Welcome back guys, to the final chapter of LKTV.

My insides felt empty when I realized that this was the final chapter for LKTV. But then I realize, I could just make a sequel, a different BenLos fix, or more one-shots! :D

Anyways, let's jump right into the finale.

Chapter 13 [Auradonian Magic Chamber?] The end?

Ben's POV

I asked Fairy Godmother after explaining everything, "How did that thing get here?" She shook her head and said "I'm afraid I don't know sweetie..." I looked over at my mom and dad, they gave each other the 'I know what happened but I can't say anything' look.

I asked them, "Mom, please tell me what happened?" My dad let out a sigh and said "Remember how Chad came back with Maleficent? Well he disabled the barrier long enough for a little bit of evil to escape. Now if that little bit was the harmless bit, that would've been great. But no, I saw with the help of Fairy Godmother, Jafar flying away on a carpet, Cruella bringing a gun with her, and Ravenna running towards the dwarf's old house. I can only imagine that some more dangerous villains managed to escape from that little slip."

Carlos' POV

I nodded and said, "One of them was Ursula." I saw Beast and Belle gasp and look at Fairy Godmother, "Why didn't you tell us?" asked Belle. She shook her head and answered, "You two were in a meeting, I couldn't barge in with bad news. Plus you know how bad my memory is."

I said reassuringly, "Don't worry, she's been defeated." and showed them the white-purple gem.

After a few more minutes of discussing with Fairy Godmother, the former king and queen left with her. Mal asked, "What do we do now?" I answered, "Since we don't really have anything else planned, why not find the lock that key belongs to?" Everyone nodded.

We searched basically the entire school, top to bottom, from one end of the forest to another. We gathered at school after about 5 hours of searching. We sat on the ground and I asked, "Anyone found anything?" panting. Audrey exclaimed furiously, "No but I found a lot of bugs!" and we let out a light laugh.

Evie said, "Did anyone search in the dungeon? I mean I know it's the least likely place to hide a secret but it's still worth going to." Nobody said anything, signaling nobody searched through the creepy dark dungeon lit with only a few torches.

Ben said, "Alright, let's continue our search in the dungeon then!" Jane said "But I'm terrified of that place..." and Lonnie replied "Don't worry, there's like, what, 9 of us? Nothing will harm you with us around." Jane smiled at Lonnie's sentence, and we continued our search.

We brought a few flashlights with us. When we got down, it was dark and creepy. It made me feel bad for Chad who almost had to spend 10 years in this place. We searched every cell and found nothing.

We finally got to Chad's former cell, then Jay said "I bet there's gonna be a whole load of nothing in here too." We searched around for about 10 minutes. We were about to give up until Doug pointed out the asymmetric bricks that almost blended in with the rest of the wall. Evie shook her head, "They're just design flaws, nothing crazy."

Doug then said "Oh I don't think so" as he pulled out the asymmetric brick, revealing a button behind it. Everyone gasped when thy saw it. Then Doug pushed the gray button. Nothing happened at first, then a few seconds later, the boards on one corner of the room started shifting. Lonnie and Audrey literally had to jump out of the way. The boards then shifted into stairs going deeper into Auradon.

Jane gulped and said "Are we going down there?" I answered "We have to go down there." Ben nodded and we continued our little adventure, it was dark in the tunnel and we had to use our flashlights. But about half-way through, our flashlights ran out of battery. Somehow all of them ran out in unison, and what's even worse is nobody decided to bring extra batteries.

Audrey exclaimed, "Nine peoples and not a single extra battery?!" Ben stated "Calm down everyone, I know a way to solve this."

He held up the fancy key and chanted, "Lumos!" The key emitted a warm golden-tinted light that managed to shine the entire tunnel. We were only a few steps away from the end of the tunnel, which looked like a dead end. I looked around and noticed the tunnel to be really wide and tall, and also noticed three different buttons on the side. A green button, a blue button and a red button.

My inner curiosity made me run towards the button and pressed the red one, everyone yelling "Carlos no!" as I push it. I said "Sorry..." and watched as the boards shifted back into their original position.

Aurdrey said angrily, "Now how do we get back up?!" and I decided to push the green button this time. Once again, everyone yelling "Carlos, NO!" but then the wall a few feet away from the original entrance started shifting, and eventually became stairs that lead to the outside of Auradon Prep, right under the right wing bleachers. Everyone let out a sigh of relief, Jay stated "So that's how Chad escaped!"

I literally pushed the blue button as soon as he finished, and watched as everyone face-palmed. The end of the tunnel started shifting too, this time, revealing a glowing blue door.

Everyone ran towards it. We all held our hands really tightly anticipating what's behind the door. I nodded at Ben, and he pushed the key into the hole, and turned it. The door slowly started disappearing...

We all gasped in awe as we watched the door completely disappeared, and revealing what was behind it...

"This is it, the secret of Auradon..." I heard Doug state before we slowly walked in one by one...

Alright guys, that's all.

Yes, that's all for LKTV. There's a poll up by the time this is posted, so you guys can go vote.

I'm sorry it had to end this way though :p

Thanks a lot everyone, for reading Love of a King, Towards a Villain

I know it kinda got off topic (No longer focusing on Ben and Carlos' love) for the last few chapters, but I promise if this gets a sequel I'll put in some more BenLos moments, and maybe start showing the other pairings too ;p

Alright guys, to everyone farewell I bid, to teen, adult, and every kid.

No seriously cya all in either the next fiction or the next one-shot :D

The Poll is open until Friday.