Hello everyone I am back with the first chapter rewite please tell me if anything can be written better and what you would like to see in the future. I would love to have feedback on the chapters I am rewriting are they better? Worse? or the same? Also tell me what you think I should change in the chapters I am rewiting I appreciate these reviews.Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, J.K Rowling and Rick Riordan do.

Annabeth's P.O.V.

"Percy" I scream as an Arai's whip collides with Percy's back. The young man's black hair is mattered with blood, his sea green eyes are filled with pain and guilt, black sunken circles surround them.

"Percy" I scream again while fighting my way towards him. My throat burns and I doubt he hears me over the sounds of the Arai. I push further towards him as another Arai reaches him delivering a curse. In that moment I let my guard down my body is shouting at me to stop but the anger and need to get to Percy push me forward until I feel a sharp sting in my arm and my vision starts to darkens. I breath deeply trying to see but my vision clouds further taking everything away and in that time I am alone. Percy has left me.

I hear the faint sounds of him but my mind pushes them away telling me he has left that he will never come back and I believe those thoughts slowly sinking to the bottem of a dark ocean giving up on hope.

I sit upright drenched in sweat my throat parched and muscles screaming. I can tell my face is red and I have fear written in my eyes, my heart races and I can't breath, but all I focus on is a strong arm around me and a soothing voice as calm as the ocean whispering in my ear.

My breathing calms and heart rate slows a tingly sensation taking over I turn my head to look into Percy's eyes "Wise Girl" he murmers putting his hand under my chin and tilting my head up "I love you."

"I love you to" I whisper leaning onto him for support my arm giving up on me.

I point to the stars we can see outside of the cabin window as a shooting star moves past "make a wish" he says "I wish to be with you forever and then in our afterlife to live among the stars." I return yawning "I wish for a relaxing sleep for the rest of the night as well" I add snuggling into him, and that wish came true.

Percy's P.O.V.

I carefully untangle myself from Annabeth laying her head onto the pillows and checking she is comfortable before I draw my hand away walking to the door opening it halfway to see who is outside.

I see Nico standing there so I pull him in whispering Annabeth's asleep so he knows to be quite. "Chiron's asking for you and Annabeth at the big house" Nico says before dissolving into the shadows. I turn to Annabeth smiling as she turns towards me reaching out "I heard you talking to Nico" she mumbles still not opening her eyes "do we have to go?" I chuckle "yes Wise Girl but he can always wait for us if you want more sleep." She growns opening her eyes and streching "we'd better go" she says starting to sit up. I gather some clothes for us to change into and pull her out of bed she grips my hand tightly and in turn I grip hers not wanting to let go.

We quickly get changed and exit the Poseidon cabin sticking to the edge of the path trying to avoid peoples eyes as we move steadly towards the big house. No one asks us anything or tries speaking to us but we are followed with stares and whispers.

We walk up the stairs at the the big house reaching the middle we hear voices coming from the meeting room. We stop and turn to face each other I quickly kiss the top of her head before leading her through the open doors into the shadows.

"Chiron what is it you wanted to speak with us about?" Annabeth asks as we step into the light. Seated around the table are seven other demigods and Chiron they turn to face us as we walk in.

I ignore the looks sent our way not wanting the pity as Annabeth leads me to a seat we hold our heads high and sit down.

Sitting around the table are;

Chiron trainer of heros, Frank Zhang son of Mars, Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto, Piper Mclean daughter of Aphrodite, Jason Grace son of Jupiter, Thalia daughter of Zeus and lieutenant of Artimes, Will Solace son of Apollo and Nico Di'Angelo son of Hades.

Frank's P.O.V.

I'm sitting with Hazel wondering if Percy and Annabeth are going to come to the meeting I stare at the wall opposite me will they have changed? I become aware of powerful auras standing inside the door I turn towards the door as I hear Annabeth ask "Chiron what is it you wanted to speak with us about?" Annabeth and Percy are holding each others hand as if their lives depend on knowing the other is there.

I look up again to greet them still not daring to look into their eyes. The words die in my mouth. Their gaze leaves nothing untouched and when I meet their eyes I see a flicker of fire and a wave of pain. Their eyes are sunken and rimmed with black, a tiredness written on their face. I wonder if they had had a full nights sleep in a week. They have so many scars on their faces I wonder if they are wearing masks. But no, the friendly faces we hoped to see are gone replacing them are demigods that radiate power

Chiron's P.O.V.

I was first to notice the powerful auras entering the room I look toward Annabeth and Percy standing just inside the door "Chiron what is it you wanted to speak with us about?" Annabeth asks as they walk forward. I take a step back as their auras reach over me before calming. "Take a seat" I say they settle on a seat next to me Annabeth sitting on Percy's lap.

"Welcome Annabeth and Percy I am glad you could join us" I say the other demigods looking at me as if I am crazy for asking them to join another quest but Lady Hecate asked for our most powerful demigods and I know she needs them. I just hope Annabeth and Percy aren't to powerful.

This is my rewrite of the first chapter the storyline I think has stayed the same just more detail is added and some things removed. I hope you decide to stay with me reading this fanfic and we can see where it leads together.I don't know when I am going to post next but I promise soon.
