A/N: Again- cough and allergy meds plus lack of sleep are my only explanations for this.

To anyone who reads Victoriously Jade- I have NOT stopped working on that story, and I hope to get the next chapter up by this weekend. Between my work schedule and personal stuff, I haven't had the amount of free time needed to work on that particular story.

Thank you to everyone who reads, follows, favorites, and reviews my crazy stories. And a very special thank you to MC ABEDFAN, who came up with the name for this crazy series of drabbles.

A special shout out to those who reviewed last chapter:





My Name Is NOT Beckett

So the word scrotum sounds like it should be the part of a flower, and not the technical term for a guy's sweaty ball sac.


Seriously. Think about it. Stem. Sepal. Style. Stamen.

What the hell is a sepal?

Scrotum would fit right in with those.

With what?

The parts of a fucking flower Beckett! Keep up with the conversation!

Okay- a couple things. One- my name is NOT Beckett. Two- why the hell are you thinking about scrotum?

Anatomy unit.


Which you would KNOW if you weren't being a big baby and staying at home sick all week.

I've got walking pneumonia!

Key word- WALKING! Walk your ass to school and suffer through this with me!


What? You can walk! It's in the damn name!

This coming from the girl who gets a paper cut and acts like her finger is going to fall off?

Hey, those fuckers be painful! And not the good kind of painful. Ugh...I am so mad at you right now!


Because, you are making me sit thru this torture BY MYSELF!

I'm so sorry my illness is interfering with your happiness. Besides, Cat and Robbie are in our class too.

Hmmmm, let's see. I have Cat on one side of me who is giggling uncontrollably at everything, and Robbie on the other side taking notes on every damn thing the teacher says. I can't decide who I want to punch in the face more right now.

Sounds fun.

It would be if I had someone who could share my pain.

Awww…..you miss me.

That's debatable.

You do.


Someday I will tell our future child about this conversation.

What conversation? And what child? What kinds of medicine are you taking Beck?

I dunno. Good ones. Heavy duty antibiotics. Cough medicine with codeine. Stuff like that.

Are you feeling any better today? And WHAT child?

A little bit. Still pretty shitty to be honest. And I am talking about our future son, little Thaddeus.

Ew. No. We are not naming our potential future son Thaddeus. What the fuck is wrong with you Beckett?

Why are you so convinced my real name isn't just Beck?

Because that's stupid. Beck has to be short for something.

Why? Jade isn't.

And your point would be?

What do you mean? We both only have four letters in our first name!

Beckett has seven letters. I cannot believe I am going to have a potential future child with someone who can't even count how many letters are in his own damn name.


I suppose it is okay though. Little Atreyu will only get his good looks from his daddy. He will have his mama's brains.

Awwww. You want our potential future son to look like me.


Wait- Atreyu?

Uh huh.

And Atreyu is a better name than Thaddeus how?

Well, for one thing Thaddeus sounds like a douchebag name. And hello? Atreyu from Never Ending Story? Only one of the greatest kid movies and characters of all time. Plus…..he even kinda looks like a mini you. It's a win-win all around.

So basically you are telling me that you want to name our first born son after your first crush?

Pretty much.

How about he is just a Jr.?

Beckett Jr.? I suppose that has a certain ring to it.

Damn it Jade. My name is NOT Beckett.

Until you show me a birth certificate, I will believe otherwise.

Because my license and school records aren't good enough for you.


And you HAVE seen my birth certificate.

That was a forgery. It wasn't even an American one.

Because I was born in Canada!

Ugh…...don't remind me.

You drive me insane, you know that right?

But what a lovely insanity it is.

A/N: Please review.