Clark woke to the now familiar walls of Lexa's chambers. The sun was just rising and beginning to cast its golden rays through the curtains of the room. The rays of sun caught the specs of dust dancing in the air and make them look like sparks. Smiling at this sight Clarke rolled over comfortably and stuck her arm out, searching for Lexa's form. To her displeasure her fingers met the cold side of the bed. Growling in annoyance Clarke sat up slightly to take in the sight she knew she'd be met with.

The Commander of the 13 clans was standing on the far side of the room, sword in hand. She wore a dark loose shirt and skintight black trousers, her equivalent to pajamas on cold nights. Her eyes were closed and her face relaxed. At first sight one may think she was frozen, not a muscle twitched on the girl's body, not a hair dared blow in the breeze. Then she moved, like a silent strike of lightening Lexa swung her sword. She swung with such purpose and such grace that you'd think it was a dance. Though she swung her sword at full speed she did not hit anything, the motion was in complete silence. It was merely a practice swing.

"I hate it when you do that." Clarke said smiling slightly as Lexa's eyes opened at her voice. Not at all surprised.

"Do what?" Lexa said still holding the fighting stance she'd frozen in after her last strike.

"Get out of bed so easily." Clarke noted that her voice had a slight whine to it.

"You are a heavy sleeper Clarke. It is not as difficult as you'd think." Lexa lowered her sword and stood to face the Skaikru girl.

"Oh just shut up and come here." Clarke said begrudgingly laying back down. It baffled her how Lexa woke so early while often falling asleep much later than Clarke and somehow managed to not only extract herself from the bed without waking Clarke but locating her sword and doing her morning training all while Clarke slumbered on.

A slight smile crossed Lexa's face as she returned her sword to its scabbard and placed it on a nearby chair. She then climbed back onto the large bed that she and Clarke had shared for the past few weeks. Clarke avoided the Commander's dark green eyes as the girl settled herself next to her.

"You're displeased because you consider yourself weak next to me. How I can sleep less and train often." Lexa said propping her head up on her elbow. Clarke said nothing, secretly enjoying the way the Commander looked down at her, and ready to relish in whatever words were to be spoken next.

"You are anything but weak." Lexa said softly brushing Clarke's hair from her face. "You are the Ambassador of the 13th clan, your strength is their strength Clarke. Just because you sleep like a hibernating bear doesn't mean you are without power."

On her last few words Lexa leaned over and captured Clarke's lips in her own. The sensation was a familiar one as they kissed now almost daily but it still did not reduce the fiery passion that came with it. Clarke groaned slightly under Lexa's warm lips, then despite herself began to laugh.

"Was that a joke you just made Commander?" Clarke said breaking the kiss laughing.

Lexa scrunched her nose playfully down at the younger girl, a new expression she'd developed instead of admitting Clarke to be right. She made this face often.

"Shof op." Lexa said laying on staring at the ceiling.

"A hibernating bear? Really?" Clarke said sitting up slightly looking down at the girl beside her.

Lexa smiled slightly and shrugged. "They sleep quite heavily. Easy to hunt." She said matter factly.

Clarke grabbed the pillow she'd previously been using and swung it at Lexa. "Now that was definitely an insult."

Lexa blocked the blow with ease and somehow in the process managed to get a grip on Clarke's wrists. With her always surprising amount of strength the Commander pulled Clarke so that she was laying over Lexa.
Clarke struggled for a moment but then relaxed as she looked down at Lexa's face. A face she'd so despised a few months ago but now brought a feeling of peace and comfort within her. Lexa was the only reason her people lived, the sole reason Clarke herself was still alive. Clarke knew this as a fact. Lexa was the most driven and intelligent Commander the grounders had ever had. She not only fought and won wars, she forgave and governed. Arkadia had been pushed into hard times under Pike and Lexa had not taken the simple solution and killed them all, she had allowed them to kill Pike themselves and now permitted them to sort out their own way of governing their people. Yes Clarke knew she'd played a major role in Lexa's decision making process but Lexa was not a doe eyed love sick puppy, in her heart she knew that letting the Sky People live and changing the revenge system of her people was a step towards a brighter future. Lexa had betrayed Clarke once for the better of her people and Clarke knew that that was what she would always do. But now that Skaikru were the 13th clan Clarke needn't fear of betrayal.

As the two women stared intently into one another's eyes a general sigh escaped them both and Clarke felt her body relax to that she lay on top of Lexa, her head nuzzled into the older girl's neck. The mornings were for this. Before the city of Polis truly woke up, before the council meetings, and hunting trips, and other daily duties took hold of them both they relished the mornings. Where they were not Commanders or Ambassadors where they were just two young women living simple, happy lives with one another. The two didn't speak, they'd always found themselves the most relaxed in each other's presence and this silence was so rare for them.

After several minutes of watching the sun's rays grow longer and longer across the room Clarke finally lifted herself from Lexa's body. The guards would soon be knocking on the Commander's door to escort her to the dinner hall where she would greet Titus and the other Night bloods. Clarke would be needed in the council chamber where she and the other Ambassadors were constructing a map trying to donate as much land as possible to Skaikru so they could begin farming their own land. Lexa was not needed in these meetings, as it was not a matter she could simply command results of. As she placed her bare feet on the cold stone floor Clarke felt warm lips press into her neck.

"Lexa." Clarke said weakly, relishing in the tingling sensation Lexa's lips were releasing from her neck.

"Have a good day Ambassador." Lexa said quietly, kissing Clarke's shoulders.

"You as well Heda." Clarke said fondly using all her will to rise from the bed. Once she was on her feet and dressing in the clothes she'd worn the day before Lexa too rose and began to dress. Clarke knew she needed to hurry away before the guard's arrived. She and Lexa had both agreed to keep their bond a secret as long as Skaikru's re-welcoming into the Coalition was still fresh. Many of the 12 clans still held grudges not to mention Pike's supporters in Arkadia. Lexa said that such news were put too much strain on an already fragile bridge between clans. Clarke agreed though she felt such distance between herself and her people.

She had not been to Arkadia for almost a year; she had not seen her mother, Raven, Monty, any of them for months. She'd only seen Octavia in passing and had not spoken to her other than in formal context. Octavio spent move of her time in Polis training with Indra but also served as a messenger between Arkadia and Polis.


Clarke left Lexa's chambers a few minutes later and had to duck into a corridor so as not to be seen by the guards. She'd stayed much too long this morning. Though at first she joked to herself that she was only doing the Walk of Shame now it felt a lot more like walking through a minefield. She now almost wanted someone to make the connection so as to avoid the secret she and Lexa were living. She shook her hear of the thought, knowing that that reality was still quite a distance away.

Clarke returned to her chamber to her perfectly made bed, that she had barely used in the last month. She poured herself a glass of water from the pitcher on her table and looked out her window over Polis. The vibrant city was very much awake now, its citizens bustling out and about trading furs and food, children racing through the streets playing some chasing game, elders sitting by their shops speaking to whoever happened to pass by. Clarke suddenly felt a pang of loneliness. Sure within the tower she was familiar enough with its residents to greet them as they walked by but she couldn't really speak to them. In Arkadia she would know each and every person she walked by, and could speak with them freely. But speak to them about what? Today there were no wars to be fought, no food to be found, no recent deaths to mourn.

She smiled at the thought of speaking of Lexa, a comedic image of her Octavia and Raven sitting on a bed cross-legged crossed her mind. Maybe someday Clarke thought.

A knock on her door snapped her from her daydreaming.

"Wanheda." a gruff guard's voice called.

"Yes?" Clarke asked firmly.

"The Ambassadors await your arrival." The guard said.

"Thank you." Clarke said placing her water on the table and grabbing several of her maps and notes and opening the door for the guard.