Disclaimer: Star Wars does not belong to me, it is the property of Lucas Films, LTD. and Walt Disney studios. I am simply borrowing their characters to tell a story of my own inspired by the galactic world Mr. Lucas created for the entertainment of other fans like myself. I gain nothing, money or other-wise from this.

Rey stared at the man who she had recently found out was her father and couldn't believe this was the Luke Skywalker that she'd admired as child,"You're right maybe he would still be alive if you'd been here but sulking about it isn't doing anybody any good. I don't know about you but I'm going to save my aunt so if you'll excuse me I have real work to do." Rey snapped at Luke and Luke simply walked away with his head hung in shame.

Aunt Leia, listen to me. You promised you'd stay and protect me so don't leave me please?

Your uncle Han is alive. I know it's not possible and yet some how he is, I can feel it. I'm not going anywhere sweetie but I must find Han before it's too late. I promise you I'm not leaving you, not as long as I draw breath and I'm not dead yet. Breha? Don't be too hard on your father. I know it's hard but he's hard enough on himself so let him be and eventually he'll come around.

"Chewie! She said Han's alive and I want to believe her but how can he be? How do you take a lightsaber to the heart and live, that just doesn't happen." Rey exclaimed and Chewie shook his head in agreement.

[No, it doesn't happen but on the other hand Leia is rarely wrong when it comes to these things so if she says he's alive I believe her. If you'd like to go see Finn, I'll watch over her for a while.]

Rey smiled at him in thanks before running off to see her friend.

Over the next day or so Rey and Chewie took turns watching over Leia.

It was midnight when Chewie saw Rey sound asleep after a few hours of watching over her aunt so he scooped her into his arms and set her down on the bed next to her aunt, tucked her in and then kept a vigil watching over Leia for the rest of the night.