Can't find the words

Fairy tail doesn't belong to me

I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think in the reviews

After Edolas

Before Tenrou island

Don't talk just listen

"I don't think taking this job was a very good idea," Panther lily said whilst walking at his partner's side.

"And why is that?" Gajeel asked raising a studded brow.

"Capturing some wanted thugs is a quick and simple task but the fact it's worth 400,000 jewels makes it suspicious. It's a little high for this sort of job. Plus the fact that nobody else was allowed to do the job but you."

"It's fine, even if they do pull something funny we'll be able to handle it. I'll just take them down."

Lily presses a paw against his temple and sighed. It was pointless. Gajeel preferred to use his fists instead of his head in these sorts of situations and Lily knew he couldn't talk him out of it. He hadn't been Gajeel's partner for long but he knew what made him tick.

The person who sent the job said he had been getting harassed for days by these ruffians in Clover town. He spotted them coming in and out of the forests so Gajeel decided to start searching there.

The silence was a little chilling, it was as if all sound vanished the moment they stepped foot into the wooded wasteland. Even Gajeel's ears couldn't detect anything apart from his own footsteps. His eyes scanned around but he couldn't spot anything either. Gajeel suddenly came to a halt. He sniffed the air and grinned, smoke. Sure he couldn't see nor hear the crackling of fire but he could smell the essence of one. Gajeel sprinted towards the source of the smell; Panther lily took flight so he could keep up. They continued on until they came across a wagon. They both find it strange that a wagon got through the area. There was no path to follow and there was no way it could maneuver around all the trees. There weren't even any horses to pull the wagon along.

The smell of smoke was almost suffocating now; Gajeel covered his mouth and nose with his right hand. Why was it so strong? There was still no sign of a fire anywhere.

"Smells like smoke, where is it coming from?" Panther lily said. He wasn't reacting to the smell as strongly as Gajeel was.

"You're here at last," A weak voice came from out of the wagon. They couldn't see who was inside but the voice clearly belonged to an elder lady, "Come closer so I can see you."

Gajeel and Lily glanced at each other sharing a doubtful exchange. Something seemed off. The old woman chuckled, "You're on a mission, aren't you Gajeel Redfox?"

Upon hearing his name Gajeel frowned and clenched his fists. Whoever this woman was she obviously had business with him. She was here for a reason, and that reason was him. Gajeel strides towards the back of the wagon but instead of finding a person he encountered a cloud of smoke. Inside the smoke cloud was the face of a frail old woman.

"Who the hell are you?" Gajeel asked, his hand still shielding his nose.

"I'm Ofira and I was hired by an old friend of yours. Well, he says you're an old friend anyway," She fell silent for a moment and gave Gajeel a guilty look. "I'm sorry for what I've just done to you young man," Ofira bowed in apology.

"Why? What have you done?" Panther lily questioned.

"I specialize in curses and voodoo. I placed a curse on you the second you made eye contact with me. It's not at all life threatening so there is no need for alarm."

"What do you mean you cursed me?" Gajeel asked frustrated. "Who the heck sent you?"

"It's not my job to ask questions, I just do as requested of me."

Gajeel tutted in discontent. He was set up and he didn't even know who by. There are no bandits or reward money, it was all a lie to get him out here.

He wasn't even sure if this woman was being truthful. Was this some stupid joke to throw him off his mission?

"What kind of curse is it?" Panther lily calmly asked on his partners behalf.

"Listen, I get no kick out ruining the life of someone I don't even know so it's only temporary. If you find a way to break it that is," She held her hand out as if she was blowing a kiss. She took a deep breath and blow into the palm of her hand. The smoke scattered and disappeared into the air. A piece of paper fluttered about until it landed at Gajeel's feet. Gajeel reached down and picked it up; he flipped it around and stared down at the writing on the page. It was in some weird language that he couldn't read.

"She thinks I can read this crap?!" Gajeel scrunched up the paper and tossed it to the ground. "What a waste of fucking time! I'll make them pay for tricking me into a false job!" Gajeel roared as he stomped off, "As soon as we get back to Fairy tail Salamander is gonna get it!" He thought a good fight with the pink haired dragon slayer would help him wind down.

Panther lily picked up the crumpled paper, "It's better to keep a hold of this, just in case."

The guild was pretty calm. Mirajane stood at the bar talking to Lisanna, Cana chipped in with their conversation in-between her drinking. Macao and Wakaba were having their usual drink and gossip. Levy and Juvia were sitting next to each other happily talking. Before Levy appeared Juvia was sitting by herself and was on the borderline of tears. She was upset due to the fact she had to spend the rest of the day without Gray because he had left to go on a mission. A concerned Levy sat next to the water mage and asked her what was wrong. Juvia explained that it was her and Gray's anniversary and she wanted to spend it with him. Even though Levy was a little confused by what she meant by 'anniversary' she decided not to stress the matter. Reedus kept stealing glances at the pair as he drew the two bluenettes down in his sketch book. Jet and Droy sat next to him and admired how beautiful Levy looked.

The guild doors flew open with immense force; it's shocking that they didn't fly off their hinges. Everyone's attention darted to the enraged dragon slayer who just entered the room. Members of the guild muttered amongst themselves as Gajeel hastily walked towards the bar. He could hear everyone's snarky comments but he paid no mind, although it made his blood boil. He wasn't yet completely forgiven for his previous acts in Phantom lord, not that he blamed them.

"You're back early Gajeel, is everything okay?" Mirajane asked with a gentle smile.

"Where's Salamander?" Gajeel asked. Mirajane brushed off his rudeness as usual and continued to smile.

"Natsu and the rest of the team went on a mission this morning; they won't be back until tomorrow."

Gajeel groaned in annoyance as he took a seat at the bar. He had already shaken off some anger by knocking down a bunch of trees but he wanted an actual fight. He asked Lily if he wanted to fight but he wasn't up for it.

"Why are you looking for Natsu anyway?" Cana asked.

"So I can kick his ass. Why else would I look for him?"

"Levy, could you translate this?" Panther lily stood on the table Levy sat at and handed her the piece of paper Ofira left behind. Levy ran her eyes over the page trying to decipher the language. Levy furrowed her brows.

"These symbols, they look so familiar but I can't r-" She paused as something snapped into mind, "Hargeon town. In the 'Proper Grocer,' there was a book with symbols like this. I wanted to purchase it but the shopkeeper said he was keeping it for someone."

Panther lily was surprised that Levy couldn't read it; it must have been a rarely used language or something, "Maybe it won't matter," Panther lily muttered.

"Where did you get that?" Levy returned it back to Lily.

"Of an old lady, apparently she works in voodoo and she placed a curse on Gajeel."

"A what?" Droy asked surprised.

"I ain't cursed," Gajeel grumped. He had had enough of this bullcrap.

"Don't you think you should look into it? If she knows dark magic then you really could be in trouble," Levy said. Gajeel could hear the uneasiness in her voice as she spoke. 'Is she really that scared of me?' he thought. He'd prefer her to just ignore him rather than trying to force a friendship. She would often smile and greet him but somewhere beneath her cheeriness was the face of fear. Fear of what he had done and what he still may do. "You shou-"

"It doesn't concern you!" Gajeel interrupted the sweet mage with a roar of rage. The room fell silent. Nobody saw it coming, even Gajeel himself.

"Don't talk to Levy that way!" Jet stood up abruptly.

"I'm going home," Gajeel stood up, shoved his hands into his pockets and took off.

Gajeel and Panther lily left the guild soon after they arrived. They left behind a very concerned and very surprised script mage. She wanted to form a bond with Gajeel but it never seemed to happen. He refused to talk to her and even refused to look at her sometimes. Yet she knew he didn't dislike her otherwise he wouldn't have protected her against Laxus like he did. He protected her and that meant something. It meant he wasn't the same as before and he wasn't going to hurt her. Of course, she was still nervous and a little afraid but in order for her doubts to disappear completely she needed to get to know him.

Levy had forgiven Gajeel for his actions; she just wished he would forgive himself as well.

Next morning

Gajeel woke up feeling drowsy. His head felt fuzzy and the back of his throat tingled. He didn't want to get out of bed and face the world today. He'd rather lay there and forget about everyone else but he knew he had to get up. Yesterday's mission didn't go to plan and he still needed some money. He dragged himself off the bed and stretched his arms out. He got dressed and left his room. His home only had one floor and only had four rooms. A bathroom, bedroom, living room, and a kitchen. All the rooms had pieces of metal lying around on the floor. Gajeel never really cared about that sort of thing, he was rarely home anyway which made him care even less.

"Morning," Panther lily said. He was in the kitchen, munching on a kiwi when Gajeel walked in. Gajeel opened his mouth to greet his exceed friend but nothing came out. Shocked Gajeel's drowsiness faded away. He tried again but just like before nothing came out.

"What's the matter?" Lily asked, to him Gajeel was just opening and closing his mouth like a fish. Gajeel tried again and again but the words wouldn't come out. He placed the palm of one of his hands to his throat. It felt tight. "Are you okay? Do you need some water?"

Gajeel mouthed the words 'I can't talk'. Panther lily cocked his head in bewilderment. He couldn't make out the words he was mouthing. Gajeel felt flustered and scared. What was wrong with him?

He took off into his bedroom and searched through his draws. He found a pen and paper and rushed back to Lily. He started to write but the pen didn't work. He used a different pen but that didn't work either. He tried all the pens he owned but none of them worked. Gajeel ran his fingers through his hair.

Why couldn't he talk? Why couldn't Lily read his lips? Why could he not write anything down? Did the pens simply not work?

"Gajeel calm down," Panther lily said to his panicked partner. He had never seen Gajeel like that, nobody had. "Can you… not talk?"