Hey all!

And here's the next update! Enjoy~

Heritage Unveiled

The next morning Kira jolted out of a restless to being roughly shaken. She shot into a sitting position reaching for her daggers.

"What's happening?!"

Her frantic scan of the room made her pause and then glare.

"Ciel. I had just as long a day yesterday as you and I do not want to be awake right now. Unless you wish to feel pain you had better be gone by the time I count to ten."

Ciel grimaced before his whole face tightened again and he shot her what she assumed was supposed to be a threatening look.

"Get up. You have some explaining to do...demon."

Kira's brows shot into her hairline before she looked over at Sebastian who was standing behind Ciel with barely contained amusement on his face.

"Do my ears deceive me?"

Ceil stared at Kira in confusion.


Kira reached over and placed a hand on one shoulder before gripping his cheek between her thumb and forefinger with her other hand before stretching his cheek out.

"Is my darling little brother really sassing me with that smart mouth of his?"

"Hey! Release me!"

Kira simply smiled and stretched his cheek more.

"Not until I hear an apology for being a brat and waking me up just so you could be a smart mouth."

"Ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Leggo my face!"

Kira relaxed the grip she had on his cheek and when it returned to its normal shape she gave it a gentle pat and then released her brother before snuggling back down under her quilt.

There was silence before a soft scuff noise met Kira's ears and a heavy weight landed on top of her, making her breath whoosh out of her lungs in one go.


Half an hour later Kira was sitting across from Ciel in the office with a rather thunderous expression on her face.

"What do you want?"

Ciel crossed his arms.

"I want the story. The real one this time."

Kira sighed and rubbed her forehead before looking up me meeting Ciel's eyes.

"Alright. Where do you want me to start?"

"The beginning."

Kira nodded and glanced over to Sebastian who looked mildly curious.

"As you saw last night I'm not fully human. I'm half demoness. My mother is an ancient lust demoness who wanted to create the most powerful half human/half demon child in our lineage and train that child up to be part of her army. She believed that a child who possessed human emotions, drive and most importantly a soul, mixed with the darkness within every demon would be more powerful than many of her full blodded demon children because of the drive within human nature. She set her sights on father because he was such a bright soul. She told me that his soul literally blazed with strength, kindness, cunning, and love. She had never been more drawn to a human soul."

Ciel leaned forward, eager to hear about their father.

"Father was not the kind of man to fool around with women and so when my mother tried to come onto him father rebuffed her. Instead of angering or insulting mother it only made her more determined to create a half human child with father. And so she used her powers as a lust demon to bewitch him into falling for her so he would father a child with her. They lasted no longer than the typical scandalous fling, and the moment she freed him from under her spell he was gone, a smart move that probably saved his life."

Ciel got a slightly grossed out look on his face.


"I know. I was born nine months later and the first thing she did was have a demon who can read fate look into mine. There wasn't much she could see, my mixed blood clouded her sight. But she saw blood, fire, and power in me; My mother has high hopes that I will be the child she dreamed of making a legend that would only make her more feared. My mother believed she could create both her weapon, and a child she could control with human vulnerabilities which is why she trained me until I was five, and then brought me to father to live."

Ciel nodded.

"What did father do when you showed up on the doorstep."

"He already knew since my mother came to him before he ever married your mother and told him in front of his family and friends that he was a father. He saw me as a todder, and no one who looked between us could ever deny our relation. Your mother was aware from the start of my existence and even welcomed a confused and disoriented five-year-old me into her home with open arms. I always had known of my demon heritage but I kept it a secret."

Then a soft smile flittered over Kira's face.

"I had arrived just in time to welcome you into the world. From the moment I saw you I loved you. I taught you how to sing your ABC's and how to count. We were inseparable. My mother would occasionally warn me not to get attached to you and father and mom-I mean your mother. She said that humans lives were unpredictable and she didn't want me to suffer if you died. Then the fire happened and it took everything away from me. Mother and Jonathan had sensed that something was wrong and came as soon as they could to get me."

Kira stared unseeingly at the desk.

"When we got home and I woke up Jonathan told me what had happened. I cried for three hours straight and for the first time in my life my mother did not scold me for showing so much emotion. She simply sat with me and placed a hand on my back while Jonathan held me. My other siblings, however, were not so kind and routinely lashed out, all except for Jonathan...and one other. I became angry and after attempting to anger the demon king so much that he would kill me mother decided to send me back here to the human realm to tour the world for a couple of centuries. Jonathan went with me because he was sick of being around our siblings and was rather bored of hell."

Ciel blinked before staring at Kira.

"Wait. Did you just say our siblings? As in your and Jonathan's shared siblings?"

Kira laughed at the expression on his face.

"Yes I did."

"As in, blood-related siblings?"

"That's usually how it works."

Ciel blinked.

"So this whole time you guys were actually siblings and all those times I saw him give you a hug or those times you guys hung out and chatted casually was all because you guys are actually brother and sister."

"I believe we've established that already."

Ciel rubbed his forehead.

"No wonder you were so creeped out when I thought you guys were...you know..."

Kira grimaced.

"Yes. That would be why I compared it to being passionately in love with you. On the creepy scale factor that would be near the top."

Ciel coughed uncomfortably.

"Right. Moving on."

Kira shrugged.

"Not much else to tell. I traveled around the world until stopping in China and meeting Lau and Ran-Mao. They interested me and Jonathan so much we decided to stay until they left. Then I decided it was time for me to return to England and finally accept that the Phantomhive family was dead. I came to England, Sebastian saw me outside the mansion and brought me in to meet you and you know the rest."

Ciel nodded and gave a long sigh.

"I can't believe that all this time you were really a demoness."

"Half." Kira corrected.

"Whatever. The point is that you were lying to all of us for nineteen years!" Ciel snapped.

Irritation flashed through Kira.

"What was I supposed to say? "Oh yeah and by the way I'm part demon, you know, the thing that all good Christians hate." Like hell I'd go around saying something foolish like that! Besides, why would I risk telling you and losing you all over again because of my race?"

Ciel sat up ramrod straight.

"I have a demon butler! Why would I treat you different?"

Kira laughed angrily.

"I don't know. You tell me Ciel. Why would you wake me up early this morning and call me a degrading name like demon, as if I'm not a mere animal instead of an equal and order me to explain myself as though you had the right?"

Ciel went silent and Kira slumped in her seat.

"That's what I thought. Do not tell me that knowing I'm not fully human doesn't change your opinion of me because after that little display I won't believe you."

Ciel threw his hands up into the air.

"What am I supposed to do? Treat you like I always have?!"


"But you lied to me!"

Kira snarled at him, her lips raising to show fangs.

"I lied FOR you! Everyone knew that you and I were inseparable, what do you think would have happened to you if I had been revealed as a demon?! They would have killed you! Not to mention that father and your mother would have been killed as well and I would have been helpless to stop it! I've nearly blown my cover more times then I can count both before and after the fire to help you! I've killed people to protect you and I've pulled favors who I had never planned to see again all to help you!"


"I have scars on my back that are permanent reminders of how much my siblings despise my pretending to be a typical human for you. So do not dare start acting as though I've wronged you."

With those words, she stood to her feet and grabbed two pieces of paper off Ciel's small desk that held the details of the coffin and gravestone Ciel wanted for Madam Red.

"I'm going to take these to the Undertaker so he can make preparations. I'll be back in an hour."

Kira sat alone in the carriage staring moodily out of the window.

After everything she had gone through and done for Ciel the fact that he would behave as though he had the right to doubt both angered and hurt her.

As the carriage drove over the cobblestone Kira watched out the window only to blink as up ahead she saw Violet, the half demon half reaper assistant of Undertaker.

"Slow the carriage next to that young woman." She ordered before leaning her head out the window.


Kira saw Violet look up and mild surprise flashed across her eyes.

"Are you headed to the Undertaker?" Violet asked as she looked up at Kira.

"Yes. Would you like a ride there?"

Violet shook her head.

"I don't trust carriages."

Kira couldn't help but laugh at Violet's statement.

"Pull off and wait ahead at the shop for me. I'll walk with Violet."

The driver nodded and Kira hopped out. Once the door was closed and she was a safe distance away the driver clicked to the horses and the carriage pulled away.

Kira walked over to the girl dressed in grey and took some of the packages from her arms, walking alongside the morticians assistant. They walked in silence for a few moments before Violet seemed to realize something.

"A noble walking with the poor mortician's assistance, whatever will come of your reputation?" Violet murmured, the odd accented tone Kira had come to associate with her prominent in her voice.

Kira laughed.

"People have talked from the moment I showed up on the doorstep of the Phantomhive mansion and my father claimed me as his own. I've long since stopped caring what people think."

Violet shrugged and Kira shot her a sidelong glance before continuing.

"Besides, a half-demon like me would hardly be bothered by the nonsense babbling of pathetic humans."

Kira saw Violet pause mid stride and simply smiled internally. If she thought at was a startling statement wait till her next one.

"That's a bold thing to say, what if I believed you? I could say many things, and suspicions can rumorsours even when people don't trust the source.

Kira smirked.

"Oh I am careful. I would never say this to someone that wasn't human or wasn't connected to a non-human. Your a Hùnxiě which makes my statement safe."

Kira continued walking slowly while Violet froze in place when Kira dropped that little bomb.

"Wha-how did you know?! Who have you told?!"

Told? Kira turned to face the girl only to blink at the look of rage and terror on the girls face.

"How could I not know? With the amount of reapers I've been around it would be hard to miss the odd eye colour mix for me. No one else has noticed though because otherwise someone would have said something. And I haven't told anyone, that's not my business."

Kira saw Violet relax ever so slightly, despite the madly twitching finger movements that started up at her side. Together the two of them started off again and continued down the street towards the parlour. When they reached the door Violet pushed it open and Kira followed her inside the dimly lit room only to let out a sigh in tandem to Violet as a creepy giggle filled the room.

"Taker, it's me and Kira. Do save the show for someone who actually will be effected by it." Violet sighed.

Kira snickered at Violet's words and watched as Undertaker climbed out if the coffin and gently scooped the packages out of Violet's arms. Kira handed over the packages she had carried and Violet followed Undertaker into the back room leaving Kira alone to look at some of the coffins.

A few minutes later Violet and Undertaker walked back into the main room and a Violet pulled out a book, flipping to a fresh page.

"What do you need Kira?"

Kira glanced over and sighed.

"Two coffins. One will be the most basic model you have and the other will be a custom one that looks like this."

Kira then pulled out a piece of paper with a drawing on it and handed it to the Undertaker.

"I also need two plots in the cemetery. One will be a basic stone with the name Mary Jane Kelly on it and the other will be made of the finest stone you have and the name Angelina Dalles will be inscribed on it."

Kira took a long breath. Although she wasn't particularly attached to Madam Red she did hold a sort of affection for her as far as Ciel loved her. Giving over a paper with the specifications for a gravestone for that woman was hard, even if Madam Red had betrayed them.

"Under the name Angelina Dalles, the nickname Madam Red will be inscribed. It will have a couple of other words on the stone but I have those written down on this paper. I have here the drawing of the gravestone as well as what is to be written on it. Please be sure to fill out both orders as directed." Kira said as she handed another paper to the Undertaker.

Undertaker passed both papers over to Violet who recorded their contents into the order book. The young woman seemed to hesitate, an odd look of concentration on her features as she considered something before looking up with manufactured sympathy on her face.

"I'm sorry about your aunt." Violet said softly, pausing long enough to look up at Kira.

Kira might have been angered by the pity in her tone, had she not recongized the falseness of it. To anyone else it might feel real, but Kira knew otherwise. It seemed the girl was trying to be more human, but it took years or practice to fake convincingly what one had never truly experinced. It was too bad that Violet wasn't working at the manor, she might have made an interesting project to train into faking humanity.

"Do not apologize for something you have no part in. Her death was her own fault, no one else's." Kira stated.

Undertaker cocked his head as he looked at Kira and finally spoke up.

"Now, you seem awful callous towards the death of someone you were rather close before to before the fire."

Kira shrugged.

"Death is a part of life. I would waste energy to focus and grieve when nothing I do can change the fact that they are dead. There is only one person I would honour in such a way as grieving and that is Ciel."

Kira's eyes narrowed as she thought about what had happened the night before. She would not waste time on worthless emotions for someone who would try to kill Ciel.

"Besides, Madam Red's actions nearly took the life of Ciel and me, not to mention Sebastian. I will not grieve for someone who died in failing to end the life of my little brother."

With those words Kira spun, her clock fluttering behind her as she stalked to the door. She looked over her shoulder as Undertaker and Violet to give a curt nod before sweeping out the door and into the street.

She climbed into the carriage and leaned back in the seat with a sigh.

Why did things have to be hard like this? Why did Ciel have to suffer so much?

Ciel hadn't talked to Kira since she had left that morning. He was a mess of emotions as he thought about Kira.

She was half demoness.

His first instinct was to get angry at her for lying to him about such a huge part of her.

But the other side of him, the stronger side, was telling him that no matter what her race she was still Kira.

She was still his sister.

So that evening after he had changed into his nightclothes he made his way to Kira's room and peeked inside. Kira was sitting on the edge of her bed with her brush held in her lap as she gazed at the wall across from her blankly.


At his soft call his sisters head shot up and she looked over at the door. Surprise flitted across her gaze before a slightly tense smile appeared.


"C-.. can I come in?"

Kira nodded and Ciel entered the room, closing the door behind him and walking over.

"Did you need something?"

His heart clenched at the concern in her tone. Even though he had treated her with suspicion earlier that morning she was still looking out for him. Just like she always had.

Instead of answering her he gently took her brush from her hands and climbed up behind his sister on the bed. Running the brush gently through Kira's silky hair he sighed.

"I know that you aren't a different person. You've always been half demon. The only change is that now I know."

Kira didn't move and anxiety at what she would say coiled in his middle. Then she gave a soft huff of laughter.

"Thank you. I have to admit, you had me worried that you really would change towards me because of your knowledge."

Ciel nodded and felt her shoulders relax.

"Love you little brother."

Her words made him stiffen. She wasn't expecting a response which was very clear but he felt a tug in his heart to respond. He had yet to voice to her that he loved her since she had come back and after today...

With great hesitation he placed the brush on the bed next to him and leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Kira's slender shoulders and rested his against the back of her shoulder.

He felt her tense slightly in surprise before relaxing and ripping his arms gently, giving a soft squeeze.

"I love you too big sister."