I'm sorry of there is some spelling mistakes wrote it very quickly, thanks as always for your fantastic reviews. They keep me on writing. Enjoy, sort of. :)

Mikael cradled Esther's tired, gaunt face in his unkempt hands, touching her like she was a precious crystal, the few times he allowed himself to be gentle was when her brilliant eyes looked into his and he found himself wavering.
"I'm pregnant." He remembered feeling joy as he had before for his other children, a sense of achievement that he could born such healthy children.
Their estate was hidden in the alcove of a massive surrounding forest, the quiet was something that settled his own demons that nibbled away incessantly at his soul.
When he was born Esther broke into wilful sobs, he thought her to be sick but they both looked healthy, before he could ask what the hell was the matter.
The unforgiving words left her lips and latched onto the boy, "Mikael." Teary eyed she could barely look at him, "He's not yours."
He didn't know what she expected him to do, cry, wail at her for some sort of explanation, being soft was not something he was ever allowed to be, his already dark heart blackened with anger, rage he didn't know himself capable of.
The knock a couple of days later, resounded on the door like knifes slitting through his insides, anyone who could cause him pain like this. They deserved to be punished.
He was met with a soft looking man, he was stocky in build, the hard lines of age deceived him making him look strong, capable someone worthy of a fight but he was a whimpering idiot.
His blue eyes stained in tears, he outstretched his hands to him like he was going to embrace him, did he mistake him for his wife.
"I'm sorry."
The words only drove the knife in further, now tearing through flesh his eyes narrowed at the man even more, "I don't want to come between your family, Esther and I we made a mistake but…if I could just see my son." His lips curled around the word son like it was gold too afraid to let it go, no man would let him inside, certainly not him.
Unable to take a breath too afraid of the anger that was curling like dragon rage, his mouth remained in a grimace, staring at his over compassionate face.
"It's all I ask, I neeeedd to see him."
The knife drove through muscle, he'd had enough. Growling he grabbed the man's jacket feeling the fabric of the jacket scrape roughly across his fingers was a release, watching the way his surprised eye's danced nervously across his face, he relished in it.
"Mikael. Please." Esther's voice surprised him, he let go by accident more than good will.
The man looked to Esther who was cradling Niklaus in her arms, he looked content his small head bobbing away, he watched in horror as the two shared a longing glance, his head bowed as a proud smile looked across at his son.
"He's beautiful." Breathed from his lips, Esther with a broken smile nodded encouraging him to step closer, trying to cross into his home.
"Out!" he roared shoving his half curled fist into his chest, driving him backwards.
Lost in his dreamy stare he stumbled landing on his ass on the ground, silently pleading with him to reconsider, he slammed the door.
Esther kept her mouth shut, as she should.
"He's not allowed near him. He's not his son…"
She waited hopefully for him to continue, "Or mine. You brought this on yourself."

He couldn't deal with the grim reaper on his shoulder whispering taunting messages to him, lurking just a mere twenty minutes ready to strike, to take what belonged to him.
The baby wailed louder and louder each passing day as if he knew, whenever he would cross the room near him the cries would grow at such a high decibel, it would shake the house.
"Shut him up! Shut up!" the kids would flee back into their hiding place while Esther would pull the baby closer to her shielding him.
That's enough. Without a word he leapt to his feet and the deafening roar of that baby followed him as his feet led him to the trail which parted the woods beside them into two different areas, it led him where he needed to go. Baby be damned.
In much different positons Mikael knocked on his door, the knocks were hard, solid, commanding, the door opened almost instantaneously.
"Mikael." The words sang from his lips like he was some old friend.
Trying to smile but it just came out a sneer, he placed a "friendly" hand on his shoulder and led him outside back to the woods, he stupidly grabbed for his jacket, his eyes wild with excitement and he nearly laughed out loud.
"Thank you so much for changing your mind, you don't know how much this…"
The words were strangled from his mouth as his iron grip wrapped around his needle of a neck, slapping at his hand frantically, he finally let the cruel smile he honestly felt show on him.
He stopped trying to fight, "Please. Just take care of them, tell my son I lov…eeedd him." He gripped tighter the more he tried to talk but the man was relentless.
"Niklaus is nothing to anybody." He whispered before plunging the knife his hand had been tethered to into his chest, spluttering on blood, he gasped, frightened he watched the tears roll from his eyes.
He felt…relieved as the body thudded across the hard muck ground.
"Well at least that's done." He said to himself with an airy laugh.

"Still spewing lies I see, boy." Mikael spat the words with such venomous intent it was like the words alone were meant to kill him.
Trying to stop the scoffing laugh as Kol stepped behind him, into his shadow his eyes glowing with esteem as he regarded Mikael's every move.
Like a cat stalking his prey he walked around him, circling him, his eyes gleaming in victory.
He'd finally caught him. All his running had got him nowhere, he'd only hope that Rebekah stayed out of this, there was no hope in getting her hurt too. Not that Mikael would ever hurt his own daughter. "What did you to me?" no longer hiding in his unreasoning anger he sat up as tall as the chains would allow glowering at him.
"Oh my little tricked worked, Wolfs bane, toxic as you now know, to your kind. Seems when you look hard and long for a monster there is always someone else with the same mission as you."
Instead of revelling in the outstanding hatred Mikael had for him his heart started doing somersaults in his chest, "There's others. Others like me?" that small excited voice he so hated coming out of him before he had a chance to reign it in.
Smirking in a fantastic sneer, he clapped his hands together, turning to Kol in his successes, now both laughing at him, like he was a fool.
"Not anymore."
The words hit him too hard, he was finally not alone or so he thought for two seconds and then it was snatched away from him as was everything else.
Swallowing a breath of anger tears, he roared. It turned into a raspy growl that vibrated past his lips feeling the wolf inside him start to strike out, thumping on his chest. It wanted to get out, he didn't know how to let it. It wasn't his time.
"How could you do it?! How do you hate me so much, I was just a child."
Trying to leap towards him with his teeth snared and ready but he moved back letting him fall, he felt, tired, he was so tired. Maybe it was time, did he really want to be the last monster alive.
Mikael was still breathing though, he couldn't let him live when Rebekah could still live the life she always wanted the one she was hankering for since she was just a little girl.
"Your not mine!" Mikael retorted with as much anger as he could possess.
"I was somebody's."
"Oh. You never met daddy." Holding the taunting words in his fingertips already laughing he wanted to wrap his hands around his neck and just squeeze.
He hated him, he hated him more than he thought possible.
"He was a snivelling idiot of a man. Came to the door when you were just a few days old, begging to just see his little boy, crying at me. So I did what was best…" slapping one hand sharp across his cheek, his eyes lighting more as the burn made him wince, "I killed him."
He didn't know him, it shouldn't, couldn't hurt him but he still felt his head swell becoming too heavy for shoulders to carry. Breathing heavily, he would've keeled over if not for the chains keeping him up. "He wanted me to tell you, he loved you."
"Only nice words you ever heard Nik and it was someone who never met you." Kol waited patiently for his insult to merit approval, barely moving until Mikael smirked at him jostling his sons shoulder.
"Where's Finn. Mummy's boy. Surprised he's not the first one throwing punches."
They both flinched, trying to not let him see but the hurt was enough to make him relish in his own deep laughter, it seemed another child was lost to him as they should be.
"Thinks you an abomination but he wouldn't have a hand in killing anything, sissy…"
"So he left as did most of your children."
Ripping something from the pocket of his jacket, he shook the liquid in his face, it thrashed about angrily, this couldn't be good.
He tried to brace himself for the pain but he couldn't. The first drop made his skin sizzle and burn, ripping at each nerve with more malicious intent every time.
His screams were deep, throaty, not the screams of the boy anymore but they were still screams. He couldn't stop them, he felt it drip down into his skin harbouring itself like an infection.

"Drop it." He barely recognised the voice but he recognised the click of a safety of a gun.
His unfocused eyes saw her. Hayley. With that determined steely stare set on Mikael, she looked like a fierce warrior guess that made him the damsel in distress, how delightful.
Rebekah was shoving Mikael away her anger filled eyes were also dripping of sorrow, looking at the family on the brink of disaster.
"Now I think it's time you tell me what the hell you are." She snapped impatiently trying to tug the chains from him while keeping the gun trained one handed on Mikael.
"I merely a princess locked up in a castle but now…"
"Cut the crap Klaus."
In a wonder he found himself smiling at her even through the pain, "Use your head love, you know you already have the answer. Do you really need me to tell you?"
As her steady eyes squinted into realisation he braced himself for more rejection, it's what he expected but she smiled, a flabbergasted smile.
"The wolf in the painting."
"Top marks, I believe we have a winner."
"Oh shut up," her mouth crinkled into her own disbelieving smile, her eyes trailed up and down him, taking him all in and she wasn't disgusted by the fact he was a monster, she was amazed.
"The guy who was killed." The words were a breath but before he could mumble some sort of excuse they were tuned back into the increased yelling and violence.

"Father that's enough now." Elijah barely raised his voice but it still had that booming affect catching her laugh again at this guy's charade she turned to Klaus who was sharing the amusement with her.
His curly hair dishevelled, his smirk of a smile shaky at best, he shivered one violent shake at a time from whatever they'd done to him, she felt afraid for the anger that was making her finger creep closer and closer to the trigger. How could they do this to him, their brother.
"What the hell's gotten into you Elijah?" he was more than appalled at his change in loyalties.
"Father stop. He didn't kill her, you know that. You know that." Rebekah went to reach for his hand whimpering, looking for anything in him but Klaus's dad didn't seem to care, his body only tensed more. He was on the attack she should've known but she didn't.
He kicked out with one of his legs, she gasped in surprise just as the gun was sent rocketing through the air, one stray shot hitting nothingness and taunting her with what could've been.
Frightened and feeling useless she turned to Klaus but he looked as grim as she felt, his father grabbed her sending her crashing back into his chest, the hollowness of it hurt alone, trying to squirm from his grasp.
Elijah was tackled by a rabid other brother while Rebekah watched stunned managing to pick up some sort of deformed rock, she held it up above him but it was useless.
The clang of the rock as she dropped it in defeat was like her heart dropping in her chest, he spun them so they were facing Klaus and she was terrified by what she saw.
He was yanking sharper at his chains, with a snarl threatening to bite off anyone who came near him, his shoulder yanked painfully backwards with every pull, it must've throbbed through his whole body. His eyes pooled as they looked at her, lost in an infinite moment, he tilted his head downwards, the words were quiet, "Please. Please don't hurt her. Just kill me. It's what you wanted. Do it Oldman! Do it!" his voice raged louder but still trembling.
He just laughed.