Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING! Not a single thing. I merely enjoy writing these characters into a plot that my mind decided it liked!

A/N: I'm only going to do the disclaimer once, I don't want to do it every single chapter so I hope that is okay!

I realize that I'm currently working on A Chance To Change Fate, and I probably shouldn't be writing two stories at the same time, however, I am drawing a blank on where to go next with ACTCF and I truly enjoy writing and this story came to me in a dream and I couldn't push the thought away. I've already finished writing chapter 26, and I only started writing this story two days ago. The chapters range in size, some are incredibly small and others are quite long. However, I will probably only post one chapter a day, regardless of the chapters length. I hope you all like it!

This story is rated for FUTURE mature themes, language, violence, etc.

Chapter 1: Crash Landing

Kagome awoke slowly, her blue eyes fluttered open greeting her with the sight of grass and the trunk of a tree. She was laying on her left side and quickly rolled onto her back. The sun still shone in the bright clear sky, but it was no longer hanging directly over head meaning several hours had passed.

Putting both of her hands on the ground she attempted to push herself into a seated position. White hot pain shot up her abused left arm and she crumpled back onto the ground with a hiss. Her arm had to have taken the force of her fall, and her head must have collided with the tree, explaining the throbbing ache.

She tried to recall what had happened and why she was laying in an unfamiliar part of the forest, obviously completely alone. She remembered the Naraku puppet attacking them like usual with the typical horde of lesser demons. And how she had fought as long as she could until her arrows ran out.

Miroku had ended up accidently sucking up the poisonous insects and she had dropped her bow and empty quiver and ran towards him. Before she could even make it half-way she was picked up by a gloating Kagura. The wind witch had been bleeding profusely, and had used her as a means to escape without further injury.

She remembered them flying over the forest and then suddenly they were sinking. Kagura's wounds were getting worse and she was losing control. After that all she could remember was extreme pain and then nothing. Her eyes glanced above her to the tree, just two feet above the ground was coated slightly in blood and the bark was damaged from a heavy impact.

What was she going to do? She was heavily injured and weaponless. There was no way to tell how far Kagura had traveled before they had fallen, or how long it would take Inuyasha to track her down. Deciding that laying around motionless wasn't going to help her case, she struggled to her feet.

She clutched her left arm to her chest as she explored the woods around her. She was grateful to find that her legs had avoided any real damage besides for some minor cuts and scraps. After several minutes she had a nice pile of rocks and sticks, while they weren't the best weapons, and would be almost completely useless against humans, she could at least channel her powers into them against demons.

She sat down at the base of a tree with her makeshift weapons within reach. The sun began to sink and tiredness leached into her limbs. Her eyelids began to droop and she fought it as best as she could. Sleeping again while alone was dangerous, but her body was sore and exhausted. The battle with herself lasted only a couple minutes before her body dropped to the right and her eyes slid closed.