?"

"Her and Weiss went to find Pyrrha at the tower," Blake answered. "That's the last I saw her."

Yang instinctively tried to get up on her feet, but was quickly guided back down by a paramedic. "We need to go back to Beacon. My sister's still there."

"Ma'am, you're seriously injured. I must ask that you remain still."

"Let me up!" She tried to force her way up.

"Yang, there's nothing you can do," Blake tried to talk her down. "Beacon's overrun."

"I need to find her!" Yang expanded Ember Celica on her left arm and blasted the medic in the chest, sending him across the airship.

The pilot turned to the sound of the gunshot. "What the hell's going on back there?!"

The medic picked himself up and looked to the blonde Huntress with anger. He then looked over her shoulder and his face turned to that of pure terror. "Look out!"

Yang looked behind her to see the Nevermore flying directly towards the cockpit with its claws outstretched just before it made contact.

1 week after awakening…

Yang was helped up into a sitting position by her doctor and nurse.

"You won't be at your full strength yet," the doctor explained, "but your aura helped you maintain most of your muscle mass. Now, I need to show you something and ask you to, please, try not to panic." He pulled an x-ray photo and displayed it for her to see. "Before you were in the airship crash that put you in your coma, you were in battle where you… sustained injuries."

Yang looked at the photo. It displayed all of the bones in her upper torso, her lower neck, and her left arm. But her right… the x-ray cut off at her mid bicep. "I don't…"

"Please, look down… and be brave."

Yang looked to her left hand. She flipped it around and curled her fingers. She did the same thing with her right and turned to look at it.

Yang's heart stopped. She could feel her arm, but it wasn't there. Only a bandaged nub. Her heart started up again at triple the rate as she reached over with her left hand to try and tear the bandages away.

The doctor held her wrist to stop her and tried to calm her down. This time, her mind didn't even register his words. She struggled against him to get her bandages off until she felt a needle puncture her skin and her eyes and limbs get heavy. The nurse put her under again.

2 weeks after awakening…

In her time since waking up for the first time in nine years, Yang's memory started to restore itself. She remembered the White Fang attack on Beacon. She remembered them releasing Grimm on the school. She remembered Adam. She looked down to the flimsy prosthetic she had for a right arm. He's the one who did this to me. Remnant's bionic technology was impressive, but this was a cheap, shoddy, fill-in replacement by comparison.

She asked her doctor and nurses on several occasions what had happened to the world in the last nine years. She could never get an answer out of anyone. Just looks that told her it things weren't the best.

All she could do was sit in bed, reflect on her last memories before nearly a decade of her life was taken away from her, and worry for the state of Remnant and, more importantly, her friends and teammates.

Her contemplation was interrupted by her doctor walking in the door. "I have good news for you, Miss Xiao Long. We sent a message out to your next of kin, informing them of your rejuvenation. And it seems someone has shown up to see you."

Yang's eyes lit up. "Ruby?"

"I believe so. She looks different from the last time I saw her. But then again, that was a long time ago. But she has the correct credentials. But before I let her in, I'm going to-" His voice was cut of by the sound of turbines. He looked out the window in the room. "What is…"

Yang followed his gaze to see a large airship pass by her window.

"I wasn't expecting-" There was a knock at the door. "Now who could that be?" The doctor walked to the door and opened it, but he was blocking Yang's view of the visitor. His voice raised in volume. "What are you-" His words cut off and Yang watched in horror as a blade stuck out his back.

The blade slipped back through his body and he crumpled to the ground, revealing his assailant to the former Huntress. It was a young woman with long black hair holding a black sword. She wore mostly black clothing and a Grimm mask. Sticking out from her dark hair were two cat ears. White Fang!

Yang tried calling for help, but the screaming and gunfire down the hall told her that none would come. The woman in black closed the door behind her and walked over to the front of Yang's bed. She tried to get herself up to fight, but the drugs in her system held her back.

Her attacker pulled out a Scroll and put it to her ear. "I've found her… Yes, I will take care of her. What about the other one?...And everyone else here?... All of them?... Okay. I will be done shortly." She put her away her Scroll and collapsed her sword into a compact handgun. That weapon looks familiar. The White Fang assassin aimed her gun at Yang's head.

The door slammed open and a man in a lab coat charged the woman from behind. She turned in time for him to knock the gun from her hand and punch her to the ground. She rolled back to her feet and the two exchanged a series of blows and counters. The assassin came out on top and kicked the doctor into Yang's bed, knocking it over and sending her to the ground.

The pain of impact and stress of the situation was enough for her to activate her semblance. She could already feel herself getting stronger. To hurry the process along, she punched herself in the side several times, using the pain to further charge her semblance and prepare herself for a fight. She heard the sounds of further combat on the other side of the toppled bed.

Yang stopped hitting herself when she heard the sound of glass breaking. She crawled around the bed to see the room's window shattered and only the doctor remaining, his lab coat torn and barely hanging on his shoulders. He tore the coat off and turned to walk over to the blonde, left only in his scrubs. He crouched down in front of her and gave Yang a good look at him. He had long, black hair tied into a ponytail with a pink streak in it. The streak matched his magenta eyes.

"Ren?" He looked significantly older than the last time Yang saw him, but other than that, he hadn't changed much.

"Come on, Yang," he said in his low voice. "It's past time you checked out."

"What happened to the woman?" The blonde patient asked.

Ren paused. "It's quite the fall out that window."

"What's going on?"

"The White Fang has found us. They want us dead and they're willing to go through every human in their way to make that happen."


"Yes. I've been here watching over you for the past nine years. But we could only stay hidden for so long." He tried pulling her to her feet, but her muscles still weren't strong enough to support her without him holding her up. "Do you need something to help return your strength?" he asked, producing a syringe.

Yang pushed his hand away. "No more drugs. I've had enough of 'em in the past nine years. Besides, all this adrenaline is already doing wonders for my energy."

"Very well." Ren tossed the syringe. "Let me know when you're strong enough to walk on your own."

With her braced up against him, Ren led Yang out the room she'd been in for nearly a decade. "Stay close and stay quiet."

There were dead everywhere, patients and staff alike. The White Fang was not taking prisoners, nor were they leaving witnesses. The two rounded a corner to a long hallway with double doors at the end.

"We go through there," Ren told her as they made their way down the hall. They got about halfway down the hall when one of the doors cracked open. The two froze. "Wait here," the huntsman said as he leaned Yang against the wall and crept forward.

From the gap in the door, a small canister flew into the room. Ren's eyes got wide. "Grenade! Get back!" He turned to run right as it went off, sending him flying past Yang.

The blonde was thrown to the ground by the force of the explosion. It was a concussive grenade; all force with no shrapnel. But the pain was immense, and her semblance fed heavily off of it.

Three White Fang soldiers entered through the doors with guns at the ready. They spotted Yang face down on the ground, recovering from the explosion. One of them got closer, trained his gun on her head, and kicked her over onto her back, revealing a face of rage and eyes that burned red.

Yang roared as she delivered a monstrous punch to the man's kneecap, knocking it completely out of place. The other two turned their guns on her, but she was already on her feet and using the now crippled Faunus soldier as a human shield. When Yang heard no gunshots, she shoved the man in her arms at the two remaining, knocking them off balance. She used this bought time to charge the two. She kicked the legs out from under one of them and punched the other across the face with her natural hand. The one she'd hit in the face recovered first in time to watch helplessly as Yang threw all of her might into a devastating right hook, knocking him unconscious instantly and utterly destroying her prosthetic.

She noticed the second thug had risen to his feet too late. He already had his gun trained on her and his finger on the trigger. The millisecond before he could squeeze it, Ren came up from behind and wrapped his arm around the soldier's throat, choking him into unconsciousness.

Ren exhaled and walked up to Yang. "It looks like that adrenaline is really kicking in."

"It's all semblance," she explained as she kicked the White Fang member she crippled first in the head, knocking him out, too. Then she looked down to her shattered prosthetic arm. "I'm down one arm again, though."

"We're going to need to get you something better once we're out of this."

"I'll hold you to that."

They ran through the double doors to a spiral staircase. They started going down, but stopped when they heard screams and gunfire coming from the bottom floor.

"They're just gunning down everyone they see!" Yang protested. "How could they want us this badly?!"

"The world has changed a lot since what happened at Beacon," Ren told her. "Let's try the roof. There should be an airship up there."

They turned around and ran up the staircase, only to stop when they heard several sets of footsteps and saw flashlights coming down.

"Damnit!" Yang exclaimed. "What now?"

Ren looked around and his eyes set on the nearest window. He walked up to it and shattered it with one kick. He looked out and turned to the blonde. "There are cars outside. We're five stories up. If we climb down to two, our auras should be able to absorb the force of impact."

"That's good, but there's one problem." Yang raised her broken prosthetic. "I've still only got one hand.

Ren walked back over to her, grabbed the fake limb, and bent its chassis into a curved hook shape. "This should help. I'll guide you down." With that he vaulted out the window to the sill outside and started his climb down.

With no other option and the soldiers upstairs advancing fast, Yang followed. They climbed down the stone wall, using the gaps between the individual stones as handholds. Yang was able to use the curved shape to her prosthetic as a kind of hook, jamming it into the gaps to hold herself while she reached for another handhold with her left hand.

Ren kept an eye on her and guided her hands and feet as she went, telling her where to go. He stopped when he heard voices coming near. He looked down and saw two White Fang soldiers on the ground below coming their way. He looked back up to Yang. "Stop! Stop!"

Yang was about to place her prosthetic hook when he caught her attention and she stopped to look down to him. He pointed at the two enemy soldiers below.

"I thought I heard something," one of them said.

"I didn't hear anything," the other replied. "But if you're sure you heard something, can't hurt to be sure."

Yang quietly placed her hook into a gap in the wall, but when she put pressure on it, it snapped. Two large hunks of material broke off of the prosthetic and fell down towards the two guards.

Ren saw the shards fall and reached out to catch them. He closed his hand, pulled it close, and opened it to reveal he'd caught one. The other bounced off of one of the guards' shoulders.

They both looked up to find the source of the debris, only to see Ren pouncing down from the wall. The huntsman landed on one of the soldiers, knocking him out instantly. The other raised his gun and shouted, but Ren acted before he could fire. He flung the piece of broken prosthetic he still held at the Faunus's face, hitting him in the eye. He was stunned for half a second, but that was more than enough time for Ren to disarm him of his gun and bash him in the face with it.

Ren stopped to survey the area and heard more men coming. They had been alerted by their comrade's shout. He looked back up to Yang. "Jump! Quick!"

Yang, a little over two stories up, fearlessly did as she was told and landed next to her friend. "Ow. Still felt that."

"They're coming. Come on."

So they ran. Unable to sneak to a vehicle, they just ran across the countryside outside the hospital. The group of White Fang forces followed, but the two Huntsmen were too far out of range for their guns to effectively reach them.

They were running for a forest on the other end of the field. As they escaped, Ren pulled his Scroll from his pocket and made a call. "We're coming in hot. We are being pursued. Be ready at the edge of the forest."

"Who was that?" Yang asked.

"Extraction," he answered.

They made their way to the tree line when, suddenly, an explosion erupted just in front of them. Yang was airborne and hit the ground hard. Her aura was able to take the damage and her semblance was already reenergizing her. She started to get up and saw Ren unconscious next to her. She looked behind her and saw the source of the explosion: a Bullhead hovering toward them. She knew it was priming another shot and she wouldn't be able to get herself and Ren away in time.

"Nora!" she heard another voice call out. She heard a shot behind her and watched as a pink explosion hit the airship and sent it flaming into the ground. Yang looked behind her to see the red-headed girl, also looking significantly older than the last time she saw her, holding her grenade launcher, Magnhild. She was dressed in a combat uniform with pink gloves, a kevlar vest with her crest on it, and a pink bandana.

"Ren!" Upon spotting her partner unconscious on the ground, she threw Magnhild to her back and ran to his aid.

"Yang!" She looked to the voice calling her name and saw a man walking towards her with long, scraggly blonde hair and a mustache. He wore a white chestpiece and a sword at his side under a long brown duster and carried a rifle over his shoulder.

"Jaune?" Yang guessed.

"It's good to see you again," he said as he offered her a hand. She took it and he pulled her to her feet.

"We've got baddies coming this way," Nora alerted to her leader as she hefted Ren over her shoulder.

Jaune stepped ahead of the rest of them and drew his rifle. It was a red and gold semi automatic rifle with two points, each a third of the way through the weapon, where it looked to be welded together. It was Pyrrha's rifle, Miló. He shouldered it and looked down its sights. "How many?"

Nora was already looking through a pair of binoculars. "I see eight in pursuit."

Jaune took a second to line up his shot. He fired eight shots.

"No more enemies in pursuit," his red-headed spotter reported.

He lowered Miló. "Let's get out of here before more can gain on us. Nora, lead the way. Yang, follow her. I'll take up the rear in case we have anymore trouble behind us."

"Alrighty, Jaune." With Ren still unconscious over her shoulder, Nora led the way through the woods to a small clearing.

"So how're we getting out of here exactly?" Yang asked.

"Oh, I think you'll like it," Nora replied, pointing into the clearing. At the end of the clearing sat two motorcycles.

"I think you're right," Yang said.

"We're clear," Jaune informed them as he jogged ahead and mounted one of the bikes. "Nora, you take Ren. Yang, you're riding with me."

Yang hopped on the back of his motorcycle while Nora laid Ren over the back of hers and hopped on herself. They both started up their bikes. Suddenly, a monstrous roar sounded from the forest.

"Grimm?" Yang guessed.

Jaune hesitated. "With all the violence and death, I'd be surprised if they weren't drawn here." He drew something from his belt. "Here. In case it comes after us." He handed Yang a handgun over his shoulder. It was green and fitted with a long blade on the front of it. "I'm sure Ren won't mind." With that he revved his engine and drove off down an old dirt path, Nora staying close behind him.

Now that the craziness seemed to have come to at least a pause, Yang had to ask. "What the hell is going on?" She shouted to her driver over the sound of the bike's engine.

"Remnant's gone to hell since you went under," Jaune explained. "The attack on Beacon was only the beginning. All of the Huntsman academies were overcome. And with the Transmit System down, none of them could be warned of the impending attacks. Under the leadership of Cinder Fall, the White Fang expanded and began taking power in the kingdoms by crushing any resistance. Atlas is putting up the best fight against them. Well they were."

"What do you mean?"

"Surviving Huntsmen banded together under a leader to fight back against the White Fang. Turns out an army of elite warriors is far tougher to just walk over than an army of machines. But that got all Huntsmen labeled as threats to be killed on sight. That's why they went through so much trouble and so many bystanders to get you and Ren. Even one Huntsman can be a nasty thorn in their side."

"Who's this leader who banded everyone together?" Yang inquired. "You?"

Jaune laughed. "You put too much faith in me. No, the great leader everyone rallied behind was, as the past Professor Ozpin would say, a smaller, more honest soul. Your sister."

Yang was stunned to hear that. "Ruby?"

Jaune nodded. "She did it better than anyone else could."

"Where is she?" Yang asked him.

Jaune sighed. "Well that's the difficult part… She's been captured."

A/N: I will be posting chapters to this story as they are finished. I cannot guarantee how often that is. I am still working on the next part of my RWBY/DC Comics series. This will be more of a side thing. Please feel free to give me any feedback. What worked? What didn't?

Also, to help with mental images of the characters:

Jaune= MGS1 Ocelot+ his sword and chest piece underneath

Nora= MGS4 Meryl with more pink