Summary: A routine clinic visit flips Hinata's life upside down. Inseminated by a certain specimen meant for Sakura throws their lives into utter calamity as Hinata must figure out how to keep the Hidden Leaf Village from finding out that Sasuke is the father, not Naruto. How scandalous is it being pregnant and also being the Hokage's wife?

Sorry if the summary sucked balls but I might rewrite it. So this may eerily sound like the show "Jane the Virgin," and it is BUT I was inspired by the idea of the show to write this. This story will NOT EVEN be like Jane the Virgin just for your information so everything you will read will not follow that plot.

This story will have a clusterfuck of genres such as humor, angst, drama, romance, dark themes, adventure? Not sure but basically I'm going to make sure that this story touches on multiple genres while being true to what I feel would be great for this story. Anyway have fun! This is a SasuHina story so enjoy.

Sasuke stared at the ceiling, goosebumps rising on his left arm as the soft breath of the person lying next to him was sleeping. Her expression was peaceful. Her long eyelashes casting a shadow on her cheeks and her mouth slightly agape. He couldn't help but feel mesmerized her innocent expression and how she was oblivious to the storm raging in his mind. Sasuke adjusted himself by slowly moving his arm away from the person's head and running his fingers through his soft hair. His bare chest glistened with sweat and he sighed.

I fucking hate this, he thought bitterly.

Sasuke rolled over to his left side where he stared at the sleeping form's back. He made small traces over the smooth skin of her back and sighed once more. He began to stroke her dark hair and his mouth twitched when she clenched her eyelids. His eyes traveled from her face to her enlarged belly and he clenched his eyes shut, a low growl threatening to come out as his mind wandered to his current predicament.

God fucking dammit Tsunade…

Before we get to the juicy details of Sasuke's anguish, let's go back to the beginning.

Sasuke Uchiha's story began 26 years ago, when he was just a mere seven years old. It should be noted that at seven years old, his passions included, in no particular order, his brother Itachi, the Uchiha clan, and tomatoes.

The young Uchiha stared at the tomato in his hand as he felt his mother's gaze on him. Mikoto's passions included her family and the Uchiha clan, the order of preference does not matter.

"Look at how intact the tomato is," she paused as she heard Itachi enter the room to grab his weapons. His face flashed recognition but he said nothing as he observed his brother's crinkled nose and annoyed expression. His passions include his brother Sasuke and Konoha, in that order.

Mikoto gently grabbed Sasuke's plump hands and made his hands curl around the fruit. "Now squish the tomato." She let go and observed him.

With his small fist, he squished the tomato and watched as its juices coated his hand and dripped onto the wooden floor of his house.

"That was a perfectly good tomato kaa-san," Sasuke sighed, disappointment coating his words.

"I know it was," she paused and then asked, "Do you think you can make the tomato whole again?"

"No…" Sasuke just stared at his mother with a confused expression marring his soft features.

"That's right. You can never take back your actions and you must learn to face the consequences." She grabbed a mop and a bucket of water and handed it to Sasuke who only groaned. She bent down to his height facing him eye to eye. "You can never go back. Never forget that Sasuke." She then assumed her cheerful disposition and ruffled his hair. Sasuke only glared at the floor, not wanting to mop the mess he made.

And so after hearing his mother's lesson, Sasuke never did forget her words as he thought of them during his battles with Naruto, Itachi, the five Kage, and currently, the predicament he was thrown into which worsened due to his foolish actions.

That day, he learned of Consequence.

But we'll get to that part of the story later.

And so here we are in present day Konoha.

Sakura rested her head on the pillow and closed her eyes in contemplation. Granted, Sasuke has been going to missions frequently and they have been trying to conceive when the days where not in sync with her ovulation cycle at the moment. At her age of 33, Sakura felt that she was running out of time to give birth to another child. She and Sasuke have talked about having another little one but with all the troubles of trying to conceive, it seems that that might not happen.

Who am I kidding, I'm getting too old for this….

Sakura rolled onto her stomach and buried her face into the soft pillow. She kicked her legs out and let out a frustrated groan. Her eyes shot open. She sat back up quickly and placed her index finger on her bottom lip. Not all is lost unless I could get pregnant with a little help. Her mind wandered and then she thought of it, artificial insemination. It was convenient for the both of them, although the sex was extremely enjoyable, and at the thought she blushed, she felt herself getting frustrated by not being able to get pregnant. She also felt that Sasuke was getting impatient as well since he wasn't around to help raise Sarada all throughout her childhood. She thought of how ironic the situation became. When she became pregnant with Sarada, it came as a surprise because they weren't expecting to become parents so soon. Sakura smiled at a memory of Sasuke making fun of Naruto for already impregnating his wife so quickly after getting married. The look on his face a month from criticizing Naruto was priceless. Regardless, they were both happy.

Sakura gave a slight smile. She grabbed her cell phone and texted Sasuke.

"When are you coming home?"

Five minutes later he responded, "Tonight why?"

"I wanted to discuss something with you."


Sakura felt giddy but also nervous bringing something like this with Sasuke. Being a medical-nin, she should be used to talking about these sort of things with patients but when it came down to her own family bubble, it definitely made everything more awkward. Sakura then decided that she would call Konoha Hospital and talk to her shishou.

"Hi is Tsunade-sama there?"

"Yes. Please hold."

Sakura furrowed her eyebrows. She felt anxious and nervous talking to her old shishou. She felt slightly awkward asking her about this procedure but it's been six months of trying and she, and perhaps Sasuke as well, were ready to raise another child, together.

"Hello Sakura?"

"Hi Tsunade-sama, I just wanted to make an appointment with you for Sasuke and I." She pursed her lips.

On the other line, Tsunade raised an eyebrow. "For the both of you? Why?"

Sakura sighed. "We have been trying to conceive for the past six months but I haven't gotten pregnant and-"

Tsunade let out a loud 'Hmph' and grabbed a pen. "Sakura, it's best if you come by my office today so we can speak more on the matter. I'd rather consult you in person." Tsunade sighed and rubbed her temples.

Sakura clenched her fists around her cellphone tighter, almost regretting bringing the subject up but she really want to try for a child. "I will see you in 30 min." With that, the line ended.


A knock was heard by Tsunade and she calmly responded with a simple "Come in." Sakura entered Tsunade's office and gave her a slight smile.

Tsunade looked up from her laptop and waved Sakura to come over.

"So what's this about?" she started.

Sakura fidgeted in her seat before responding. "Sasuke and I have decided to expand our family and we've been trying for months now but nothing. I'm not sure if it's my age, egg count or maybe his 'possible' low sperm count. Also, we try to conceive when we're not in sync with my ovulation cycle but I am not sure…"

Tsunade began writing down notes. "Tell you what, let me do an egg and sperm count for you and him. If his count is low, we will artificially inseminate you. If that fails, we will go ahead and take some egg samples and fertilize them."

Tsunade reclined back in her chair and stared at Sakura with an amused expression. "Never thought the Uchiha could be lacking in that area." She chuckled at Sakura's flustered look.


She bent down to rummage through her desk and found a sterilized specimen container.

"Sakura, since you live close to the hospital, just dump his specimen here with a container filled with DRY ICE and make sure you have at least 1.5 mL or greater."

Sakura nodded and smiled at thought of having another baby.

-after hospital visit -

Sakura was cooking while Sarada was sitting in the living room, playing on her handheld console. The sound of keys jingled and the door slowly opened. Sasuke came in and kicked off his shoes as he entered his home.

Sarada bolted from the couch to greet him with a smile. "Hi papa!"

Sasuke gave her a slight smile and poked her forehead. "Hey." He stepped past her and greeted Sakura in the kitchen.

"Ah! Sasuke-kun! I'm so glad to see you!" Sakura was practically beaming at him, not paying attention to her burning rice.

Sasuke lightly coughed and pointed at the smoking rice.

"Oh!" Sakura immediately focused her attention to the rice. While Sakura was salvaging the rice, Sasuke thought back to the text he received from her and began to speak. "You wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Ah yes," Sakura had a flustered look on her face and her gaze shifted between Sasuke and Sarada. "In private though," she whispered. Sarada gave her mother a questioning look but decided that this was probably adult matters.

After they ate dinner, Sarada helped Sakura clean the dishes. Once that was done, Sakura beckoned Sasuke into their bedroom and nervously shuffled her feet as they made their way up there. Shutting the door softly behind them, Sakura sat down on their bed and waited for her husband to join her. Sakura placed her hand on top of his and began, "You know we've agreed to have one more child right?"

Sasuke raised a fine eyebrow at her statement. Sakura continued, "Well, I know that you're always traveling and it's been unsuccessful for the past six months so I've spoken with Tsunade-sama and we've come to the conclusion that the best course of action is to go through with artificial insemination," she paused before her she let out a chuckle, "actually, to do a sperm and egg count and then see if artificial insemination is the best course of action. You know what I mean."

By the look on his face, she could already tell that he was not content with what she had to say. As he opened his mouth to say something she interrupted him. "But before you say anything, I'm 33 and I'm nearing that point in my life where it will only get harder to have children." She rubbed the back of her neck, doubt creeping into her, "Do you…still want to try for one more?" Her head was cast downward, but her eyes were raised to glance at him.

Sasuke's ear perked and he turned away from Sakura, who sat on the bed devastated. She stared at his retreating back and mentally sighed in relief as Sasuke opened the door to reveal a crouching Sarada who stared in alarm at her father. WAIT. Sakura covered her face in embarrassment. She overheard! I didn't want to explain this to her…

"How much did you hear?" Sasuke bent down to her level, eyes narrowed.

"N-nothing!" Sarada stuttered out, feeling nervous.

"Hn." Sarada felt a slight spike in his chakra and realized he activated his sharingan, his three tomoe spinning wildly.

Oh crap! He's gonna try to get information out of me! "I swear I didn't hear anything!" Sarada shut her eyes as to avoid being captured in his genjutsu.

"Then why are you closing your eyes?" He asked, amusement lacing his words.

Sarada tried forming words but Sakura interrupted her babbling. "Oh Sasuke, leave her alone. I know when she's lying or not." Sakura made her way over to Sasuke and pulled on his arm to give Sarada space and a chance to go back to her room. Sarada scrambled back up onto her feet and quickly walked back to her room, her head hung low.

"Has she always been nosy?" He inquired, plopping onto the bed and laying down.

Sakura crawled into bed next to him. She let out a big grin, "Always! She always gets into Boruto's business, spying on him and eavesdropping on him."

Sasuke let out an amused grunt and responded, "I wonder who she got that from." He stared intently into his wife's eyes.

His eyes were pure black at night, but when the sun hit at the right angle, they seem to have specks of ash scattered on his irises. To be captured in his gaze always took Sakura's breath away. Even so, Sakura would still blush around him when he did certain things. This being one of them. Sakura broke the gaze and closed her eyes. "Anyway back to the question, you never answered me."

Sasuke shifted beside her. He was never one really to reveal how he felt but he did always feel a pang of regret when it came to Sarada and whenever she brought up her childhood. He wasn't really there to witness it or even be involved. Even his father to a certain extent, would be involved in his childhood. If they were to bring another child into this world, he could still go on missions but not travel so far or as frequently as he currently is now. Not only that, he would be able to be involved in their child's life, at least more so than when Sarada was growing up. In his heart, he knew he want to experience fatherhood. I wonder how she would feel? Would she be upset that her potential sibling had both parents present throughout their childhood?

Breaking from his thought, he responded softly, "Yes I do."

Sakura mentally cheered. "Great! So not that the sex isn't great," her cheeks tinted with the slightest pink, "but your missions have usually been assigned at the same time during my ovulation cycle so I think it would be best to go through with artificial insemination." Sakura got up from the bed and started rummaging through her purse and pulled out the specimen cup wrapped in sterile plastic. "Tomorrow morning could you please fill the specimen cup with your uh…sample? I'm heading to the hospital anyway for my shift that morning so I could drop it off at Shizune's office so she could freeze them until I'm ovulating." She held the cup out to him.

Sasuke stared at the cup. I see…He tentatively reached out for it and grabbed it from her hand.

Another Uchiha addition.

Sasuke smirked, "Well, it doesn't hurt to try right?" He pulled Sakura down to their bed, and positioning himself above her.

Sakura giggled.

Uzumaki residence

Hinata was washing the dishes as she normally did after dinner. She was about to grab the drying rack when strong arms wrapped around her waist. Hinata inhaled a sharp breath as she felt her husband nuzzled his lips onto her neck.


"Mmm?" She could feel his lips curl upward on her neck.

"Boruto and Himawari are in the living room!" she whispered as she tried to crane her neck to see if they were watching them.

"Ne but we're not doing anything." He wiggled his eyebrows and chuckled as Hinata blushed and whacked his arm.

"S-Still!" Hinata stuttered out. She let out a shallow breath as he softly kissed the back of her neck, trailing down to the lining of her dress resting on her shoulders. He slowly pulled down the article of clothing to expose her pale shoulder. He was about to plant another kiss until he felt her jab him in the ribs.

"URGH!" He doubled over in pain.

"N-Not in front of the kids!" Hinata was blushing furiously and helped Naruto into the bedroom. She grabbed an icepack from the freezer and briskly walked over to her husband.

His shirt was already off and he was poking at the place where she jabbed him, "Hinata I think that that's going to leave a bruise." He jutted out his bottom lip, a discontent look on his face.

"I'm sorry Naruto, I was just…idk…I didn't want them to see that-"

She was cut off as he brought her down to the bed. The icepack in her hand fell from the side of their bed and onto the carpet. His hands rested on her hips as she straddled his hips. Hinata leaned forward until her nose was barely grazing his. Her hair was tickling his striped cheeks. He brought his left hand to her cheek and traced his thumb over her lips. Hinata leaned into his touch and her eyes fluttered shut.

Azure eyes gazed into her pale orbs and he gently smiled at her. He brought her face down and kissed her softly and then deepened the kiss. Hinata's entire core was palpitating with utter bliss. They broke the kiss to catch their breaths.

Naruto was panting, "You're so beautiful Hinata."

Before they continued with their bedroom activities, the door to their bedroom opened to reveal Himawari tentatively poking her head through the slightly ajar door and she blinked at her parents.

"Kaa-san, tou-san, what are you doing?"

Hinata rolled next to Naruto frantically and brushed tendrils of her hair behind her hair. "Himawari! W-Was there anything you need?" She got up from the bed and led her away from the bedroom.

"You were gonna tuck me into bed tonight." Her large eyes gazed at her mother with sleepiness. Hinata was grateful she didn't notice their position on the bed or what they were doing. Thank kami for her innocent mind, she thought.

"Of course baby, just give me one second okay?" She kissed Himawari's forehead and watched her go to her bedroom.

Hinata went back to the bedroom to see Naruto sprawled out on the bed, drool falling out from the side of his mouth and into his pillow. Hinata's features softened at the site. He must be tired from today. Perhaps another time. Her cheeks reddened and she picked up the fallen icepack and returned it to the freezer.

As she closed the freezer door, she noticed the calendar marking her appointment with Shizune at Konoha Hospital. That's right, I have a pelvic exam and a pap smear coming up in a week. Hinata made a mental note to set a reminder for herself the day before she had to go in.

She made her way back to her daughter's room to tuck Himawari into bed.

Hey guys! It's been awhile I know! Hehehe but I wanted to let you know that is mainly a SasuHina story. Obviously it doesn't start out that way but it'll get there. Patience my readers.

I also must apologize for the lame romance. I wanted to upload this today and see if I should continue with this story or not. I definitely plan to improve romantic scenes and add more juicy details later on when I'm not so tired and freaking out about it hehe. I'm also not sure whether to keep it M rated or T. Still deciding cuz I suck at writing lemons and all that jazz...

So here's the breakdown of the pairings you will see in this story:






Slight, slight, ever so slightly possibly maybe idk yet BoruSara (hehe)

MAYBE IDK NaruSaku (not sure yet. I haven't decided what I wanted to do with these two).

Still haven't decided who else to add to this story but I'll tell y'all as we progress. Anyway, I'm kinda busy since I work full-time at a pharmaceutical company and boy lemme tell ya that is one BORING ASS JOB (I can't stand office jobs but I'm taking a couple years off before going to grad school).