So, this is dedicated to those who translates Diabolik Lovers games such as SakamakiHouse(Blue), Akui Chansera, epithetologist, prevolt, scurumii, ect. As well those who wrote wonderful summaries like shigure-arashi and partheno. There are many others but I'll just name a few XD They are all on tumblr and they are amazing people ^/^ So you could say that they have inspired me to write fanfictions o/o Also I'm an amateur at writing and I will slowly get better….somehow ^_^ So um #appreciate translators?

Characters: Kou Mukami, Yuma Mukami, and Yui Komori (slight mention of Kanato Sakamaki)

Genres: Humor&friendship

Rated: K+

Nonameneeded: They were dressed as girls since they were trying to hide from Kou's fangirls. I'm sorry for responding so late ;-;


"Meeeeoow" Exhausted from running, Yui encountered a kitten. Its pure white fur smeared with dirt. With large watery eyes it stared at Yui, as if saying "Please take me home with you."

"You're really cute and I would love to take you home, but I can't." With a gloomy smile, Yui knelt down and showered the kitten with tummy rubs. Being showered with Yui's affection the kitten thought Yui was going to take him home but her gloomy smile says otherwise. Giving the kitten one last scratch on the ear Yui began to walk home.

"Meeow" The kitten cried out once again. No one had treated the kitten with this much kindness as. Catching her attention as she was about to walk away, Yui stood there, thinking about her decision. 'I'll just stay a bit longer...just five minutes…' Turning around, she smiled brightly at the kitten. Once again the kitten was showered with affection.

Five minutes had already passed and Yui was still playing with the white kitten.

"I don't understand why Ruki-kun doesn't like kittens." Yui mumbled to herself.

"You're adorable." The kitten happily meowed in response.

"Alright, I've made up my mind, you're coming with me."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Kou and Yuma~~~~~~~~~~o3o ^3^ ^_^ ~~~~

"It's Kou-kun!"

"Look there's Yuma-kun too."

"Don't let them escape!"

"We love you Kou-kun and Yuma-kun!"

Dressed in pink frilly dresses, Yuma and Kou were running for their lives. Frankly, their pink frilly dresses wasn't helping them run any faster.

"Isn't that M neko-chan?" Squinting into the distance, Kou caught sight of Yui sitting on concrete ground. Happy to see her, Kou sprinted sprinted full speed towards her.

"Hey, wait for me!"Not wanting to be caught by the fan-girls, Yuma sprinted full speed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back with Yui~~~~~~~~~~~o3o ^3^ ^_^~~~~

"Hey, Sow!"

"M neko-chan!"

Startled by their voice Yui turned back to see Yuma and Kou running for their lives in their frilly dresses. 'I want to take a picture...maybe I could blackmail them.' Yui was in the middle of taking her phone out but, the screams of fan-girls startled her, making her think twice before taking a picture.

"You've got to be kidding me." Kou muttered to himself. Kou was now flat on his face, surrounded by his crazy fan-girls. Somewhere along the sprinting had Kou tripped on a banana peel. Yuma hurriedly sprinted past Kou, successfully going unnoticed by Kou's fan-girls. Catching up to Yui, Yuma exhaustively collapse on the concrete ground. With his front body falling onto the hard concrete ground, he landed beside Yui. Huffy and puffing Yuma managed to cough up a few words.

"What are-" He lifted his face a little to get a look at Yui but when he saw the white kitten in Yui's arms, he rephrased his words. "Are you kidding me."

"It's really cute, see?." Yui lifted the furry critter and shoved it into Yuma's face. Yui smiled nervously at Yuma. "So, please don't tell Ruki-kun."

"Okay…..ever" Despite Yuma's voice being muffled by the kitten, Yui still understood what he said and smiled.

"Look it's Yuma-kun."

"Is that Kanato-kun dressed as a girl too?"

"After them!"

Both Yuma and Yui quickly stuffed the kitten into her bag and ran for their lives as a group of fan-girls rampaged after them.

This will be a bunch of comedy one-shot and it will be completed when Blue fully comes back from hiatus. I hope these one-shots will make people laugh or at least smile a bit.