I own nothing and no one. I'm just here to have some fun.


Life after Voldemort had been everything Harry hoped it would; for about five year anyways. The defeat of the Dark Lord and subsequent rise of the Light to power had farther reaching consequences than Harry could have imagined. Light radicles, which consisted of much of the light and neutral wizarding community because Wizards were nothing if not eccentric, took to heart the notion that everything the Dark had stood for was evil and wrong. They decided that the only proper thing to do was live in such a way that reflected the exact opposite of those Dark ideals. Instead of ridding the world of muggles they wanted to integrate them into the wizarding world.

Of course it hadn't started out that way. As with most bad ideas this one had been born from good intentions. Light activists began petitioning the ministry to reach out to the families of muggle born witches and wizards earlier in their life so their children could have a much smoother transition into the wizarding world when they began their education. Close on its heels was the desire to better understand the muggle world. Re-educating an entire population was not a viable option but teaching the children was; within three years there was a total overhaul of the muggle studies curriculum. At the time Harry had seen this as a wonderful development. Knowledge bread understanding, but with knowledge comes power and with power comes greed. The backlash of introducing science and technology to the world of magic four years and six months after the war had been spectacular.

Wizards took to scientific exploration of magical phenomena like Arthur Weasley took to rubber ducks. Even the Unspeakables, who protected the Wizarding World's biggest secrets, were seduced by the lure of progress. In the last six months they had made huge advances in the way they understood and used magic but many felt it wasn't enough. Muggles were capable of things wizards had yet to dream of and they could do so without magic. It was amazing and terrifying and Wizards around the world wanted in, in a big way. That is where the notion that exposing the magical community to muggles would be a good idea came from. With the muggles advanced technology and the wizard's ability to use magic they could potentially create the perfect world; or something to that effect.

Harry knew better. The wizarding world was `greatly underestimating the muggle community. In their own arrogance they never considered the possible threat muggles could pose to wizards. Muggle population dwarfed the magical one ten times over and they had access to advanced weaponry. They could launch a missile from the comfort of their home turf if they so desired. Maybe they could stop or contain the detonation, maybe they couldn't, and even if they could some muggle bombs were so powerful that they could be dropped miles away and they would still wipe out entire cities. It was a dangerous game they were playing. One Harry was convinced they would lose. Not all wizards were on board with the Ministry's plan and it was only a matter of time before someone attacked the muggles and set them off. Peace and progress just wouldn't last; it couldn't.

At first Harry was able to use his influence as the savior to spread his warning; some people even listened. It didn't last long though, the world was too addicted to progress to consider slowing down and instead of embracing him they rejected him. Rumors about his mental health and affiliation flew left and right; 'He was a horcrux you know, of Voldemort. Maybe he still is. Maybe he's been corrupted'. With his reputation went his influence. So Harry, being Harry, did something stupid and got caught. Where were his friends during all of this you ask? Where they always were: beside him. Loyal to the end. Involving them was his biggest regret and how he had found himself in this situation.

"Remember the conditions of this agreement Mr. Potter. If you plead guilty to the charges presented in this hearing we will spare your friends their lives and reduce the length of their imprisonment." The Unspeakable said. He spoke calmly, slowly, carefully stressing the words as if to draw attention to their perceived importance. This was part of a plan, one Harry wasn't privy to, and it was going off without a hitch. Harry could resist, plead innocent and tell the world to fuck off, but he wouldn't because when he thought of his friends being killed or being forced to live their lives as tortured empty husks his heart broke and his very soul rebelled against the idea. If he could stop that world from becoming a reality he would. So Harry steeled himself and gave a slow nod. Whatever came next, he wouldn't regret this decision.

The Unspeakable lead him out to the chair in the center of the court room and administered the fake Veritasirum. When he moved to the side the trial began.

"Is your name Harry James Potter?" asked the Judge.

"Yes." True.

"Were you a Horcrux of the Dark Lord Voldemort?"

"Yes." True

"Did you conspire to overthrow the Ministry?"

"Yes." True

"Did you conspire to kill the Minister of Magic?"

"Yes." …False. Was this the game they wanted to play?

"Did you use any or all of the unforgivable curses?"

"Yes." True… That he was guilty of but desperate times…

"Were you gathering followers and conspiring to continue the work of the Dark Lord Voldemort?"

"Yes." Harry practically hissed. False! Those bloody gits!

"Did you keep them under the Imperious Curse?"

"Yes." … False… but at least the Ministry intended to keep its end of the bargain. His friends would be okay.

"Harry James Potter, we of the court sentence you to die. You shall pass through the veil at O' Seven hundred hours, may Merlin have mercy on your soul. All other accused will be placed in St. Mungo's for a minimum of two years for rehabilitation from prolonged exposure to the Imperious curse. This case is adjourned." Spoke the judge. Cracks of apparition covered the screams of his restrained friends as the Unspeakable guided him down a dimly lit passage across the room. All the while one thought echoed through his head; One hour to live. The ministry had gotten what it wanted. The savior branded as a villain, a dark wizard, a danger. All of his efforts to stall progress would vanish with him. Humanity would spread through the wizarding world like a disease and either claim the power of magic for their own or destroy it completely. How many years did their world have left he wondered and mused that he had fifty seven minutes himself.

He was lead to holding cell where a small cot, a ham sandwich, and cup of coffee waited for him; it was his last meal. Suddenly he was feeling rather nauseous. Forty-three minutes remained.

He was left alone with his thoughts and his uneaten food. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to being thinking about right now. He was about to die very soon and he didn't know what he wanted his last thought to be, though he would rather it wasn't about his imminent death so he strayed from that line of thought. He thought about his past, briefly acknowledging his time with the Dursley's as part of his life before moving on to his time at Hogwarts. He thought of friends and family, of school and work, good time and bad and tried to find some meaning in it all. Was it possible to go mad in an hour? Twenty-four minutes remained.

Next he felt angry. How dare they keep him in a cell, alone, for an hour right before he died!? After all he had done for them, all he had sacrificed, all he was going to sacrifice? In his rage he broke his ring finger punching the wall. The pain helped calm him down. He wished time would move faster. He wished time would stop. Fifteen minutes to go.

He spent the rest of his time meditating, focusing on the feeling of his magic, imagining the kinds of lives his friends would lead in the future. One day they would be free and they would blend in to society. Hopefully they would keep their silence about his false trial and move on with their lives. Get jobs, have kids, be happy. When the last ten minutes rolled about the Unspeakable returned and side along apparated him to the veil.

A gaggle of simply dresses Unspeakables surrounded him on three sides from where he stood in front of the veil. Their wands were drawn but pointed at the ground, a clear warning not to try anything. One ornately dressed man stood off to the side of the veil. He was dressed in long black robes with intricate gold, orange, green, red, and yellow designs of a phoenix running thickly down the front, his bald head was partly covered by on odd red hat. On his hands were many rings and his ears were pierced multiple times as well. Harry wondered at how many illnesses this man had if he dressed like that. He was hardly surprised to see him working with the Ministry though. Most of them were insane these days. The man puffed out his chest and unrolled the scroll he was holding. After clearing his throat he launched into the beginning of what no doubt would be a long winded speech. Eight minutes left.

"Harry James Potter, you have been charged with conspiracy and treason on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, along with a minimum use of at least one unforgivable curse; the imperius curse. A jury has decided that your punishment will be death by the veil at exactly seven a.m. as is standard among death penalties under the Enlightened Justice Regime Act of the year 2000 following the termination of the use of the dark creatures known as Dementors…" the ponce said. He continued reading in a booming, self-righteous tone that just oozed self-importance. These were to be his last moments? Listening to this fat bag of hot air pretend he is important before they ask him to kindly step into the doorway of death at exactly seven a.m? That was not the way Harry wanted to die. He didn't want to go quietly. At the very least he wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of being completely in control. Without a wand and surrounded by so many Unspeakables he couldn't fight his way out but he could still take control of the situation. He leveled the bald man with the angriest glare he could manage.

"Listen you great git, do yourself a favor and go soak your fucking head, would ya?" he snarled. Satisfied by the offended look on the fat man's face Harry Potter stepped into the veil five minutes early and welcomed death with open arms. Fuck them and their standard procedures. He hoped the muggles ruined their lives.


Want to see a spoiler you could guess without reading?



Spoiler: He doesn't die.

Shock and awe! Oh devastation! Anarchy and chaos! The originality is suffocating!

I know, I know, I'm a genius. Thank you. Your flattery gets you everywhere.

Well, anyways, I hope I have you interested in what happens next. Reviews are an addiction of mine, so leave one and enable my addiction please. Thanks.

Sorry for spelling and grammar issues. I'm lazy when it comes to editing.

Last Edited: 15/04/2016