Didn't See You Coming chapter...did not see this coming, huh? Sorry about the delay. Continues from Chapter9 Beca's perspective.

11. Beca Acts Normal

"I'm gonna take you out to dinner. My treat." Beca said firmly. Elyse's somewhat surprised face faded into a dazzling smile right before Beca's eyes.

"I would love that, Maus, but I asked you out first." She smirked and Beca eyed her down.

"Technically, you didn't ask a question. And neither did I but it's your birthday so it's my treat. Deal." Both hands cupped Elyse's face and Beca leaned down quickly to capture any response the blonde would make. It succeeded in quieting Elyse for a good minute. After Beca felt her point was sufficiently made, and maybe she forgot about it for a few good seconds there, she pulled away to see a dazed looking Elyse. "Now. Can I walk you home?"

"No, it is much too far, Maus. I will call Pieter. Hopefully he has behaved himself with those Americans. I told him to this time."

Beca led Elyse downstairs locked at the hands. "What did you do for your birthday? No DSM stuff, I know, because you don't look like a scary night club owner."

Elyse chuckled. "I do not think that is the look I am going for. Pieter forced us to have a day off. We got tickets to a show and had dinner. I talked with my family back home for a few hours. It was wonderful to speak with them." Beca smiled at Elyse bright face. "I am glad you text me for more than one reason. I shudder to think what Pieter had planned for me tonight." Elyse rolled her eyes while she sent a quick text to that very man to pick her up at the Bellas'. Again.

Beca smiled knowingly. "I'm glad you came. I was nervous you wouldn't for a bit there."

"You say my name and I'll be there." Elyse smiled at her through her teasing words that still sounded a little true. It made Beca blush a little bit which she found completely embarrassing. She was suppose to be this moody, distant grump but a few simple words from the blonde had her blushing? She was not going to let that happen so easily.

Beca got as close as she could to the blonde's ear and spoke as seductively as possible. "So if I call out your name you'll come? Elyse." Beca could practically feel the shiver run down the blonde's neck. She was so close she could hear the groan emanating from a long throat.

"You are not playing fair." Elyse's breathy chastising skirted against Beca's crown. The blonde's long arms wrapped around Beca for a very warm hug. "You are very feisty when I have to leave."

Beca smiled smugly at her reaction and hoped she could do that again to the German woman. She hugged Elyse back. "I'll see you at the studio soon. And we have that date too." Beca felt a little strange since she was saying those words to a woman but because it was Elyse she was excited for it to happen.

"I can not wait, meine kleine Maus."

"Ich auch, Katze." Beca shook lightly from Elyse's chuckling. The blonde pulled away to look at Beca.

"I love it when you surprise me with your little German words, Maus."

Beca pushed her away in mock offense. "Shut up." Elyse's phone beeped and she looked at it quickly. Beca knew before she said anything.

"Pieter is here." Beca was not surprised to find the blonde in her personal space again. They met for a chaste kiss and shared smiles. "Gute Nacht, Beca."

"Good night, Elyse. Text me when you get home." Elyse slid out the door with a smile and wave. Beca watched her glide her way towards the van in those sinfully long legs. For a split second Beca wanted to rush after her and climb that woman like a tree. Beca shook off that thought quickly as she heard the van honk and pull away.

As soon as the van disappeared down the street Beca heard the loud group of Bellas approaching the house. They were animatedly talking about the shenanigans Beca apparently missed out on but was not really curious to find out. Her interest lie more in the fact that Chloe practically stormed up the walkway, past her and into the house. It was not her usual bubbly, drunk behavior so Beca knew something happened. When she noticed Stacie at the rear of the group, not engaged in conversation, she knew just who to talk to about it.

Beca brushed off the boisterous Bellas so they proceeded inside. She snagged Stacie's arm and practically dragged her upstairs to her room despite the protesting from the tall, stronger woman. "Why is Chloe in a mood?" She rounded on the woman in her room after shutting the door.

"What are you talking about?"

Beca narrowed her eyes. "Seriously."

"Seriously, Becs, I don't know what you mean. How'd it go with German Goddess?" She wiggled her eyebrows but Beca was not being swayed. Stacie huffed. "If there was anything happening, I can't say nor should you bother sequestering me."

Beca frowned. "Sequester?" She questioned the odd choice of words.

"It means to isolate some- nevermind! What happened with the leggy blonde? She looked like she was ready to pounce on you. I tried keeping the Bellas out a little longer but everyone was getting tired. So, was it a quickie?"

Beca refused to let her face get any hotter so she stood to her full five foot three height. "No, we didn't do anything. Besides like a lot of kissing and..maybe I ended up on her lap." Beca mumbled off.

Stacie looked shocked but also a little proud. "Wow B, you move pretty fast. I didn't think you had it in you. Then again if that woman was looking at me with those eyes I would- ow!" Stacie held her arm away from Beca where she was slapped.

"Shut up, dude."

"Touchy already, geeze, I was just making commentary. Well, I can see you don't need my assistance in that area… Although if you would like me to lend a hand next time you guys are together I could def- ow! Okay stop with the little fists." Stacie stepped away from the aggressively handsy brunette.

"Stop joking. I don't need help with...that." Beca grumbled.

"Aw, you can't even say the word sex, can you?" Stacie teased.

"Of course I can." Beca glared. She was met with a pointed look until Beca finally grumbled a few little curses towards her friend. "Sex!" She cried into the room.

"Oh, I'll come back later." Beca whipped around to see Fat Amy backing out of the freshly opened doorway mumbling, "Nothing to see, buncha vagitarians."

Beca and Stacie eyed each other briefly before laughing at the weird situation. "I'm glad you finally figured out you like the woman. If I had to deal with you staring at your phone, being completely bitchy, for another day I was gonna hit my head against a wall."

Beca grumbled, "I wasn't like that." She went to sit at her bed and Stacie followed to sit beside her. Beca leaned on her hands placed behind her and suddenly remembered just what made the duvet crumpled. She groaned at the memory of a soft heat and smooth skin. "God, she's in my head."

Beca did not see the smirk on Stacie's face. "I can see that clearly."

"Dude, what do I do though? Like, we have a date, I have a date. With a woman! With a...her! How am I supposed to get through that? How do I function for a whole day with her just...looking at me like…" Beca trailed off and Stacie was quick to jump in.

"B, you've spent lots of time with her. This will be no different."

"Stace, it is completely different. Before I didn't want to kiss the breath out of her when I saw her." Stacie laughed at that and Beca looked away out of embarrassment. She had to stop blabbering.

"Beca Mitchell. I think you'll realize that that makes it all ten times better to be with her all day." Beca looked at Stacie, the woman held a mischievous smirk, and Beca chuckled lightly. Stacie dropped a hand on her thigh. "And if you're unsure of how to proceed with the physical stuff...give me a call and I'll come right over." Stacie busts out laughing when Beca pushes her away with a "fuck off."

"Thanks." Beca deadpans while hiding a small smile. She feels a little bit (a lot) out of her element now but she trusts Stacie's advice. She had not been led astray yet and Beca tries to set aside the negative thoughts in her head and listen to her friend. She is looking forward to spending more time with her Tall German Goddess. The thought brings a smile to her face which does not seem to leave for the rest of the night.

The work day at Residual Heat is surprisingly very uneventful. The only thing that really stood out was the fact that Beca was a nervous wreck since she thought rainbows would be shooting out of her ass and "GAY" would be plastered on her forehead for all to see. After a couple hours of it being a normal day at work she calmed herself down. She was not any different and there was no reason to be nervous that her blonde infatuation would be terribly obvious for her coworkers to see. Beca sat up straight when a thought crossed her mind. Was it against the rules to date clients? She never bothered to find out before but Beca assumed this was a progressive music label that would not shun such fraternization. She would have to check the proverbial rulebook somewhere though, just in case.

"Hey, B?"

Beca almost jumped out of her seat at the voice that sounded behind her. She swiveled her chair around and tried to appear casual. "Oh, hey. Uh, Frank, what's up?"

The blonde haired, grunge type, man gave a slouched shrug and handed her a small card. "There's a small party for my 24th birthday. If you wanna come, the address is on there."

She turned the almost bare business card over and saw a scribbled address that she was sure she wouldn't be able to decipher. "Oh, yeah, I can try to but it's like a weekday." she stumbled out an excuse quickly, already knowing she would rather shave her head than go to that party herself.

"Yeah, totally, but if you'd like." He shrugged and sauntered away casually. Beca dropped the card and poked around on her computer for a bit before another voice distracted her.


She quickly whipped around again but this time a smile was already forming on her lips. "Hey, Ely-" She abruptly stopped when she noticed the blonde's rigid stance get even tighter. She swallowed. "Hello, Kommissar, what can I help you with?" She smiled tightly as her stomach clenched anxiously.

"I wanted an update on our project. Have you finished layering in the last song?"

"Uh almost, I was going to finish that last night but I - got - distracted." Beca felt her become a little embarrassed that she was having to explain this to her client. Oh sorry, I didn't do my job I was busy kissing your lipstick off. How does that sound okay if anyone heard that?

"I hope you understand that I take this album seriously and I would expect a high level of commitment from someone I hand picked for the project."

Beca tensed at Elyse's professional tone. Did I do something wrong already? She nervously began to talk with her hands. "Oh, yeah, of course. I know and I am. Committed, that is, to this." She gestured between them both. "No, I mean to this, our project. Not this, us. Wait, that came out wrong."

Elyse took a deep breath and straightened her back. "Please stop bumbling. Just get it done." In a flash of dark clothes and a tight, blonde bun, Elyse had gone around the corner.

Beca sat immobilized for an unknown amount of time. Thoughts flashed across her brain in agony and despair. She was certain she ruined it all already somehow. She definitely proved she would be unable to act professionally at work. She was terrible at this and now Elyse knew it. Beca barely registered the chime of her phone. Chloe said she would text her about plans tonight but Beca had been trying to dodge it. Up until a few minutes ago she had plans with a certain German but now she wasn't so sure. Slowly, and dejectedly, she reached for her phone to tell Chloe she would join them for whatever it was. A chill went through her when she saw it was from Elyse. Okay, suck it up, you're an adult. You can read Elyse's text breaking up with you.

Once opened her mind refused to register the words on the screen for a moment.

E: Kleine Maus, you do not know how badly I wanted to kiss you just now.

Beca sat and stared at her phone for another unknown amount of time. I did not expect that. What kind of mixed signals is she sending? She did not know how to respond.

B: Really? Cause you ran out of here real fast.

Beca hit send pointedly. The woman is going to have to explain herself before there is any kissing. A response came soon after.

E: Kommissar had to get away from you. It would not look very professional if I pushed you up against your desk.

Beca's eyed flitted to the edge of her metallic gray desk and felt excitement course through her for a second. She cleared her thoughts as best she could and returned her attention to her phone. She should not let it show how much that sentence affected her.

B: Referring to yourself in third person makes you seem crazy. I think you need a little couch session time.

Beca felt very proud of her response. It was as if she was not imagining finding the German blonde and a deserted closet to sneak to for half an hour. Beca shook those thoughts off. They were still so foreign to have for a woman. Before she had time to compare between Elyse and Jesse her phone chimed.

E: If you are suggesting couch time with you then I will definitely agree to it.

Beca groaned out in frustration as she plopped her phone on her desk. If that woman was just going to make innuendos all day she should not even pretend to be the Kommissar at work. Another moment to collect herself she sends one more message.

B: Elyse, I'm not going to get any work done if you keep saying stuff like that. My client, the Kommissar, is riding me about finishing today.

Only a beat passes before she realizes what she wrote. She quickly grabs her phone again.

B: Don't respond to that. Please.

Beca can only imagine the smug look Elyse is wearing on the other side of that phone line. She releases a deep sigh and drags herself back to focusing on the medley project. The arrangements are almost done and Beca is loving the way it sounds from this so imagining Das Sound Machine vocalizing it is seriously getting her excited to record. She was unsure if she could assume she would be the head producer on the project since she helped with the arrangements. Should she not do it because she was seeing the band's leader romantically? Was there a moral high ground she should be atop? Beca would have to talk it over with Elyse before going to her boss about it.

Hours later Beca texted Elyse that she was leaving the studio for the day. The arrangement was finished, dropped off, and ready to record in two days time when they had a room available. Elyse texted her back immediately that she was waiting outside. Beca grinned and walked out of the studio to see Elyse's rental car parked on the curb nearby. She strides over to it and slips inside quickly.

Beca is immediately pulled by her coat's shoulder towards the driver and kissed soundly. It takes her a moment to gain herself before kissing back. They pull away with content smiles. "Hi Elyse."

"Mmm hallo, kleine Maus. Ich liebe kusste Du." Beca smiles knowingly.

"Ich liebe es auch." Elyse happily smiles at Beca before pecking her on the lips once more and releasing her.

"No more being adorable. Are you sure you don't want to go back to your Bella house?" Elyse asks as she pulls out onto the somewhat busy street.

Beca shakes her head. "No, the show starts at 8 so that doesn't leave too much time to grab dinner and head over." Beca had let Elyse know earlier about their plans tonight when she finally decided what she wanted to do. She was not much of a social butterfly but she found a low-key bar that played great local talent and touring bands. There was an Italian place that was blocks away from it near downtown that was great. She thanked her dad immensely for taking her there on her birthday one year. It paid to know a classy place to go. It wasn't too fancy so her professional attire would do just fine as well.

They chatted aimlessly about their day all the way to the restaurant and ate. They talked to the bar and enjoyed huddling together and listening to the local bands. They danced very little but enjoyed the time spent close to each other just to hear the other over the music. It was on the way home that things staggered a bit. Beca did not want her fun night to end and it was only just past eleven. Beca watched street light's glowing orbs flash by her window rhythmically and relaxed in the moment. "I don't want to go home."

A few moments passed before Elyse's equally quiet voice was heard. "Ich auch."

Beca swivelled her head on the seat rest to look at Elyse in the darkness and glowing dash lights of the car. "Take me home with you?"

Elyse quickly eyed her questioningly. Her gaze flickered between Beca and the road before a small smile graced her lips. "As you wish, meine Maus."

Beca smirked at how Elyse's mood lifted. "No funny business, woman."

Elyse chuckled and shook her head in response and they continued on their way to DSM's rented house. It reminded Beca of the Bella house but more respectable looking since there were no sorority girls yelling out the window or frat boy neighbors. The house was a two story cottage sized monstrosity that shone beautifully in the night. Elyse led Beca up the walkway and onto the covered porch but stopped her before they went inside.

"I know we spoke of it over dinner but I just want to say again about the Kommissar and DSM situation. It is a persona and I will be different inside. So will the rest of the members."

Beca gently touched a pale arm in reassurance. "I know, Elyse. Don't worry I won't tell anyone how you guys are probably all really sweet." They shared teasing smiles before Elyse unlocked the front door and let Beca walk in first.

Once inside the slightly narrow foyer, Beca saw the staircase was close by on their right and there were two doors on the left. Beca could see straight ahead into an open living room where a few bodies were lounging around on couches and armchairs. The walls were a pale blue with white trim, decorated homely, but she could tell it was lived in by the random items strewn about. A couple sandals and shoes left near the door. Keys, cords, and bags were on top of and surrounding a small standing table near the door. Elyse shook her head when she saw the items after she closed the door. When there was an audible click, heads turned to peer at them over the couch, then a chorus of welcome and cheers drowned out whatever was playing on the television.

Beca could see Elyse physically take a deep breath before she gently guided her forward by the small of her back. Beca paced forward in what she hoped was not a nervous manner until her view was obstructed by a tall figure in gray sweats and a light pink tank.

"Elyse, how was… ah! Little troll! What are you doing here?" Pieter spoke in his normal boisterous voice. He looked at Elyse questioningly but still had a small smile on his lips for the pair. The rest of the team were fully turned towards the new couple in the living room area feeling quite captivated and curious.

"We decided to end our evening here, Pieter. How is everything?" Elyse asked politely.

The man just smirked at her. "Gut. We only just about burned down the house three times and set up an opium den in Bell's bunk." The team laughed at his words as a few happily agreed. Elyse just scoffed at the man and offered a disappointing glare at her team. "Lighten up, Lyse, we know how to be adults left alone for a few hours. SO, how was your date?" The man smirked wickedly at the pair.

Beca flushed slightly as all eyes turned to her. She could hear Elsye clear her throat somewhat nervously as well. "It was lovely. Excuse us." The hand was back to Beca's back as she was led to her left through an open doorway into a large kitchen area. It was long with shiny appliances and light cabinets. A long island ran down the middle with several tall stools lining it. "Drink?"

Beca stepped up to the island and smoothed her hands across the cool top. "Yeah, a soda would be great. If you got it. A water is also good too." Beca stammered. Elyse smiled at her from the fridge and pulled out two cans of Cola in one hand and a can of orange soda with the other.

"Relax. Make yourself at home here, Beca." Elyse offered softly as she placed the cans down on the island by her.

"Oooh, she's inviting her to live here!" A voice from the living room on the other side of the wall shouted. Elyse tried to hide her amused smile while shaking her head while Beca smiled, embarrassed.

"It's so soon though!" Someone else added quickly. A full smile broke out from Elyse as she faced the open doorway.

"Shut it! All of you!" Beca saw her intimidating composer was nowhere to be seen through the smile still plastered on the blonde's face. Beca chuckled at the team's teasing and watched as Elyse pulled two tall glasses from a drying rack by the sink on the other side of the island. "I apologize now and in advance for them." Elyse nodded in the general direction behind Beca.

"No, I get it. I have years experience with the Bellas. I fully get it." Beca laughed lightly as she watched Elyse pour half a glass with orange soda and, shockingly, filled the rest with Cola. Beca eyed the mixed drink like she witnessed a new species being born. "What are you doing?"

Elyse smirked at Beca like she expected such a reaction. "Making Spezi. It's common in Germany so don't look so disgusted."

"I'm not disgusted just...curious."

The new drink was pushed towards Beca, bubbles fizzing up to the top, the two colors of the drink mixing into something questionable. "Try it."

Beca eyed it for another moment before shrugging her shoulders. "Why not? I've seen Amy make more shady drinks before." She took a generous gulp and swallowed it back. It was sweet with tangy orange but the dark Cola flavored twisted into it. It wasn't the best thing she has had to drink and her face probably showed it.

Elyse laughed lightly before taking the glass back and filling the second with just Cola. "Not exactly in your tastes, yes?"

Beca smacked her lips a couple times. "No, not really but it's not totally disgusting." The comment made Elyse laugh more.

"How can you say such things, troll?" Pieter strided into the kitchen to the other side by Elyse. He grabbed the mixed drink, while swatting Elyse's hands away to take it back, and took almost half the glass in one gulp. "Delicious."

"Arsche, get your own." Elyse admonished the man with the shit eating grin on his face while she slapped his arm.

"Danke, Schnuckel." Pieter leaned in to place a sloppy kiss to the top of blonde hair. Elyse pushed the man away.

"You are not welcome."

Suddenly Pieter placed his elbows on the island facing Beca. "So, little one, how was your time with our fearless leader?"

Beca had taken a sip of her drink so she slowly lowered it back to the countertop to give herself time to compose herself. "It was...good." Pieter did not look impressed with her response.

"Let me rephrase." He said with a serious tone. "How was your date with the woman that is practically my sister?"

Oh. Beca understood where he was going with this. She thought she wouldn't get the talk since Elyse didn't have folks in America but she overlooked Pieter. Elyse tried to admonish him again but Beca stopped her. She had to do this, right?

Her gaze was boring into her dark drink firmly grasped in her hands but she started anyway. "I meant it was...great. Like, the best…" She looked up into two sets of unwavering stares and almost lost her nerve until she focused on those light blue ones. "The best night out I've had in a very long time. I had an amazing time out which is saying something because I usually like to stay in." She chuckled at herself and looked back to her hands briefly. "Weird, I know, for someone who is into producing music. Like, I gotta be out there on the scene and mingle with people but I don't really-"

Beca cut herself off when she realized she was going off track. She cleared her throat and focused her sights back on Pieter. "I had an amazing time with Elyse, Pieter, thank you for asking." She deadpanned. Goddammit, why couldn't I have started with that!

Pieter laughed shortly at Beca. "What an interesting little mouse you are. You sure can pick them, Lyse." Pieter pats the blonde's shoulder while walking out through the dining area connected to the kitchen. Elyse grumbled at the man's retreating form just as his head pop back into view. "Oh and you should introduce the mouse properly. Do you not think so?"

Elyse waved the grinning man away then ran a hand through her loose hair. She had let it down when they had reached their bar venue and Beca loved watching it sway with movement. She looked away from the cascading blonde hair back to her hands holding her drink. Quick thoughts plagued Beca's mind about what she just revealed.

"I had a wonderful time tonight as well. Just so you know." Beca looked up to see Elyse smiling at her somewhat sheepishly. It was as adorable as it was new to see from the German woman. Beca's smile widened and nodded her head silently in agreement. Her thoughts were clearing in a haze which was good for her nerves but not so good for actually holding a conversation. "I think now is as good a time as any to introduce you to my team. Personally, I mean."

Beca was hesitant to agree. "Yeah, it was such fun the first time." She remarked sarcastically.

Elyse slid around the island to stand next to Beca. "Not to worry. I have a rule about speaking English when we are amongst others. The last time, I am afraid, they were behaving unprofessionally."

Beca thought on what Elyse shared with her for a quick moment before she slowly began to shake her head. "No,I don't want to keep you guys from speaking your own language. Besides, how am I supposed to learn more?"

Her answer was a bright smile and chaste kiss to the lips. "You are wonderful, Maus." A gentle hand under her chin brought their lips back together for a longer and sweeter kiss. "This is a rule I put in place before I met you so they most likely will speak English. Do not worry over it, Maus. Knowing them as I do, they will gradually switch over more and more."

As it turned out, Elyse knew her team. They teased and joked, partly in German, but realized it was funnier for Beca to understand what they were saying. Beca held her own against the onslaught of good natured teasing from the team but eventually they got bored with that and continued to watch their show. Beca tried to focus on what she was watching but her mind continued to wander back to her date; both their events that evening and the woman sat beside her on the couch.

It was Elyse that slid in close to Beca to cuddle her close. A few light remarks about how adorable they looked had the pair putting a little more distance between them. Eventually, their hands find their way to each other to gently rest between them on the couch. Beca looked around the living room crawling with DSM members chatting, watching TV, and joking amongst themselves. It felt like the Bella house with more guys. She felt a little more comfortable there the longer she sat with her hand in Elyse's.


Again, sorry for the delay. Life sucks like that. I will progress with this story. I made myself finish the last scene just to get something out to you guys. ...now since I've seen PP3 I'm trying to figure out how to connect the story I'm creating with that one. If you guys don't mind the TIME it takes me to write I would like to do a sequel to DSYC that connects PP2 to PP3. Ughh, the movie was just so disappointing from a storytelling perspective. I can't even. Anyway, more will come. Eventually. *apologetic & sheepish shrug*