Naruto awoke to the morning light slowly. He could sense its energy growing stronger as the sun began to rise. Slowly but surely, he sat up in his bed and stretched to the ceiling, yawning slightly in the process. As soon as he felt ready, he moved and slipped out of bed, walking over to the closet where his clothes were. Once he'd opened it, he reached in and touched a shirt. Immediately, his chakra sense pulsed to life and he could feel the colour was white and that there was a design of the hidden leaf village in red on the front. He stood in thought for a moment then nodded to himself, pulling the shirt off of its hanger and draping it over his arm.

Next, he reached into the side of the closet where his pants usually hung, and he reached out and touched a pair. His chakra sense allowed him to know they were a camo green with some pockets. He thought for a moment then shook his head then released the pant leg he'd been holding. Next, he came into contact with a pair that was a light navy blue with pockets that weren't too deep, and the pant legs wouldn't go all the way to the bottom of his legs. Once again he paused in thought, drawing a picture of the colors together in his mind to see if they would work. Deciding they would be he nodded, carefully pulled them down and draped them over top of his shirt. Then he made his way back to his bed and began to exchange his pajamas for his newly picked out day clothes. Finally, when he was finished, he made his bed and threw his pajamas into the laundry hamper at the end of his bed post. Then he made his way out into the kitchen.

There, Sasuke had already awoken and gotten dressed for the day and was now pouring some milk on his cereal. Naruto silently slipped in, found the bread lying out on the counter and then put two slices in the toaster. He waited until he heard the ding of the toaster then carefully plucked the toast from the toaster and put it on a plate. Then he made his way over to the section of the counter where he would find the jam already out thanks to Sasuke and began spreading it on top of his toast before making his way to the breakfast table. Sasuke, who'd started eating already, pushed the orange juice he'd already gotten from the fridge to his brother and watched as he carefully poured himself a cup. Then Naruto dove into eating his breakfast.

After awhile though, Sasuke noticed the lull in Naruto's eating. He glanced over towards his brother with a raised eyebrow out of concern.

"What's the matter?" he wondered. Naruto continued staring with dead eyes at his toast.

"It's just a few days away," he stated quietly. Sasuke lowered his spoon.

"Just a few more days before we take the graduation test." Sasuke huffed and returned to his cereal."Oh is that all?" he sighed. Naruto turned his dead eyes on his brother with an intent stare. "What do you mean "Oh is that all?"? I didn't pass the last time…remember?" Sasuke huffed.

"That's because you tried too early. You'll be okay this time," he sought to reassure his brother. Naruto leaned back in his chair crossing his arms across his chest and developing a pout."How can you say that?" he accused.

"I can't even make a clone right. Even with my heightened sensing abilities I still can't figure out the right ratio. They always put that one on the last part of the test," he complained. Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but they grade you on other things too so don't worry about it. I heard that last year a kid in the year above us graduated only knowing taijutsu, so I know you'll make it this time." Naruto hummed uncertainly."Hm, I dunno," he said. Sasuke sighed.

"Well, come on it's not for another few days, so you'll have plenty of time to practice. I'll even help you if you want." At this Naruto smiled some.

"Yeah…alright," he agreed. He then returned to eating his breakfast. Finally, when he was done, he got up and placed his plate in the sink on the side where the dishes needed to be washed. Then something occurred to him.

"Oh yeah, where's Iruka Sensei this morning?" he asked. The apartment they shared with their sensei, Iruka Umino was where they were now. Ever since that day where he'd let them stay over for a night, they'd been staying with him. At first it was because he'd been worried they'd be too scared to return to their old home since it was a crime scene and now empty but eventually, they found that living together with just the three of them was much easier for all of them. So the Hokage managed to snag them a three bedroom apartment with a kitchen, one bathroom and enough room to move around. Usually, Iruka was present for breakfast except for the odd occasion where he had to be somewhere early.

"He said he had to meet with the Hokage and to just meet him at the academy," Sasuke replied to his brother's question.

"Oh," Naruto nodded. Then he went to get his school bag ready. Meanwhile, Sasuke finished his breakfast and did the same, grabbing their lunch boxes at the same time. He put Naruto's in his bag and his in his own. Then he grabbed the keys, made sure everything was turned off or put away then grabbed two apples from the kitchen, handed one to Naruto as they stepped out and locked the door; then the two descended the steps to their apartment and began their usual trek to school. Along the way, their morning conversation about the latest addition to the Ichiraku Ramen menu was interrupted by a short yip behind them, and they turned to face an oncoming white puppy racing up to them. The white pup immediately leapt into Naruto's arms and began licking his face causing the blonde to giggle.

"Hey cmon Akamaru, that tickles," Naruto laughed.

"Good morning Naruto; Sasuke," greeted a familiar voice. Sasuke smirked and raised a hand.

"Good morning Kiba," he responded. The boy who approached wore dark grayish brown pants that reached down to his calves, a simple brown shirt and a grayish brown vest with fur lining the collar. His hair was just as messy as Naruto's usually was though brown and the signature Inuzuka clan markings rested in the colour red under his eyes heading down from his cheek bones. When they'd first met during homeroom at the beginning of the year, Naruto had wondered if he was half animal or something to which he and his little pup Akamaru had laughed at though Akamaru sounded more like he was yipping. Kiba strode up to them casually and stopped with a smirk on his face.

"So, you guys headed to the academy?" he asked.

"Yeah, aren't you?" Sasuke asked. Kiba just scoffed.

"Yeah, I've got no choice now. I was thinkin' about skipping, but mom says if she catches me doin' that again she'll feed me to Kuromaru for supper." Sasuke smirked while Naruto snorted and laughed a little.

"Really?" taunted Sasuke.

"Seriously, though, why would you wanna skip?" Naruto asked innocently.

"Tch, because it's not only boring but this week is when the teachers really get pushy with prep for the upcoming exam. I've got no doubt I'll pass so why bother showing up right?" he retorted. Akamaru yipped in agreement. Sasuke just rolled his eyes at their more careless of friends – though still not as careless as Shikamaru.

"True I suppose," he agreed, "But you don't wanna jump the gun then find out you failed because you weren't there all week," Kiba growled with annoyance.

"Besides, Iruka-sensei says we shouldn't become complacent and stop working hard just because we're approaching the end of the line at the Academy. The road to becoming a ninja will be even harder." Naruto pointed out. Kiba waved it off.

"Yeah, yeah when I want a lecture I'll ask the sensei. Ya don't have to preach everything he tells us you know. I was there that class." Sasuke scoffed."I'm surprised you paid attention to that." Kiba blushed and stuck his nose up in the air as he brushed past them.

"Yeah, whatever pretty boy!" he retorted. "Now are we going to the academy or what?"

Sasuke scowled at the name pretty boy while Naruto giggled. Nevertheless, the two boys joined Kiba and Akamaru on their daily trek and finally arrived at the academy with Kiba and Sasuke arguing about who would trump the other on the upcoming exams.

"I told you that with the many days you've missed it's not possible dog breath!" Sasuke growled.

"Yeah and I told you that you don't graduate based on looks alone pretty boy!"

"Looks have nothing to do with it, you're just lookin' for an excuse!"

"Yeah well, I don't need excuses snot for brains!"

"Seems like that's all you're good at flea hide!"

"Chicken butt!"


"Would you two idiots shut up already?" groaned a familiar voice coming up to greet the newcomers. Shikamaru was rubbing some sleep from his eyes and yawning.

"It's hard to get a pre-school nap when you two bicker like an old married couple!" Kiba turned on Shikamaru pointing an accusatory finger at him as Sasuke just straightened up.

"Yeah well nobody asked you ya lazy asshole!" Kiba countered.

"I'd watch that mouth of yours if I was you," Shikamaru warned.

"Why, did I hurt your feelings?" Kiba sneered back. Shikamaru reached back to scratch the back of his head tiredly while giving a lazy boy scoff.

"Hardly. You can insult me with all of the colorful words you know. I'm not going to care. But I was thinking more about how if some parents found out that their younger kids who also attend this academy catch wind of those potty words and repeat them then you'll end up cleaning a potty the way your family dishes out punishment." Kiba wanted to retort but knew Shikamaru was right. He'd end up cleaning not only the human potties but the dog ones as well and then some if his mother found out. So, in the end, the dog boy just kept his mouth shut.

"Humph, and here I thought no one could shut him up," Sasuke snickered.

"What was that!?" Kiba demanded, raising his voice again and his fist to Sasuke's face.

"You heard me," Sasuke replied threateningly."Oh yeah?" Kiba snarled back with Akamaru yipping angrily on top of his owner's head now.

"Yeah," Sasuke reiterated. "Well then looks like we'll have to settle this once and for all," Kiba threatened dangerously.

"Looks that way," Sasuke grinned pulling back his own fist into a ready stance as Kiba had done the same. However, before they could even get started…

"You two…" growled another familiar voice.

"Knock it off!" the voice shouted then before either knew what was happening, their heads came bashing together thanks to an unknown force.

"Agh!" they exclaimed in pain as they then slumped to the ground. An angry Ino Yamanaka stood over them cracking her knuckles for another blow as Sakura came running up with Hinata.

"Don't tell me they're at it again," Sakura groaned. Ever since she'd broken out of her shy girl shell thanks to Ino, she and Ino had had to keep an eye on both Sasuke and Kiba since they started their little rivalry. Hinata meanwhile remained the seeker of a more peaceful solution.

"Guys, please no more fighting, it's the final week of school," she tried to reason. The two guys in question remained groaning and rubbing their new sore spots on the ground.

"You two had better have a good explanation for this!" Ino demanded, cracking her knuckles again. When Sasuke and Kiba came around, they stared up at one of the scariest girls to ever walk the planet next to Sakura in their opinion. They shuddered as she cracked her knuckles again and gave them a look saying 'explain this or you're dead.' They gulped.

"Well, he started it," Kiba tried.

"What; like hell I did!" Sasuke retorted.

"Did so," Kiba responded.

"Did not!" Sasuke shot back.

"Did too!" Kiba.

"Did not!" Sasuke.

"Did too!" Kiba.

"Did not!" Sasuke.

"Did too!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"


"Gah! You cheater!" Kiba looked about ready to tear his hairs out. Then the two turned to Naruto who was now holding Akamaru again and looking at them curiously. The two noticed and looked up.

"Well Naruto what do you think?" Sasuke asked.

"You've got my back right you guys?" Kiba questioned. A double hit upside the skull from an angered Sakura sent them back down again.

"You idiots, don't get others involved in your messes!" Naruto felt a bead of nervous sweat roll down the side of his forehead as he held a nervous smile in place over the two guys on the ground. Ino sighed.

"Good grief, what are we ever gonna do with you?" she wondered to herself. Just then the warning bell for the Academy rang, and everyone subconsciously turned towards the building.

"Well…looks like it's time to go to class," Sakura commented.

"Yeah; then maybe I can finally catch a few good winks," yawned Shikamaru. Ino grabbed his ear and started dragging him towards the door.

"Oh no, ya don't" She growled, "If we have to pay attention then so do you!" Sakura meanwhile turned to the two boys getting up off the ground.

"Alright, let's go guys. You can leave your shenanigans here!" she said then with a twirl on her heel; she turned and took Naruto by the hand and began leading him inside even though he could tell where he was going by now. Being the smarter of most guys – with Akamaru being the smartest of dogs – he just went with it, Akamaru riding on his head, both not wanting to tick Sakura off. Meanwhile, Kiba and Sasuke managed to stand again and shot each other a menacing glare before turning towards the academy and following their friends inside.

Once class got underway, they were put to the grindstone testing what they'd learned so far with pop quizzes and review. Finally, it was time for the outdoors portion where everyone got to showcase their talents in jutsu and ninja weapons. Iruka stood at the front of the practice area and turned towards his class.

"Alright everyone, now it's time to practice with ninja weapons. First up we'll be using shuriken, and your goals are those posts there," he said pointing.

"Now remember, the final exam is in three days so I hope you'll be trying your hardest up to the point of passing. Now let's get started. First up, Kozu Mirozuki!" With that, the many students started lining up and getting ready to do their thing. Finally, it came to a certain student's turn, and it sent mostly all of the girls minus a select few into a giggle; squeal-fest.

"Sasuke, you can do it!" shouted one as the raven haired boy took his stance.

"I can't wait; he's so amazing!" squealed another.

"And so cool!" the girls then all squealed in unison and Sasuke meanwhile ignored them rolling his eyes. He breathed in and out focusing on the target then after a moment's pause. He threw the shuriken which all bent the way he wanted them to and stuck themselves to the wooden post. Dead center in a row. The girls let out squeals of delight and began congratulating Sasuke. Sasuke ignored them. A few more names were called until finally another popular favorite was called to center stage. Naruto took his place which led to all of the fangirls squealing and cheering for him as well.

"Oh my gosh!" squealed one.

"Naruto is just so cute!" added another.

"And so sensitive and sweet too! He waved at me in town the other day with that adorable smile of his."

"Ugh, lucky!"

"And to think he's so handsome and strong too, you'd never imagine he was blind," chimed another.

Once again the girl's squeals and words of delight were ignored as Naruto tuned them out and his chakra sense flared to life. He could see his target through the vibrations of chakra at his feet that spread out towards the targets; defining them for him. Judging by the wind and the way he wanted his shuriken to bend, he brought his own arms back and after a moment's pause, let them loose on the target of his choice. The shuriken hit dead center just as Sasuke's had and the girls all squealed again. Naruto blushed at this as he turned around causing the girls to get more hyper. Meanwhile, Sakura and Ino sat off to the side. Ino scoffed.

"Jeez, can you imagine if we were anything like these yahoos?" she asked rolling her eyes. Sakura waved it off with her hand and laughed some.

"No way!" she replied. "Then Naruto and Sasuke probably wouldn't bother talking to us because we'd be so damn annoying," she laughed and Ino laughed beside her.

"Yeah, no kidding. They're not even interested in becoming ninjas. They probably just think it'll make them look better and they'll be chosen. As if!" Ino snorted.

"I'll never really understand these fangirls," Sakura added.

"Amen," Ino agreed. Shikamaru meanwhile scoffed beside them.

"Oh please. Once you see someone you're interested in you'll wind up the same way. I just hope I'm not around or the center of anyone's affection when the time comes." Ino shot Shikamaru a dangerous glare.

"As if anyone would consider dating you! You're too boring and you would probably blow the first date anyway! Besides when I find a man I'm interested in I won't become a squealing fangirl who wants to hog him all to herself. I'm planning to get to know him first." Shikamaru rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right, you'll probably turn into one of those annoying flirty girls who won't shut up!" he muttered to himself. His childhood friend turned on him with a dangerous glint to her eyes.

"What was that?" she demanded. Shikamaru began to sweat profusely. He gulped.

"Uh…n-nothing! Sheesh don't overreact." He countered.

"That's what I thought," Ino replied. Sakura laughed beside her. Just then Naruto and Sasuke turned up.

"So…how do you think I did?" Naruto asked. Sakura turned to him with a sisterly smile.

"You did excellent Naruto. Your chakra sense is getting stronger." Naruto blushed.

"Thanks," he replied sheepishly. Sasuke chuckled then lightly noogied his brother.

"You're worrying too much. Quit before I have to strangle you," he said jokingly. Their friends laughed some as Naruto attempted to get away. Meanwhile, some of the 'fangirls' caught this and silently squealed as they watched the ultimate duo. Out of all of the students at the academy, Naruto and Sasuke were considered by all fangirls as the hottest and cutest duo ever. Sasuke; the cool, strong, and caring older brother who would defend his younger brother with everything he had and Naruto, the adorable shy little brother who always looked up to his elder brother and dreamed of becoming hokage someday despite his inability to see.

The two were just so good together and it made the girls who admired them swoon every time they were together and acting brotherly. However, their swooning usually got in the way of their studies so most of them got bad grades. Meanwhile, Sakura and Ino had become the boy's body guards. Whenever the fangirls got too giddy, they'd show them just why 'they' were the ones who were going to be strong kunoichis someday and the others were weak. No one could stand up to them no matter what. Sure other girls accused them of being the hogs of their idealistic dream boys but a punch to Sasuke's or Naruto's heads later for doing something completely stupid and they were convinced of their 'only friends' status. Suffice to say they held back sometimes when hitting Naruto since most of the ideas were Sasuke's anyways.

Eventually, Iruka called everyone for kunai practice and finally, it was time for sparring. Sasuke was paired up with Kiba…and won. Naruto was paired up with Hibachi – who was one of his bullies despite the extra protection – and won as Hibachi was too 'loud' in his movements as Naruto had put it. Once again, the fangirls squealed and giggled while watching their idols kick butt then cowered in fear as they watched Sakura's and Ino's matches before becoming quite envious of their fellow female's strength. Hinata's improved strength was something to marvel at as well as since she'd started training with the boys and girls, she'd begun crawling out of her own shell a little more just like Sakura had before though she remained as kind hearted as ever.

Eventually the day drew to a close with Iruka giving review homework to everyone much to everybody's chagrin. Naruto, however, wasn't one to complain and ended up completing his with Sasuke as they waited for Iruka to finish filing his paperwork for the day. By the time he was done, most of the other students had gone home for dinner.

Iruka stepped out of the teacher's office to see a familiar sight.

"Well guys, I'm done for the day. Let's head home okay?" he said. They nodded and silently followed him. Once out of the school grounds, Iruka became their older brother figure instead of the teacher he was to them all day. He turned to them with a smile.

"I can tell your aim's getting even better Naruto and Sasuke your speed has picked up. It's good to know you boys have been training your best out there."

"Thanks Sensei; but I'm still nervous," Naruto admitted. Sasuke tsk'd in annoyance.

"This again?" he groaned. Iruka just gave his best smile to Naruto.

"Don't worry Naruto. I've got a good feeling about this one and so should you," he said comfortingly. "Third time's the charm after all." He chuckled. Naruto smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, I guess so," he said. Iruka thought for a moment than smiled.

"You know what Naruto…there's no easy way to become Hokage," he explained getting the blonde's attention. Sasuke listened in too, now curious.

"But every hokage starts off small; an academy student just like you. But one of the admirable qualities of every hokage is that they do something spectacular to earn the people's trust and admiration; they follow the will of fire."

"Will of fire?" Naruto asked. "You mentioned that once before I think." He tried to recall which lecture it was from. It must've been from a long time ago. However, he finally remembered what he'd heard.

"Oh right; it's the will to do whatever it takes to protect the leaf village no matter what right?" he asked. Iruka nodded.

"That's right. And you know what? I believe that you have what it takes. So believe in yourself and stand strong so that one day so too will everyone else. It's a long road to become hokage and there are no shortcuts. Face this exam with your everything and you'll have moved one step closer to your goal!" Naruto was surprised but it didn't take long for his teacher's slash surrogate older brother's words to fill him with inspiration. He faced front again, determination dancing through his eyes though empty of sight they were.

"You've got it sensei!" he declared. "I'll just have to try my absolute best and then some! I've got this!" he said. Then he giggled giddily to himself feeling a whole ten times better. As they walked Sasuke leaned over to Iruka.

"How do you do that?" he wondered. Iruka just chuckled turning to Sasuke and giving the young Uchiha a wink.

"That's my little secret," he stated. Sasuke sighed but shared a smirk with his teacher. Naruto's demeanor remained upbeat for the rest of the week

Then exam day finally arrived. Everyone sat in their respectable seats awaiting the judgement that would ultimately get them the rank of genin. Naruto was still nervous but at the same time determined. He tried to focus on what he knew and went from there trying to make sure he was calm before the test.

"Pst, hey, how many times does that loser have to fail before he gets the hint?" asked a boy from down front. He was purposely loud.

"Heh, who knows Renji, maybe this time he'll get demoted to preschooler and finally go home!" Another boy said.

"We should get him a bib and diaper for the occasion," snickered another one.

"And a soother to make him shut up when he starts bawling like a baby!" Hibachi added. He and the boys snickered. However a few things were thrown at them and they had to dance around them all.

"Hey what gives?!" demanded Hibachi. He and the boys looked up then shrank down a bit when they realized they'd been just a little too loud. Naruto's fangirls were seething.

"You jerks!" yelled one.

"Pick on someone your own size!"

"Naruto would make a better shinobi than all of you combined!"

"Take it back!" The girls continued going through their school supplies and books trying to make Hibachi and his gang relent. Meanwhile Shikamaru just sighed.

"There they go again," he groaned. "What a drag!"

"You'd think they'd learn by now," glowered Sakura.

"If ya ask me they're all just plain dense!" Ino stated.

"Well I don't care what they are as long as they aren't hungry!" Choji said defending his precious snack stash as if they might try chucking those around next. Naruto wasn't the only one who'd been bullied by Hibachi before. Kiba glanced up with annoyance.

"Tch! If anybody's gonna fail today then it's those guys," he grumbled. Shino adjusted his shades from where he sat.

"I agree; they've been mostly slacking off on their studies and their homework. However, the same can be said for those girls throwing their things! Why you ask; because they've been too busy fawning over Naruto and Sasuke to get any actual work done."

"C-come on guys," Hinata tried to reason. "They at least deserve a chance to better themselves by becoming genin…right? After all…when we've all become genin, we'll all have to start growing up because of all of the missions we'll start to receive and the training we'll pursue." Sasuke just sighed with his head on his desk.

"If you ask me, out of everyone here, I think the majority of us who'll make it are those of us from the great clans. We've had more chances to train than those bozos. Even so, if Hibachi does make it through then I'll still be able to kick his ass easy so I'm not worried." Kiba snorted.

"Yeah same here. I might not be able to beat you all the time…"

"Try never," Sasuke interjected getting a growl from Kiba.

"…but," Kiba continued annoyed. "I'd never be lame enough to lose to trash like him!"

"Just lame enough to lose to me," Sasuke said. He smirked.

"Eh, is that a challenge pretty boy?" Kiba growled.

"I dunno; do you want it to be," Sasuke asked an almost evil glint in his eye which was mirrored by a bestial glint from Kiba.

"Oh it is so…"

"If you two even 'think' about starting something," they heard Sakura growl. Turning in her direction they noticed a menacing aura radiating from the rosette and gulped.

"To be continued?" Kiba asked.

"Agreed," Sasuke nodded. The two then settled down and shrunk away from Sakura's and Ino's withering glares. Suddenly Akamaru jumped off of Kiba's head and over the desks.

"Hey, Akamaru!?" cried a surprised Kiba. "Oh come on, I wasn't being that bad," he tried to reason. However, he stopped when he noticed Akamaru landed on Naruto's desk and promptly started to nuzzle the blonde's cheek. Said blonde had been lost in thought but was awakened by Akamaru's compassion. He smiled.

"Oh, hey Akamaru," he said before letting his hand take up the mechanical task of petting the dog to assure him he was alright.

"See," Ino started. "You two are fighting and meanwhile, Naruto's still worrying over this exam." The two kept their eyes from falling on either Ino or Naruto in shame. Hinata meanwhile got up from her current seat and sat down beside him.

"It's okay Naruto," she said. "You don't have listen to those others; you can do this; I know you can!" she exclaimed.

"That's right; we're with you one hundred percent of the way!" Sakura said. The others surrounding him all nodded with agreement. Sasuke finally sat up and pulled him into a one armed brother hug.

"Remember what Iruka told you and you'll be fine," he said. Naruto thought back onto the conversation they'd had days ago about the will of fire then let a smile grace his lips. However a scoff and a sneer caught their attention.

"As if!" sneered Hibachi having recovered from the earlier assault. "Who ever heard of a blind ninja let alone a blind hokage? You're just a waste of space!" He laughed with a sneer while his friends remained quaking in fear behind him. Meanwhile Sasuke and the others were unamused. However, when Sakura and Ino attempted to jump him along with Kiba, Sasuke put out a hand to stop them.

"You know what; you're right Hibachi," he said surprising everyone. "I've never heard of a blind ninja or hokage. That's why you're probably going to wind up failing this test!" After what Sasuke said sunk in, Shikamaru smirked and the girls sniggered. Hibachi's eyes became furious.

"Why you…you think I'll let you get away with that!?" he demanded in outrage. "C'mon guys; let's teach Uchiha over here a lesson!" His friends meanwhile looked at him as though he was out of his mind. Sasuke just sighed.

"I didn't want to have to do this but…" he turned towards the fangirls. "Are you ladies going to just let him disrespect us like that? They hurt Naruto's feelings!" The fangirl's fires had been lit and soon Hibachi found himself having his ass kicked by the girls. Kiba howled with laughter. Shikamaru smirked.

"Ya know…that was pretty dark of you pitting them against him," he stated. Sasuke just smirked with satisfaction. "But I can't argue that I like your style!" Kiba tried rein himself in.

"Whoo, it's about time some justice was served to that snot nosed punk. At least his buddies are being smart and keeping their mouths shut!" Akamaru barked as he leapt back onto his master's head.

Iruka sensei walked into the room on the scene of girls beating up one boy while his pals cowered in fear. He sighed feeling he was getting too old for this despite his current youth.

"Alright that's enough!" he snapped, his authoritative voice reaching out throughout the room to the combatants. The girls ceased their pummeling of Hibachi who was curled up in the fetal position. Iruka looked disapprovingly at each and every one of them.

"Now that's enough of that whatever that was! I must say I'm appalled by such reckless behavior in the classroom. Now would you girls please return to your seats or so help me I'll fail you before you even get a chance to participate in these finals. You're trying to become ninjas not preschoolers and that goes for you too Hibachi!" Ino snickered in her seat next to Sakura.

"Talk about irony eh?" she whispered causing Sakura to snicker too. Meanwhile Shikamaru turned back to face Sasuke again.

"That was pretty dark too! You knew he'd be coming!" he accused though not containing the smirk on his face. Sasuke smirked back and replied quietly.

"What can I say; it's just too easy really!"

"Alright, now that that's settled…" Iruka called everyone's attention back again. "The final exam will now commence. When your name is called please proceed to the testing room. You will go through an assortment of tests to test your skills but the final test will be on the clone jutsu. I wish you all the best of luck." With that announcement out of the way, Iruka began calling names. The time began to tick by slowly and everyone was either tense or too complacent to care. Naruto flinched every time Iruka would reenter the room to call a name and would sigh in relief when it wasn't him. But then he'd be back to wondering why this was taking too long.

Soon it was Sasuke's turn and everyone wished him luck. Sakura had already gone and passed but had returned to the classroom with her new headband folded neatly. She claimed she didn't want to start wearing it until everyone else had passed too. Naruto was happy for her and for all of his other friends who came back to sit with him too. Every one so far from the clans -minus Sakura - like Sasuke had predicted had passed and even a few others had pulled it off too. Finally, Sasuke walked back in with a brand new headband too and was congratulated by their group of friends and the fangirls who cheered for him. A few more names were called until finally…

"Naruto Uzumaki Uchiha," Iruka called. Naruto took one gulp and rose to his feet, making his way out from his seat

"You've got this Naruto!" Ino cheered.

"Yeah; go get em!" shouted Sakura.

"You show them what a future hokage looks like as a winner!" Kiba added. Shikamaru nodded in his direction while Shino sent support silently through chakra spikes he knew Naruto would pick up on. Meanwhile the fangirls were going crazy, cheering him on and trying to pick up his spirits with pep talk. He smiled and glanced back at everyone.

"Thanks guys," he said. Then he turned around and fist pumped the air with determination.

"I'm gonna do it this time ya know!" he cheered. The fan girls cheered with him and his friends gave him smiles. Then he turned around again and followed Iruka out to the testing room down the hall.

Inside, the room was set up for the various tests. There were tests to test his agility; his aim and his basic jutsus. He dreaded the last one but he wasn't about to back down. Everybody including the hokages of the past had to start somewhere and he was planning to do the same thing here. A table sat at the head of the room with Iruka and one of their other senseis, Mizuki as the test proctors.

"Alright Naruto," Iruka started. "First off, let's test your agility. Kirimi Sensei will throw some blunt shuriken at you but even so you can't get hit." Naruto nodded understanding this and allowing his chakra sense to flare to life. The assistant threw the shuriken. They were all too easy for Naruto to dodge. He moved like a river over stones or rather like a leaf on a breeze out of the way of each. Iruka nodded off to the side and wrote what he'd seen down.

"Now Kirimi will do that again but this time I want you to block with a kunai knife," he said. Naruto nodded and once more executed the practice with ease and focus. Iruka nodded once more. He had baited breath of his own as he watched his younger surrogate brother perform flawlessly.

'Good so far,' he thought. 'Keep up the good work Naruto; you've got this!' The testing continued. Next they had him use the replacement jutsu on a chair which he did flawlessly yet again.

"Great, now we'll add in the shuriken and see how fast you can react with the jutsu," Iruka stated. Naruto nodded. He was doing great so far so now he knew he couldn't let up. He braced himself, sensed the shuriken thrower getting ready then…

His chakra sense bottomed out and he was truly blind. He felt a flinch of fear in the pit of his stomach. However, it came back on just in time to sense the shuriken had been thrown. He quickly weaved the signs and replaced himself with the chair as fast as he could…but not fast enough. When he was done he had two shuriken sticking out of his arm and one in his leg. They weren't deep because of the bluntness but the sting was still present.

"Naruto, are you okay?" Iruka asked with concern. "What happened?" Naruto gulped and took the blunt shuriken out of his skin. He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Heh, sorry sensei; I think my nerves just gave out that's all," he said. Iruka nodded.

"Alright, we'll continue now but remember, you have to stay vigilant."

"I know," Naruto replied. Mizuki then cleared his voice.

"Let's move on to the transformation technique then," he said. Iruka nodded in agreement. Naruto nodded too and prepared himself. 'What was that earlier?' he wondered, thoughts somewhat distracted. He shook his head. 'No! I need to stay focused. No more goof ups!' He took up his practiced stance then made the hand seals.

"Transforma…" he was cut off again as his chakra sense flat-lined. He shook his head and soon it came back on. When he sensed that his chakra had finished the jutsu without him, he could tell it wasn't as good as it was supposed to be. He gulped. Meanwhile Iruka who was supposed to be the model to copy from, had to shake his head clear to gather his thoughts and push forward. He cleared his throat and wrote down on his clipboard.

"Okay, next," he called. They had him go through a few more basic jutsus which ended in the same way. Naruto's chakra sense would collapse completely because of his nerves and the jutsu wouldn't be as great. Finally it got to the last jutsu. Naruto gulped. The clone jutsu had never been his strongest technique and with how bad he'd started doing on his previous jutsus wasn't making him anymore confident. But still he held out some hope and proceeded to make the hand signs.

This time his chakra sense didn't bottom out but with the way his nerves were, he had difficulty trying to picture the right ratio. When the technique was done, he heard Iruka sigh after a prolonged silence. He gulped.

"S-so…how'd I do?" he asked nervously. Once again Iruka sighed. He shuffled some papers before straightening them with a few bounces on his side of the desk.

"I'm sorry Naruto," he said. "But you fail!" Naruto's heart plummeted. How could this have happened? Sasuke had promised this time would be different; they all had. So much for their good feelings and enthusiasm. And what was he going to tell everyone when he got back to the classroom? The thought of facing his friends who'd all graduated without him made him want to cry. Why was he so different!?

"Now hang on Iruka," Mizuki spoke up. "His performance was strong at the beginning and he did manage to hang in till the end and complete the required jutsu. Perhaps we could pass him this time. It is his third try. You can tell he really wants to become a ninja." Naruto lifted his head at his words, some hope finding its way back to him. However, Iruka sighed.

"Mizuki, I want Naruto to succeed as much as you do but…a ninja can't just bottom out like that. It's a dangerous world we live in and he'd never make it. I want him to try and train harder for a fourth time. He needs to learn not to let his fear control him! I'm sorry but I cannot pass him." Naruto's heart went back down to where it'd fallen. He gave a wavering smile to his sensei.

"I-it's okay," he stammered. "I-I understand. M-maybe n-next time," he said. He turned to walk out the door.

"Naruto," Iruka called. Naruto paused to glance back with saddened eyes. "I'm…I'm really sorry," he told him. Naruto just nodded.

"It's okay. Y-you're just doin' your job. I'll…I'll be fine," he said. Then he left. Naruto trudged down the hall, hands in his pockets and head hanging low in shame. He didn't even register when he was passing by his own classroom again. The door was opened and Hinata poked her head out. She smiled at him.

"Oh Naruto!" she exclaimed. The chatter in the classroom died down so the others could listen. Hinata was about to continue until she noticed his posture. Her eyes filled with concern. "Naruto…what's wrong?" she wondered. Naruto meanwhile just couldn't bring himself to face her. He'd made that declaration earlier and now look at him, a complete failure. Hibachi then made his way out into the hall behind him with a sneer on his face.

"Hey loser, where's your headband huh?" he asked. Naruto gritted his teeth.

"Aw look, he's trembling," Renji jibed. "What's the matter are you gonna cry ya big baby?"

"You can tell he just screwed up the easiest exam in the academy. He's got nothing to show for it and he's too blind to even know which door is to his own classroom!" laughed Hibachi. Hinata turned to them angry.

"Just stop it right now Hibachi!" she demanded in a trembling voice before turning back to Naruto. "Don't listen to them, they don't know what they're talking about!" she said. Naruto let his hands slip out of his pockets.

"Naruto…what's the matter?" asked the voice of the one person he just couldn't face the most. He gulped trying to hold back tears and his despair from Hibachi and the rest of his tormentors. He swallowed once.

"Naruto?" Hinata asked. He balled his hands into fists.

"I'm…" he choked out cursing himself while he failed at hiding his emotions. "I'm sorry!" he said louder before breaking out into a full on run and racing down the halls.

"Naruto!" Sasuke shouted after his brother. Hibachi and his friends just kept laughing. However, it didn't last long as the fangirls were once again nearby and turned on them immediately not even caring if they got caught again. Hinata meanwhile watched after her friend and secret crush sadly.

"Oh Naruto," she sighed.

"Tch, damn it!" Sasuke cursed before looking back to their friends to give them an apologetic glance before running off after his brother. Sakura joined Hinata at the door and watched after the two.

"I hope he's going to be okay," she said.

Once home, Naruto slammed his bedroom door with frustration before jumping onto his bed and burrowing his head into his pillow. It was here that he let out his tears in gasps, sobs and hiccups.

'Why?!' he screamed internally. 'Why am I the only one who's such a screw up? Why is it always me? What did I ever do to deserve this!?' These similar questions had plagued his mind for quite some time now and they only got worse over the years. However, he tried his best to press them to the back of his mind and forget them but it did little to no good as moments like these always drew them back to the forefront of his thinking. He continued to cry into his pillow even as his door opened again and closed.

There was silence in the room as Naruto noticed the presence and staggered his crying. Despite what he truly wanted at the moment, he denied it for himself and remained facing away.

"What do you want?" he asked with a pout. Sasuke sighed.

"Well for starters why did you run away from school before it ended?" he asked. Naruto hiccupped but did his best to keep his crying under control.

"I thought that was pretty obvious!" he spat back however unable to put any malice or venom behind it. It sounded more pitiful than he'd intended and despite that comfort was only a hug away, he continued to deny himself because he didn't want to be pitied. Sasuke sighed once more and sat on the bed.

"Iruka's probably going to talk to you too ya know," he stated.

"So?" he challenged. "It's not like he's going to change his mind! I wouldn't want him too either! I just…I messed up so bad today!" he whimpered. Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Fried nerves again?" he asked knowing full well that Naruto's chakra sense bottomed out when he was too nervous. He'd had a feeling it might happen so he'd tried to prove just as optimistic all week for his sake. His efforts were all for not it would seem.

"Mmhm," Naruto groaned into the pillow. Sasuke sighed once more.

"Welp…nothing we can do about it now I suppose." He paused before trying to reach out towards his brother. He however flinched away and Sasuke knew he wanted to be left alone. Once again he sighed. "Fine well…I'll go make you some instant ramen or something to calm you down okay?" Naruto nodded slowly and felt the weight on his bed decrease as Sasuke got up to leave. He turned back at the doorway.

"You know…it doesn't matter if you failed or not. I'll always be here for you. You know that right?" he asked. Once again Naruto nodded slowly. Sasuke nodded to himself before leaving the room and closing the door quietly behind him. Naruto stayed lying face down for quite some time. However, after a while, a small tap, tap, tapping sound from his window called his attention. He turned his head and let his chakra sense flare to see who it was. To say he was surprised would be an understatement.

Iruka walked in later with a tired resigned look on his face to the smell of dinner being made by Sasuke. He trudged over to the kitchen table after having taken off his sandals by the front door and sank into one of the chairs with a groan whilst covering his eyes with his forearm. Sasuke smirked.

"Lots of paperwork this time?" he wondered.

"You have no idea," Iruka replied as he then slumped forward placing his forehead in his hands on the table. He let out a long sigh. Then silence ensued for a bit. Finally Sasuke found fit to break it.

"I've talked to him but I think you should too," he stated. Iruka sighed again glancing up at the closed door from the small dining room.

"I know," he admitted. "But I'm probably not his most favourite person at the moment. I know he really wanted it too!" Sasuke nodded.

"And I know you wouldn't have failed him unless you really cared," he returned. "How bad was it?" Iruka sighed rubbing his temples.

"I dunno how to put it really," he stated. "But he started out strong like always but every time he gets to the jutsus he only ends up doing one right and then goofs up the others. It's like he's always hit by panic attacks or just completely loses confidence in himself." Sasuke nodded.

"He's still sensitive," he pointed out. Iruka nodded with agreement.

"Ever since the day after that night even though he didn't succeed in jumping from the hokage faces, I can't help but worry for him. He's been through so much already and at such a young age…sometimes I'm afraid we might lose him." Iruka admitted. Sasuke clutched his hand on the wooden spoon he was mixing with.

"We won't lose him!" He said with conviction. "He's stronger than he looks." Iruka nodded, knowing that Sasuke would probably rather die than live without Naruto. The two were just so close; it put blood brothers to shame. There was some more silence before it was broken again.

"At any rate, I went to check on him earlier and it seems he fell asleep. You'll have to wait till tomorrow." Iruka looked up.

"Oh, did he eat anything?" he asked. Sasuke nodded. "I made him some instant ramen to calm him down. He fell asleep shortly after that."

"I see," Iruka stated. "Then I suppose I'll turn in early tonight too. After dinner that is. I have lots to think about." Sasuke nodded with understanding as he turned off the stove. He then got out two bowls for himself and Iruka and served up what he'd made which was his mother's old stew recipe he'd found lying around when they'd gone back for their stuff.

The two ate in silence. When finished, Iruka took the liberty of doing the dishes since Sasuke had made dinner. Then the two went to their separate rooms. Sasuke was about to enter Naruto's to see if he wanted his sleeping buddy to make him feel better but decided he'd just go in if he started crying later and absolutely needed it. He could tell that Naruto was trying to deny himself the comfort he needed but also knew it could only last so long until Naruto absolutely couldn't push away anymore. He'd wait until then.

A loud banging woke them both from their slumber. Sasuke opened his door and watched as Iruka made his way towards the front door. When he opened it, he saw an out of breath Mizuki standing in the doorway. Iruka was surprised.

"Mizuki, what is it?" he asked. Mizuki caught his breath and looked at him with the utmost serious of expressions.

"You need to come to lord hokage's right away," he exclaimed. Iruka blinked.

"What; why?" he asked.

"It's about Naruto," Mizuki said. "He's stolen the sacred scroll!" Shock and disbelief attached itself onto Iruka's face. Meanwhile Sasuke was rushing into Naruto's room. He pulled back the blankets of his brother's bed only to find some extra pillows from his closet lined up with straw from their old broom mimicking his hair. How had he fallen for something like this? He rushed out to see Iruka getting ready in a daze.

"He's not in his room," he confirmed. Iruka nodded still trying to muddle through his thoughts.

"But what would have Naruto think about trying to steal the sacred scroll of Sealing?" he wondered. "It's not like Naruto to take vengeance of any kind even if he didn't do as well as he did on his test. What's the reason?" Iruka stood up as soon as he saw Sasuke pulling on his sandals. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked. Sasuke just scoffed with annoyance.

"This isn't like Naruto whatsoever. I'm gonna find him and make him talk to me. Hopefully we can figure something out that doesn't end in him getting expelled or worse." Iruka nodded.

"Let me know if you find him alright?" Sasuke simply nodded before taking off into the streets. He had no idea where Naruto would take the scroll but he did have an idea on how to find him. He ran through the streets towards the Inuzuka district while Chunin and Jonin from around the village began to gather at the hokage's tower. Once there, he easily bypassed the guard hounds and made it to Kiba's window. He started throwing rocks at it until the dog boy opened up.

"Oi, who's the wise guy?" grumbled the sleepy Inuzuka.

"Down here dog breath!" Sasuke hissed. Kiba looked down then glared.

"Oh, it's you," he said. "What do you want Chicken Butt?" Sasuke ignored the nickname.

"It's Naruto; he's in trouble and if we don't hurry he could get in even bigger trouble!" Kiba blinked.

"Hold on, ya serious?" he asked. "What happened?"

"Apparently he's stolen some important scroll. Whatever it is, it's not good. The hokage's calling all the Jonin and Chunin to the tower to hunt him down and I don't want to know what they'll do to him if they get there first! I need your nose!" Kiba smirked.

"Putting the gloating over the fact you've come to me for help on hold; I'll be right down!" he called. Then before he knew it, Kiba was on the ground with Sasuke, Akamaru on his head and ready to go! The two then dashed back out of the Inuzuka compound and began to track Naruto down. Along the way they unknowingly caught the attention of a curious onlooker. Eventually, they were running up beside the two.

"So, any particular reason you two are running through the village in your pajamas?" Ino asked catching up.

"Ugh, what're you doing here?" Kiba groaned. Ino gave him a withering glare.

"Why do you think mush for brains? I saw you two running down the street wearing sleepwear. What's up with that?"

"Go home Ino," Sasuke grumbled.

"Excuse me?" she retorted with some attitude. "The fact that you two of all people are together like this at night is enough to raise some concern from me. If you two are trying to finish what you tried to start earlier…" she warned.

"Tch, if you must know, Naruto's stolen something important and Chicken Butt here wants me to help track him down before he gets pummeled by some snot nosed Jonin or Chunin okay?" Kiba growled. Akamaru then barked calling his attention. "This way!" He called to Sasuke as he turned down another street with the other two on his tail. Ino was trying to get over her initial shock.

"Naruto…stealing? Since when?" she demanded.

"I dunno, maybe failing for the third time in a row really got to him and he decided to become a rebel or something?" he suggested.

"Are you stupid Kiba?" asked another familiar voice. "Naruto would never stoop so low even if he was having a bad day. Why you ask; because that's not the Naruto we all know," Shino stated plainly once he caught up, keeping pace with the others running.

"Heh, nice PJ's bug boy!" Kiba snorted referring to Shino's high collared pajama top that covered part of his face much like his regular clothes did and the bottoms which matched. They had a symmetrical circular pattern and were a dark camo green with traces of black.

"The same could be said of yours, dog boy," Shino returned. Ino smirked.

"Burn," she teased. Sasuke glanced up at the new comer.

"What're you doing here?" he asked. Shino glanced at them with his shades, wearing them even though it was night.

"The same as you; looking for Naruto," he stated. He then faced front again. "We'd better hurry too. I overheard what was going on when the messenger came to summon some of the Chunin from my district. So I sent some of my beetles out to find him and set out myself. I expected to run into you Sasuke but I didn't expect you two!"

"Hey for your information…" Kiba started before being elbowed by Ino.

"Shut-up! You want the whole neighborhood awake to stop us or what? If so then please holler a little louder!" Ino hissed with sarcasm. Kiba deadpanned with annoyance.

"Fine," he gritted out. "I'm here to help track down Naruto too and find out what's going on! Happy?" he then asked Ino. She sent him a withering glare that made him back down with huff. They finally made it to the edge of the forest and entered.

"I'm here because I want to know what Naruto was thinking too," Ino stated. "The fact that Sasuke and Kiba were running in their pajamas past my house got me suspicious so I followed them." she replied to Shino's question.

"Understandable," he replied simply. Sasuke ignored them and continued following Kiba who was up front with his nose. Shino also joined the front part, tracking with his insects. Finally, they caught onto a strong trace of chakra and started following it. Sasuke able to sense his brother's presence up ahead rushed ahead of the group, heart pounding and adrenaline rushing through his body.

"Agh!" a scream came from the direction they were headed. Picking up the speed, Sasuke sped up and leapt into the clearing with the little rundown shack.

"Naruto!" he called out with worry, the others crashing through the foliage close behind. He found Naruto flat on his back and panting heavily, the supposed scroll he'd stolen sitting nearby. Naruto turned his head in his brother's direction.

"S-Sasuke…and…guys?" he asked. He continued panting and Sasuke rushed to his side.

"What happened?" he demanded immediately.

"What…the scream?" Naruto asked. Then he chuckled some sheepishly. "Sorry about that…I just wasn't expecting…that outcome…" he said through pants.

"What outcome?" questioned Kiba. Akamaru barked implying the same question. Naruto panted then tried sitting up. Now that they looked at him better, he was covered in dirt and grime from head to toe.

"Well…I found this neat jutsu…in the scroll…and when I sense read it, I decided to try it. It's called the multi-shadow clone jutsu and I guess you could say… it kind of expanded my sense tenfold." The others blinked with confusion.

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" Ino demanded stomping up to him. "And just why the hell did you steal that thing? What's going on Naruto!" Naruto then looked down.

"I'm not supposed to tell anyone," he said.

"Why?" Sasuke demanded. Naruto kept his mouth shut but Sasuke got angrier. He shook his brother harshly. "Why can't you tell anyone; who told you that?" he demanded it again. "Was it Hibachi and his gang?"

"What no I…" Naruto tried to protest.

"Then what is it; why can't you say anything?" Naruto looked to the left, avoiding his brother's hard gaze. He knew they were worried but…if he spoke then he'd end up failing…again. Sasuke stopped shaking him wondering just what he could do to get him to talk.

"There you are!" exclaimed Iruka coming in on the scene. He looked around perplexed. "Huh, what're the rest of you doing here? You know what; never mind that can come later." He turned to Naruto whose features shifted to ones of excitement.

"Sensei, you made it!" he exclaimed. "Okay, I'm ready for the evaluation. All you have to do is tell me how I did. I passed didn't I?" he asked hopeful and excited. Iruka was confused.

"Passed…what are you…?" he tried to say.

"Oh dear; now this was quite unexpected," spoke another voice from behind. They all turned to see Mizuki standing on a thick tree branch above the clearing. Naruto's features brightened even more as he trained his chakra sense on the newcomer.

"Great, you're here too!" he exclaimed. "Now you and Iruka sensei can evaluate me on how I did!" Sasuke was in a state of disbelief as he watched the scene unfurl. Shino stepped in.

"You know, I think I know what's going on here," he stated silently.

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" Kiba asked.

"Judging by those giant windmill shuriken on his back; I think that Mizuki Sensei is a traitor!" he said. Kiba gritted his teeth as did Sasuke and Ino curled her hands into fists, shaking.

"What're you talking about Naruto?" Iruka asked.

"Huh?" Naruto wondered. "You mean you don't know?" Mizuki meanwhile let out a mocking laugh.

"Yes, whatever are you talking about…Naruto?" he asked, saying Naruto's name with implied malice. Naruto blinked his dead eyes in confusion.

"B-but you said…this is the make-up test! The one given to only the most promising students and you said my grades were good enough for me to take it. If I ran the simulation of gathering information from a foreign village then I'd be able to pass and become a genin!" he declared. Ino's hands flew to her mouth in shock, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks. Kiba was becoming more bestial while Sasuke looked ready to blow a gasket. Shino meanwhile quietly simmered inside, not allowing for his outer cool to be disrupted. Iruka meanwhile was looking at Naruto in absolute and utter shock. Now he understood. Meanwhile Mizuki remained rather emotionless as he looked down at Naruto with disappointment.

"I'm sorry Naruto…but the deal was that you had to get the scroll without being followed by anybody. Does this look like not being followed?" he asked. Naruto froze.

"But I…you didn't say anything about my friends. You said I couldn't be caught by the enemy ninja in the simulation; the Chunin or the Jonin…a-and that I had to learn a technique from the scroll. I learned the first one!" he claimed. Mizuki meanwhile just shook his head.

"And what exactly is Iruka Sensei? He's definitely not an academy student. He's one of the Jonin who was looking for you. I'm sorry Naruto…but you've failed…"

"No wait…I…I can go again! Please!" he begged. Mizuki sighed.

"Naruto don't listen to this creep, he's no teacher!" Kiba roared with Akamaru barking at him.

"How could you be so cruel you heartless bastard!" Ino accused. Shino remained silent.

"I'll make you pay!" Growled Sasuke. Naruto glanced around confused by the rising hostility.

"Wait guys; I know I can do it this time I…"

"Oh Naruto," Mizuki interrupted with a sneer developing on his face. "I believe you misunderstand…" Naruto glanced up, eyes widening as he sensed the spinning of the giant shuriken. "…you've failed for the last time!" Mizuki roared as he sent the shuriken flying. It went faster than anybody could react, save for one person.

"Naruto get down!" shouted one of the familiar voices. Naruto couldn't tell who; he was too confused. However, he felt somebody knocking him down and heard a sickening squelch as shuriken met flesh. Gaining control over his senses again, Naruto glanced up and his chakra sense brought to life a horrifying scene. Iruka Sensei was positioned protectively over top of him and had taken the hit meant for him.

"Iruka…Sen…sei!" he said shakily. Iruka tried to answer but ended up coughing up some blood instead.

"Sensei!" Kiba called.

"Oh no!" Ino cried. The students remained in shock. They hadn't seen anybody get hurt like that; they'd only just been made genin after all. They weren't familiar with death on a large scale – except for the lone Uchiha survivor and his adopted brother themselves. Eventually Iruka pulled himself together to look at Naruto Meaningfully.

"Naruto," he rasped out against the pain. "Are you alright?" he asked. Naruto took a moment to comprehend what was being asked but ended up nodding slowly. Iruka smiled.

"Good," he said.

"Iruka Sensei…I don't…understand…" he tried to say.

"He lied to you Naruto," he said. "Mizuki tricked you into taking that scroll; there's no such thing as such a simulation for a makeup test. Those tests are only given to students whose parents or guardians have sent in request forms but they're pretty much the same as the first tests." Naruto shook his head, tears coming to his eyes.

"But…why would he…" he tried to comprehend it all but nothing seemed to click.

"Isn't it obvious," Kiba interjected coming up to them. "That bastard wants whatever secrets that scroll has all for himself. He's a traitor just like Shino said!"

"Not to mention a big fat faker; a liar!" Ino accused the man. Suddenly Mizuki threw his head back and began laughing like a madman unnerving everyone but putting Sasuke, Iruka and Shino on higher alert.

"Oh a liar am I?" taunted the crazed man. "That's rich coming from you isn't it Iruka? Okay, I'll admit it. Yes I did trick this little pest into swiping the scroll for me. I lied in telling him it was so he could finally become a genin since he just keeps failing. But you know what; I'm not even the worst liar here. They've all been lying to you Naruto; your whole life. They've even lied to their own kids it seems," he sneered down at the unwanted extras he didn't care for. Meanwhile Iruka's eyes widened as he realized what Mizuki was about to do. He found the energy to stand, taking the giant shuriken out of his back and keeping it on hand.

"Don't you dare Mizuki," Iruka panted, breathing out ragged breaths. Mizuki just sneered at his ex-comrade with disdain.

"Oh don't try to hide it Iruka," he jibed. "Even you detest his guts; just like everyone else in this village does. The only ones who don't know about it are the ones who were born with his generation." Sasuke began to grow suspicious of what was happening and he didn't like the direction that this conversation was heading.

"What are you talking about?" he demanded. Mizuki took delight in this.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know Uchiha!" he said this name with as much distaste as he had with Naruto's. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised since treachery probably runs through your blood!"

"What'd you say!?" Sasuke demanded again, starting to get angry. Mizuki threw his head back.

"Oh I'm sure you knew; why else would the Uchiha clan be slaughtered in one night hm? Your so called older brother probably wanted to get to Naruto first! That's what happens when you put him and the Uchiha clan together with their infamous sharingan!"

"Why you…"

"Shut it Mizuki!" Iruka barked. "That's enough out of you!"

"On the contrary Iruka; I haven't said quite enough at all. You see kiddies; there's a reason nobody likes your friend here and if you were wise you'd stay away from him in the near future. It might be bright to separate him from the Uchiha too while you're at it."

"No Mizuki! It's forbidden!" Mizuki just scoffed.

"As if I care; it's not like I'd be forgiven if anybody found about the whole scroll deal anyways! Now where was I; oh yes…" he suddenly threw some fast Shuriken towards Naruto but Iruka once again blocked the hits with his own body.

"Thanks for taking the bait Iruka," Mizuki stated. "Now that you're incapacitated…I'll tell you all what this village has been hiding from you."

"No!" Iruka continued to protest. Meanwhile the new genin didn't know what to do. They wanted to beat up Mizuki badly but at the same time were curious as to what secret he was about to spew. Sasuke was probably more curious than the rest.

"Let's see…ah yes…twelve years ago, a decree was made to keep a secret from you all. That means nobody, not even your parents were allowed to tell you about anything. But I suppose I can spare you the gruesome details. Basically, what that decree entails…is that nobody can tell you that the nine tailed demon fox spirit was sealed inside of you Naruto!" The clearing descended into quiet. Shock was written on everybody's faces. But none were more shocked and ultimately terrified than Naruto himself.

"Wha…what?" he asked with a quiet broken voice. He couldn't help his body from trembling. Mizuki then broke out into maniacal laughter.

"Yes; that's the face I expected," he cackled. "But let's not forget Mr. Uchiha over here. I bet he didn't know that his family's power of the Mangekyo sharingan could overpower and control the beast. But anybody would want that power so of course your brother had to get to it first. The only downfall is that he ran out of time to do anything so he left the village before he could fulfil his heinous plan. That's the only reason the clan existed in the first place was to control the beast in case it got out of hand. Being the cursed clan they are and being used like that must've really pissed them off. I wouldn't have been surprised if you father wanted to use the nine tails for revenge. No wonder Itachi killed them all; he probably couldn't handle living in his father's shadow!"

"SHUT UP!" screamed Sasuke. "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE UCHIHA OR MY BROTHER SO JUST SHUT YOUR GOD DAMNED MOUTH!" Sasuke was trembling, trying to breathe. It couldn't be true. His brother couldn't have…because of Naruto…and most importantly…his father would never have…no he'd loved Naruto too much. Sasuke knew that every smile he'd shared with Naruto had been genuine because his father rarely had ever smiled and he wouldn't have started pretending because it wouldn't have worked. It was all a lie.

"Oh dear; I seem to have struck a nerve. Oh well; it's not like you're leaving here alive anyways. I've got places to be and plans that don't involve you but I do suppose I could do my old village a last favor. I can get rid of the nine tails and the last demon spawn of the Uchiha clan!" He got his other giant shuriken ready and was about throw when…

"Just shut your mouth," roared Iruka. He threw the giant shuriken he'd been holding and miraculously it was right on target. However, Mizuki dodged it and it got lodged into another tree. Mizuki looked down upon his pitiful old friend.

"You're just pathetic Iruka," he chastised. "Always so foolish! Just to think; if I hadn't been doing my job during the exam today then you could've passed a dangerous threat off as a ninja!" Sasuke froze as did Iruka.

"What did you say?" Iruka demanded.

"Whoops, did I say that out loud; silly me," Mizuki sneered.

"Your job huh? And what exactly would that job be…Mizuki" Iruka ground out. Mizuki just shrugged causally not caring.

"Oh just what I normally do. I proctor an exam is all; but I do find it surprising how effective a chakra attacking genjutsu can work to make sure the trash stays in the trash bin!" Sasuke balled his hands into fists.

"You bastard!" Kiba shouted in outrage. "You've been sabotaging his grades this entire time!"

"So what if I have," Mizuki sneered. "It's not like you can do anything. I'm a Jonin after all and you're fresh from the academy. What're you gonna do dog boy?"

"Why you…I'll show you what I can do!" Right away Kiba ran in to attack with Akamaru.

"Kiba no!" Iruka tried to stop him. Kiba and Akamaru jumped up and launched to attack. Mizuki just sidestepped the incoming kunai and knocked Kiba into the tree branch making him lose his air and falling back to the ground while Akamaru got kicked away. He got up gasping with Akamaru trying to see if he was alright.

"Tch, how reckless and idiotic can you get?" Mizuki jeered. Kiba gritted his teeth.

"Grr, so what if Naruto has the nine tails in him! I don't care! He's still my friend! You're just tryin' to syke us out!" he shouted. Iruka took a few deep breaths.

"That's right…just because of what he carries…that doesn't make him who he is," Iruka stated.

"So then…it is true?" Ino asked warily. Iruka nodded, not taking his eyes off of Mizuki.

"Yes…it is…but don't mistake him for the nine tails," he warned. Mizuki snorted.

"Oh please Iruka, even I know you can't stand the nine tails; it killed your parents and made you lose everything you had! I watched you suffer and get treated with sympathy and pity. I know you want him dead too!"

"You're wrong!" Iruka stated angrily. He was about to continue but was stopped when he heard ragged breathing nearby. He glanced over at Naruto who had a panicked look on his face and was unable to breathe properly. His eyes widened with realization.

"Listen up!" He yelled out. "Kiba, Ino, Shino and Sasuke! Consider what I'm about to tell you as your first mission as hidden leaf shinobi!" The four in question turned towards him. "Neither of you are allowed to panic. Naruto is starting to hyperventilate; I need you to get him out of here with the scroll and calm him down. Meanwhile; I'll hold off Mizuki for as long as I have too. Send for help as soon as you're in the clear!"

"But he…" Kiba tried to protest.

"Listen to me!" If Naruto keeps going at this rate he'll end up hurting himself. You need to take care of your friend now. I don't want anyone of you getting hurt! Now go!" Mizuki reacted.

"Tch; as if I'd let you get away!" he bellowed coming in at full force. However, before he could strike or be blocked by Iruka, he met opposition with a red eyed boy. Sasuke held his kunai against his teacher, refusing to back down.

"You heard him!" He barked back to the others. "We're shinobi of the leaf now so do your duty to your village and your friend! You three get going! I'll help Iruka Sensei hold him off!" Then he pushed his old teacher away, his sharingan ablaze now with two tomoe in each eye. He held his kunai at the ready. Naruto's breathing was becoming more erratic so really; there was no time for any hesitation. Kiba gritted his teeth.

"Damn it!" he cursed. Regardless, he did as instructed and picked up the blonde piggyback style. "You two cover me!" he said before taking off with Naruto on his back. Meanwhile, Shino had grabbed the Scroll and Ino nodded in agreement. They ran off leaving Mizuki in the clearing with Sasuke and Iruka. Iruka gasped out.

"Sasuke…I told you to…"

"Shut-up!" he told him. "You're stupid to try fighting him in your condition. At least together we stand a chance!" Iruka was about to argue but decided against it. He sighed before facing Mizuki again.

"Fine; but if it gets too serious; get outta here and look out for Naruto!"

"Whatever; just focus. I'm not losing either of you!" Sasuke stated with finality. Mizuki scowled.

"How touching; let's see if you can back that up!" he shouted coming forward again, kunai raised and ready to attack. Sasuke and Iruka braced themselves.

'Look…it's that boy,', 'Shh! Don't make eye contact!', 'Look out it's…it's him'. The voices…they won't go away…why…why are they talking like that…like I'm lower than the earth?

'Come back here you brat!', 'Let's kill him!', 'Happy birthday you demon!' Why are they chasing me? I didn't do anything wrong. They have knives and shuriken. They're gaining on me! No wait…I'm trapped…they're here. "Agh!" My eyes!

'Tiny helpless Naruto. You've certainly made an impression on this family haven't you? I could kill you just as easily as I did my Mother and Father. However, I'm not completely heartless. After all if it weren't for you…I'd have never come this far'. Why? 'I believe we both know that life isn't fair Naruto', 'it wasn't fair for my ambition to suffer because my clan was blind to see what was right in front of them, life never gives out souly good fortune'. Why me?

'We were', 'Naruto…did you honestly believe you could be an Uchiha?', 'You and I are alike…Naruto. Neither of us ever belonged with them and whether or not Sasuke ever did…well that will prove itself in time now won't it?' Was I…really…nothing to him? But his chakra…it…it couldn't be…but…but then…why?

'twelve years ago, a decree was made to keep a secret from you all. That means nobody, not even your parents were allowed to tell you about anything. But I suppose I can spare you the gruesome details. Basically, what that decree entails…is that nobody can you that the nine tailed demon fox spirit is sealed inside of you Naruto!'

'But let's not forget Mr. Uchiha over here. I bet he didn't know that his family's power of the Mangekyo sharingan could overpower and control the beast.'

'But anybody would want that power so of course your brother had to get to it first.'

'That's the only reason the clan existed in the first place; it was to control the beast in case it got out of hand. Being the cursed clan they are and being used like that must've really pissed them off. I wouldn't have been surprised if you father wanted to use the nine tails for revenge. No wonder Itachi killed them all; he probably couldn't handle living in his father's shadow!' Is that true…did Itachi…kill everyone…because they were fighting…over controlling me? But then why didn't he kill Sasuke? Is he waiting for the right moment to strike back? What's going on!?


What will everybody think of me now? are they going to start treating me like everybody else does? What will I do if I lose Sasuke?

'Naruto…you're such a loser; you should just die!' That's…Hibachi! 'Naruto stay away from me! Demons scare dogs!' Wait…Kiba I… 'Ugh! I can't believe I ever trusted you!' No…Sakura please… 'Why don't you fit in you ask? The answer should be obvious!' Shino…no… 'A demon you say…well I won't allow that kind of pest in my restaurant…get lost!' But old man… 'How can you even be allowed to live?' Ino… 'I won't share anymore snacks with you…' Choji… 'I'm sorry Naruto…but I'm scared of demons,' Hinata don't go… 'Demons are so troublesome; what a drag' Shikamaru wait! 'I'm sorry Naruto but now that your secret's out; I can't pretend to want to pass you anymore!' I-Iruka S-Sensei… 'How could I ever think you were my brother? We don't share blood and what's worse; you're a demon! But not just any demon; the one that everybody wants. So I'll control you before Itachi can…come here Naruto!' S-Sasuke! No…wait…Sasuke please…I didn't do anything wrong…I didn't want this…no…stop…leave me alone…somebody…anybody help me!

"Naruto…Naruto…Naruto…Naruto snap out of it…Naruto…Naruto!" A sudden splash of water doused him and Naruto's eyes snapped open. He was hyperventilating and his chakra vision was blurry. However, a gentle hand on his cheek brought him eye level with Hinata Hyuga's chakra signature. He shook at the feel of her…eyes blurring with tears. She remained calm and spoke.

"Naruto…you need to calm down…if you keep breathing like this you'll hurt yourself. Please calm down. Just breathe with me." Naruto could barely comprehend much around him but did as told not knowing what else to do. Hinata started panting at the pace he was going but gradually began to slow it down with him copying her. Finally, he was at a regular pace again but still shaking. Hinata smiled at him.

"Good job Naruto," she said. Then she reached out and hugged him safely to her. He continued to breathe calmer breaths in her embrace. He felt something wet run up his hand and reached his sense out to see Akamaru licking his hand with concern.

"A-Akamaru…" he asked shakily. The little puppy yipped in confirmation. Then he looked up at Hinata again. "Hinata…"

"We're here too," said a familiar voice from behind her and Naruto glanced up to sense Kiba. He then sensed that Shino and Ino were there too along with Shikamaru.

"You guys," Naruto spoke raspy. Ino stomped over to him.

"Naruto you're just horrible!" she accused. Naruto flinched at her words but was surprised when Ino sat down and hugged him tight. "Damn it, why do you always have to do things like that. You scared me half to death ya know!" He sensed that some tears were coming from her eyes.

"What'd I…do?" he asked.

"Dude, you were hyperventilating. I know the fact you have a demon in you is scary to think about but darn it we thought we were gonna lose you." Kiba spoke.

"The…demon," Naruto said starting to shake more. Ino pulled back from the hug to turn a scowl on Kiba.

"Great, you're not helping!" she accused. "What do you think he was hyperventilating about in the first place huh?" She turned back to Naruto with a smile. "Hey, why don't we change the subject? How about ramen; you like that right?" Naruto just shook his head, tears beginning to flow from his eyes.

"You have to go…I'm not safe anymore…I'm a…" he choked. "I'm a monster!"

"But Naruto…" Ino tried.

"No! You heard him! I'm nothing but a monster! I'll just end up hurting you like I d-did the v-village twelve y-years ago!" he sniffed. Kiba exchanged a glance with Shikamaru. Shikamaru just sighed.

"Damn it; this whole mess is such a drag," he groaned. "You idiot! There's no way you're a monster! If you were then we probably wouldn't have ever hung around with you to begin with. You're just the jailor. That fox is inside of you in the form of chakra and the only way it could come out is if you let it. In reality; you're probably one of the strongest people I know being able to carry such an annoying burden like that for all this time. If it weren't for you; old nine tails would be waltzing around destroying stuff right about now so you should stop spouting such crap anyway!" Naruto sniffled.

"But…the villagers…they all think I'm the demon," he whimpered.

"Tch, those crappy villagers don't know a damn thing!" Kiba retaliated. "They think they're so smart well they can just shove it and ya know what so can Mizuki! Hey did we tell you guys…" he said turning suddenly to Shikamaru and Hinata. "That jerk's been sabotaging Naruto's grades and tests so he wouldn't graduate. So as far as I'm concerned we all just graduated the academy together!" Hinata gasped.

"That's awful!" she exclaimed. Kiba just tsk'd.

"Yeah well that stupid Uchiha had better be beating his ass good right now. Otherwise I might just have to beat both their asses myself."

"As if you could beat Sasuke. The way you are now you're just a snot nosed punk who graduated the academy and has no experience. Sasuke knows how to fight. After all he's been fighting for his and Naruto's lives since they met and you know that!" Shino stated. Kiba pouted and hung his head.

"Yeah…well…I'll get stronger just wait and see. Once I'm put on a squad it'll be hard core training and ninja missions for me until I can finally beat his ass in sparring! Then he can take me out to lunch and all his fangirls can start worshipping me!"

"Oh well if popularity's your game you've already lost by a landslide," Ino deadpanned.

"What, no I haven't!" Kiba protested.

"Really?" she quipped. "After Naruto and Sasuke, next up is Akamaru followed by Shikamaru, Shino then Renji."

"What how'd I lose to bug boy!?" Kiba bellowed.

"Hey, what can I say, some of the girls like the strong silent and resigned type even if he does like insects!" Kiba remained mouth agape as Ino smirked in his direction. Naruto couldn't help himself he laughed curtly drawing everybody's attention. He brought up an arm to wipe away his tears.

"I'm sorry," he said embarrassed.

"For what?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yeah, you always laugh whenever Ino or Sakura decide to put him in his place," Shino said.

"Oh stop chirpin' bug boy!"

"Stop barking dog boy," Shino replied coolly. Kiba was about to continue but was stopped by Shikamaru.

"Would you be quiet!? I hear someone coming this way! Don't give away our position because we have to protect Naruto!" Naruto blinked then turned towards Shikamaru.

"Wait…what about the scroll?" he asked.

"When Shino sent for help he called Hinata; me and Sakura and Choji while they were fleeing with you. It wouldn't sit well with anyone if the adults came and made a mess of things while we were trying to calm you down. So when we got here, we sent the scroll back with Sakura and Choji to explain the situation. If they make it alright then we should have backup in no time." Naruto nodded. Suddenly, they heard a crashing through the trees and watched as Iruka Sensei was sent flying back. He wasn't doing too well; it looked like he could pass out at any given moment.

He was being supported by a slightly cut up Sasuke but he still looked sturdy to fight. Once the two landed, Sasuke tried to help Iruka up to his feet.

"Damn it and he said he had it handled," Kiba griped. Ino elbowed him in the gut.

"You idiot, he said he'd hold him off as long as he could while we got Naruto to safety!" she hissed back. Just then Mizuki landed on another tree branch above them, looking down. He scoffed mockingly.

"You're idiots; both of you," he spoke loudly for all to hear. "Do you really think the villagers will congratulate you as heroes for letting that thing live?! No; they'll despise you as much as they do him! And it'll only get worse for you Uchiha. Now that you know what you can do; you'll decide to use the Nine Tails to get revenge on you so called older brother! After all, all you Uchiha's care about is power!" Naruto flinched at hearing his voice but Hinata's soothing hand started rubbing the hand she was holding. He was grateful she was there and not saying the things his frayed nerves and mind had decided to make her say before.

"To hell with what the villagers think!" Sasuke bellowed. "I don't give a damn! You know nothing about me and you know nothing about Naruto!"

"Oh but can you be so sure?" Mizuki jeered. "I mean just think. He looked about ready to snap. Heh, heh, yup! Just you wait and see. He'll snap and then pour all of his hatred and rage into that scroll to seek vengeance on the entire village. That's just how beasts are so deal with it!" Sasuke gritted his teeth and moved to charge.

"Why you…" he started.

"You're right!" The voice and admission shocked everyone. All eyes were now on Iruka who sat lopsided against the tree he'd been left on. Meanwhile Naruto could feel his heart beginning to shatter into a million pieces. Mizuki looked startled but then threw his head back and laughed his head off.

"So he finally admits it!" he stated. Kiba gritted his teeth and attempted to charge.

"Why that…" Shikamaru put his hand on Kiba's shoulder to halt him.

"Hold on, I don't think he's finished yet," he told him. True to his word, Iruka did have more.

"That is how beasts are," Iruka continued. "But that's not who Naruto is. Naruto's kind, compassionate, brave and strong. If he makes a mistake he knows he can try again and fix it and he's not one to easily give up.

"He's got many friends who care for him; who wouldn't mind what he carries within because they know the boy not the monster. They're two separate beings. You can't count Naruto as the nine tails because he's simply not a beast. And I myself am one who counts myself as blessed for knowing him. You're completely wrong; he's nothing like the nine tails no matter what you think or say!"

"Oh you've got to be kidding me…" Mizuki tried to mock.

"Shut-up!" Iruka shouted. "I'm not finished yet…because Naruto's not the only one you've wronged tonight! Sasuke too has felt the sting of your hurtful words and I simply cannot let that go!" Sasuke straightened up in surprise.

"Sensei," he whispered in disbelief. Iruka's gaze was fixed souly on Mizuki.

"You're in no position to talk of the Uchiha clan. They were a great clan dedicated to the safety of this village; I myself had friends on the police force. And of all of the ones I've ever had the privilege to know, Sasuke's easily the most kind hearted and caring not only for his brother but for his friends as well. True he can get himself into mischief when protecting his loved ones and I won't deny that some may've feared the Uchiha clan because of the nine tails attack but people can think and do silly things based on fear. The nine tails attack shook us all after all.

"So not only has Naruto suffered but so has Sasuke. But it's their suffering which makes them stronger and I know they'll continue to grow stronger in the future because of it. Not only that but because of the both of them, I've come to know what it feels like to be part of a family again. Even after everything I've lost; I've come to gain something more." He paused once to gather his breath before shooting Mizuki through with his most piercing of stares. Mizuki couldn't help the shiver that ran up his spine from it.

"All in all Mizuki…you're wrong! You know nothing about Naruto or Sasuke. They're neither demons or a curse; they're Naruto Uzumaki Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha; ninjas of the hidden leaf village and also; my younger brothers and students!" Mizuki didn't know what it was but something about Iruka's defiance towards him even when weakened was enough to rile him up.

"Tch, you think I care!?" Mizuki crowed. "Well then…I'll make sure to deal with you first Iruka!" He hollered then leapt forth to attack. Sasuke stopped him, holding strong against his kunai knife only for two more Mizuki's to rush by him. Sasuke's eyes widened.

"What the…" he tried to speak but couldn't form words as his mouth ran dry. Iruka Sensei was in no position to move properly after the injury to his spinal column not to mention the way he kept fighting even after that trying to hold off Mizuki. He'd put up a good one but now he was spent.

"Iruka!" Sasuke shouted.

"Shit!" Kiba snarled as he and Shikamaru tried to stop the two clones moving in. Ino and Hinata tried their best too as another Mizuki had popped out of nowhere to come after Naruto. As all of the Mizuki's were about to strike, everyone braced themselves for the end. It never came.

"What!?" Mizuki roared in outrage as his shadow clones were kicked away with incredible speed and precision making them disappear. Kiba's eyes widened further.

"Ya mean those were solid?" he questioned incredulously. Mizuki who was still locked in a stalemate with Sasuke gritted his teeth before pushing off and jumping back glancing around.

"Which one of you brats did that?!" he demanded annoyed. Said referred to brats were also surprised as they tried to pinpoint the attacker.

"That…would be me!" spoke an all too familiar voice. Everyone turned to see Naruto standing in the clearing. His hands were held up in a seal they recognized from studying in the academy but didn't know what it was for. Naruto deepened his stance.

"I told ya didn't I? I mastered the very…first…one!" he growled. Everyone was shocked and quite worried save for Mizuki who was just plain shocked. He blinked then started laughing with a nasty smirk on his face.

"Oh bravo," he spoke mockingly. He made the same hand seal and executed the jutsu making twenty or so clones. "But unfortunately brat…I know that one too! It won't save you from me!" Naruto didn't back down.

"Naruto get outta there!" Iruka shouted out with worry.

"Let us handle this; you just get to safety!" Sasuke told him.

"Yeah, we've got this!" agreed Kiba with a yip from Akamaru.

"Back up will be here any minute now!" Ino also tried to speak. Mizuki sneered, his wicked grin deepening.

"Why don't you listen to your so called friends' nine tailed fox? You might live longer! Even a blind demon is easy to beat!"

"No!" Naruto spoke with finality and in a tone that was stronger than everybody was familiar with. "I don't need saving! I won't run away because you hurt my friends and my brothers by accusing them of hating me! You mocked our clan! I can't forgive you!" Mizuki laughed with amusement.

"Very well, let's see what you can do then nine tailed fox!" Mizuki and his clones started covering the distance between him and Naruto. His friends began to panic and so they raced forth to deal with some of the clones. Some blocked kunais and shuriken but there were just too many Mizuki's to deal with.

"Naruto run!" Kiba shouted.

"Get out of here!" Sasuke yelled.

"Naruto go!" Hinata cried.

"Naruto!" Ino.

"Naruto!" Iruka.

"Run!" Shino!

'Arf', 'Arf!'

"Nine Tails!" Naruto snapped his head up and glared his dead eyes at the oncoming Mizuki. He jumped back to avoid a strike and brought back up the hand seal from before.

"Oi bonehead!" he called out to Mizuki. "It's not nine tails, demon or brat…" Mizuki cocked an eyebrow. Then Naruto performed the jutsu. A resounding chorus of poofs of chakra smoke later and once it cleared…there were over one hundred shadow clones of Naruto strewn about the forest putting Mizuki's twenty clones to shame.

"It's Naruto Uzumaki Uchiha!" roared the clones in unison. "Remember it!" Then without warning or hesitation, the clones descended upon the battlefield protecting their friends and teacher from the traitor. Mizuki who'd been frazzled for a few moments tried to regain his composure with little effect as he fearfully dodged a few kicks and punches only to be hit by others. It wasn't long before there was only one Mizuki Left.

Thinking fast he escaped the mass of clones and landed a bit of ways away. Immediately he tried to use a fire style jutsu but before he could even form the proper seals his arms were barraged with shuriken, cutting the appropriate muscles so he was pretty much useless.

"Damn you!" Mizuki roared in frustration and pain. "I'll kill you for that!" Naruto and his clones smirked.

"How're you gonna do that?" he jibed. Suddenly the ground broke from underneath his feet and Mizuki jumped away to avoid getting his legs caught by the many Naruto's coming out of the ground.

"Tch! There's no way your chakra sense is this good!" he ground out in denial. Suddenly there were a handful of clones behind him, surprising him completely.

"Who said I was using my chakra sense?" one of the clones demanded.

"I can see you just fine!" roared another one. Mizuki's eyes widened in disbelief as he took in what was just said then noticed the clone's eyes. They were all clear blue like the sky; they weren't clouded over with blindness like the original.

"What; no you're supposed to be blind!" Mizuki growled. He immediately kicked off from Naruto's clones making some dissipate with the force as he switched positions in midair starting to avoid his attacker at all costs. The cockiness he'd displayed previously was replaced with a newfound fear and agitation. What was going on? Naruto was supposed to be blind but his clones could 'see' him with their eyes and were quicker than the little runt. How was that?

Meanwhile, Naruto's classmates and teacher were wondering the same thing on the ground as they watched.

"He's right," Ino pointed out. "The clones have clearer eyes. Did Naruto somehow gain his sight back?"

"No, that's not it," stated Shikamaru pointing to one of the Naruto's. "Just look, the original's eyes are still the same as before."

"Then what's going on?" wondered Kiba. Akamaru barked in agreement to mirror his confusion. Suddenly Hinata activated her byakugan and gasped.

"All of the clones…they're… completely made of chakra!" she exclaimed. Iruka chuckled drawing their attention.

"So that's it," he said.

"What's it?" Kiba demanded. Iruka just smiled as he sat back and watched the now one sided battle.

"The shadow clone jutsu isn't like the regular clone jutsu," he explained. "It uses the user's chakra to create a solid copy of oneself to be used as a foot soldier in a battle to confuse the enemy. Since the shadow clones are made from Naruto's chakra and Naruto uses his chakra daily to see, the clones can see just fine without the use of a chakra sense because they are the chakra sense. In this case; his clones become his eyes and other senses too and possess sharper reflexes because Naruto uses his chakra to see on a regular basis. The clones are enhanced copies of the original Naruto!"

"That's…that's just…wow!" Ino said dumbfounded.

"And he learned that all on his own?" Kiba added perplexed. Sasuke just smirked.

"Of course he did…he's my brother!" he stated proudly. Iruka chuckled in agreement as he continued to watch the fight wrap up. 'Naruto…this will only be the beginning for you. I know you'll continue to grow stronger as time goes on but I wonder…just how strong will you become? I can't wait to see it.'

The fight between Mizuki and the clones finally reached its finale. The Mizuki clones had been dispersed by the Naruto clones and now Mizuki was finding himself cornered. He made one last attempt to flee but arms sprouted from the tree behind him and the real Naruto stepped out of the henge holding his teacher fast as the clones diverged and helped hold him down. Mizuki struggled.

"No…you can't beat me…I'm your superior…I have the most skill…I…" Suddenly Naruto was holding a kunai threateningly to his old teacher's throat making him shut-up.

"No you're wrong!" Naruto said calmly. "You're not my superior and you're no longer a hidden leaf shinobi. As of tonight you're a traitor to this village and we don't forgive traitors!" Mizuki trembled as the realization that with one slash of the blade, Naruto could end his life right there dawned on him. He glanced back at his attacker.

"P-please…d-don't kill me," he spoke pathetically; the fear taking over. Naruto just scoffed then smirked. Suddenly a good majority of his clones dispersed leaving the original Naruto holding a useless and pathetic Mizuki at knife point.

"Don't worry, that's not for me to decide. However, if I were you I'd behave or this next guy won't be as forgiving!" Just then a group of ANBU arrived on the scene and at the head of the group, the legendary Ibiki Morino. He approached the two with a quick pace and stopped in front of them. He glanced down at them with a stoic face. Then he grinned maniacally.

"Well, well, well, it looks like you just got bested by a kid and I dare say this is the first time in a while I've ever found anything remotely amusing," he stated with a gruff raspy yet intimidating voice. Mizuki only shivered as he took in the sight of Ibiki knowing full well what he was capable of. The maniacal and sadistic grin that adorned his face was enough to make him stay still. Ibiki then turned towards Naruto.

"Thank you kid! You've managed to catch a traitor. We discovered his plans were to take that scroll to Orochimaru; a rogue ninja of the hidden leaf. I dare say if he'd succeeded, not only would you all be dead but then our village would be shown no mercy. I thank you for your services. You can stand down now!" Naruto nodded his head and retracted his knife, putting it back in its place.

"Sir!" he said out of respect. Ibiki chuckled as he advanced on Mizuki and Naruto backed away.

"I think I like that kid," he muttered to himself and Mizuki. "What do ya say Mizuki…why don't you and I take a little stroll to a place I like to call, T n' I?" Mizuki shook then not being able to take anymore, let a howl of despair reach up to the skies above.

"You big dope!" Kiba laughed, giving his blonde haired friend a noogie. "You're just full of surprises aren't ya? Ya really had me goin' there!"

"That was intense Naruto I was literally on the edge of my seat! Great job!" Ino congratulated.

"You showed him whose boss," Shino commented with a nod of his head. Naruto giggled sheepishly.

"Aw…c'mon guys…it was nothin' really," he said. However the grin he wore wouldn't stay off of his face.

"Hey, did we miss anything?" asked a new voice and the gang turned to see Choji and Sakura coming up to see them.

"Only the coolest thing ever!" Kiba exclaimed. "Naruto totally beat his ass and all by himself too! Of course…I helped slow him down some and…"

"What, you fought him?" Sakura asked with shock. Once again Naruto chuckled.

"I was just…protecting my family that's all," he said. Sakura just shook her head and pulled him into a hug which he gratefully returned.

"Alright, alright, everybody calm down," Iruka chuckled calling everyone's attention. There was currently a medical ninja treating his minor wounds as he sat up against the tree Sasuke had leaned him against. However, he motioned for her to take a break. Despite her reluctance, she eventually backed away. Iruka then looked to Naruto.

"Naruto…what you did out there today…you made me and I think all of us really proud! So come here, I'd like to give you something," he stated. Naruto nodded and approached his sensei who managed to walk himself up the tree despite his pain. Then he looked around the group.

"Alright now, I want all of you to close your eyes and no peeking. Especially you Naruto; so chakra sense off please." The group exchanged glances but did as instructed. A while passed and Naruto who'd turned off all his senses was completely blind to the world. However, despite his earlier doubts and fears, he trusted Iruka with his whole heart. Finally he heard Iruka pull away from him.

"Okay, now you can all open your eyes and turn your senses back on," Iruka said. Once everyone's eyes opened their eyes at first lingered on their teacher but then a gasp called their attention to Naruto whose face looked absolutely shocked and surprised. It was easy to see why.

On his forehead, fastened tight was Iruka's ninja headband. The others shared their surprise and excitement with one another. Kiba was first to break the silence.

"Whoo-hoo! Alright; you did it Naruto!" he shouted.

"I'm so proud!" Ino squealed running in to hug him. Sakura did the same.

"Me too!" she said. "I may not have seen anything but I know you did well!"

"Good job Naruto," congratulated Choji. Shino bowed his head in acknowledgement and Hinata clapped happily. Naruto continued staring straight at Iruka.

"But…I…" Iruka chuckled.

"You should be proud of yourself Naruto," he said. "Today, despite all odds, you rose up against a traitor to your village like a true shinobi and showed skill and determination I haven't seen in quite some time. I know you have what it takes and this time Mizuki can't influence my decision." There was a pause as it all finally sank in to the shocked blonde. "So congratulations Naruto…you graduate!"

A silence followed when they all realized the blonde wasn't celebrating. They began to wonder what was wrong while Sasuke just rolled his eyes. It looked to them like Naruto was about to cry…which he did as he jumped forward into a big hug with Iruka.

"Iruka Sensei!" he cried. "T-thank you! Thank you so much!" Iruka who'd been surprised by the sudden show of affection just smiled and hugged him back. Sasuke sighed and came over to join them.

"Here," he said. Naruto accepted his brother's hug and the others that began to surround them. Soon Shikamaru was the only one left. Ino glanced up to glare at him.

"You know…I'm still not much of a hugger…" he tried but was cut off as Ino yanked him over to join them. He groaned. "Damn it…you're all troublesome!" he groaned earning a round of laughter from everyone. Meanwhile Naruto sighed contentedly, letting a cheerful tear slip down his cheek as he thought of his late adoptive parents.

'Mother…Father', he thought. 'I did it…We did it. Sasuke and I…we're finally ninjas!'