A/N: Here is my mandatory "First FanFic" Disclaimer! I'm excited, are you? You should be. Oh, and I might as well enter the whole "I own nothing but the plot, everything is Hiro's" Disclaimer as well.

Small backstory: I've been in a musical mood lately so I'll be putting alot of song lyrics throughout the story. And most chapters will be based off one or two songs (kind of my inspiration for writing this in the first place). Of course I'll credit the music at the end of each chapter.


"Bawitdaba, da bang, da dang diggy diggy, diggy, said the boogie, said up jump the boogie"

The music played loudly in the room, making the water in Gajeel's cup move slightly with the vibrations of the electric guitar. He hummed along with the vocals, concentrating on the task at hand. He needed to study, his professors were already e-mailing them homework despite there being two more weeks left in the summer.

"And this is for the questions that don't have an answer. The midnight glances, and the topless dancers"

Papers were stacked in small piles all around him. He was focused on the small scale in front of him; divvying out his week's supply. With the start of school, Gajeel had bought a few more ounces than normal to accommodate for his new study material. It was his last year as a BioChem double major at Magnolia University before his internship and he was already regretting not taking any summer courses.

All the pre required reading was piling up but he couldn't even try to focus on that until he had taken care of his stash. Gajeel had priorities. His lip ring wiggled as he smirked at his inner dialogue. A bead of sweat dropped onto the table as he filled his last baggie, leaving just enough to get him through the ten chapters he needed tonight. His hands worked methodically as he set his hits up.

He was about to pull out his small metal cylinder that he had made in shop class way back in highschool when his phone lit up giving off the buzz that indicates he just received a text message. He looked at the clock on his dresser. 11:13 PM was displayed in a bright red that was not unlike the color of his eyes. "Who the fuck is texting this late on a Tuesday?" Gajeel grabbed his phone and saw the name flash on his screen. "Shit," he grumbled as he opened the message from his boss.

Cana passed out behind bar, so Laxus is taking over drinks. Think you can come in for a few hours on the door?

Fucking rich. His first night off in two months and Cana decides to test her already high alcohol tolerance. He quickly sent a response to the short old man.

Can't you get Bacchus? I needed this night off for studying.

It took less than a minute to get a response.

Who do you think drank Cana under the table?

"Fuck!" Gajeel was seriously gonna beat the shit out of that guy. Bacchus was always causing some sort of trouble, especially whenever it came to Cana. His phone buzzed again.

I'll pay you double time and you can have tomorrow night off.

"Tsk." Gajeel looked at his set up around him and mentally juggled the hours he would need to catch up on one more day of reading. He looked at his calendar app on his phone and smirked as he saw his events for the week.

Make it tomorrow AND Friday. I'm on my way.

He stood to turn off the music and go to his closet stripping off his sweatpants and black muscle shirt. He put on a snug black v-neck t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans and pulled on his boots. After tying the knot on his black bandanna to keep his long hair out of his face grabbed his keys and started towards the door.

Before he could reach the handle, he hesitated. Gajeel turned around and eyed his three lines and he had set up. "Aww, fuck it" he snapped before taking the quick strides to his table and picked up his small metal straw to take his hit before he headed out the door.

"Cause I'm a picker, I'm a grinner. I'm a lover, and I'm a sinner..."

Smoke filled Levy's lungs as she cleared the cloudy glass that sat on her lap. She quickly passed the equipment to her left as her lungs ached from her hold on them. Slowly she exhaled into the center of the room, aiming high as her lips formed a small "o". The smoke settled as she saw Jet take his hit. She closed her eyes and let the music invade all her senses.

"I'm a joker. I'm a smoker. I'm a midnight toker. I sure don't want to hurt no one"

She leaned back on her arms as she sat cross-legged, and smiled; the warmth from her belly slowly spreading until she felt the tingles all along her limbs, extending out to her finger tips. She was gonna miss this.

In two weeks, Levy starts her Freshman year at Magnolia University as a Linguistics major. She was leaving the next day to Fiore and wouldn't see Jet until he came up a week later. What really bummed her out was that their best friend Droy was going to Fairy Tail community college to study horticulture since he couldn't afford a university tuition and he hadn't gotten the football scholarship he was gunning for all year.

"Lev, are you gonna take another hit?" Droy asked, holding the bong and lighter out for her to grab while the smoke slowly escaped his lips with each word. She contemplated her options.

Deciding that she felt really good where her high was at and knowing she wasnt done elevating yet she declined, "Nah, you two can finish the bowl; I'm gonna ride this one out." Without any hesitation, both Jet and Droy finished smoking the small bowl.

All three of them were in their own special haze feeling out the music with each song change and answering the occasional text message every now and then. At one point Levy stood up to go lay on her bed to stair at her ceiling where she had pinned a few of her friend Reedus's drawings. She envied his talent and how he could create anything and make it look as if were going to jump off the page and come to life. Jet joined her and intertwined his fingers with hers and squeezed reassuringly, " Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

"Mhmm" she responded, "Nervous, excited, bummed, you name it," a small giggle escaped her lips.

"Don't worry about it, Hell week isnt too bad and its a great icebreaker for all the incoming freshmen. I mean, I survived it so it can't have been too bad." The red head blushed at the memories of his first week at the University a year ago.

Every year, the University allowed the upper classmen to put the incoming freshmen through a grid iron of fun yet demeaning activities. It was on all on a volunteer system so basically anything goes because every one is a willing participant. Levy had to check in by noon tomorrow or face the consequences/wrath of her older female classmates.

Levy and Jet sat like that for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Before too long, Droy joined them, scowling and how their hands stayed intertwined. " You guuuuuys..." he whined catching a look from his two friends, " I'm starving!"

Levy couldn't help but laugh at her friend who was always hungry and no sooner than when she thought of food, her stomach growled a beastly noise. "I could totally go for some chocolate chip pancakes doused in maple syrup."

"Nah" Droy said, "I'm thinking Nachos with extra sour cream and extra jalapenos."

"Guys, guys, guys," Jet added with a small smirk, "I was thinking about as extra large strawberry milkshake to help put down the banana split I'm gonna eat."

Silence filled the room for a brief moment as the music changed songs. Then, all three of them with a gleam in their glossy eyes said, "8- Island!"

Sooo what d'ya think? Don't worry, there will be Gajevy action in this fic, but like I mentioned earlier, there will be some dark themes and be prepared for some angst.

Music credits:

Bawitdaba- Kid Rock

The Joker - Steve Miller Band