After everything that had happened, I never expected this to knock me the way it did. I didn't expect to be so hurt that I couldn't bring myself to feel something again.

I had lost track of the days. I was tired, and unmotivated and... empty. Crowley was with me, always by my side. I made sure he kept up with the duties we should have been doing together, even though I just couldn't bring myself do go myself.

I ate, drank, got out of bed, walked around - I existed, but it wasn't like I was living.

It took weeks, maybe months, until I started to feel capable again. I still felt tired, and down, and weak, but I was getting better. I started reading, enjoying myself again. And I started going out. Into Earth. Out of our palace, out of the realms where I was surrounded by demons whose job it was to look out for me, and cater to me. I dressed casually, I went and wandered and pretended that I was just trying to blend in again, like I didn't really have anything to do and I didn't have any pressure on me or responsibilities waiting for me.

I told Crowley not to worry. I kept in touch with him more than I ever would have in the past. He text me the details of meetings and I text him about the café I found that I thought was nice. I text him about mundane things, just nice, odd little things that were ultimately unimportant. So when I returned home earlier than expected, having not text in a little while, with a little blood on my face, and an unconscious angel over my shoulder, Crowley was surprised to say the least.

"Mav?" he stood quickly, "What happened?"

I dropped the angel onto the floor and took a deep breath. "He's an angel. He attacked me"

"Are you hurt?" Crowley looked so worried, he took hold of my hands.

I shook my head, "Not really - we should deal with him" I nodded towards the angel.

"Damn right I'll deal with him" he was furious, but he still spoke softly to me.

"Crowley we need to know why he went after me?"

"He's an angel"

"I know, but this wasn't coincidence - he was following me. We should find out why"

Crowley swallowed his anger for now, and nodded, "You're right Love. I can deal with this, make sure he's not going anywhere, then we'll get you cleaned up?" I nodded, "Then I'll find out what he wants."

"Thank you"

With a snap of his fingers, the unconscious angel was gone, somewhere secure. "I'll just be a moment" Crowley promised.

I gave a long sigh the second I was alone. As much as being stalked by an angel was worrying, and being attacked by one frightening, I was feeling very calm. Maybe it was because of how easy the fight had been - I'd fought angels for centuries, but I'd never won a fight as easily as I had this one. I hadn't lied to Crowley, I was barely hurt, some scrapes and bruises, but that was all - which was getting off incredibly lightly for a fight against an angel.

Crowley returned, "He's secure. Are you alright?"

"I think so" I nodded.

He stood just in front of me, delicately brushing my hair back from my face, "You took out that angel all by yourself, and there's barely a scratch on you" he mused aloud. He pulled me into a soft hug, "I'm proud of you Mav, not just for taking down an angel, but keeping a level head - you're right, we should find out what his orders were. Just killing him would give us nothing. I am so incredibly lucky to have you as my queen"

A tired, but genuine smile came across my lips, "Thanks Crowley"

Gently, he hugged me, "Is there anything I can get for you?"

"A mug of tea?"

"Of course my dear"


At Crowley's suggestion, I'd had a nap. I woke to him returning, looking angry and very very tired.

I pushed the covers off me as I sat up, "Are you okay?"

"I, my Love, am fine"

"What happened?"

He sat down beside me, "Our dear friends, Moose, Squirrel and Feathers, showed up"


He loosened his tie and gestured a glass of scotch into his hand, "A handful of demons were killed, and they got the angel - Samandriel, by the way, just for future reference"

"Did you find out what he wanted?"

"The tablet. But it's not all bad news, I got the angel to tell me lots of interesting things"

"Like what?"

"There's another tablet"

"Another one? Why..."

"An angel tablet"


"Oh yes, Love, oh yes indeed"