Prompt: Pansy & Luna

"Hey, it's Looney Lovegood," came a sneering voice from her right. Luna turned, a faint smile on her face. Adrian Pucey – in an earlier year than her, and in Slytherin.

Her smile widened a bit when she recognized him. "Hello, Adrian," she said, pleasantly. Pucey looked at his mate and shared an eyeroll. "How are you?"

"Well, I'm not churning out mad ramblings with my father, so I suppose better than you," he scoffed, with a mocking smile. "How are things at the Quibbler? Still chasing that Horny Sack?" He jabbed an elbow into his buddy's ribs, laughing.

"That's Crumple-Horned Snorkack, actually," came a cool, feminine voice from behind Luna. Pansy fell into line beside the blonde, lifting a perfectly manicured finger and dipping her sunglasses down her nose a bit to regard him. "The only 'horny sack' I see here is the pathetic pile of grease in front of me."

He blinked, drawing back a bit as his eyes flicked over her form. She looked, in a word,polished. Pansy had taken to high fashion like a duck to water, and if she knew that she made Luna look all the more ridiculous by standing next to her, she certainly didn't acknowledge it. Adrian swallowed a bit, pulling his expression back into something more polite. "How's it going, Parkinson?"

"Oh, you know, it's just an endless parade of idiocy," she exhaled, rolling her eyes and pushing her sunglasses back into place. "Well, I mean, of course you know. Head of the drum-line, are you?"

Adrian sneered. "Sorry, didn't realize you were friends with ol' Looney, here."

Pansy chuckled, casually drawing her wand as she flicked her wrist at the two of them. "That's Ms. Lovegood, to you. Unless you want a repeat of that nasty little incident when you were in sixth year?" Her eyes flicked to his friend as Adrian paled. "Tell me, is that still your most closely guarded secret?"

She canted her head and summoned a saccharine smile as Adrian glared at her. He grabbed his friend by the elbow, pulling him roughly around. "Let's get out of here," he growled, shooting Pansy one last seething look.

"It was nice seeing you, Adrian," Luna said, cheerfully.

Pansy sighed, stowing her wand away. "Don't gift him with your voice," she muttered, the sweetness falling out of her tone as Adrian and his little lackey disappeared. "Pukeballs like that don't deserve the energy it takes to tell them to shove the fuck off."

"You said you were going to try to get less angry," Luna reminded her, although as usual, there was nothing resembling judgment in her tone. "Or else–"

"The Nargles, I know," Pansy said, but there was no hint of mockery, there, either. She smiled, and leaned in to press her lips against the blonde's, her hand settling on Luna's shoulder. "But I can hardly help it when people insist on bothering you, now can I? And you seem so eager to let them, an outlook I will spend the rest of my life failing to understand."

Luna shook her head, and leaned in to press another quick peck against Pansy's lips, reassuring and sweet. "You and Draco should really work on being less protective. I'm more than able to handle myself."

"Oh, of that, I've no doubt," Pansy drawled. "Let's get going. Amazingly, Pucey didn't rob me of my appetite and I'm still famished."

"I love you," Luna said, brightly.

Pansy scowled, looking around the street with a faint twist of her lips, feeling heat rise to her cheeks. "Don't make me say it out here," she muttered, ushering Luna along the street. Kissing and other public displays of indecency were right up her alley, but she drew the line at tender, emotional stuff. Hell, she had to draw the line somewhere, and Luna was just lucky it wasn't at Nargles and Crumple-Horned Snorkacks.

"It's alright. I know you do."

Quotes: None in prompt!