A/N: Hey everybody, thanks for reading Murder on Green Hill Island. It was a strange type of story for me to write since I have never written any form of horror or mystery story before. I'm glad that it was so well received and all of you enjoyed it (I mean you must have liked something if you read the whole thing and are here reading this!) Whether you figured out that Amy was the killer or not, I at least hope it was an enjoyable twist, a satisfying reasoning and a confusing conclusion (Yes I will get to that in a bit.)

I was originally inspired to write this when I saw an old family guy episode called 'and then there were fewer' a couple weeks before starting the story. I wanted to try my hand at something new and I loved how family guy handled the trope of everybody is a suspect in a funny and surprisingly believable way. My favourite part being when Gillian's boyfriend gets approached by the killer on the roof (No spoilers here, go watch it for yourself, it's an entertaining watch) and says "Oh no, its you, the man or woman who has been killing everybody," to make fun at how we always see people die from the killers point of view but the characters never say the killers name in these genre's. That's why Amy had a little bit of a dialogue with everybody before they were killed but I never revealed anything, making sure to say 'the individual' or just 'they/them.'

Anyway, the main part of this particular Authors notes is just to shed some light on the ending, since a lot of people have messaged me trying to clarify what it meant and ask me if their theory was right. Basically, the main point of the ending was to be mysterious and cryptic. There wasn't supposed to be a clear cut answer. BUT, i will give away some of the possibilities for what it could mean.

Sonic was lying the whole time and he in fact killed them all. When Gold found out, he threatened her, which occurred in the confusing dialogue between the two where he was acting creepy at the end.

Sonic was telling the truth for absolutely everything. Plain and Simple. The creepy dialogue at the end was just him messing with Gold for how rude she was being and the flyer that she tossed at the end was just what she used for her notes to better acquaint herself with the story for her show.

Sonic told the truth up until the end, where he did in fact kill Mina because of his dropping popularity and wanted to be the soul survivor.

Amy told the truth in her reasoning except for one detail. It was Gold that gave her the idea about the island and helped orchestrate the whole thing, helping Amy out by killing Mina's team members and helping her do some of the more unbelievable things that she accomplished to get bigger ratings for her show, which is why she had that paper at the end.

Or many variations of the three, where Sonic was telling the truth, Sonic lied, Gold had something to do with it, Gold had nothing to do with it etc. The whole point was that despite what everything appeared on the surface, it was actually a lot more dingy underneath and that as a reader you should never take things for face value, as no story is simple and everything has complex layers if you take the time to look at it, or something like that. Although when writing I do have a TRUE ending in mind of the truth and who was lying and who was telling the truth and who actually killed the people and was involved, but I'm not going to say because that would make it cannon to the story mythos and that would ruin the whole point of that epilogue scene. I love hearing all the theories though.

Anyway, after clearing that up, I hope you aren't all super mad at me :P It was a blast to write and I hope you all had a blast reading it. If you liked it, please consider adding it to your favourites and checking out my other works. I have a romance story and two AU high school fics centering on all the characters in this story and many more. So, basically, thanks for reading and reviewing and I hope to see all of you in some of my other stories :)