This is it! I am finally at the end of this fanfic! (Now I just have to complete the other two...) But I am quite happy with how this one has gone :) I love the programme Merlin and this fanfic was in no way meant to insult it, it's just my idea of an alternate ending which I hope you have enjoyed reading. So again, a massive thank you for all of the reviews, follows and favs! Without further ado...

DISCLAIMER - I do not own anything. Like anything at all - a big bunch of nothing. Honest.


Nine years later...

The sun had set over Camelot hours ago, Merlin only remained awake because he knew, deep down, that tonight was the night. For years Arthur had lived happy and healthy and unhindered by the shard of sword that lay deep within his chest. In fact, he had appeared so well that Merlin had almost convinced himself that the dragon had been wrong, that maybe Kilgharrah was more powerful than even he thought.

Then it had happened.

A little over a week ago Arthur had collapsed during a meeting at the round table. His hand clasped over his chest and Merlin knew that his time was almost up.

Still, he knew that he ought to be grateful. Nine years was an awful lot of time to have stolen and Arthur had used it well. Camelot flourished under his rule, he was a just and fair King. Crime lessened in his streets and punishments were delivered less and less frequently. Friendships and alliances were formed across the land. As prophesized he had united Albion.

In those nine years Arthur had also become a father, to a quizzical young boy and a ferocious young girl. Merlin loved them both dearly, spending as much time as he possibly could with them. And occasionally, if they were good, he taught them magic.

He smiled to himself, and stood up from his bed. Time had not changed his room much, he ran a hand over the wall.

Oh, how he would miss this place.

There was a knock at the door and Merlin's heart plummeted in his chest. This was it, now was the time.

The door swung open and there stood Gaius, a sombre expression etched onto his increasingly withered face.

"Merlin..." He began, but then he stopped. For he did not need to say anything else.

Together the physician and the warlock made their way to Arthur's chambers where Gwen and the children stood around the bed.

It struck Merlin then that this was the last time he would stand in a room with all of them. The last time he would see everyone he loved in one place. A lump caught in his throat and he knelt by Arthur's side.

Arthur's face was pale and sweaty but he still looked youthful - it seemed impossible that this was the end.

"You couldn't have told that damn dragon to make it hurt less, could you?" He said through gritted teeth.

Some things never changed.

Merlin laughed, "I've never met someone so ungrateful."

Arthur grinned and gripped hold of Merlin's hand. "You don't have to come with me. You don't have to wait."

It was common knowledge that Merlin was to go with him to the Lake of Avalon, it was also common knowledge that neither of them would be returning.

"Don't be a dollophead. Of course I'm coming."

Arthur chuckled and the chuckle immediately turned into a violent cough.

Merlin turned to Gwen. "Is everything ready?"

Gwen wiped her hand across her face, her eyes were red raw with tears and her hair fell loosely from its bun. "Hmm-hmm." She said, struggling to find the words. "The... the horses are prepared for the both of you and there will food and water for the journey. It's all very...very discreet."

Merlin nodded and Arthur sat up in his bed, wincing and grimacing as he did so.

"Gwen's coronation has also been arranged." He said rather chirpily. "Dress has been picked and everything. She will be the most stunning ruler that Camelot has ever had."

Gwen laughed and the laugh immediately turned into a sob. She threw her arms around the King's neck.

And then it was all of them, all of the Pendragons' crying in a huddle on the King's bed as Merlin and Gaius stood by their side.

Gaius placed a hand on Merlin's shoulder, it was warm and comforting and strong.

It was goodbye.

Page break

The Lake of Avalon lay in front of them, glistening red as the sun set. It's waters held a promise, the promise that this was not quite the end. Not really.

Merlin lay Arthur into the boat. His breathing was so very heavy now, every breath a labour in itself. His eyes flickered open and closed, finally he turned to Merlin.

"Where will you wait?" He asked, Arthur's voice came out as a rasp and whatever composure Merlin thought he'd had left evaporated.

"I will wait nearby... but I do not plan on being alone Arthur, do not worry about me."

Arthur's eyes widened with recognition, he nodded. "I'm glad that you will have someone."

Tears ran down Merlin's face, he wiped his nose. Why was it that he was always crying?

Arthur looked up at the sky and the light danced off his hair. "When I return will you know it's me?" His voice cracked. "Will I be the same?"

Merlin nodded, "Just as arrogant and pompous as usual, I am sure."

Arthur smiled a crooked smile. "And handsome - don't forget handsome."

There was now only a slither of the sun left to be seen in the sky, the two men fell silent. The only sound was the sound of Arthur's shallow breaths.

"I could not have asked for a better friend." Arthur finally said.

Merlin closed his eyes, maybe if he waited long enough to open them, this would all turn out to be a dream.

He opened them and Arthur still lay inside the boat.

Merlin's pressed his head against Arthur's "Nor I a better King." He croaked.

Arthur smiled and then the smile slipped away. His eyes remained staring at the sky but the sound of breathing had stopped.

Merlin felt his entire body grow cold, as though someone had splashed icy water down his back. For what seemed like an age he just stood there, looking down on Arthur's lifeless body, wondering how had it had all come to this.

"Long live the King."

Sobbing he stood up and with an agonizing effort he pushed the boat out into the lake.

"In sibbe gerest."

With those words the boat propelled itself further and further into the water until it was but a dot in Merlin's vision. Merlin watched it vanish, weeping freely as it disappeared from sight.

Merlin sat there, alone and tired all night until the dawn broke once more.

The birds chirped and the trees rustled and for a brief second he could almost believe that nothing had changed.

Yet everything had.

Finally, Merlin stood up. He knew what he had to do next. He would wait. He would wait through every cold night and every harsh day until his King returned, and he did not doubt that Arthur would. He would return and Merlin would be there waiting for him.

Waiting, waiting, waiting.

But he had not lied to Arthur when he'd said that he would not be alone.

Merlin stood up and without ceremony he waded into the lake. The cold water embraced him and he had an odd feeling of returning home.

In front of him the water rippled and he could see the form of a woman take shape.

Merlin smiled. "Hello Lady."