Two weeks after Silver's arrival, Juvia picked up a mission for him to go on with Grey in an attempt to give them something to bond over but ended up tagging along after many solicitations from Grey.

The mission was quite simple. They needed to track down some mages who were causing trouble to some villagers in the south of Fiory.

Grey and Juvia arrived early at the station, purchased the tickets and walked to a nearby café to eat breakfast and wait for Silver. Grey gave his order to the waiter and sat back in his chair letting out multiple yawns due to the lack of sleep.

"Juvia told Grey-sama to sleep early."

"Juvia also didn't wear pants to bed, thus distracting her boyfriend." Grey said while raising a brow, causing his girlfriend to blush instantaneously.

"Juvia was hot."

"Ohh that you were."

"Th..That's not what Juvia meant and Grey-sama does the same too. All the time."

"Are you saying you never get distracted by my beautiful long legs?" Grey said in flirtatious tone making Juvia sink deeper in her chair and look around for any sign of Silver. Grey was about to continue their little exchange when the waiter arrived at their table with their orders.

Twenty minutes later, they met up with Silver and got on the train. The journey was long but not boring thanks to Silver's teasing, Grey's annoyed comments and Juvia's laughter. Even some other travelers couldn't help but eavesdrop on them to kill time.

Once they arrived at their destination, they headed to the clients house to discuss details then went to look for an inn. And after a good night's sleep, they were awake and ready to take on any enemy they might face. Little did they know, this mission wasn't as obstacle-free as it seemed. The mages in question weren't hard to track down, but their power was definitely underestimated by the client who thought they were nothing more than overpowered pickpockets. One of them was a lightning mage just like Luxus, minus the dragon slayer power up. He was still however, very strong and accurate in his attacks. The second was able to change his location in the blink of an eye and therefore didn't suffer a scratch for the majority of the fight. The two others were both capable to switch into an animal form that gave the same qualities as the real thing. Together, they formed a real threat and were strong enough to give the Fairy Tail mages a hard time which was quite an accomplishment even if Silver was weakened by the lack of training during his escapade in the hereafter.

Grey stood up angrily and said with determination: "Dad, step back. You're still not in shape. We'll take care of them. Juvia!"


And as if they've rehearsed it, they both took of their tops in such a speed that Silver and their opponents were looking at their half naked forms with baffled expressions. Nonetheless, the lack of clothes soon stopped being the main distraction once the couple started their well orchestrated attack: Juvia summoned a heavy rain that powered them up while also putting the enemy at a real disadvantage; Grey tripled the speed of his molding and surrounded them with an army of ice soldiers, Juvia then became one with the rain preventing fast attacks and making use of her new fighting techniques to down those who attempted to run, namely the mage with the teletransportation ability. They ended the fight with simple teamwork as Juvia followed the mage who tried to escape, chocked him with her thighs and sent him flying in Grey's direction to suffer the final blow by an ice sword.

The couple stood up looking at their accomplishment when they heard a long whistle accompanied by a clapping sound. They turned and saw Silver heading in their direction:

"Well, you guys complement each other even outside the bedroom I see. No, but seriously that was amazing. "

"You really needed to make that analogy didn't you?"

"You really needed to strip together to take down the enemy didn't you?" He said looking curiously at them.

"It's kind of habit of mine I'm sure you've already noticed it during the grand magic games."

"Yes, you I understand. Juvia-Chan however…Wait, did you teach her that?"

"What? No, of course not. She picked it up when we were living together."

Juvia stopped searching for her top after failing to find it and had to settle with the black lacy bra she was wearing and an embarrassed look: "True. Grey-sama tried to help Juvia get rid of it but nothing worked. Juvia kept stripping every time she was busy cooking, training or fighting."

"I guess that's the price you pay for dating an exhibitionist. Oh, I got a great idea. I hope you don't mind Juvia-Chan, but I think we should start a business: rent Grey to make any girl strip her clothes on her own. I can already see the long line of guys lining up for it."

"Juvia doesn't agree it." Juvia said with a frown on her face.

"Don't worry he was just toying with you and insulting me. It's probably his plan for the rest of his stay on this planet."

"O come on son! You should be more thankful to get your papa back. Isn't that right Juvia-chan?"

Juvia giggled and followed Grey who was already heading back to the client's house to collect the reward and get ready to get back home.

Back at the guild, everyone was acting just as usual when the trio arrived. Mirajane welcomed them fresh drinks and special dishes as she was putting in extra effort to make the new addition to the guild feel more comfortable. An hour later, the door was kicked open to reveal none other than the most active member of the guild: Natsu. He too has just finished a mission with Lucy, Happy and Windy, but found it too dull since he was prevented from wrecking anything. To remedy the situation, his simple logic urged him to pick a fight with Grey who was already tired from his own mission and his father's constant teasing. But even that couldn't stop him from responding to the dragon slayer's threats and insults hence the hour long brawl that was only stopped by a certain red head storming into the guild after her mood was altered by a cake-stealing bird.

"This always happens?"

"Ohh yes. Juvia's sure that Silver-sama will get used to it in no time!"