~ An Eagle's Path ~

I finally managed to come around and type up the third chapter for this story - which has kind of just been lying around and suffering from lack of updating. That's my fault though, as I've transitioned to focus on my other two stories because that's where my inspiration is the strongest at the moment. My love for AC is still always going to be there, and I'm still going to finish this story, BUT, it's just hard for me to write in the style that this story is written in, as my other two stories are a lot more sarcastic and sassy. This style however, is more plain and oldschool-like, if you get what I'm trying to say.

Simply put, forming my words right is a difficulty of mine at the moment.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this chapter, as it has almost been like, what? 5 months since the last chapter? Damn, that's a long time...

My bad, guys.

Thanks by the way, to those that have favved, followed and reviewed, I love you people!

ThatGirl - She is indeed sneaky and smart, that's what it takes to grow up on the streets and survive! ;)

Chapter Three – The Unknown Feather

Days after her breakdown from fulfilling her revenge, she was still not fully in her right mood. She was at times distant, her thoughts wayward and her gaze just staring off into the distance. Lilliana, Gwyneth and even Nashwa had started to worry over her odd behavior. Akiah had yet to tell them what she did that day, and she most likely wouldn't either. It was something that was going to stay with her, and only her.

She swept the floors in monotony, not really paying attention to her surroundings. It wasn't until someone tapped her on the shoulder that she was brought back to the world, however for the unfortunate person whom she just thwacked with the broom, it wasn't as pleasant as her own reawakening to reality. Akiah turned and smiled an apologetic smile towards the girl standing behind her.

"Ah, sorry Zena." She said as she placed the broom off to the side. The courtesan however, just shrugged her shoulders and returned her smile.

"No worries Akiah, I understand your thoughts were elsewhere. However you didn't respond when I called out to you so I thought that perhaps I should just nudge you to bring your attention back to the world. And it appears it worked, with side effects, of course." Zena laughed, the last part of her sentence referring to the thwack of the broom that she had received.

"Ahaha, yes… I should probably be more alert next time. Again, I'm sorry for thwacking you."

"Don't apologize, accidents happens." The courtesan smiled once again. Akiah nodded her head towards the young woman, as well as waving a good-bye before stepping out onto the steps, the courtesan returning to her place behind the desk, as well as waving back. Akiah however, had to avoid two men suddenly coming charging up the stairs, her feet swiftly stepping to the side as to avoid a head-on crash with the two.

'Stupid, idiotic men, watch where you're going!' She hissed within her mind as she silently glared at the two pigs. She looked on as Zena greeted them, her voice turning sickly sweet. Akiah quickly headed to the ladder, no longer bearing the sound of it, instead opting for an escape. It was her free day today, and she decided to spend it watching the Creed fortress. She had to figure out the path of the scholars; how often they walked up and through the Creed's gates, and from where they started so she could hide in good time without the Assassin guards spotting her submerging within the white clad crowd.

She bounded over the familiar rooftops, heading towards the tower and climbing it. It had been a challenge at first, learning to climb the tower, but she forced herself to do it. The vantage point at the top provided the best place for observation, not to mention that the view was so breathtaking from such a height. She could see almost all of the district, and of course, see the Assassins' huge manor. It was her favourite building in whole of Masyaf.

When she first climbed the tower, she actually fell a couple times ,her feet slipping from their perching, and it took some time before she managed to figure out what bricks were the most supportive when climbing it. The only problem after having climbed the tower… was that she somehow had to get back down.

She had stepped out onto a short wooden ledge that protruded from the tower's edge to study the possibilities of descent, but almost instantly did she notice that her options were few. Akiah felt dread come over her, as she was almost desperate for a way down.

That's when she spotted a hay cart situated just below the ledge, but… jumping down from such a height was just a big no in her books. There was no way that she was going to dare the hand of the Devil by jumping down into the suspicious-looking hay cart.

Instead, she tried to look around the tower, that perhaps under the ledges there would be something helpful. And there was. She had gone to the other side of the tower to see if there was anything there to assist her in getting down so she wouldn't have to take her chances with the hay cart, and that's when she discovered a rope leading three fourths down the tower.

It had come in handy, very much so, as she used it to slide down till its end before she gripped onto the protruding stones of the tower, grasping them and steadying her footing before she let the rope go. That way, she could climb down and the jump the remaining two meters down and shoulder roll to even out the force of impact.

Sure, her way of getting down wasn't as efficient as jumping the ledge and into the hay cart but it sure was a lot safer. She didn't want to take the risk of someone spontaneously moving the cart while she was midair, or landing wrongly and breaking every bone in her body. At most she now risked a twisted ankle, with her way of getting down.

Akiah stood now at the top of the tower, her gaze taking in the awestriking view presented before her. She let her thoughts go for a few moments, just focusing on the present and all the buildings in front of her. She watched the sky and the few clouds slowly crawl across the blue heaven valve, and she closed her eyes to soak in the sun rays that were touching her bare skin. A breath of relief left her and she relaxed her body against one of the tower's four pillars. Moments like these were moments she truly appreciated. During these moments, no one could judge her. No one could tell her what to do or how to act, nor could anyone tell her to watch her tongue whenever she spoke a little too freely. Women weren't supposed to have opinions, they were just wives, only good for the household and the continuation of the men's brethren. The thought angered her, because women weren't just baby machines, or objects for that matter, they were people. They were just as human as any other man, yet they were treated as if they were simply usable objects, and nothing more. She had huge trust issues when it came to men, and she had good reason to have them.

Few men proved themselves worthy of earning her trust, the baker she took vengeance on one of them.

She didn't see why she should give away her respect freely when it wasn't going to be returned equally.

The calm moment now ruined, Akiah opened her eyes and stretched her back, the joints popping with the movement. It was time to get down to business. She directed her gaze to the stronghold of the Assassins, and she studied the paths of the guards. The guards present seemed to only be of Novice rank, their garments very simplistic and their weaponry limited. From her other observations, Novices stood guards on all days but Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. During those days, the higher ups stood guard, most likely because those days were the busiest days of the stronghold. Either that, or they had a schedule she did not understand. It was only on the Saturday afternoons and Thursday mornings that the scholars headed towards the gates of the Creed, and since Novices were only present on Saturdays, she had no other choice but to go for the Saturday. Mentally counting the days, she discovered that she had five days to scheme and prepare.

Akiah was just about to descend the tower, her hands gripping the rope, when she suddenly saw something peculiar. A distinctive Assassin was heading towards the mansion, his decorative garbs a telltale sign of just who it was.

It was him, she noticed upon further scrutiny. Her eyes blinked in surprise, for she had not expected to see him come waltzing up to the gates. But yet he was - he had the same detailed garments, those that she could recognize just about anywhere. His white robes with the long red sash swished in sync with his graceful yet powerful strides. He walked like a man with a purpose, and with a destination in mind. Just like him, his stride spoke of how dangerous he was. Each step seemed calculated, and he moved with practiced ease. Akiah was forced to drive her gaze away, or she would most likely just stare at him like some fool until he passed the gates.

She didn't know why he had such an effect on her. Ever since she first saw him, her body had decided to have a mind of its own whenever he was within her vicinity. She wasn't sure if it irritated her or not. However, she let the matter go and descended the tower to head back to the Nightshade brothel. She needed to find white robes similar to the scholars', and, her mind conjured, robes that looked just like a certain Assassin.

She asked Zena where Lilliana and Gwyneth were when she returned, and the courtesan replied that Lilliana was free but that Gwyneth was still 'working'. Akiah thought it weird to associate the word work with… well, with whoring. In her mind, it just didn't make sense, the puzzle pieces just not fitting together.

She headed to the second floor where the courtesans had their shared rooms. Just as Zena had said, Lilliana was present, and at the moment she was seated at the mirror table applying paints onto her beautiful facial futures.

Lilliana was slightly different compared to the other courtesans, her hair was a midnight black shade with strikingly blue eyes. She had a petite nose, going well with her blue doe-like orbs. Her mouth was small but her bottom lip plump, them having a natural rose-coloured tint. Her cheekbones where sharp but at the same time, they were soft. It was the complete opposite of her own, which were rounded and simply not jutting out of her face like Lilliana's did. Although, she did have her stormy grey eyes, but they were nothing compared to her best friend's blue eyes - even though Lilliana always argued that her eyes where a more unique shade. According to Lilliana, her eyes even had flecks of green and an orange-hued circle surrounding the iris. It all depended on the light, on how it was reflected in her eyes that determined whether or not the flecks of green would be visible or not. But stubborn as she was, Akiah simply denied her best friend's claims.

"Painting on yourself again, Lilliana? I should try drawing a mustache on your sometime. Maybe when you're sleeping, you wouldn't suspect a thing." Akiah slyly remarked when she entered the room. But it wasn't just her who had a sharp and witty tongue, Lilliana had her fair share of quick comebacks too, one which certainly matched her own.

"Well, now you cannot because you just revealed your plan. I'd simply anticipate it and sleep with one eye open." Her best friend replied, her smile reflecting her own. Akiah just threw her hands in the air.

"Alright, you got me. But trust me on this, when you least expect it, I will draw a mustache on you. Just you wait."

"You can try, but you will not succeed."

"We shall see about that."

"Or we won't see at all, because it will never happen."

"Oh yes it will."

"Will not."

"It will."

"Not likely."

"Very likely."

"Are you just trying to match my answers just to have the last word?"

"Maybe, would that be a problem?"

"Yes, a very huge one because you won't have the last word."

"I'm stubborn, you sure you want to try me?"

"Right now? No, I rather not. My shift is starting soon, thus why I am 'painting on myself' as you so adequately put it." Lilliana remarked, using Akiah's words against her. She admittedly had to agree with the fact that Lilliana definitely was a girl with good wits, because she was nearly beaten at her own game whenever she engaged Lilliana in a conversation of matching wits.

But then again, it was one of the traits she loved about her friend. It was a good-natured challenge.

"You look beautiful without all those paints, are you sure you have to wear them?" Akiah asked she sat down on the pallet closest to her. Her friend finished with a few final touches before turning towards her.

"Yes, I do have to because it is common courtesy. Clients prefer us with paints on our facial futures, and so we comply." She shrugged with her words, thinking it wasn't that big of a problem. But to Akiah however, she found it quite contradicting.

"I believe it's a huge irony that people say women are carrying natural beauty when all they see are the paints that they force upon our faces just to keep their statements true. Were we to refrain from the paints altogether, they would truly see this natural beauty they speak of." Akiah almost sourly remarked. Lilliana just let out a sigh.

"Akiah, I know you hold a certain… disdain towards the opposite gender, but you should try give them a chance rather than wave them all off. Maybe the ones coming here aren't of the best material, perhaps you need to widen your views and search elsewhere for someone to share your life with."

Akiah stared at her friend, her eyes locking with the blue hues of Lilliana. Within those blue eyes, she saw many things, and she saw that Lilliana was so much wiser than many others believed. She was intelligent, and smarter beyond her years.

"Lilliana… Why are you even at such a place like this when you obviously deserve a fate so much better? You do know Mother Nashwa would let you go if you asked her?" Lilliana just smiled a sad smile.

"People look down upon my profession, but it really isn't as bad as it seems. It was my free choice of becoming a courtesan. I would have either died of starvation by now or been a slave who gets treated badly. Here, I have my own freedom. I get well taken care of, and I get to make choices entirely by myself. As a slave or street child, I wouldn't be able to have the same options. It is a small price to pay for my freedom."

"I was a street child though… But I guess you are right, it certainly was a tough lifestyle, and at times, I wondered if I would make it to the next day." Akiah was silent for a few moments, before continuing.

"I really admire you, Lilliana, I truly do, you're always so inspirational." Akiah lifted her gaze to meet that of her friend's, who cracked a wide smile, her wine red lips showing a hint of teeth.

"I would have not met you had I not been a courtesan. So perhaps my profession isn't as bad as you make it out to be." Akiah smiled a smile of her own and laughed softly.

"That is also true." She then rose from her position on the pallet, walking over to the wardrobe section of the room.

"I have a favour to ask of you. Do you have any white robes with a hood sewn onto them? You know, one that looks like a scholars' clothing?" She asked from within the wardrobe, her head completely submerged in the many silks and tulles and drapes of several different dresses- or in her opinion, painful contraptions of imprisonment.

Lilliana assumed a contemplative expression before she replied.

"No, I don't think I have one, but Gwyneth might have one stashed away. She was gifted a similar robe to the one you described by one of her clients. Perhaps he was a scholar himself. You should check with her when she is, ah- done." Lilliana coughed, and Akiah couldn't refrain from the smile curving her lips upwards.

"I appreciate your effort in not mentioning any details of your professions when I'm nearby. It's much less torture for my mind."

"Ah, I'm sure the sounds enough terrify you."

"About that, you are completely right. I do believe I have nightmares some nights because of it."

"At least you have your sleeping place on the third floor, you do not have to hear the worst of it."

"The walls are paper thin, I do not digress."

"Well then, my mistake." Akiah shook her head as she closed the wardrobe.

"Do you know when Gwyneth will be done?"

"I do not. But maybe you could just sneak into her wardrobe and borrow it. I don't think she would mind, I have never seen her wear it anyway."

"Good idea, I'm going to go do that. Thanks Lilliana!" And with that, Akiah swiftly turned on her heel and jogged out of the room, leaving Lilliana to shake her head at her friend's odd behavior.

"You certainly are unusual, Akiah."

Five days later, Akiah had it all ready. It turned out Gwyneth actually had a scholar's robe in her wardrobe and so she borrowed it. Although she had to make a few adjustments for its length, as it had her tripping on its edges. She proceeded to take out the beard that she had made in preparation for this very moment, and she smiled widely. This plan of hers was certainly odd, but she trusted it would work.

Akiah proceeded to put on the beard, tying the ends at the back of her head before putting on the robe. She flipped the hood up and made some final adjustments to make sure it all looked ready to go. Even though she appeared calm on the outside, that was actually far away from the truth. Her heart was beating painfully fast, and her palms were clammy. She was extremely nervous because the repercussions of impersonating a scholar could vary from just a scolding to imprisonment. It was a big risk she was taking, but as Faher had said, it wouldn't be easy to get to Al Mualim. Her conviction in wanting to get to him spoke of how much she really wanted to join in on the Creed.

Of course, she had no complaints over her life as it is, but she felt as if something was missing. The thrill she felt before as a thief, the freedom of just doing whatever she wished for and then get away with it - it was amazing. She had something to believe in then, she had herself and that was it. She couldn't rely on anyone, all she had was herself. Her belief in what she was capable of was what kept her going some days. She had always dreamt of wanting to become something bigger. She wanted to make a change, but that was a difficult goal because she was a woman. Women didn't do anything of the sort besides taking care of the household, something she saw as a dull life, akin to captivity.

Akiah shut her eyes and let out a slow breath. She felt the parchment from Faher lay underneath the white scholar robes, and she steeled herself for the oncoming moment.

The scholars were close to her alley way, and just as they passed by, she stepped out and mingled into their crowd. They didn't seem to notice that she came from nowhere, instead focused on their clasped hands. She copied their movements and clasped her own hands in front of her in an almost prayer as she directed her head downwards. So far there was no problem, however the hardest part had yet to come, and that was to not break down under the scrutinizing gaze of the Assassin guards.

The group of scholars slowly made their way up to the mansion. She was closer than she had ever been, and she could feel the sweat accumulate on her body in anticipation.

They were just at the gates, and she glanced up to take notice of the guards. They weren't looking right at her, instead their gaze directed elsewhere and she let out a relieved sigh. Had they been looking at her, she wouldn't have known what to do. Probably crinkle her eyes and smile and nod her head or something to fool them.

'Do not compromise yourself Akiah, no unnecessary risks!' She whispered inwardly to herself. They passed the gates, now walking in a narrow walkway, and she now had no idea how it would go. She had never seen this part for she had never been inside the Creed's walls. She had full faith in following the scholars, but she had no clue how far they would walk, whether or not they would walk into their mansion or just stand outside. From now on, she had to improvise.

The scholars continued their designated path, walking in slow harmony as the guards of the Creed watched on. The narrow walkway ended and Akiah almost gaped at the view before her. There were Assassins training in a sparring ring, while others threw knives at hay dolls. She could hear the grunts and shouts of the Assassins and she was just in awe. This was the place she wanted to be in… She felt right at home already. Her eyes swept over the surroundings, albeit in a cautious manner, for she was still impersonating a scholar. Their shuffling feet continued straight ahead, heading closer to the stone mansion that towered over the grounds within its walls. Another gasp left her as she took notice of the huge building in front of her.

'It's huge… I'm actually here, and I'm seeing this…' She thought to herself. She never actually believed she would make it past the gates, because well, she had never seen this part. To her, it was like a newly discovered country, a new land.

Technically, it kind of was actually, because had never set foot inside the gates, which made it untouched land for her - until now.

Akiah followed the group of scholars, lingering at the back of the line as they came closer to the mansion. Her gaze subtly shifted to the sides, watching the Assassins train as well as keeping an eye out on where there were guards. She saw a few patrol on top of the mansion but otherwise there weren't so many guards in here.

It made sense though, why would Assassins need guards if they can just take care of the problem themselves?

The white clad scholars marched on, and she shuffled together with them. They entered the mansion and what she saw was nothing less but grandeur. There were two staircases leading up to a library in the front of, while off to the sides, there were corridors with intersecting doors. She saw the Creed's Insignia on several banners hanging within the stone mansion and she had to stop herself from lifting her head to gaze at the ceiling. If she did that, then they'd most likely find her suspicious and lead her away. She shuddered at what the Assassins might come to do if they caught her.

Probably nothing nice.

It was at this moment, when the scholars simply stood in the middle of the mansion that she really had no clue on what to do. She didn't know much about the scholar's duties and so, she was stuck with them now. Her mind worked fervently of how she was going to solve this issue - and to figure out where Al Mualim was. She didn't know how he looked like, much less where he was situated. However, Faher had said that Al Mualim was their Master, and so he had to be of availability to the other Assassins… She glanced up towards the Library that was on the higher plane of the mansion, her eyes sweeping over the bookcases. Maybe…?

What if she asked one of the Assassins where Al Mualim was, in the pretense that she had to deliver a letter to him from the scholars' own Mentor? It was the only plan she could conjure up and one that didn't risk her hide all too much.

The only problem would be to try impersonate the voice of a scholar; the voice of a man. So she coughed and cleared her throat before making a growling sound. She added some words with the growling and the result was… well, it would probably function. Most scholars were elderly, which meant they had raspy voices by nature.

Akiah then stepped out of the formation, her hands still clasped together. Without using her sight too much, she just saw the end of the robe of the closest Assassin and so she walked up to him, intent on asking him for directions to their Master.

However, what she hadn't predicted was that it would be the Assassin - whom she had met once before.

When her eyes took notice of the huge amount of details and the intricate patterns of his leather belt, she felt how her stomach suddenly dropped.

'Oh no…' She felt a wave of panic crash into her, and she almost flinched in reaction from the sudden change in emotion. One second ago she had been relatively confident, but now?

She was close to just wanting to lie down and die.

She gulped, and placed her focus on keeping her disguise intact. She could not falter now, not when she had come so far. She would simply have to ask him.

The Assassin before her turned towards her, his hooded gaze scrutinizing her own shrouded face. The beard made out of goat fur that she wore, was probably the best idea she had ever had, for without it she most likely would've been busted right about now.

Never mind the fact that it hid her terrible poker face, too. She could not keep her face straight even if her life depended on it, which it technically was at the moment.

This was the moment of truth, and she coughed and cleared her throat before speaking, using the raspy voice that she quickly made up merely minutes before.

"I am here on behalf of the scholar Mentor, I have a letter to deliver to your Master, Al Mualim. Might you be so kind and direct me to him?" She asked, her voice almost a whisper. She dared not to speak any higher. The Assassin before her regarded her with a critical gaze, she knew this even though she could not see his face. She just knew from his aura. He was radiating suspiciousness. A few beats of silence passed before the Assassin spoke up, and when she heard his voice, she almost literally died on the spot.

It was baritone, and it was deep, sinfully so. She cursed everything within her vicinity. No less did he have to intrigue her, but he has a god gifted voice too?

"Do you have the letter on you? May I see it?" Came his inquiry, and she quickly swallowed. He wanted to see the letter? Her hands sunk to her sides before she lifted them again to part the fabric of her robe to grasp the parchment she had stashed inside the robe. Faher was indirectly her lifesaver, had he not sent the parchment with her to bring then she would have a knife burrowed in her person for treachery.

Or something akin to such a fate.

"This is the letter." She then said, voice once again raspy. The end of the sentence almost shook from the amount of panic she was feeling. It was nerve-wracking to stand within such close proximity of him.

She made sure to keep her hand as hidden as possible while she showed him the letter, for if he saw her hands, he would notice how they didn't look elderly at all.

Another moment of silence came as she stood in her hunched position, waiting for the Assassin to either strike her down or bring her to Al Mualim.

He didn't strike her down, for she heard him hum, and then she heard shuffling. Her brow crinkled in confusion, for he had yet to tell her where Al Mualim was. Or perhaps… Was he going to follow her all the way? If that was the case… How was she going to survive?

'I'm dead…'

She heard another shuffle and she lifted her gaze to see the Assassin standing off to the side, his hood pointed in her direction.

So it was concluded, he was going to be her partner in her trip up to their leader.

"Come, he is up in the Library." Came his deep baritone voice and she clenched her jaw shut in agitation.

Just, why her? Why did she have to suffer so much? She swore that life just played these types of tricks on her just in spite.

They slowly made their way up the right-hand staircase, one in a state of calmness, while the other bordered on having a panic attack. They walked past several bookcases and made a right turn in between two other bookcases before reaching a wide open spot, where no one but Al Mualim was standing. Akiah took notice of a desk with piles of stacked papers and a chair next to it before she finally turned her eyes to their leader.

He was elderly, and he surprisingly looked a lot like Faher. They both had grey beards, although Al Mualim's was several shades darker. He wore similar robes to the Assassin next to her, however they were coloured grey. The robe underneath though, was white, just like the other Assassins' robes.

She un-winded her jaw from its locked state and was just about to speak, but she was suddenly interrupted before a word came through.

"This isn't a true scholar, Al Mualim."

Akiah felt dread wash over her at what the Assassin had just said. Had he-how did he know? How? She swallowed down the new wave of panic that was threatening to override her body and she let out a defeated sigh.

"No? He looks just like one, what makes you say this?" Came the raspy voice of Al Mualim. His voice was pleasant to hear, a southern accent laced throughout. He had the same effect on her as her Father's voice had. It made her feel calm all of a sudden, making her believe that she wasn't in danger even though to the contrary she was.

"His hands. They aren't hands of an old man, but that of a young boy." The Assassin stated. Al Mualim stroked his beard in thought before his gaze came to rest on her. Her shoulders slightly slumped.

"Well then, this is an interesting turn of events. Who are you, boy, if not a scholar?" Al Mualim asked, and finding no other reason to keep her disguise intact, she threw the robes off of her along with the fake beard. She was left standing in her usual clothes, the white robes descending to the floor and landing at her feet. Her eyes however, were directed to the floor as she clenched the parchment within her hands. The flash of recognition within the eyes of the Assassin standing next to her went by unnoticed.

"Not a boy, but a woman at that - One who managed to successfully fool our guards, and the other Assassins as well. A grand feat, but tell me, child, why all this trouble? What is your purpose of coming here?" Al Mualim questioned, and Akiah, who had been having a staring contest with the stone floor, finally lifted her gaze to meet the one of Al Mualim's. There was an air of finality surrounding the three. She took a breath before answering, her voice unsure and shaky.

"I sneaked into the mansion because I have a request… And a parchment from Faher. He told me to give it to you should I manage to get an audience with you. I know strangers aren't welcome within the fortress walls, much less a woman, so I had no choice but to impersonate a scholar to be able to get in…" Her voice faded into silence. She could feel her eyes sting from the building water but she refused to cry, especially not in front of him, and Al Mualim. She wasn't going to show herself weak, for she was anything but.

Al Mualim looked at her contemplatively before he reached out, the flat of his palm directed towards her. Knowing he was asking for the parchment, she slowly placed it in his hand before retracting her hands to her midsection. She kept them clenched around each other, not knowing what else to do with them.

There was silence as Al Mualim rolled the parchment open and read its contents. His face was neutral, not showing a hint of what Faher had written. Not even she knew what he had written, but she knew he had written words of positive suggestion.

Then, Al Mualim placed the parchment off to the side of his desk, and he came to stand before her once again. Her grey eyes gazed into his, and she stood there, silent, waiting for her judgement.

"Faher has told me that your way of traveling is just that of the Brotherhood, you climb walls and jump on top of rooftops rather than walking through Masyaf's streets. You also have… creative ways of entering other people's houses. Jumping in through the lattice rooftop? Clever. However, he stated you lack training, that your skills are unrefined. He suggests I should lend you the opportunity of initiation within the Order. Tell me, is this truly what you want?" Al Mualim's voice was steady and his gaze bore into hers. At hearing him question whether or not she wanted to join the Creed, her eyes hardened and she rose from her slightly hunched pose.

"Yes, it's truly what I want. Ever since I was told of the Creed, I have had as a goal to join it. I may be a woman, but that shouldn't matter, because I have the passion and will to learn." Akiah revealed the truth the secret she had kept with her for so long. She had listened to Faher's words, and accepted them at face value. Al Mualim stared into her eyes a few more seconds before the tip of lips curved, and he cocked his head to the side.

"You recite the words of Faher. You have conviction in your words, and you seem to have the spirit." He said, and he turned towards the Assassin next to her. Akiah then suddenly swallowed, for she had forgotten that he was standing there, her focus completely stuck in the conversation she had with Al Mualim. She herself turned to look up at the Assassin, her gaze now unsure and cautious.

"What do you think, Altair?"

'Altair?' Akiah then thought to herself.

'His name is Altair…'

She stood in silence. She was shocked at the discovery of his name. She had wondered so many times what his name might be, and she had even asked him once when she first met him, but he refused to give an answer. Actually, he refused to even speak.

But now, now she had come to learn his name, and upon gazing up at him, she thought the name fitted him perfectly. The flyer…

'He reminds me of an Eagle… Majestic, beautiful… but dangerous and unpredictable.'

"If it is what she wishes. I trust in your choice, Master." Came Altair's answer, and she rejoiced. He wasn't denying her entrance into the Order, but neither was he approving it. He simply left the decision in his Master's hands. Al Mualim nodded towards him before turning his back to them both.

"Initiation starts in seven days. Be here at noon." Akiah nodded even though she knew he couldn't see it. She was escorted down by Altair, whom her thoughts were now on. She fiddled with the white robes in her hands as she stared unseeingly at them.

"You were the one that gave me those feathers." She stated, her fingers plucking at random threads. The Assassin walking beside her slightly turned his head towards her before returning to looking straight ahead. It seemed she did pick up that second feather after all.

"Yes, that was me." He replied. Akiah blinked her eyes before directing her gaze to him.

"Thank you, for saving me in that alley." He came to a stop when he heard her uttered words of thank you. He didn't turn to look at her, rather, he turned his gaze to look up at the gates of the fortress.

"It was a good thing you did not manage to throw me off, else you would most likely not be standing here now." The Assassin said, and Akiah let out a silent sigh. She knew she was lucky that she hadn't been successful in throwing him off. Or she would, as he said, not be standing here at this moment.

"I'm grateful for that. At first I thought you were chasing after me, but you were after that madman weren't you?" Akiah questioned.

"I was. I knew of your mission to Faher's house, and that my target would try to intercept you. I took the opportunity when he was distracted to strike." After saying those words, he continued his stride, and Akiah quickly followed.

"So in a way, I assisted you." She said, and a small smile crept up onto her lips. Altair just snorted in response before telling her no. She didn't argue back, but she knew inwardly that she had helped him in his mission. Of course, the madman would've died either way, but she simplified it for him, acting as the distraction.

Altair came to a stop at the end of the gates, and he turned towards her.

"This is where I leave you." And with that, he turned on his heel and walked back the same way they came. Akiah was a little surprised at his sudden retreat. However, she just shrugged it off and walked down the hill back to the Nightshade brothel, all the while carrying a wide smile, her grey eyes shining with joy.

After all, she was going to join the Assassin's Creed. It was enough reason to smile.

Yeah, initiatioooon!