A/N: Ya, I've gone crazy again. What else is new? This fic is sort of, well, odd. It's different. It's completely and totally different. I'll keep it at that. Kagome maybe OOC, get over that. She's more like me then she is in the series. It's an AU fic. I can make things like that happen.

Disclaimer: Ya, I don't own Inuyasha. I don't own "Get Over It" by OK Go. Get over all that. If you want to own any of them, get Rumiko Takahashi for Inuyasha and Damian Kulash Jr., Tim Nordwind, Andy Duncan, and Dan Konopka from OK Go. I love all them so don't sue. I'm a true and loyal fan!

Get Over It

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"Lot of knots, lot of snags,

Lot of holes, lot of cracks, lot of crags," --- OK Go "Get Over It"

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"KAGOME!!!" A voice shouted through the house. "PHONE!"

"Ughh, mom! Tell them I'm sleeping!"

"You need to get up anyway! It's 12:25!"

"Five minutes before the time I have to wake up! Tell um to call back in five!"

"Uhh, Kagome. You're just now out of college. What about jobs and all?"

"Mom. Talk to me in…four minutes!?!?!? Great I lost a minute of sleep!"

"Why do I have such a lazy daughter?"

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Higurashi Kagome was your normal, 23 year old girl. She refused to wake up before 12:30, unless there was a crisis. Crisis had to be defined VERY finely to fit. She had never had a boyfriend, no guy or girl had ever kissed her, save her mother, father and grandfather. She never wore anything revealing. She was much MUCH different than most girls her age.

She was friends with guys more than their girlfriend. She played pranks on them, they talked with her, it was more just friends. So maybe she was not exactly your typical 23 year old. Why should that count against her?

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Kagome woke up when her alarm went off at 12:30 PM. She woke up and took a shower. It was the weekend. Saturday to be exact. A nice day.

She turned on her laptop, a nice silver one. She got on the internet, doing what else, surfing. Her AIM came on.

Slayer_n_Disguise: Hey!

MomoiroSakura: Hi

Slayer_n_Disguise: Is it 12:30?

MomoiroSakura: Nope, 12:55.

Slayer_n_Disguise: I guess you would be up then

MomoiroSakura: Listen, how about I meet you at the mall at 1:30?

Slayer_n_Disguise: Where?

MomoiroSakura: Food court

Slayer_n_Disguise: Which one

MomoiroSakura: Upper one

Slayer_n_Disguise: Gotcha!

MomoiroSakura: Alright

Slayer_n_Disguise: Ja! G2G!

MomoiroSakura: Ja ne!

- - - - Slayer_n_Disguise has signed off. - - - -

"Ughh. . . I'm soo tired!" Kagome yawned. She was always tired, no matter how much sleep she got, when she woke up. It was just her way.

"Gotta get moving though. I have to go meet her by 1:30. It is 1:02 right now."

Kagome finished getting ready and flew down her stairs.

"Ja Mom, Souta, Grandpa! I'm leaving for the mall!"

"Alright sweetie. Be back in time for supper!" Her mom called after her.

"Hai!" Kagome waved good bye and flung out her keys to her Eclipse. (A/N: Gosh, maybe this is my life story?!?!?) She got into her car and drove out her drive way.

She turned up her radio louder and began to sing along:

"Quit acting so friendly

Don't nod, don't laugh all nicely.

Don't think you'll upend me.

Don't sigh, don't sip your iced tea.

And don't say, 'It's been a while…'

And don't flash that stupid smile"

She heard her phone ring and put her CD on pause.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Hey Kagome!"

"Umm, Sango?"

"Ya! It's me!"

"Oh, hi!"

"Whatcha doin?"

"I am near the mall."

"Oh ok. I just wanted to call you to see if you would like to go on a date with this guy. He is my date's friend and he wants to have a double date. You're like the only friend I have that isn't with somebody right now."

"Oh, I didn't know I was that bad off."

"*laughs* Come on, Kagome! He is supposed to be really nice."


"Ya. Just one little date! That's all I'm asking!"

"Ok. Whatever."

"What is the guy's name?"

"I am not sure. I am going out with Miroku. I know I'm asking for trouble, but he is still cute!"

"*giggles* Basically. Here, I'm almost at the mall. Talk to ya in a minute!"


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Kagome parked her car and walked inside to meet Sango.

"So when is this little dating escapade going on?" Kagome asked Sango.

"Umm, on Monday night. 7:00." Sango responded.

"Where we meeting, or whatever?" Kagome was really curious. She wasn't a cat so she didn't have anything to worry about anyway.

"Umm, I think were going to meet at the movies and then go to see something. I have no idea about dinner. Miroku didn't really give details." Sango didn't seem to know much.

"So it seems." Kagome sighed. She wished she hadn't agreed to this little blind date. She had never been big on those.

"Don't worry. It'll be ok." Sango was trying hard to give her encouragement.

"I hope." Kagome wasn't really sure about anything either today.

A/N: Ok, for anyone who is a little slow, (like me, I have an excuse, I'm a blonde!) Slayer_n_Disguise is Sango and MomoiroSakura is Kagome. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up for this. Probably in a day or two. I'm also working on "Sometimes I Wonder" so just keep that in mind.

The lyrics Kagome sings are from another OK Go song called "Don't Ask Me". This fic will be full of OK Go songs. For your mental health, if you hate OK Go (and there's something already wrong there), I advise you not read another chapter of this fic. If you do anything, review and say "I hate OK Go! You suck if you like them!" then that flame will go to the huge fire I'm building for kikyou. Krigome09 is right when she says that kikyou isn't a proper noun. I can take kikyou. I just think she shouldn't go with Inuyasha. It's just a little too nasty for me. It's already nasty enough that she is resurrected. How can he love grave dirt and ashes? Humm?!?!?? Someone please tell me. I've been wondering that for a LONG time.

I would very much appreciate it if you reviewed, even if it is "Your fic is nice" or "Your fic sucks" I'm glad someone out there will tell me and not leave me in the dark.


If it ever is M.S. or A.R.A., it would really suck then, and you would know it! ^_^

I know that is really mean, but I have to diss them!

They share my account!

I have the right. They didn't ask me if they could share it. They asked if I had an account on ff.net and then said they wanted my password and email. Next thing I know, they are terrorizing my account. Good thing: They are never on. They never review. They just can terrorize me. I don't feel like changing my password and if I did, they would blackmail me into telling the new one. Bad thing: They can do stuff to my account.

I have issues.

You don't have to tell me.

I'm leaving.

I've already talked to much.