
Just when I thought I wouldn't be writing any new fics with everything going on in the show, the idea for this one came to me. Thought I'd try, I heard others say writing something new helps with writer's block. They're probably other fics similar to this one, don't know, not intentional. I had fun writing this, this is how I want to remember Olitz. Enjoy!

She needed this badly. One week was all she could afford. One week in Sunny Cancun, Mexico and it would be worth every damn penny. She hadn't been on a vacation like this in years not since her honeymoon six years ago.

Her mother was back at the house to babysit Olivia's four year old son. It had been a rough couple of years between getting a divorce from her asshole of an ex-husband and trying to get her life in order now that she was on her own. It took some steady encouragement from her mother, but finally, Olivia had agreed that some time to herself might help her regain who she was before she became a wife and mother; before becoming someone else's trophy wife and before ending up with someone who claimed to be her prince charming, but was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Sitting in the aisle seat, Olivia glanced around at the other passengers, mostly young couples and college-aged kids, all on a mission to have some fun and let loose. Olivia, on the other hand, wasn't interested in getting hammered, what she really wanted was to sleep in on a king-sized bed without a four year old jolting her awake at six in the morning for cereal and cartoons. What she wanted was to sit under an umbrella on the beach with a book in her hand, and not worry about anyone but herself, something she hadn't had the luxury of doing since Adam was born. Although she loved every second of being a mother, she'd been neglecting herself too long. What she needed was a total makeover, a renewal of the body and soul.

Olivia was happy that she'd had the foresight to get a manicure and pedicure prior to this trip; she couldn't remember when she'd last pampered herself in this way. She was hoping that she would now finally had the time for a full body wax, fresh haircut and highlights. Her hair was too long and frizzy and she couldn't remember when she had trimmed it last.

One thing she hadn't neglected even in her busiest years, was to stay active with Adam and eat healthy as it allowed her body to stay fit and trim. Still, she was a bit nervous about wearing her new two piece bathing suit. After all, she was thirty one and not seventeen.

"Would you like something to drink?" The flight attendant asked, pulling her away from her thoughts.

"Yes, apple juice, please" she said without giving much thought, so was glad that her drink did not come in a juice box.

After landing at the Cancun airport, Olivia grabbed her small red suitcase from baggage check and headed outside to find the shuttle to her all-inclusive resort. After spotting it, she made her way towards the bus, eager to begin the rest and relaxation that awaited her, when she tripped on the curb. Just as she braced herself for a nasty fall, a pair of strong arms caught her in the nick of time.

"Whoa, careful there," a deep baritone voice said to her.

When she looked up to thank her savior, she felt her face heat in embarrassment. Helping her to steady herself was the most beautiful man Olivia had seen in real life. He looked like a model with his chiseled jaw line and manly face. His light blue shirt was unbuttoned at the top, and Olivia couldn't help but notice the muscles that were visible there.

"Thanks, I think I got it," Olivia murmured trying to not stare at the tall handsome stranger. His dark penetrating gaze was fixed on her with concern.

"That would have been a shitty way to begin your vacation," he said with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah, it would have been my luck too," she signed, reaching for her bag that was now lying on its side on the concrete.

"Here, let me get that," the sexy stranger offered, grabbing the bag, "Are you on this bus here?"

"Yeah, the Hyatt Zilara," She replied with a smile. The resort was a bit pricey but if she could only have one week here, she wanted a little bit of luxury, and she didn't want to stay at a cheaper resort full of college age kids.

"Well, whaddaya know, so am I," he smirked as he handed the bag along with his to the bus driver who shoved it underneath with the rest of the bags.

A small shiver of excitement ran through Olivia's spine at the thought of this man being in the same resort as her. But then, a nagging voice reminded her that she was not here to meet a man. Besides, this guy most likely would have a girlfriend somewhere (she noticed he was not wearing a ring). Just because he had a pretty face didn't mean he was a good guy, she'd learn this the hard way.

"Okay, thanks again," she said to him before turning and hurrying up the steps into the bus, not daring to look back.

After a refreshing shower and a wardrobe change out of her trusty yoga pants into a breezy white sundress, Olivia decided to head downstairs and get something to eat. Uncertain of what she wanted, she settled for the buffet.

"For one," she told the host who smiled before leading her to a nice little table by the window. The sky was already darkening and the oncoming sunset was turning the sky a beautiful mix of pink, orange and purple.

When she told her friends that she was planning on coming here by herself, they all told her she was crazy, especially Quinn. Olivia knew it was risky, but she figured that as long as she stayed on the resort and didn't go out drinking with random people, she'd be just fine. Her party days were long gone. She had other priorities now (namely Adam) so she couldn't lose her head. The purpose of this trip was to relax and not waking up with a hangover.

"Hey, it's my damsel in distress," a voice sounds from nearby.

Olivia turns to see Handsome Savior from earlier, smiling down at her, "do you mind?" he asked, gesturing to the seat across from hers.

"Um…" she started but he was already taking a seat across from hers, "okay."

"I didn't get to introduce myself properly earlier," he said, reaching out a hand across the table to shake hers, "My name is Fitz, what's yours?"

Olivia took his hand and gave it a shake, "Olivia."

"Olivia," her name rolled off his tongue like an inappropriate caress.

She looked away, feeling a magnetic pull she'd never felt before.

"Would you mind if I join you for dinner?"

Olivia raised an eyebrow at Fitz, "really?"

"Sure. Looks like we're both by ourselves, and it'd be nice to have a little company…unless of course you don't want to…in which case I will leave."

Olivia thought about it for a moment. How could she possibly refuse? It was just dinner.

"Sure, I guess that would be okay."

"I guess I'm going to start with the salad bar …then work my way from that roasted pig over there," he told her pointing to the carving table across the room.

Olivia nodded encouragingly.

"Seems like a plan. Care to lead the way?" he said gallantly his words translating to ladies first.

Olivia stood and started towards the salad bar, feeling a little self-conscious knowing that Fitz was right there behind her. She was glad in that moment that she had put in a little effort before coming down. Just because she wasn't planning on meeting anyone didn't mean she couldn't look her best.

Olivia grabbed a plate and started placing various types of salad on her plate, and Fitz was doing the same. As hard as she tried, she couldn't stop stealing glances at him. He was still wearing the same shirt as earlier, but instead of khaki shorts, he now had on a pair of jeans. She wondered why this gorgeous specimen was here by himself. Why he wanted to hang out with her when she was certain his options were limitless. Probably because it's his first night; once he sees what's out there for him, she was certain this was the last she would see of Fitz.

Once her plate was full, she made her way to the table. Fitz was not far behind her. Soon the waitress appeared and took their drink orders, a red glass of red wine for Olivia and a Corona with lime for Fitz.

"So Olivia, what brings you to Cancun?"

"Just a little R and R," she replied with a shrug.

"Same here. Doctor prescribed relaxation," he added with an eye roll.

"Doctor prescribed?" she asked with a slight tilt of the head.

"Yep. Believe it or not.

"Why would a doctor tell you to go to Cancun?"

"Well, he actually didn't tell me to come here," He smirked. "I made that decision on my own, I was burnt out from work. He just told me I needed to take it easy for a while because it wasn't good for my blood pressure. I'm only thirty three, so I wouldn't have to worry about that shit yet, right?"

Wow, he was thirty three. Olivia thought for sure he was younger. "You're practically a teenager," she teased with a giggle. "What do you do for work that had you so stressed out?"

Fitz drew a breath before answering. "I work in uh, security," he said staring back at Olivia.

Somehow, Olivia had the feeling that he was holding back, but decided not to press him on it. Instead, she just nodded and took a sip of the wine she just noticed was there. Fitz reached for his beer and took a sip, his eyes not leaving Olivia's face.

"So how about you, what do you do?"

"Nothing too exciting. I'm a secretary at a law firm. Just your run of the mill paper pusher. It pays the bills," she replied trying to not sound ungrateful. A job was a job and she was glad she had it. She made decent money, not a lot but enough for the bills and a few extra things like this trip she was on.

Fitz smiled and nodded along.

"Sometimes I could do with a little more excitement, "she said before realizing that he could misinterpret this. But Fitz nodded again and worked on his plate.

After dinner was finished, Fitz invited Olivia to join him for another drink at the poolside bar.

Realizing that she didn't want to go back to her room quite yet, she agreed. As she walked through the resort toward a bar, she noticed that Fitz was quite close to her. It sent a warm feeling through her body.

"So, Fitz why didn't your girlfriend come with you? She asked, knowing that this was an obvious attempt to check his relationship status. Even if nothing was going to happen, Olivia knew she wouldn't feel comfortable if she knew he were attached.

"No girlfriend," he replied, the amusement clear in his tone. "I'm a one man show."

"Oh," Olivia cocked her head, feeling relieved, knowing she shouldn't care. Nothing was going to happen with Fitz.

"How about you? Husband or boyfriend back home waiting for you?"

"No," she quickly answered, deciding to leave out the part about the young man waiting for her at home even if he was only four years old.


Please review and follow if you're interested in more, I got no idea how many more chapters I will write, so it will most likely depend on the response I get