Standing there in her glorious armour, she unshielded her gleaming sword that threatened the very existence before her eyes. Before her, perched a dragon that anticipated her first move. Smoke flared from its nostrils and soot smothered the delicate, scarlet scales that coated it's entire body. Rancid breath wove it's way through the usually crisp air that constructed nausea within her. Menacing mud eyes gleamed with displeasure as it laid eyes on the puny human before him. Determination flowed through her, initiating a new found sense strength and adrenaline. With a cry of courage, she drew her sword over her head and sprinted towards the awaiting dragon. Just as she was about to come into contact with the dragon, her vision tumbled.

Opening her eyes, she observed her surroundings and disappointment rippled through her as realisation settled upon her. She didn't get to vanquish that dragon. Sighing, she had finally registered her surroundings. She was in a bus, the majority filled with children her own age. Turning herself towards the bus window, she caught the sight of her freckled pale skin and her choppy chocolate coloured hair. Her downcast blue hues stared back at her and she looked further on to see greenery whirl past her window.

Her observations were interrupted by the sound of frequent shrieks of laughter that overpowered the cries of pleasure. Irritation replaced her down spirited emotions as she detected the back of a curly red head, whose cackling shrieks only blazed her infuriation towards the unsuspecting offender.

Watching her closely, her eyes narrowed to slits and the unaware girl continued lobbing peanut butter and ketchup filled sandwiches at the scrawny kid, Grover. Beside him sat his best friend, Percy. It was noticeable that all Percy wanted to do was lob the sandwiches back accompanied by a few punches of his own.

As Nancy, the freckly redhead, carried on throwing sandwiches at the cowering Grover, her patience crumbled and she stood up while glaring daggers into Nancy's back. A hand swept down on her shoulder and she distinctly heard a whisper of "Don't Alice. She isn't worth it." echoing through her mind. To Alice, Nancy was the dragon in this dimension. Alice needed to defeat her in order to reign free. Yet there was something stopping her, something that told her that she wouldn't have to worry about Nancy and that she would be propelled off her high horse shortly. Trusting this consoling sensation, she sat back down and allowed the continuous torture that was being thrust on Grover despite her warring mind.

Ardent students filed out of the museum, chatting animatedly amongst each other. Alice lagged behind everyone, slightly curious as to why Mr Brunner had held back Percy. Situating herself on the front steps, she retrieved her chicken sandwiches from her lunch bag and began eating. Looking over the fifth avenue traffic, storm clouds brewed and inky clouds smothered the white clouds. It was evident that New York city would soon be greeted by torrential downpour and commanding lightning, assisted by baleful thunder that would disturb a vast majority of its witnesses.

Once again, irksome laughter glided through the air and towards Alice, causing her to turn her head in the direction of its origin. Grover and Percy were sat on the ledge of a fountain and before them stood Nancy Bobofit. Half eaten sandwiches were clumsily sitting in Grover's and Grover both possessed conflicted expressions. Grover held the expression of utmost alarm and dread, whereas as Percy's face took up the look of outrage and unflinching chagrin.

Sea green eyes that usually held serene waves and rippled in a soothing manner, was now exchanged with supressed aggravation that fought a waging battle against the pleading calmness that had previously taken up domination. Waves rose above Nancy, their provoking howls heard from where Alice stood. Percy held an expression of drunken power and in her panicked state, Alice realised that it was Percy that was causing such movement. Those waves that looked so tall and so strong, finally toppled down on Nancy, their voices screaming for help as Nancy was submerged.

It had finished as quickly as it had started. Nancy was now back to screaming and Mrs. Dodds lead Percy inside the museum. Alice reclined back onto the front steps with a smug and victorious smile located on her face as the dragon had finally been vanquished.