Chapter 1

A/N: I don't usually write Fanfiction. However, after seeing Zootopia I became depressingly bored and played some Fallout. That lead me to writing this. So without further ado, I present to you:

"Fallout: Zootopia"

It was on a brisk autumn day that the world ended. Five years after sixteen missing mammals had been found, the city of Zootopia (and the surrounding towns) were challenged by an outside nation for resources. Tensions arose, and both nations started to stockpile nuclear weapons in defense.

Throughout all of this, the ZPD continued to hunt criminals down. As tensions rose between the two countries, crime rose with the conflict. Spies from the outside were arrested, and terror caused citizens to remain uneasy.

Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde were not stupid officers, neither were they amateurs anymore. So how they had been outsmarted? No one could tell. All that was known: a terrorist cell inside of Zootopia had been located, and was harboring dangerous atomic secrets for the enemy. After an infiltration and a brief shootout, the two cops were captured.

"Well, this sucks." Wilde's comment was true, but also very obvious. Judy rolled her eyes, searching for a way out. The two were hung upside down by their feet, five feet above the ground. "So, your brilliant plan definitely payed off, Carrots," continued the sarcastic fox. Judy tried to kick him, but was stopped by her restraints. "Could you shut up and look for an escape route already?" scolded the rabbit. She wasn't usually this uptight, but she was having a really bad day. "Hey, I'm just trying to lighten the mood." Judy rolled her eyes again. "Besides, why are you so desperate to escape? We wiped the computer, they don't have the files anymore. The only thing we need to do is wait for ZWAT team to show up and rescue us."

Judy realised he was right, but that didn't stop her from arguing. "There is no way I'm going to just let myself be rescued. We're supposed to be cops, not victims. And ZWAT has saved our hides plenty of times, we should save them the trouble today." Nick shrugged. "Whatever you say." Suddenly, he fell to the ground. Judy looked on in surprise. "What did you do?" Nick responded with "I've had my knife in my hand for a while, I was just waiting to see if you had a better idea." "Stupid fox." "The fall hurt, sure. But I thought it I was being clever. Hang on while I cut you down."

As the two sneaked down the hallway Judy heard someone coming. "Shh, I think it's a patrol!" They pressed against the wall just in time to see a wolf holding an AK-47 walk down the hallway adjacent to theirs. "Phew, that was close." They continued forward, when suddenly a gunshot rang out. Yelling followed, and dozens of mammals in black armor bursted into the scene. "Halt! This is ZWAT! Come out of hiding with your hands up!" shouted the first of the ZWAT agents. More gunshots. Nick and Judy ran for cover while the two opposing sides shot at each other. The officers held several weapons, including pistols, machine guns and laser rifles. Judy reached for a gun a few feet to her left, but helped as an odd shot hit the gun and sent it flying across the floor. She frowned. Nick was in a similar predicament, he too was without a weapon other than his knife.

After the shootout, the remaining spies surrendered. Newspapers told how to superstar duo of police mammals saved the city from spies of the "red menace" once again, with a little help from ZWAT. The headline read, "Atomic secrets rescued once again! Tech company Vault-Tec use repeating incidents as basis for anti-atomic bomb shelters!" The common room of ZPD headquarters was tense that afternoon. Clawhauser was the only mammal who seemed to be happy and was smiling as always. But even he seemed afraid behind his friendly mask. Of course, there was Nick as well, though he seemed more condescending than happy. "Vault-Tec again? Those guys have been trying to get their hands on a government budget for years. What do they want to do, anyways?" Judy picked up the newspaper, cleared her throat, and read: "Turn to page 9c for more information." She flipped a couple pages. "Here we are! Vault-Tec, the company responsible for the bestselling Mammal's Guide to Surviving the Wasteland and weapons such as laser rifles and power armor, now announce they have finished building their "vaults", underground bomb shelters designed to shield the occupants from nuclear weapons. The company was nearly given the green light by the former Mayor Bellwether, but the project was cancelled after her arrest five years ago. Bellwether claimed to be funding the project out of good will, but the government cut their budget. However, given the recent spike in enemy spy activity the government of Zootopia has considered funding Vault-Tec again, this time doubling the amount. Now, they have finished building their last vault, and are ready to shelter every member of Zootopia. That's all there is."

Judy looked up. "So all they want to do is protect people. Why is everyone so against them?" McHorn looked up. "You didn't hear about the Vault-Tec incident? They were discovered to be using mammals as test subjects for weapons. They claimed it was unknown to the company, but they were cut off from most of their funds." Nick smirked. "They're all nutjobs. There is no way that an atomic bomb is fallin' on this city." Clauhauser switched on the common room's TV and turned it to the news. He was a huge conspiracy theorist, and was convinced against Nick's opinion and watched ZNN faithfully for news about the "red attacks". The fox rolled his eyes at the sight of the fat cheetah.

"Well, that isn't a reason to fight their cause, you can't be too careful," retorted the bunny. "I just hope they don't cut any of our funding." McHorn barked a laugh. "They probably will, where else will the money come from?" Suddenly, Clawhauser nervously said "Y-you may want to look at this…" With a sarcastic smirk on his face, Nick turned to look at the TV. Disbelief struck his face, which immediately turned to fear. "Well, shi-" Judy gave him a look that screamed "watch your language," but then jumped in fear herself. The TV's headlines read, "Enemy bombers spotted flying towards Zootopia," and the announcer said distraughtly, "We-We have confirmed reports of atomic detonations in… in Carrottown and several other boroughs… oh god..."

"We need to leave. Now." Nick was unusually serious. Suddenly, Bogo bursted into the room. "Everyone to the vault. NOW!" The hulking chief pushed everyone through the doorway.

Five minutes later, the ZDP had a perimeter around the vault. After the last civilian was verified and entered through the chain-link gate, the Police were allowed in. As this vault was meant for "small mammals," police such as Judy and Nick were permitted. They stood on the gear-shaped elevator. Nick pointed at something in the sky with horror. "Carrots- look!" An unfamiliar aircraft flew over the city, and something seemed to fall from it. The vault's elevator started to lower. Judy cowered behind Nick, who looked for something to hide behind himself. As the object hit the ground, a large flash of light blasted through the sky. A huge mushroom rose to the sky. As the doors of the vault closed, the city's vegetation was burnt to ash as the bomb's shockwave tore through the city. Anything above ground perished in the bombing. The vault-dwellers were safe from the bomb, but little did they know, they faced a different threat.

Inside of the vault, there were sounds of crying and confusion. The sounds seemed small to Judy. She looked around in panic, and felt the effects of hyperventilation kicking in. The room seemed blurry. She thought she heard someone calling her name gently- "CARROTS! WAKE UP!" She sat up, hitting Nick straight in the mouth with her skull. "OW!" "Sorry!" she apologized loudly. Nick rolled his eyes yet again. "Come on, we're moving along." A ram in a lab coat pointed things out as they walked through the vault. "As you see, here we are safe. I can't say anything for the above world, but our next few generations will certainly be safe down here." He pointed at an old-fashioned computer in the corner. "There you can check things such as date, vault temperature, and other information. You will all be issued Vault Suits, which are mandatory for hygenic purposes." Several other small mammals handed out vault suits to the dwellers. "Meet us at this hallway once you are done changing for cleaning in our hygiene pods." The animals scuttled off the bathrooms to change. Nick slipped the jumpsuit on, and looked down in distaste. The back of the suit read "111" in gold, the number of the vault. The suit was gold and blue, the colors of Vault-Tec. He couldn't believe this was happening- minutes after he cursed this company he owed them his life.

After around ten minutes all of the dwellers, now in their blue jumpsuits, were gathered back in the hallway. The ram stepped forward again. "Here we will make certain all of you are prepared for life in the vault by cleaning you in these hygiene pods. You may feel a brief chill, but the process will be completely painless." The ram seemed oddly nervous, but to his credit so did everyone else. The hallway they were standing in was lined with identical pods on either side, and the hallway extended forward hundreds of feet into the distance. "We will proceed after you have been cleansed. Thank you for your patience and calm attitude.

Judy stepped into one of the huge pods. She was afraid and already missed the surface, but looked forward to seeing the rest of the vault. Plus, the vault was meant to house hundreds of mammals. The vault must be huge! The hallway from the front door was long already, she looked forward to seeing the scale of the rest of the vault. It was oddly futuristic. One of the Vault-Tec employees stepped forward and closed the door to her pod. She could faintly hear the ram shout "Thank you for your cooperation-and welcome to Vault 111." Then, her breath was sucked from her as she was hit with a sudden rush of cold. The pod's window fogged up, and the world vanished into a white void of nothingness.

The world ended on a brisk autumn day in Zootopia. The land was scarred with Nuclear war. Two hundred years passed, and settlements emerged, but Vault 111 was undiscovered, nor were its sleeping occupants awakened. But their adventures were not finished-rather, they were barely beginning.

A/N: I know this may seem a little short, but this was basically meant to set up the story. This was mainly inspired by the beginning of Fallout 4, but I plan for the plan to be mostly original from now on. Please review, I need tips to improving the story. Also, over the next few chapters I would advise listening to some of the songs from Fallout's radio stations, mostly to set the mood and to help with story immersion (Not a necessity, but hey-it's kind of fun!) Also, don't expect much shipping in this series, if at all. I'm not really into romance stories, and I can barely write them. Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get a few ideas out there :P
