On a rainy day inside a bookstore, a young blonde woman named Lily who was wearing a hoodie of a matching color was browsing at a particular section. That section just happened to be the adult-oriented one, filled with all sorts of sexy, naughty, and steamy stuff.

Lily was fond of this kind of stuff. She relished in it. Sometimes, she'd go rent a pornographic video from across the street. Between a video store and a bookstore, she'd have plenty of material to work with.

The blonde finished the adult graphic novel she had been reading while standing in front of its shelf, and then put it back on the shelf gently where it belongs. She turned to her right to move but instead bumped into a man wearing a brown-colored trench coat.

"Sorry," she said briefly.

"Same here," said the man who she bumped into.

Something rang inside her head when she looked at his face. It looked nostalgic. Why it looked nostalgic to her, she wondered.

"Excuse me," The man asked.


"May I ask how old you are? You look pretty young." The man asked with a slightly...elderly tone.

The blonde took a moment and then replied. "Eighteen. Why does it matter to you?"

The man tipped his fedora that had a matching color to his trench coat in apology. "Forgive me for speaking so frankly, but your face reminds me of someone who I met long ago."

No, it can't be. Was it really? Lily paused for a moment. "Oh, really? What was her name?"

"Lily Masuda," the man replied. "I haven't seen her over a decade."

"Huh." Lily's expression remained stoic. "My name just happens to be Lily. And I supposedly look like her?"

"Yep." The man said casually. "In a way, you're already not a stranger to me, if that makes sense."

Lily smirked at the man. "Oh really? I would say you have your head up your ass."

"Was there even a need for such language in a public bookstore?" the man questioned with a surprised tone.

Lily scoffed but kept her smirk up. "Please. That was a demonstration to you that I probably am not who you think I am. Just think about it. You're disclosing something personal to a young woman you never met in the adult section of a bookstore, of all places."

The man put both hands in each of the pockets of his trench coat and grinned. "How observant of you, but I would like to ask what is wrong with stirring up small talk."

The blonde waved her right index finger at him. "Small talk is nowhere near as deep as this. This kind of talk we're having, it's almost as if we are expecting something from each other."

"And what would that be?" asked the man.

Lily giggled. "Just give up the voice acting, Yohio. I knew it was you all along."

The man removed his fedora with his right hand, revealing his blond hair. "Geez, Lily," he said with his normal tone. "You have done some growing up since we last met."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and I can see you haven't grown up too much, Yohio."

"Geez, Lily. You're not this mean from what I can remember," Yohio scratched his chin.

Lily picked up a different book off the shelf and started reading it. "This is the way I am. If you don't like it, then too fucking bad."

The blonde man scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Hey! Hey! I never said that! Also, I don't think I've ever heard you drop the F-bomb before! Although, I'm a bit disappointed that you're not as happy to see me as I thought you'd be."

"I am happy to see you," Lily said as she flipped a page over. "I'm not an emotional bitch, is all."

Yohio laughed for a moment at Lily. "Man! You sure are different since we last met!"

Lily nodded as her eyes continued to scan down the page she was reading. "Yeah, and I can see you're not too different since we last met. In fact, I'm not surprised that you'd be hanging around the adult section of a bookstore, either. You always did have a thing for girls...a big thing...and I mean a big thing."

"True, true," Yohio admitted shamelessly.

"I suppose you're gonna ask me out on a date now that we're both grown up?" Lily taunted at him.

Yohio took a few steps back and cleared his throat. "I know you didn't mean to ask me such a crazy question just now. I said it before and I'll say it again- You're like the annoying kid sister I wish I never had but the best friend I always wanted."

Lily nodded as she flipped another page over. "Glad to hear that hasn't changed." She put the book back on the shelf and then turned to him. "What are you doing here, anyway? Why are you here, of all places? I haven't seen you since 5th grade when you had to move."

"Ah, well, I'm on vacation," Yohio said succinctly.

"Oh. Wow. But why here?" Lily pressed.

"I got a friend here who knows the place guiding me. He toured me around yesterday. Then, I went to see what hot stuff they got here and well, here we are," Yohio explained. "Meeting you was a sweet bonus, of course."

Suddenly, the phone rang. It was Lily's phone, so she picked up.

"Hey, what's up? ...Yeah, I'm here at the bookstore. ...What do you think I'm reading? ...Pfft. Alright, so what did you want to tell me? ...Ah, okay. ...Sure, no problem. ...Okay, bye." Lily sighed as she stowed her phone.

"That sigh sounded said. What was that about?" Yohio asked with concern.

Lily sighed again. "One of my friends planned to have dinner with me tonight. He was going to pick me up here once he was done but he said that he was going to be busier than I thought, so he cancelled on me."

Yohio's face lit up. "He? What? Is it a guy? Lily?! You got a boyfriend?!"

Lily put a fist in front of Yohio's face. "Shut up, you. I feel like I wasted my time here."

Yohio interjected. "Hey! Hey! By pure luck, we met up again! I would hardly call this wasted time! Besides, I'm by myself now, so..."

Lily raised an eyebrow at him. "Yeah? What?"

The blonde man swallowed his saliva. "...Wanna go to dinner with me instead?"

Lily smirked at him. "Don't have any ladies to flirt with tonight?"

Yohio laughed for a bit, then responded with, "Oh, I got plenty. But since we just found each other again, we shouldn't be in any hurry to leave each other, no?"

The blonde girl shrugged her shoulders. "So what do you have in mind?"

"That fancy restaurant down on the other side of the city, Lily," Yohio answered while raising his thumb up.

Lily's eyes widened. "That place is fancy, Yohio. Your wallet will have a dent in it by the time you get out."

Yohio nodded in agreement but said, "Yeah, well, like I said, we should make this reunion something special."

"Fine, but you're paying the bill. No splitting. It was your idea, after all."

He flashed a sparkle in his teeth. "Of course! I wouldn't be offering if I can't afford it!" But then, he remembered something. "Oh wait. Lily, think you should tell your parents that you've met up with me again?"

Lily lowered her head. "That's...I don't have parents anymore, Yohio... They're both long gone."

A grim silence held both of them for a bit before Yohio broke it up. "I'm so sorry, Lily. Hey, why don't you tell me about it over dinner? Maybe the food will cheer you up. I heard that it's supposed to be very delicious."
