''Well this is not awkward at all'' Aria said as she tipped back and forth on her toes. Dean chuckled at her and Seth shook his head while Roman and Caroline just stared at one another.

''Hi'' Caroline said at last and Roman waited a while before throwing away a nod. An awkward silence followed before Aria locked eyes with Seth, he just shrugged and she shook her head; thinking.

''Ohh'' Aria said as she dragged her phone up. She pleased it against her ear and started to tilt her head against all kind of sides.

''Hello?'' she said.

''Hello?!'' she continued as she walked further away.

''There is no reception up her what is she… ouch!'' Dean begun but was nudged by Seth.

''I think she needs help, Dean come'' Seth said and gave Dean a glare. Dean muttered something before walking against Aria, leaving Roman and Caroline alone. They just stood there and looked at one another for a while.

''Hi'' Roman said at last and Caroline replied with a nod. Roman smiled before taking a big inhale.

''How are you?'' he said as he lowered his shoulders.

''Fine, and you?'' she asked.

''Been better'' he said with a soft smile and she frowned. Roman nodded against Dean and Seth that seemed to be arguing with Aria.

''They have this idea that I'm about to do something stupid'' he explained and Caroline tilted her head to the side.

''Well, are you?'' she asked and he waited a while before nodding.

''Truth is; I'm not doing so great without you'' he said honestly and she looked stunned at him. Not expecting that answer to come out of his mouth. This made him laugh.

''Are you still mad?'' he asked now and she gave him a soft smile in response.

''No, I overreacted; there was just so much going on you know. The apartment was a wreck, I was doing bad at work, money was an issue and I had my period on top of all that and you just came and hit me with too much at the same time. I'm sorry I threw you out, I now see you only wanted to help'' she answered a little embarrassed which only made him smile.

''No I get it; my timing was bad. So?'' he held out his hand and she looked at it before chuckling.

''We cool'' she said, taking his hand and shaking it.

''They shook hands'' they heard someone whisper behind them and Caroline turned to see Aria, Seth and Dean spying on them. As soon as they saw her, they started to act like they were in a conversation.

Roman started to laugh and Caroline shook her head.

''Well, this looks like good news'' Seth walked up to them and he and Roman made a handshake.

''Yeah, how did the phone call go?'' Roman smirked and looked at Aria.

''Phone call? Right! Good, wonderful'' Aria said a little nervous and Roman chuckled.

''Now that, whatever this is, is solved; can we go home? I need a shower'' Dean whined and Seth patted him on the back.

''For once, I agree'' he said.

''Yeah, me too'' Aria lifted a hand to agree with the two brothers. Roman chuckled before looking at Caroline.

''So, I guess I see you around'' he smiled against Caroline and she smiled back, nodding.

With that, he turned to force Seth and Dean to run down again.

''Is it just me, or do you think I'm too pale?'' Caroline who hadn't let her gaze drop from Roman, now turned to Aria who were observing her arms. She frowned.

''Sometimes I look at you and wonder how we even became friends…'' she shook her head and Aria gave her a smirk.

''Because you love me'' Aria teased and Caroline chuckled.

''Let's go home''

x x x

''What is up with you two?!'' Roman said irritated. He had just got out of the shower.

''Would you relax?!'' Seth snapped back. This gave him headache.

''Yeah man, stop being so… you'' Dean interfered.

''What are you trying to say?'' Roman frowned and Dean sighed.

''Nothing, nothing'' he shrugged while rolling his eyes.

''Okay, I'm going to bed now'' Roman said before standing.

''Now?! But…'' Seth objected.

''Was that the door? Roman go open'' Dean said and widened his eyes.

Roman turned towards Dean and frowned.

''What is wro…'' then the door actually rang. Unwillingly, he walked up to the door and opened it.

''What is this?!'' Roman frowned.

''Ehhm…'' Aria begun but Dean came to her rescue.

''Aria felt like dancing'' he said in panic.

''Really?'' she gave him a look and he shrugged, trying to explain that he panicked.

''Yeah, dancing'' she smiled before she moving her shoulders from side to side.

''I can tell'' Roman rolled his eyes.

''Okay what is going on here?'' he continued and crossed his arms.

''Umn, surprise?'' Seth tried and Roman shook his head. He was tired and was not in the mood for this.

''I'm surrounded by psychopaths'' he shook his head as he walked towards his room. As he opened the door and stepped in, he was meet by no less then Caroline. Even though he kind of expected this since Aria was here, he still was a little chocked.

''Hi'' he said, shutting the door.

''Your friends can be very… convincing'' she chuckled and he shook his head.

''Tell me about it. So what is all this?''

''They said you wanted to talk?'' she frowned.

''Of course they said'' he sighed before walking over to his bed and sitting down.

''You okay?'' he asked and she nodded.

''Actually I do have a question'' she admitted at last.

''Shot'' he said.

''Were you with someone else when we were... fighting?'' she asked a little embarrassed.

''No'' he said and looked at her instead of asking the question back. She just turned her gaze down.

''I did'' she said with a low voice. It was quiet for a while.

''Why are you telling me this?'' he asked at last.

''Because I want to give us a try, and I don't want it to begin with a lie'' she now turned her gaze back up and meet his eyes.

They just looked at each other for a while before he decided to take her hand in his. Sure he was disappointed, but again; they weren't together then either.

''I forgive you''

I kind of lost inspiration for this story and figured therefor that I would just end it like this. I hope you like it anyway and sorry