Hey everybody, Bropower125 here, anyways with all the typing I have done my wrists have started to hurt like hell and when I say hurt like hell, well let's just say hell is an understatement. Aside from that my art class has been mostly to blame because of all the damn pressure I've had to put into getting fuller colors from pencil crayons. So don't worry about typing too much, it's not really the one to blame. And no, it isn't carpel tunnel. (I've avoided getting it quite a few times now) Anyways, this chapter will obviously be out quite a bit later than the other chapters so I hope you didn't expect some form of lightning quick upload. Oh an extra thing is that I ended up getting writers block for a bit and was unable to think of anything great for a few days though once I actually backed up a bit some good ideas started coming.

K Reviews,


Hey. Try reading the Story called Get what you Deserved V3.

You will like it.. it is Rated M.

I think the story might give you some ideas... Check itvout

Heh, I already read this like a week (Actually further back but that's besides the point) before you mentioned this, though I would prefer if you tried not to mention another fic, not trying to be rude but it may cause people to read it instead of mine, Also, I guess the fic did have some good ideas but it's best to stray from using other people's ideas, besides I have some ideas already planned for this fic, they'll be pretty good, in fact it'll have some stuff in it that no one has ever gone far enough in to ever do for a role swap fic.

Oh, also, just an FYI, this fic will probably be changed to an M rating around the point of the Midou fight, cause, well, it's going to get a lot more graphic. (Have you seen the manga? During that part there's literal pages filled with pictures of blood splattering)

James Birdsong (Guest)

I can say both chapters are good.

Thank you, but can you tell me if I made any grammatical errors anywhere or anything like that? Is my humor dry? (I'm not very good at jokes so if I'm trying to joke I have no clue if it will be funny unless someone tells me) Did you have trouble reading at any point during the chapters?

I do not own Rosario+Vampire

As Tsukune walked away from Saizou after defeating him the second time, rain started falling and Tsukune began to feel weary and fainted. Moka rushed over to Tsukune and looked at him, there was seemingly nothing wrong except that Tsukune was sweating profusely and electricity was arcing out of Tsukune. Moka quickly tried picking Tsukune up however he was too heavy for her so she started dragging him to somewhere less wet, she was hoping he would dry off a bit so she could carry him. The water being the extra weight seemed to be what was effecting him as well.

'Does Tsukune have some disease that hurts him if he touches water?'

Moka quickly stripped off the uniform jacket and his white dress shirt which made the electric blue arcs die down a bit. After a while Tsukune finally got up from his pain-induced sleep and said,

"Get me a blow-dryer please"

"Why?" Moka tilted her head in confusion, still not understanding just how deadly water was to him.

"It's my weakness, now help; I'm in no mood to dispute this"


Moka ran off and started searching for a blow-dryer.


It had taken a half hour for Moka to find a blow dryer, after that she had to find a really long extension cord and bring it to Tsukune, there was no way she was carrying him again. Getting the extension cord took another ten minutes and by that time Tsukune showed up,

"What took you so long? I'm practically dry already"

"Well, I was looking for an extension cord"

"There was a plug-in a few feet away from me"


"Well anyways, you think you can find me an umbrella or something so I can get back to my dorm room?"

"Well, I have one in my dorm room, thankfully the girls dorms are a bit more sheltered than everything else, though if you come you might as well stay there and wait for the storm to pass…"

Moka started to poke her fingers together cutely, it was her nervous twitch.

"Well sure, I guess"

Tsukune began to ruffle the back of his head, which was his nervous twitch, and then he smiled uneasily; he wasn't used to being around girls other than his sisters and Moka just made him more and more nervous with how friendly she got sometimes.

"Wait!" Tsukune exclaimed.

"What?" Moka asked.

Before another word could be said Tsukune bit Moka and started to drink her blood. Again, Moka moaned from the fangs piercing her neck.

'Again, another example that vampires are vain'; Tsukune thought.

After Tsukune siphoned enough blood like the parasite he was he held his hand out to Moka. She took his hand and used it to help her up after Tsukune had literally tackled her to the ground for her blood, as well as the fact that she had collapsed from the pleasure of the bite going through her body.

Once the pair reached the human girls dorm room they set up camp there, Moka brought out a sleeping bag that she secretly bought incase Tsukune ever came over, not that she would tell him. The sleeping bag was colored blood red and when Tsukune saw it he didn't seem overly amused about the color.

"Really, red, I'm starting to get sick of the color just because of how much it reminds of blood, that and it reminds me how I have to bite you to get it now"

"Why would you hate having to bite someone?"

"Because, I either have to hurt them or send pleasure through their body…"

Upon hearing that Moka began to turn as red as a tomato, she had finally figured out why Tsukune's bites felt so good.


Moka was too nervous to do anything more and Tsukune just sat there sort of unemotional like it was an everyday occurrence.

"Let's never speak of this again…"


After Tsukune had sealed the deal to not speak of his bites the two went on their way, the rain having finally stopped and the ground dried. The two never got to use the sleeping bag because they had both spent a half-hour just sitting there in awkward silence before they got over the bite thing and by then the rain had stopped.


One week later when Tsukune and Moka were walking to school they saw a witch being bullied by the class rep. and Tsukune looked at it with a sort of hate in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Those three are picking on that witch, I know it's none of my business but I really want to do something about it…"

"Well, then go do just that"

"It's not that simple Moka."

"Yeah but you're a vampire; they should listen to you right?"

"Not without my immense youki to scare them."

"Well then I'll just have to stop them for you"


'Not now', Tsukune thought as he chased after Moka.


"Stop this right now! You shouldn't pick on a little girl like this…" Moka shouted out.

"Dang, thissss issss a bad move, with her here everybody isssss watching ussss, let'ssss go guyssss" The class rep. said with a terrible lisp in his speech.

After the class rep. had been dealt with Tsukune came out of the bushes, he had been waiting there in the case that he would need to ambush them to help Moka out and was relieved he wouldn't have to fight again.

When the witch saw Tsukune come out of the bushes she ran right past Moka, who was her savior, and hugged Tsukune.

"Thank you for saving me!"

"You're welcome, but you should probably be thanking Moka, anyways what is your name little one?"

"Yukari, Yukari Sendou"

"Okay, then, Yukari, how would you like to hang out with Moka and I?"

"S-Sure!" Yukari half-stuttered and half shouted out.


"Okay, everybody, remember you have to find a club before the end of the semester or you could fail this class! Oh, and if you can't find a club how about joining my newspaper club? There's free fish for anyone who joins!"

When Ms Nekonome was finished with her long speech about clubs both Tsukune and Moka left the classroom and made their way to the main hallway of the school to join a club. They came across all kinds of clubs like the mummy enthusiast club and the acupuncture club; in short all the clubs were creepy. When they came upon the alchemy club the club was full of girls who wanted to test a love potion out on Tsukune which resulted in Moka grabbing Tsukune and pulling him away from the insane club. When they came upon the swimming club both Tsukune and Moka said,

"Nope", at the same time.


Exhausted the two slumped down on a couch in the main lobby, they weren't able to find a single club that looked even remotely normal. Yukari sat down beside them.

"Yeah, like you said, nothing remotely acceptable for the human world or for regular monster standards either"

Before the two could respond Ms Nekonome showed up and quickly shoved the idea of the newspaper club down their throats again and they ended up having to do that.

"Yay! I get to be in the club too! One step closer to that threesome", Yukari mentioned which caused the vampire and pinkette to groan.


Upon getting to the club the threesome found that there was only one senior in the club and his name was Ginei.

"So, mutt, what is the purpose of this newspaper club that we are being forced to do?"

Upon hearing this Moka was dumbfounded, had Tsukune never heard of a newspaper before, and why did Tsukune call Gin a mutt?

'Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z', came to Moka's mind upon asking those questions.

Okay well, I had writers block and I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer so I just finished up this chapter here because of that. So, guys, question, Even if I have to take a month to get out a longer chapter do you want longer chapters or would you rather want quick (as in one or two day) bursts of 1-3k chapters so that you can read more often?