Sorry! This isn't a new chapter. I just wanted to make an announcement regarding my writing. If any of you are followers of my story Dreaming Of Home, then you already know what I'm going to say. This announcement was made on that story about a month ago. I'm sorry that I'm just now telling you all on this story.

And now my announcement:

I think that I may be stepping back from fanfiction writing. I will try my best to finish the in-progress stories that I already have on here, but I most likely won't be posting anything new. I will still be on here keeping up with all of you and all your wonderful stories though.

The reason that I will be stepping back is because I would like to see if I can make a go of writing professionally. Other than my dream job of working with kids, my other passion is writing. Several days ago, I found a story that I had written more than twelve years ago. It was all written freehand because back then I was still living with my dad and couldn't afford my own computer. I would very much like to type it out and rework it so that I could possibly get it published. The first step would be to get it published as an ebook through Kindle before eventually getting it into publication to the public.

I hope that you all support me. I will try to keep you all updated about my progress on my profile page. Thank you for all your support throughout these past several years and I hope that you will continue to support me through this very scary step that I decided to take.

Thank you and much love,



I have been working on my original story these past several weeks. I have already written a few chapters. I may be releasing it into several volumes. One of the sites that I have found very helpful is Inkitt. I believe it will be very beneficial to be a member of this site. I just need to come up with a name for the series. Also, I'm not sure about the title I came up with for the first book in this series. I will continue to keep you all updated about my progress. Thank you for all your support in this new adventure for me.

Love and blessings!


I have posted the first chapter on Fiction Press just to see what the reaction would be and if I should consider finishing the story and trying to release it. If you want you can go over there and check it out. My name on there is the same as it is on here. Or I can PM you the link if you would like me to. If anyone would like to chat about the story or anything else feel free to PM me. All updates about my progress will be on my profile page on here or on my page on Facebook: Bobbie's Writing. Feel free to like the page so you can stay updated on my progress.

Thank you for all of your support!
