The school bell rung, finally indicating school was over, Kokona had asked her if she wanted to walk home with her, she had noticed her friends quiet mood today. Though her friend had said no she still pried until her friend excused her self to the bathroom.

She slammed the door shut and locked it, everyone was heading home so she didn't have to worry about being bothered. She dropped her bags and stared at her self in the mirror, tears burning at the edge of her charcoal eyes.

Balling her fist and pounding on the small sink until she left a crack on it porcelain structure. Her hands now red and purple, puffing out as it throbbed with pain. She backed up until her back hit one of the closed stalls, holding her hands to her chest. The white tiles and burning tear causing a searing pain in her head. And she cried out, a long pained cry. And as it echoed in the small room and through her mind she curled into a ball, laying on her side.


"Oh gods tell me why you hate me?
Have I done something wrong?
I am so confused why do you do this to me!
He's my senpai I have to love him!
But then why do I blush at Budos constant stares.
Why whenever he punches or glares at someone my heart flutter and I feel like I could take over the world.
Why whenever I look at his messy bed head do I just want to run my fingers through the black silk like hair.
Why whenever I look into his eyes I feel like I could get lost into those dark pools and never want to get out.
Why when ever I see him smile I feel as I could take a hundred men on and never break a sweat.
Why do I feel this burning hatred when other girls stare at him.
Why do I want to hold his hand and never let go.
Why do I get giggly and girly when he protects me or when he scratches his messy bed head.
And why...
Oh gods why?
Do I want to feel his lips.
Be held in his strong arms.
And to hold his hand with a smile, knowing he's the one.
And that he'll never hurt me.
Why gods?
Why can't you tell me?!