Hello everyone! This is another fic that I've decided to write since I'm absolutely obsessed over this anime/manga (but it's nowhere near Yukio's obsessive need to beat Rin). For those of you who are also readers of my FMA/HP fic, no, I am not abandoning that. Over spring break things happened and well...this fic happened. I will update my other fic by the end of April, mid-May at the latest. AP exams are unfortunately a thing...

Of course, please read and review at the end. It gives me motivation to write if you leave a review, seriously.


Canon dictates that Rin began seeing demons at the age of fifteen. However, Rin has been able to see demons since birth. When Father Fujimoto finds out that both of his foster sons have been able to see demons since birth, he and Mephisto have a talk with everyone. From there, Rin endures the long nights of studying to become an Exorcist with Yukio by his side and his foster parents overseeing them. At the age of thirteen, the twins become Exorcists in the Japanese branch. Rin has a Meister in both Knight and Tamer and Yukio in both Dragoon and Doctor.

When it is time for the twins to enter high school, they are enrolled into True Cross Academy with scholarships from Mephisto Pheles. To help pay for schooling, they both are asked to teach at the Exorcist cram school. Fujimoto retires from teaching at the school, giving Yukio a spot. Rin takes on the empty slot for teaching Exwires the Knight Meister. However, their first year students are a handful, and when mixed with Rin's tendencies to go over the top, this year may be interesting...


I've always been able to see them.

The coal tars have been the pesky bugs that they are since the first time I opened my eyes after escaping my mother's womb. The first things I saw when I opened my eyes for the first time were black flying specks constantly buzzing around me, glaring at me with their creepy beady eyes. They had mouths too, and they looked like they were about to announce me as their next meal. I wasn't scared though, and unconsciously used my flames to burn them to ashes. Hell, I didn't even know I had the flames of Satan; I just remember seeing bright blue flames burning the coal tars to dust.

Next to me laid my twin brother, eyes closed and quite possibly sleeping at a time like this. In later years, I would learn that he had a weak constitution at birth and therefore didn't inherit any of Satan's quirks. I would be the one who carried all of Satan's quirks. He lucked out, I guess.

When I was brought into this world, Assiah, I laid on my mother's stomach. I didn't know where we were at the time, and I assumed that that was our home. Unfortunately, it did not take long for a man wearing glasses and the clown to arrive in our "home", and realize the situation at hand. I know my mother said something to the two strangers, because I could feel her breathing pattern quicken the tiniest bit. However, it was slowing down ever so quickly, and eventually, it stopped. I didn't understand at the time that breathing keeps a human alive, so I thought she had begun sleeping, like my twin brother.

The strangers moved their lips, saying some things I could not comprehend (then again, a newborn child will not know what humans are saying), and eventually agreed on something. The clown drew a sword and before I knew it, I felt part of my body being sucked away by him. The sensation was like a vacuum, when it collects the dirt off the carpet and sucks it into the airbag. It wasn't pleasant, mainly because it was a part of me that got sucked away. Think about it metaphorically: would you want to be sucked away by the dusty vacuum in your house?

Then, the man with the glasses moved his lips to say something. The clown sheathed the sword, but not after moving his lips a little more. At the same time, the glasses man scooped my twin brother up first into his arms, then me. He adjusted his grip on us, which made us bounce a little bit. All this time, my brother didn't wake up. I'm honestly surprised; I probably would've woken up by now from all of the jostling.

I remembered the old man carrying the two of us out of our "home", away from my birth mother. I didn't think very much of it; instead, I thought of it as an adventure. I was going somewhere new with my twin brother, and I just might like it.

It turned out that the next fifteen years of my life would be the prologue to my adventure.


The coal tars were always around me, and I could see them flying amidst. I found it odd that my daddy couldn't see them, even when I tried to point them out and get them away from me. I saw the coal tars as annoying, and wanted absolutely nothing to do with them. Unfortunately, they seemed to keep finding me as their number one source of living. I do not know how that came to be, but if it makes them happy, I guess I'll stick around and let them be...for a few moments.

By now, I could make little sounds come out of my mouth. Actually forming words was too hard for my baby self, so I tried to say the first syllable and it would mean something that daddy might understand. Of course, it didn't work, and daddy would always make me do something that I did not want to do. That's the way life was until I made up my own language, one that was easy to comprehend and speak. Sure, I might have stolen it from Yukio, but that's another matter entirely.

"Pwa pwa," I said, waving my arms like a maniacal baby. I mimicked a frog leaping as well, and from that, my father understood exactly what I wanted. He picked me up right off the ground as if I weighed nothing and took me outside.

We went into the backyard, where only the "extended family" and my actual family could keep an eye on me as I messed around in the sandbox. At the time, my father referred to the rest of the members of the monastery as my extended family, and he wasn't wrong in a sense. They were my extended family, and I appreciated them all very much. Father Fujimoto was my daddy, and Yukio remained by my side as my twin brother. The only person missing was my mother, but I wasn't very attached to her at birth, so I hadn't acted out in dire need for her.

"Pwa pwa in the sasa today?" my daddy asked me. I nodded eagerly, and he put me down carefully into the sandbox. Immediately, I reached for the red pail.

Yukio and I had our own items for ourselves, and my family thought it was a good idea to distinguish whose was whose. As a result, they asked the two of us which color we preferred. Yukio was drawn almost immediately to the blue color things, so he practically got everything blue. I had to bite my cheek in order not to cry over not getting blue things. I liked blue just as much as Yukio - hell, probably even more. But as the elder brother, I let him get his chosen color. Instead I chose red. It was a bright, bold color that contrasted with the blue of Yukio's things.

I looked inside the pail, noticing a crack right through the middle of it. My six month old self wasn't knowledgeable yet, so I picked up my plastic red shovel and scooped up some sand. I tried to dump it all into the pail, but the sand came out through the crack inside. Knowing that that is not how pails work, I began to wail.

My daddy had been watching the entire time, so he rushed over quickly to calm me down. I think he hugged me and told me it would be okay, I don't remember the details exactly. I do remember him picking me up again and taking me outside of the monastery walls and safety barrier from the demons after me.

He took me down the street to the toy store. It's no longer standing there present day, due to the owners' financial statuses and the fact that they moved away to Akihabara a few years after this scene. However, at the time, it was a small but cozy toy store. The manager would allow the kids to play with some of their sample toys, and if they liked it, they or their guardians could purchase it. There was even a section just for children's books and video games. Yukio would practically live in that section whenever he came.

My father went up to the cashier on duty and asked if they had some more plastic shovels and pails in stock. The lady behind the counter nodded and led us to the aisle where they were located. He thanked her for her time and bought some more red pails with their corresponding shovels.

Well, he tried to, at least.

It turned out that the nice lady behind the counter had just been possessed by a female demon that had been lurking the streets lately. I watched the lady transform into a demon, and to be honest, it wasn't as great as one might think. The lady looked like she was in pain the entire time that the demon took control of her body. Growing a new pair of ears and a squiggly tail sticking out of your ass isn't really painless.

My father blinked at the demon twice and broke out into a run, dropping his goods. I used to think that he was actually afraid, but clearly that's not the case (learned this only six years later). Anyways, he broke out into a run as he took me home, where there was safety behind the demon-repelling barrier. Then, he picked up his Exorcist coat hanging on the back of a kitchen chair and ran back outside to fight the demon. During this time, one of the clergymen, Kyodo, hauled me upstairs to my crib.

"Guess it's nappy time for you now," Kyodo said as he tucked me underneath a blanket. "Don't worry, your brother is in his crib too."

At the mention of Yukio, I smiled. Even at the ripe young age of six months, I was always looking out for my younger brother. Satisfied and slightly tired from all the excitement around the neighborhood, I fell asleep quickly.

When I woke up two hours later, the demon had already been exorcised by none other than the Paladin and life around the monastery had retreated to its normal form. I was happy that my father had returned home, safe and sound, and with some new red pails too.


I had finally aged up enough to the point where I now had to attend school for a good portion of my day. Of course, Yukio was by my side the entire time, and the teachers even made sure that we were placed in the same class at school. This made me (and my protective-of-my-little-brother complex) happy. We were excited about starting school for the first time, and I wondered if it was like anything like the animes on television (the ones that my daddy let me watch).

School was everything we hadn't thought of, though.

On the first day, three chubby boys went out of their way to huddle around Yukio during recess time. They tried to take his glasses and snap them in half so that he couldn't look (and act) like the smart kid in class. Obviously, they didn't take into account his twin brother being right by his side. I saw them attack Yukio, and unconsciously, I balled my hands into two fists. On instinct, I fought all three of them at once with my fists, and won the battle.

I didn't win the argument against my teachers, though.

They told me that harming my fellow peers was not allowed and put me in timeout for the rest of the class period. I didn't really understand why I wasn't allowed to use my hands to protect my younger brother. All I wanted to do was to protect him from the kids that tried to hurt him, but I guess self defense isn't okay at all.

After school, the teacher stopped me from going home until I apologized to them for my rash actions. I didn't see the need to be sorry about their injuries, but I apologized anyways so that I could go home with Yukio as soon as possible. Before I left, however, the teacher gave me a warning.

"If this happens again, Okumura, your parents will be receiving a phone call home. Do try to be on your best behavior, okay?" She reminded me of a moth that kept hanging onto me, and it led to her nickname being 'moth lady'. Yukio did not approve of the name, but it didn't stop him from giggling every time I said it.

Even if I had said yes to my teacher in response to the questions, it did not stop me from protecting Yukio one day before we went home from school. That day, our tests had come back to us, graded. I barely got a passing score on the test and Yukio, being the smart kid that he was, got a perfect score. However, the bullies in our class all got failing scores and received no extra credit either.

Our teacher made a promise with all of us that if we got passing scores on the test, we would get a slice of pizza sometime the following week. Now that the realization dawned upon the bullies, they tried to attack Yukio for receiving two pizza slices in recognition of his perfect score on the test. Being his older brother, I had to protect him and the pizza slices that we got.

The teacher came outside at the wrong time, though. While I was dealing with the stupid people, the teacher decided to come outside and take a smoke in the back field, where I and Yukio were. As soon as she caught eye of Yukio standing alone with three pizza slices and a blue-black haired kid punching a kid, she came over to break up the fight. This resulted in our father having to come pick the two of us up from school, a suspension for me, and an ambulance ride for three seven year old elementary schoolers. Nothing that happened afterwards was pretty, but I would do anything to protect Yukio.

When our father came to pick us up, he put the two of us in the back seats and decided that it was time to take us somewhere more peaceful (probably to cool my flames, literally and metaphorically). He took us to the indoor playhouse for us to play on the slides for a while, just the two of us. Yukio, by now, had already indulged in his two pizza slices, so he was running around to release the excess calories in his system. I, on the other hand, had to wait behind him because my daddy wanted to have a word with me. At first glance, I gulped. Six year old me knew that I had done something wrong - maybe.

"Daddy, why does my teacher look like a demon?" was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I hadn't wanted to say that initially, but whatever fell off my tongue first, came out.

"Huh?" he said. "She doesn't look like a demon. Rin, what have you been watching?" he asked, and I could hear nothing but shock and concern in his voice.

"Pokemon," I said first, but as his gaze into my eyes lingered, I added,"...and Ao no Exorcist."

Father Fujimoto sighed. "Rin, demons exist inside of your heart. If you believe in demons, you'll see them come to life by yourself." Then he adjusted his look at me. "However, you should not be watching Ao no Exorcist*. That stuff is for older kids."

"But I am older!" I protested. "I'm not 2 anymore."

"But you haven't hit the double digits yet, have you?" my father said, and I had to admit, he's got a point.

I crossed my arms. "Okay, I'll stop watching that show."

"...without my or anyone in our extended family's supervision," my father added with a wink. I nodded eagerly in response, happy about the compromise.

This made me feel better about the situation. Ao no Exorcist happened to be one of my favorite television shows, and I didn't want to stop watching it now, not when it is in the middle of its climax. Plus, it was Yukio, of all people, who got me hooked on this show. It surprised me too, but I thought nothing of it. Maybe I didn't know my younger brother as well as I had thought, but this would bring us together, I was sure of it.

Right then, my father got a phone call from someone. Considering the kind of ringtone he had placed on it, the call was urgent. Frowning, he picked up his phone and answered. Every minute that went by made the wrinkles in his face more prominent as he stayed on the phone. After several minutes had gone by and my father had aged a considerable amount of years, he ended the call.

"Sorry, Rin. I need to go help our neighbors with some religious figurines in their household," he lied, and I could tell right away. The story was fishy enough, and he looked pretty serious with something that seemed...not so serious. "Kyodo is going to take you and Yukio home. Go find Yukio and stay by him, please. It'll take Kyodo a couple minutes to come."

"Okay, Daddy," I replied with a smile on my face, and ran off to find my brother.

As I walked away, I picked up on one thing that my father had muttered under his breath.

"Can Rin see them?"


Ao no Exorcist*: The Ao no Exorcist here in this fanfic is not the same anime/manga that we're familiar with. It's a more kid appropriate anime with different characters and different plot line. I threw it in there because I thought it was funny, and I hope you all found it amusing as well.

This is only the first part out of possibly three to the introductory portion of the fic. I am halfway finished with the second part as of right now, since it concerns with the background of the entire story (it's pretty weird to write in my opinion, much praise for anyone's who has written something similar to this). The third part may take a while, since I have almost nothing to go off of to write it. But those are the only hints you'll get as to what those parts are about.

Did you guys like this so far? If you did, please don't hesitate to leave a review below. Also, please follow this fic so that when I update, you get the notification to read it. Depending on the amount of reviews and follows/faves, I may leave a preview of the next chapter/part in the next installation.