Hello Everyone. This is my first time writing a fanfiction story and I had decided to write a Titanic story on a OC's first point of view. To really get into the story, I would recommend listening to the Titanic Composer, James Horner's track - Southampton and Leaving Port for this chaper.

I hope you will enjoy it and follow the story of my OC's journey on Titanic. Tell me what you think, do you like it, do you hate it? I know there have been lots of Titanic stories, so I wanted to do one on Jack Dawson & OC, all I ask is that you give this a chance. Please review, and be honest.

Thank you and enjoy :)

Miss Victoria 20.



I squirmed a little in the vehicle. I looked out of the small window and I saw a crowd of people, there was loud amount of cheering, laughter, talking and whistling. People with sacks behind their backs, I watched through the window as a elderly men with pork pie hat holding packages in one arm, talking and pointing past them.

I looked away and saw my sister's hand held by her fiancé in the car. I glanced at her and I couldn't decipher what she was feeling. She had a good poker face.

My sister's name was Rose. Rose was a beautiful eighteen year old woman, sometimes it hurts me to know that she was very beautiful, she was older than me by a year. She was stunning ever since she was a child. She had bright red curly hair and green-blue eyes and pale skin. She was dreamlike. I, on the other hand, I had brown wavy hair and light brown eyes and pale skin, I looked like my father, I had his hair and eye colour, and a diamond shape face. God rest my father's soul. My sister's fiancé, Caledon Hockley, was thirty years old. Caledon had cropped, dark hair, light tanned skin, dark brown eyes with thick eyebrows, he was tall and he always dressed like a proper gentleman. Caledon was a son of a wealthy steel tyrant and Caledon was a very wealthy man.

I could tell that Caledon did care for Rose. But I detested the way he treated Rose. He treated her like she was a shiny toy to be shown around. When Rose and I were little children, we told each other what type of man we would like to marry. Of course, it would be impossible now to find my dream man.

My mother, Ruth DeWitt Bukater, had arranged the marriage between Rose and Caledon. Rose looked very much like mother, she had the same colour hair and eyes and features. Rose was unhappy with the idea of an arranged marriage but mother scolded her and told Rose and I that our family would be at the brink of poverty and the only way to inherit money was to marry a wealthy man. Mother had arranged me to marry a man, named Anthony Ellington who is around twenty five years older than me and lives in the United States of America. But first, I had to be engaged. Which was one of the reason we are going to the United States of America.

The other reason we were going to United States of America was because my sister is to be married there to Caledon outside of New York, in Philadelphia, actually. I knew Rose didn't want to marry Caledon, but she agreed because it was mother's desire and she wanted to make mother proud of her. I, on the other hand, was panicking of the idea of marriage. My skin crawled at the thought of marriage because I didn't want to be married to a much older man.

The driver honked the horn in the car and people in the front of the road moved away for our Renault car coming through. Luckily, the car fitted me, mother, Rose and Caledon. Caledon was the one who rented the car for us. My mother relished to be seen in the most expensive items. Sometimes I think why doesn't mother marry Caledon if she wanted wealth so much? instead of forcing Rose to wed him? The other car behind us had Caledon's valet, Mr. Lovejoy. To me, he was intimidating. His eyes were cold blue and the lines of his face told me to be careful. He never smiled. The others that were coming with us were our maids.

Rose's maid, Trudy, mother's two maids of whose names I had forgotten because they were new, and my own, Jane. Jane was a sweet woman only the age of twenty eight. She had dark hair and green eyes and heart shaped face and she was the same height as me.

The car stopped and the coachman opened the door and Rose held out her hand and the coachman took it to assist her stepping out. She took her umbrella in her hand and she stepped out of the car. I went after her, not bothering for assistance. I lifted my black saucer hat and fixed my black velvet gloves, I glanced over at my red dress walking suit before I looked up and I saw the ocean liner I was about to go into.

It was gigantic to be sure. I looked at the magnificent structure of the ship. I could smell the paint from it. I looked over at the ship and saw a single word painted in white in capital letters.


"I don't see what all the fuss is about," said Rose loftily, "It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania." She said, looking at straight at Caledon.

I rolled my eyes and smiled gently. I knew Rose was hard to impress and I sense that she said this to annoy Caledon.

I turned and saw Caledon stepped down and looked proudly at the ship.

"You can be blasé about some things, Rose, but not about Titanic." Caledon said, smiling. "It's over a hundred feet longer than Mauretania, and far more luxurious."

Rose turned away and went closer to look.

Caledon looked at me.

"It has squash courts, a Parisian café and even Turkish baths." Caledon said courteously.

"It sounds too good to be true," I said, frowning unimpressively.

I looked over and I saw mother coming out, wearing an emerald green travel dress suit.

I turned over and looked over at the ship with Rose and I leaned over to her.

"I thought that was very bold of you, sister." I said quietly, so Caledon couldn't hear.

Rose gave a soft chuckle.

"As are you, Evelyn." She said.

I heard Caledon murmur to mother, "Your daughters are much too difficult to impress, Ruth."

Mother chuckled and stood next to me.

"So this is the ship they say is unsinkable." She mused.

I rolled my eyes in provocation. It was impossible. There was no such ship that could be unsinkable. I didn't believe the rumours going on about the Titanic. Although, I was impressed by the structure of the magnificent ship. Inside of me, my heart beat went fast because it was real and it was happening.

Caledon piped up, "It is unsinkable, God himself couldn't sink in this ship."

I didn't listen anymore. I followed mother. I looked around saw people waving and cheering. I looked up and it was hard to see the passengers, but I could make out them waving to people below. I heard a whistle had been blown.

"It's time," said Rose emotionlessly.

"I know," I said sadly.

"We'd better hurry." Caledon said in a business tone. "This way, ladies."

Caledon indicated the way toward the First Class gangway. We moved into the crowd. I followed mother, behind me were Rose and Caledon, after them was Lovejoy. After Lovejoy were the maids, laden with bags with belongings that were delicate for the baggage handlers.

Most of the first class passengers were avoiding the smelly press of the dockside crowd by using an elevated boarding bridge, twenty feet above.

We passed a line of steerage passengers in their coarse wool and tweeds, queued up inside movable barriers like cattle in a chute. A health officer examined their heads one by one, checking scalp and eyelashes for lice.

We passed a well-dressed young man cranking the handle of a wooden Biograph cinematograph camera mounted on a tripod.

Caledon was jostled by two yelling steerage boys who shove past him. And he was bumped again a second later by the boys' father.

"Steady!" said Caledon ruefully.

The man carelessly said, "Sorry squire!"

The Cockney father pushed on, after his kids, shouting.

"Steerage swine." Caledon said hotly. "Apparently missed his annual bath."

Mother looked at Caledon. "Honestly, Cal, if you weren't forever booking everything at the last instant, we could have gone through the terminal instead of running along the dock like some squalid immigrant family."

I bit my lip to stop myself from retorting to my mother. I had to hold my tongue around her. Ten years ago, I had yelled at her because I wanted to go outside and play with the third class children but mother scowled at me and it was look I never wanted to see again.

"All part of my charm, Ruth." Said Caledon sleekly. "At any rate, it was my darling fiancée's beauty rituals which made us late."

"You told me to change," said Rose.

"I couldn't let you wear black on sailing day, sweetpea. It's bad luck."

I turned to Caledon. "Does it count that I am wearing a black hat, Caledon?"

"Black is a colour for mourning, Evelyn." Caledon said.

"Other women wear black other than for mourning, Caledon." I said loftily.

"I felt like wearing black," said Rose.

I smiled inwardly. I believed black wasn't just for mourning. I heard that in India people wore white for mourning. Black was beautiful and mysterious colour. It revealed radiance and elegance and most of all black triumphed above all colours.

Caledon guided us out of the path of a horse-drawn wagon loaded down with two tons of oxford marmalade, in wooden cases, for Titanic's Victualling Department.

"Here I've pulled every string I could to book us on the grandest ship in history, in her most luxurious suites... and you act as if you're going to your execution."

I looked over at my sister and I saw her face had paled.

"I am sure that is not true, Caledon." I said, saving my sister. "We are leaving England, after all. It is a sad day."

Rose gave me a grateful smile.

I turned and looked up as the hull of Titanic loomed over them...a great iron wall, Bible black and sever. Caledon motioned Rose forward. I stepped over and enter the gangway to the D Deck doors with a sense of overwhelming fear, a chill ran down my spine.

There was a screaming blast from the triple steam horns on the ship's funnels, bellowing the departure warning.

I was leaving England for good.

I hope you enjoyed the First Chapter and please review!