For those who haven't read the previous fics, Darling is the only one that knows Ramona and Cerise are sisters ;)

"So your roomie is a girl that can't lie? That sure is a challenge lil' sis" Ramona laughed walking with Cerise to their next class.

"Cedar is great but it's hard to be around her sometimes. Specially when trying to sleep, I have to hide this at all times" she pointed at her covered ears.

"Yeah, for me it's great to be able to expose this beauties" she teased laughing good naturedly "you wouldn't be half bad if we...had a room together"

Cerise looked at her sister surprised.

"You know, since you live with mom at the village and I stay with dad at the reserve, we don't really hang out much. Besides, you wouldn't have to hide all the time if you were with me. It's our secret after all"

" would be really fun" she smiled "Do you think we can do it?"

"Well, who is going to oppose?"

"No" Headmaster Grimm said.

"What do you mean no?!" Ramona growled furiously.

"Miss Bad Wolf, I cannot have together two girls that will end up having destinies such as yours"

"You have Apple and Raven together"

"Yes, because I thought Miss White could talk some sense to Miss Queen"

"So what is the big problem with us?" Ramona slammed her hands on the desk, her eyes turning yellow.

"I don't see any problem with either of you" he stood"Miss Hood already signed and I can see perfectly clear that you will be the next Bad Wolf" he walked to the door opening it "Now if you don't mind, I have more urgent matters to attend to"

"This ain't over" Ramona warned.

Both girls walked to the hall "Oh, he is such a-!" Ramona punched a looker.

"He's got a problem with all Rebels" Cerise tried to calm her sister.

"Fairly unfair!" she needed to blow some steam, but luckily they found someone that could ease her up.

"No running in the hall!" Mr. Bad Wolf shouted to a kid.

Ramona smiled and ran towards, hugging him "Dad!"

"My girl!" he transformed into a wolf hugging her as well "How are you doing?" then he looked the other girl approach as well, just when he was about to hug her, Cerise shook her head rapidly, people where watching.

He transformed again clearing his throat "Miss Hood, Mr Gingerbread Man told me about the track team, congratulations for the first place"

"Thanks, Mr. Bar Wolf"

"Ramona, you will have to step up your game if you want to outrun her to Granny's house" he winked. The bell rang and all students walked along.

"Wait a second" Mr. Bad Wolf asked taking out some hall passes when everyone was gone. Then he finally hugged his younger daughter.

"Hi dad" she whispered.

"What brings my two lovely girls here?"

"We were just in Mrs. Grimm office"

"I hope you are not getting in troubles this early in the year, wait for graduation, it's so much better"

"Nothing like that" they chuckled, being encouraged to misbehave was pretty fun "But we were trying to convince Mr. Grimm to allow us to be roommates"

"Really?" he asked confused.

"Well, we grew up apart, we only see each other at vacation, we hardly bunk together, this would be our chance"

"Yeah, I see what' ya mean" he thought about it, he felt bad about keeping the siblings apart "Why did he denied it?"

"'Cause I am her villain and she will be the Hood"

"He might think that if you take a liking into each other you won't fulfill your destinies"

"If he only knew" Ramona huffed.

"I know" he laid a hand on each of his daughter's shoulders "Tell you what, I'll try to convince him"

"Thanks dad, but I think it's better if you don't intervene, he might get suspicious" Cerise said.

"If only I could help my daughters by being a father for both of ya' "

"It's ok" Ramona said "We'll figure it out"

"Ok" he hugged them once more "now run along before someone sees us" he handed them the passes "anyone asks, you were racing one another in the halls, Grimm loves the competition"

"Thanks" they smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek before going to class.

At lunch, Cerise was sited alone, she had agreed with her sisters that other students shouldn't see them hang out so often, it was for the best, that way no one made questions.

So the hooded girl was picking at her food, not even interested in eating.

"Everything alright?" Darling sited next to her "I've never seen you so uninterested in a piece of steak"

"Yeah, I'm fine" she pulled the hood even lower to hide the secret.

"What's bothering you?"

"Well...Ramona and I wanted to be roomies" she gave a small smile "But...Headmaster Grimm wouldn't let us"

"Why?" she asked "And why would you move? Problems with Cedar?"

"Not at all. Well except for this one problem" she pointed at the hood.

"I've never consider it! Cedar can't lie and you hold a secret"

"That's right, but with Ramona, well we are family, I could be myself, even if just for a little while"

"Oh" she looked down " I'm sorry, is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, it's fine, I know you have enough on your plate already"

As in cue, the peacefulness of the castleteria was broken "I won't take that plate!" they all heard the Bad Wolf girl shout.

"Come on, it's steak, just eat it up girl" the lunch lady said annoyed by the teen.

"I refuse, I want a change!" she looked pretty mad, but Cerise knew better than that that she was faking it.

"What is the problem, here?" Mr. Grimm entered making everyone turn.

"This girl won't take her lunch" the lady answered tiredly

"And why is that, Miss Wolf?" he walked towards her.

"Well, because I'm going to turn into a vegetarian" Everyone gasped, and some even laughed, the castleteria turned into chaos and Ramona was just loving it.

Cerise couldn't believe it, of course her sister was bluffing, but you can't be a Bad Wolf that won't go after the girl and Granny for dinner. Much less could that Wolf be a vegetarian!

Ramona looked her sister's way and winked.

"Miss Bad Wolf, to my office now!"

"Wow Cerise, your sister is pretty awesome" Darling whispered thrilled.

"Yeah, she is" she saw Ramona leave the room like a rock star.

Couple of days later, after talking to Mr. Bad Wolf and Ramona with no real progress, they decided she needed encouragement. Ramona had carried on with her plan, she didn't even look at the food, she was pretty convincing and really determined. By the end of the week, she was moving in with her sister, after all she needed to be with someone that could motive her, someone that had already signed her story and could convince her to follow her own.