A/N: Big thank you to everyone who followed, favorited, and reviewed. You rock! WARNING: There will be detailed lemons in this story! Oh, and some cussing. This might seem like a crackfic at times, but I promise to keep it on a plot that makes sense. I have no beta so if I mess up any grammar, my bad. I recheck it all the time, so if I miss it right when I put it up I will most likely fix it the next day or so. If you notice a major mistake, feel free to NICELY let me know, thank you. A bit of everyone bashing to start off with but it doesn't last, I swear. I'm sorry if anyone else seems a bit OOC but hopefully it will be explained in the story. So I think I still have to make a few corrections, but besides that this is the last chapter! Shakilove and MortalInstrumentsTwilightLover: you both wanted an epilogue (thank you for your reviews by the way) so the end of this one is the epilogue. First half wraps up last chapter and the second half shows what's happening to them a few years down the line. I couldn't bring myself to say who died when and all that, so it's only like five or ten years in the future let's say. :P.(I've grown attached, even to Paul, don't judge me). Also thank you to Sillygabby and Hottieanimegurl for your sweet reviews. Anyway, enjoy.

Chapter 37: Everybody loves a happy ending.

"Well, this is a lovely house. Definitely shows the girls, though I must say Esme, it's masterful how you managed to blend all six personalities into the décor" Adam complimented as everyone piled into the cottage.

"Oh, thank you Adam. I thought it would be best, especially since I knew the girls would most likely take over the bedrooms. Though it seems it was Leah in Danny and her case?"

"What can I say" Leah joked, "I know what I want".

"And I don't care too much" Danny admitted.

"Move, move, mooooove" Ava barreled through people with Edward running behind her. They were out of sight but everyone could still hear them as they found a restroom.

"Edward, get out I have to pee".

"Are you sure you're ok?"


Everyone was trying to hold in their humor, well besides Paul but one look from Eva shut him up.

"Uh, she'll be out in a minute" Edward said joining everyone, though his eyes kept darting back to the restrooms hallway.

"You're very protective of her" Adam observed.

"It's gotten worse since the pregnancy" Eva teased.

"You're face has gotten worse" Ava grumbled childishly, still in the other room making Eva roll her eyes.

"Oh sister how you wound me" she dramatized.

"I'm sure" Ava drawled back as she waddled down the hall where Edward jumped up and steered her to the couch.

"My how you're glowing" Adam teased making Ava glare. "Or should I say glowering, geez".

"Dad, what was that back there?" Eva asked.

"Yeah, you went all Blade on us" Ava added.

"Psh" Adam scoffed, "Blade wishes he was as cool as me" he bragged and the girls rolled their eyes. "He'd be Jell-O of your old man" he said smugly.

"Oh my God Dad" Ava and Eva sighed rubbing their eyes.

"It's jelly, like jealous, not Jell-O" Danny corrected with a giggle.

"Ah" Adam sighed somewhat disappointedly. "So much for me being hip" he finished wistfully.

"I don't think you have to worry about that" said Emmett, "I mean, you burned a vampires arm with a whip!"

"Which brings us back to the how" Jasper said standing behind Alice.

Adam sighed sipping his coke. "When I was younger, much younger I saw something that I thought was impossible. I saw a man with red eyes and shining skin kill a group of five much bigger men and drink their blood."

Everyone leaned in, already enthralled with the story.

"He saw me, or more like smelt me. He spared my life claiming he didn't hurt children. After that, I did research, with the help from your grandmother".

The twins looked at him in surprise.

"Ones I found out what they were I let it go, until about a year later when Charlie and I went off for some brotherly manly time" he joked making some people chuckle though the twins urged him to continue.

"Charlie, unbeknownst to him, was targeted by a vampire. I saw him, he was so confident in himself he didn't care if I noticed him. So I had to figure out what to do, I mean what kind of man, vampire or not, targets a sixteen-year-old kid?"

Of course it was a rhetorical question but a few people gasped.

"So I kept making up plans, each seeming as unlikely to work as the next. But I couldn't let him kill my little brother. So when the vampire made his move, and he was a dramatic self-serving man pulling the usual tell you everything villain move, I was ready."

He took a deeper gulp of his drink. Both girls saw him shaking so stood, well Eva helped haul Ava up, and sat on either side of him making him smile.

"He did his whole speech to me, I had cut him off on his way to Charlie's room hoping to interest him long enough to not kill me and let me do what I needed to do. And it worked".

"What did you do?" Seth asked sitting on the edge of his seat, which happened to be his boyfriend's lap. The same boyfriend who was trying to make sure the young wolf didn't fall.

"I set him on fire. We were camping, had lamps instead of lights. One fatal tip plus a can of hairspray equals blowtorch. For all his speed and intelligence, he never saw that coming, I can tell you that" he finished.

"And then you decided to do it on a more permanent scale?" Jasper asked.

"More or less, I traveled the world doing makeup and if I heard of one, I'd take out the bad guy and not just vampires too. Amazing how many things hide in the shadows" he murmured before shaking his head.

"That's how I met Marcus, he thought my wife was beautiful and predicted that we'd have beautiful children. Which we did" he smiled softly wrapping an arm around each girl.

"I showed him a picture once, but you were babies then…and blonde" he teased.

"Blonde!" Paul asked surprised and the girls flinched shooting pouts at their father.

"ANYWAY" Danny cut Paul off and sent the girls a wink, "Does that mean you knew what I was?"

"I had an idea, but I knew you weren't evil. Since the day the girls introduced this tiny girl with wild girls and scuffed up knees, I knew she'd do good".

Danny smiled but said "But we were like seven!"

"What can I say" he shrugged. "Father always knows. Something Edward here will learn soon enough. That reminds me" he turned to Edward who tried not to gulp.

"You and I need to talk."

"Oh Daddy" Ava sighed, "It's perfectly acceptable that my husband got me pregnant" she said putting extra care on husband.

"Still my baby, a baby having a baby" Adam muttered but let it drop.

"Soooooo" Eva said clasping her hands together making Jacob laugh and Ava and Danny snort. "Ava's pregnant with a demon baby, Dad's a badass, and now we're one big happy family?"

Many people nodded though Edward and Ava glared at the demon baby bit.

"Good to know, what's next?"

Everyone turned to Ava who looked up from her bag of gummy worms.

"Look long enough, maybe I'll do a dance" she groused making people laugh. Eventually she joined in as well, though certain people gulped when she took on a wicked grin.

"Hey Dad, we've got these two great videos you really should see. One is of Paulie here and the other of Jasper and Emme-".

"NO!" came three shouts.


"OH MY GOD I HATE YOU" Ava screamed as she squeezed the table on either side of her. Even during this painful experience, she was afraid of actually hurting her husband.

"No you don't Love" Edward soothed wiping a cool rag over her sweaty brow. "Now just push".

"You push!" she yelled before screaming again. The metal table began to cut into her hands. Edward tried to put more pillow behind her so she was almost sitting up.

It was a week since the Volturi incident and her water had just broken.

"Oh God, it's coming" she cried as Carlisle, Eva, and Daniela tried to help her deliver.

Rose and Edward were by her head trying to help her with the pain, though they already knew that none of the pain killers would work.

Danny was using magic to help Carlisle bring the baby out naturally so it didn't chew its way out.

"Ok, I see a head. Push Ava!" Carlisle demanded earning another scream from the girl.

"It hurts so bad" she sobbed and Edward punched the wall next to him, he felt useless as he was unable to help.

"I am so sorry Ava" he cried.

"I don't really hate you" she sobbed still straining to get the baby out.

Edward gave a watery chuckle. "Good to know".

"In fact, I should tell you now" she took a gulp of air. "I'm totally in love with you".

"I'm totally in love with you too, but stop sounding like you're saying goodbye" he told her.

"Edward-" she looked up at him afraid yet with an acceptance that broke his heart.

"No" he said sternly. "You are not a quitter, never have been. Fuck, you can call me Eddie after this if you want, but do not give up! Now you push and you show this baby why mother's boss".

Ava laughed before screaming again breaking the table sides.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" she screamed out before another cry broke the air. A much smaller, higher, and cleaner mouthed cry.

"It's a girl" Carlisle said and Rose went down to look real quick.

"A girl" Edward smiled shakily.

"She's beautiful" Danny whispered and Eva cried happily.

Suddenly Ava screamed again making them panic.

"Um Carlisle" Rose said before pointing at Ava's lower half. Another head was peeking out.

"Twins" Eva breathed looking up and locking wide eyes with a startled Edward.

"Twins Love" he breathed.

"Nothing's ever simple around here is it!" Ava said through clenched teeth.

"Not when the Bedlam twins are involved" Danny joked before another one of Ava's screams made her flinch.

"You can do this Ava" Carlisle said. "You've already done it once, just a few more pushes."

Taking deep breaths, she pushed again.

Eva couldn't take it and ran up now taking her sisters bloody hand.

"I don't want to hurt you" Ava cried looking at her sister.

"You won't, I'm not so breakable either" she teased though Ava could see her lip wobble. With another scream she reached out and clamped onto Eva and Edward's, who once again offered his hand in silent support, hands.

They barely flinched at the fiery death grip.

"You are so strong" Eva whispered. She had almost lost her shit earlier when hearing her sister basically give up, she was happy that Edward pushed her to keep going or else she'd have to knock some sense into her.

Ava was happy too, Edward was one thing but Eva could be downright scary.

"Push, you got this. Just one more" Danny encouraged. Carlisle had handed the first girl over to Rose who cleaned her up and was standing by.

The little girl had bright jade eyes and was watching everything with a rapt attention that was far beyond most newborns.

"You know; she doesn't want to come out. I'm tired, just leave her" Ava pleaded before more pain racked through her bruised and battered body. "Never mind!"

"FUUUUCK!" Ava screamed out before falling back on some pillows and panting.

Another cry broke the surface, this time a little girl with sky blue eyes who was cleaned up and brought to her parents with her sister.

"They're both so beautiful" Edward said in awe and disbelief.

"They really are" Rose said.

"Damn straight" the twins muttered chuckling tiredly.

"Look what you did Love" Edward said amazed.

"What we did...Eddie" she managed a smirk making him laugh. Though a small part of his brain was glad that he knew, or at least hoped, that she was just teasing him and wouldn't make the nickname stick.

"You did great, all of you" Carlisle smiled before kissing each set of twins on the head. "I'm going to go tell the others. I don't know who's going crazier; Adam, Jacob, or Emmett" he joked walking out with Rose following him as Jacob and Leah rushed in going to their imprints and cooing over the new babies.

"So it's over?" Leah asked as they had a few minutes alone before everyone else piled in.

Danny, Eva, and Ava looked at their imprints and then each other before smirking.

Ava sighed as Edward brushed a sweaty curl from her face. "Nah" Danny teased.

"It's just beginning" the twins promised laughing.


The babies grew fairly fast and did turn out to be part wolf and part vampire though luckily their wolf side kept their hunger in check and the vamp side kept the wolf's temper under control. They were able to turn into wolves, though they almost seemed like marble wolves.

In a year they looked like most eighteen-year-olds, much to their father, grandfathers', and uncles' annoyance. Both were blondish-bronze haired bombshells that gave even their Aunt Rose a run for her money.

The first twin with green eyes was named Audrey while they finally settled on Amelia for the youngest, and both were just as mischevious as their mother and aunt.

It came to a real shock, though only to the overreacting men, when Colin imprinted on Amelia and Audrey imprinted on Brady.

Luckily, the kids were all more than willing to wait until they were mentally older before taking any big steps.

Eventually the Cullens, and certain pack members, had to move and start over. Though the twins complained saying they could be solving world problems, Esme and Carlisle still had them go back to high school.

They only came back to Forks to visit the pack, when the pack didn't visit them that is, and see when a new little member was added. Like when Bella and Embry ended up having twins.

Apparently it ran in the family, a lot.

As the years started to roll by, certain people began to age. Something Danny had pointed out didn't have to happen to witches, much to Leah and the twins' relief.

Though they did worry about when they'd have to say final good-byes to family and friends.

Much to their joy, their father Adam had eventually allowed Marcus to turn him, something the other man had been offering for years. He was even thinking of turning their grandmother, when she was ready.

Adam took every chance he could to show off his power, matter manipulation.

Danny had thought of making something to tie the imprints lives to a wolf so that they wouldn't grow old, but it turned out to be undoable so far, though she insisted she wouldn't stop trying especially now that she had Adam's help.

But for the time being, everyone pushed the thought of future sad times aside and enjoyed what they had.

Though it was fun to see Edward get worked up when someone checked out his wife and daughters, who were posed as Ava and Eva's 'cousins'.

In his defense none of the girls' male family members, or female for that matter, liked it when someone ogled their girls. Brady and Colin really didn't like the looks sent at their imprints.

Not that the girls were any better, they knew their mates were hot, but they were all theirs!

"Ready Love" the bronze haired teen asked taking the purple haired teen's hand as he led their group to the new high school.

"Oh, you mean for hormonal teens and more bitches trying to hit on my husband? Yeah can't wait".

"Totally doesn't get tiring" Eva joked and Jacob toyed with his wife's pink locks.

The whole group was ignoring the staring humans.

"Now you two are just being downers" Daniela mock scolded. Leah snorted but held her hands up in surrender before kissing her forehead and pulling back with a smirk.

"Yeah" Jacob snorted winking at his nieces and their boyfriends. "Lighten up Babe, not like high school lasts forever" he added innocently.

Everyone laughed as Eva face palmed. Emmett's boom of course drowning everyone else out.

"Ready girls?" Alice asked, excited as usual and Jasper almost groaned. He swore the baby twins, as he called Audrey and Amelia, somehow got their unlimited energy from his Alice.

Felix and Emmett loved to tease the poor cowboy.

Felix would even call from his and Seth's new house in Japan to do it! They were there for Seth's schooling, much to his joy. But Felix now it made Jasper roll his eyes ever time his phone rang.

"Ready" they chirped happily linking hands and taking their boyfriends' hands in the other.

"Ready boys?" Rose asked. No matter how old they got, Colin and Brady would always be her boys.

"Ready" they laughed.

"Well, let's do this" Ava sighed.

Edward laughed and pulled her in for a kiss making their daughters go "Ew!"

Eva laughed saying "Get some" before Jacob dragged her into one doubling the kids' disgust before every couple was caught in a lip lock.

Amelia kissed Brady just as Audrey and Colin touched lips.

"Ew!" yelled Eva and Ava before busting up at the kids' glares.

"Come on Love" Edward laughed, but not before shooting a mild glare at the wolf boys. One they didn't really find threatening; they were more scared of their girlfriends' mom.

Something Ava found delightful.

"If you're good, Esme's promised a big dinner".

"With dessert?" Ava asked excited and Edward had to stop himself from laughing as all of the wolves perked up.

'Thanks a lot' Jasper thought sarcastically.

"Of course" Edward said happily as his mate dragged him in for another kiss.

"Well what are we waiting for!?" Ava asked as if HE was the one slowing everyone down. Before he could answer, she started to drag the exasperated looking boy up to the front office with everyone trailing behind.

"Yeah, hurry up!" Jacob said just as excited and Eva laughed as he lifted her and ran.

Leah simply looked at Danny who rolled her eyes and held her arms out so her wife could lift her and run after them.

The rest of the group chose to laugh at their antics, but walk like normal or 'boring' people as the twins classified it.

Eva and Ava had to correct the lady, who wouldn't stop staring at their hair, about who they were twice. They sighed and locked eyes with Daniela.

'So chaos and trouble?' the brunette's eyes asked.

The twins shared a look before smirks slid on all three girls faces and they all spoke out loud, ignoring Edward's groan in the background.


A/N: Oh my God, it's over you guys. Did you like it, what do you think? I'd still like to know. So next story that I will start posting in a few weeks is the twins in Harry Potter. If you have questions, go ahead and ask. I want to write a few chapters up first and then start putting them up (after a little break of course). I really loved writing this story even when it was a pain in the ass, it let me really get to know the twins and Danny. Hopefully that means the Harry Potter one will be even better! One can dream, right? Thank you all so much for the support and your love. You made it a great experience, really you made it amazing. Until next time, have a great day.